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  1. Tut : Ai nevoie de un cont de facebook cu cat mai multi prieteni . Pasul 1 : Ne logam pe facebook . Pasul 2 : Intram pe address.yahoo.com , ne logam cu-n id oarecare. Pasul 3 : Tools- Import-> Selectam facebook , o sa ne apara o casuta care ne intreaba daca suntem de acord sa sharuim contactele cu yahoo -> ok-> Asteptam -> Dupa ce s-au importat apasam butonul Done Pasul 4 : Tools - Print bifam basic view -> Display for printing , iar acum o sa vedem un tabel cu toate contactele , iar cele care au fost extrase de pe facebook au sub nume si mailul Pasul 5 : Acum nu ne ramane de facut decat sa extragem mailurile din tabel . Mai jos aveti un script care face acest lucru ( Nu este facut de mine , de aceea am lasat site-ul de unde l-am luat in sursa)[red]Da-ti copy paste la tabel si introduceti-l in campul pentru text ca sa va scoata emailurile[/red] <?php ############################################################### # Email Extractor 1.0 ############################################################### # Visit http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/ for updates ############################################################### $the_url = isset($_REQUEST['url']) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['url']) : ''; ?> <form method="post"> Please enter full URL of the page to parse (including http://):<br /> <input type="text" name="url" size="65" value="<?php echo $the_url; ?>"/><br /> or enter text directly into textarea below:<br /> <textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="15"></textarea> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Parse Emails" /> </form> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['url']) && !empty($_REQUEST['url'])) { // fetch data from specified url $text = file_get_contents($_REQUEST['url']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['text']) && !empty($_REQUEST['text'])) { // get text from text area $text = $_REQUEST['text']; } // parse emails if (!empty($text)) { $res = preg_match_all( "/[a-z0-9]+([_\\.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([\.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,}/i", $text, $matches ); if ($res) { foreach(array_unique($matches[0]) as $email) { echo $email . "<br />"; } } else { echo "No emails found."; } } ?>
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