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Chiar ma bucur, companiile de telecomunicatii sunt prea imbarligate si varza. Vodafone next ? Astept sa vina Starlink cu telefonie mobila si fac mutarea, de-abia astept sa scap de fosilele astea care au monopol pe piata si ofera servicii de cacao. In telecomunicatii un Senior Security Engineer ia intre 12000 si 15000 de lei maxim, pe langa low-ball-ul asta nesimtit mai ai si patru manageri deasupra, mai trebuie sa lucrezi si cu toate borataniile de toate natiile. Mergeti de curiozitate la orice Orange Shop si spuneti-le ca vreti sa portati o cartela PrePaid (dati numarul unui prieten) si ca aveti nevoie de seria de la cartela. Cu seria de la cartela va duceti la Vodafone si faceti cerere de portare, oare ce se intampla dupa? //Later edit, se pare ca si-a luat un fraier de la ei stealer, au ajuns baietii in Jira si de acolo a fost poveste, la mai multe.5 points
Nu a fost inchis, numai ca acum e hostat direct prin serverele de la fbi. Ai grija baietel ca daca nu intri pe site-ul asta din tor si cu conexiune prin 3 frigidere o sa trezesti cu un view de duba alba la fereastra.3 points
Aici e doar un forum de pasionati it (sper). Trebuie sa contactezi suportul de la paysafecard, nu un forum de discutii.2 points
In perioada 28 februarie - 2 martie are loc faza de calificari online pentru Romanian Cyber Security Challenge – RoCSC, un eveniment anual de tip CTF ce urmărește să descopere tinere talente în domeniul securității cibernetice. La competiție pot participa tineri dornici să își demonstreze abilitățile, ce se pot înscrie online până în ziua concursului. Participanții se vor întrece pe 3 categorii de concurs: Juniori (pana in 20 ani), Seniori (21 - 25 de ani) și Open (disponibil indiferent de vârstă). Participarea este gratuită. Tinerii vor trebui să-și demonstreze abilitățile în domenii precum mobile & web security, crypto, reverse engineering și forensics. Primii clasați la RoCSC25 vor avea oportunitatea de a reprezenta România la Campionatul European de Securitate Cibernetică - ECSC25. Calendar eveniment: RoCSC25 - Faza online de calificari: 28 februarie - 02 martie RoCSC25 - Faza finala (on-site, Bucuresti): 27 - 30 mai - o zi Jeopardy si o zi Attack Defence RoCSC25 - Bootcamp (on-site, Bran): iulie (lot extins RoCSC 2025 si OSC 2025) ECSC 2025 - Finala (on-site, Varșovia, Polonia): 06 - 10 octombrie (lotul national selectionat in Bootcamp, format din 10 persoane + 2 rezerve) Competiția este organizată de Centrul Național Cyberint din cadrul Serviciului Român de Informații, Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică - DNSC și Asociația Națională pentru Securitatea Sistemelor Informatice - ANSSI, alături de partenerii: Gold: TBA Silver: TBA Bronze: TBA Link: https://rocsc25-quals.cyber-edu.co/?tenant=cyberedu2 points
2 points
Salut, poate vor sa iti epuizeze quota-urile de trimis mail-uri / baza de date. Poti sa bagi un captcha la inregistrare, sau, daca nu vrei sa impactezi user experience-ul poti sa pui un Cloudflare in fata. Uita-te in server logs si vezi ce User-Agent folosesc, poate poti sa faci blacklist pe baza lui, cel mai probabil dau request-urile cu un script la care mai mult ca sigur nu au modificat UA-ul. Cat despre string, pare doar un identificator alfanumeric, cat sa genereze useri unici, care nu au mai fost inregistrati, pentru un success rate mai mare.1 point
Salut, nu sunt probleme iar in general scannerele automate sau unii "pentesteri" raporteaza astfel de "misconfigurations" care nu au niciun impact. Chiar daca ar fi setate, nu ar ajuta cu nimic in plus.1 point
Da am vazut ca sunt si romani prin echipa. Pe mine ma interesa daca dovezile scoase din astfel de tool-uri sunt acceptate ca probe in instanta . Din ce materiale am gasit eu din ultimii 10 ani, Nu a facut nimeni un DSL . Merci pentru pont . Ar fi cateva too-luri la care ma pot gandi . Pana la urma am decis sa fac un proiect diferit, cand am sa il lansez o sa pun link aici (TBA) De exemplu eu am app-ul asta facut de fun https://sherlock.izdrail.com/ e doar un client on top of spiderfoot si urmeza sa ii adag mai multe tool-uri . Banuiesc ca as putea sa fac gen clienti web la tot ce se foloseste gen in industrie.1 point
1 point
Avem dosarele cu sina ca backup, ne descurcam si daca ramanem fara electricitate.1 point
Orange Group confirms breach after hacker leaks company documents By Ionut Ilascu February 25, 2025 A hacker claims to have stolen thousands of internal documents with user records and employee data after breaching the systems of Orange Group, a leading French telecommunications operator and digital service provider. The threat actor published on a hacker forum details about the stolen data after trying to extort the company unsuccessfully. Orange confirmed the breach to BleepingComputer saying that it occurred on a non-critical application. The company intiated an investigation and is working to minimize the impact of the incident. According to the threat actor, who uses the alias Rey and is a member of the HellCat ransomware group, the stolen data is mostly from the Romanian branch of the company and includes 380,000 unique email addresses, source code, invoices, contracts, customer and employee information. Orange data leak posted on a hacker forum Rey told BleepingComputer that the breach was not a HellCat ransomware operation and that they had access to Orange’s systems for over a month. On Sunday morning, they started exfiltrating company data and the activity ran for about three hours without the company detecting it. Some samples shared with BleepingComputer show email addresses from former and current Orange Romania employees, partners, and contractors, along with partial details for payment cards belonging to Romanian customers. Some of the data we verfied was quite old. For instance, some of the email addresses were used by individuals that had worked or collaborated with Orange Romania more than five years ago. In the sample with partial payment card information, we found many instances where the data had expired. The leak also contains email addresses and names of Yoxo customers, Orange's subscription service with no contract period. Rey says that they stole almost 12,000 files totaling close to 6.5GB after compromising Orange’s systems by exploiting compromised credentials, and vulnerabilities in the company’s Jira software for bug/issue tracking, and internal portals. Files and size for data stolen from Orange telco operator source: Rey The threat actor told us they dropped a ransom note on the compromised system but Orange did not initiate negotiations. BleepingComputer reached out to both Orange Group and Orange Romania with a request for comment and the company said they were looking into the matter. A joint statement was shared and an Orange spokesperson told us that they've been discussing internally on the incident and the steps to mitigate it. "Orange can confirm that our operations in Romania have been the target of a cyberattack," a company representative told BleepingComputer. "We took immediate action, and our top priority remains protecting the data and interests of our employees, customers and partners. There has been no impact on customers’ operations, and the breach was found to occur on a non-critical back office application" - Orange The company representative said their "cybersecurity and IT teams are working hard to assess the extent of the breach and minimize the impact of this incident." “We are committed to providing regular updates. Additionally, we are committed to complying with all legal obligations associated with such incidents and we are cooperating with the relevant authorities to address this matter,” reads the rest of the statement. Rey told us they breached Orange independently but they are part of the HellCat ransomware group, which has claimed attacks on Schneider Electric and Spanish telecommunications company Telefónica. In both breaches, the hackers targeted Jira servers and scraped or stole 40GB of data and 2.5GB of documents respectively. Sursa: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/orange-group-confirms-breach-after-hacker-leaks-company-documents/0 points