Column Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 Stiu ca sunt tineri programatori ce isi doresc sa-si faca propriul joc si de aceea m-am gandit sa le ofer o sursa de inspiratie.#include <iostream>#include <windows.h>#include <ctime>using namespace std;char GameOver[50][50] = {"-------------------------", "- -", "- GAME OVER -", "- -", "-1)Apasati ESC(ExitGame)-", "-2)Apasati F1(Repetare) -", "-------------------------"};char GameWinner[50][50] = {"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@ Win this Game @", "@ @", "@ F1 - Repeat @", "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"};char map[50][50] = {"################", "# #", "# #", "# @ #", "# #", "#* #", "################"};int game_speed = 90;bool pause = false;//----------PLAYER------------//int score = 0;bool IsDead = false;int playerCount = 0;int inc_score = 5;int HP = 100;int SP = 100;//----------OTHER-------------//int over = 0;int enemy = 0;int totalenemy = 0;//----------------------------////---------DIRECTION----------//bool LimitUpDown = false;//----------------------------//void MyGame();void WinGame(){ while(pause==true) { system("cls"); for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { cout<<GameWinner[x]<<endl; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)!=0) { pause = false; if(enemy==0) { map[2][2] = '*'; map[2][3] = '@'; } MyGame(); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)!=0) { pause = false; } }}void MyGame(){ while((pause==false)&&(IsDead == false)) { system("cls"); for(int x = 0; x < 7; x++) { cout<<map[x]<<endl; } for(int x = 0; x < 17; x ++ ) { for(int y = 0 ; y < 17 ; y ++ ) { switch(map[y][x]) { case '*': { if(LimitUpDown==false) { int y2 = y - 1; //up switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '@': { map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '#': { LimitUpDown = true; }break; } } else { //down int y2 = y + 1; switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '@': { map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '*'; }break; case '#': { LimitUpDown = false; }break; } } }break; case '@': { if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)!=0) { int y2 = y - 1; switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; y -= 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)!=0) { int y2 = y + 1; switch(map[y2][x]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; y += 1; map[y2][x] = '@'; }break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)!=0) { int x2 = x + 1; switch(map[y][x2]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; x += 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; x += 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; } } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)!=0) { int x2 = x - 1; switch(map[y][x2]) { case ' ': { map[y][x] = ' '; x -= 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; case '*': { score = score+inc_score; map[y][x] = ' '; x -= 1; map[y][x2] = '@'; }break; } } }break; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)!=0) { pause = true; } } } for(int x = 0 ; x < 17; x ++ ) { for(int y = 0; y < 17; y ++ ) { if(map[y][x]=='@') { playerCount ++; } } } if(playerCount==0) { IsDead = true; over += 1; } for(int x = 0 ; x < 17; x ++ ) { for(int y = 0; y < 17 ; y++) { if(map[y][x]=='*') { enemy ++; } } } if(totalenemy<=enemy) { totalenemy = enemy; } if(enemy==0) { pause = true; WinGame(); } cout<<"----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"ENEMY: "<<enemy<<endl; cout<<"SCORE: "<<score<<endl; cout<<"GAME SPEED: "<<game_speed<<endl; cout<<"----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"Health: "<<HP<<endl; cout<<"----------------------------------"<<endl; Sleep(game_speed); enemy = 0; playerCount = 0; } while(IsDead == true) { system("cls"); for(int x = 0; x < 15; x ++ ) { cout<<GameOver[x]<<endl; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)!=0) { IsDead = false; pause = false; if(enemy == 0) { map[2][2] = '*'; } map[2][3] = '@'; MyGame(); } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)!=0) { IsDead = false; } }}int main(){ MyGame();}Jocul este facut in CodeBlocks, nu l-am testat in Visual sau Dev, in orice caz sper ca nu apar erori. 2 Quote
S.L.C Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 (edited) Si despre ce este jocul? Cum se joaca?EDIT: nvm. Doar ce am compilat jocul. Are cateva defectiuni cand trebuie sa apara meniul principal. In rest presupun ca este ok. Putin cam greu de jucat totusi.EDIT2:char GameOver[50][50] = ...char GameWinner[50][50] = ...char map[50][50] = ...[50][50] ? ai doar 7 randuri Edited October 31, 2015 by S.L.C Quote
yoyois Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 Frumos da cam greu de jucat. Ar fi bine sa inveti o implementare mai buna. Poate un OOP.Intre timp postez si eu opera mea de acum cativa ani, neterminata.Console Game:#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <ctype.h>#include <stdio.h>using namespace std;class Item{ public: string name, roomLoc, description; int use;};class Room{ public: int nr; string name; Room* vecini[4]; string description; Item* contain[5];};class User{ public: Room* location; string name; Item* inventory[5];};int action(string w){ if(w=="analyze") return 0; if(w=="look") return 0; if(w=="go") return 1; if(w=="enter") return 1; if(w=="help") return 2; if(w=="location") return 3; if(w=="take") return 4; if(w=="steal") return 4; if(w=="inventory") return 5; return 666;}int object(string w){ if(w=="bathroom") return 0; if(w=="hall") return 1; if(w=="living room") return 2; if(w=="key") return 3; if(w=="biscuit") return 4; if(w=="letter") return 5; return 666;}string readt(){ string input; getline(cin, input); for(int i=0;i<input.length();i++) { input[i]=tolower(input[i]); } return input;}void initial();void decide();void analyze(int c);void enter(int c);void help(int c);int checkNeigh(Room &loc);void take(int c);int takeItem(Item &tk);void inventory();//Global declare space Room hall, bathroom, livingRoom; User User1; Item biscuit, key, letter; int inv;int main(){ cout<<"--Begin--"<<'\n'; initial(); do{ cout<<"\nInsert command: "; decide(); }while(1); return 0;}void initial(){ User1.location = &hall; cout<<"Insert your username:";; cout<<'\n'<<"Welcome agent "<<<<"!\nYou just woke up with no memories. You find yourself in a big white hall.\nTry to gain more information about your location.\nHow? Try some help!\ntype: help\n"; //room instantiate = "Hall"; hall.description = "You in are in a big long hall with white walls. In front of you is a door leading to living room."; hall.vecini[0]=&livingRoom; "Living Room"; livingRoom.description = "You are in a big living room. On the walls you can see a bear head. In the center of the room is a big table which have around 4 chairs. On the table you find a letter and a biscuit. There is another door with a bathroom sign on it."; livingRoom.vecini[0]=&hall; livingRoom.vecini[1]=&bathroom;"Men's Bathroom"; bathroom.description = "It is a small bathroom. A small sink sits in the corner next to the shower cabin. The toilet seams to be broken."; bathroom.vecini[0]=&livingRoom; = "old letter"; letter.use = 0; = "golden key"; key.roomLoc = "Under the sink a key shines."; letter.roomLoc = "A letter sits on the table."; biscuit.roomLoc = "You find a biscuit on the floor."; key.use = 1; = "biscuit"; biscuit.use = 2; bathroom.contain[0]=&key; livingRoom.contain[0]=&biscuit; livingRoom.contain[1]=&letter;;;;}void decide(){ string input,w1,w2; int p1; input=readt(); p1=input.find(' '); w1=input.substr(0,p1); w2=input.substr(p1+1,input.size()); switch(action(w1)) { case 0: analyze(object(w2)); break; case 1: enter(object(w2)); break; case 2: help(0); break; case 3: help(1); break; case 4: take(object(w2)); break; case 5: inventory(); break; default: cout<<"Wrong action!"<<'\n'; break; }}void analyze(int c){ cout<<User1.location->description; for(int i=0;i<User1.location->nr;i++) cout<<" "<<User1.location->contain[i]->roomLoc; cout<<'\n';}void enter(int c){ switch(c) { case 0: if(checkNeigh(bathroom)){ User1.location = &bathroom; cout<<"You went to bathroom."<<'\n';}else cout<<"No bathroom around.\n"; break; case 1: if(checkNeigh(hall)){User1.location = &hall; cout<<"You went to hall."<<'\n';}else cout<<"No hall around."; break; case 2: if(checkNeigh(livingRoom)){User1.location = &livingRoom; cout<<"You went to living room."<<'\n';}else cout<<"No living room around"; break; default: cout<<"Wrong action!"<<'\n'; break; }}void inventory(){ cout<<"You have: "; for(int i=0;i<inv;i++) cout<<User1.inventory[i]->name<<", "; cout<<'\n';}void help(int c){ if(c==0) cout<<"Type 2 words commands: action + object\nLike:analyze, look, go, enter, location, take, steal, help, inventory\nTry: analyze hall or simply: look\n"; else if(c==1) cout<<"You are in the: "<<User1.location->name<<'\n';}void take(int c){ switch(c) { case 3: takeItem(key); break; case 4: takeItem(biscuit); break; case 5: takeItem(letter); break; default: cout<<"You can't take that!\n"; }}int takeItem(Item &tk){ for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) { if(&tk == (User1.location->contain[i])) { User1.inventory[inv]=&tk; User1.location->contain[i]=NULL; inv++; User1.location->nr--; cout<<"You took: "<<<<'\n'; return 1; } } cout<<"Can't find that!\n"; return 0;}int checkNeigh(Room &loc){ for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) { if(&loc == (User1.location->vecini[i])) return 1; } return 0;} 2 Quote
Column Posted October 31, 2015 Author Report Posted October 31, 2015 S.L.C. am testat inainte de a-l pune pe forum cu mai multe linii si coloane si am uitat sa le mai editez.. si yoyois este frumos jocul! Quote