Features: [+]Crypt almost any exe file. [+]Fully customizable stub. [+]Fix PI 2.3.2 for win 7 option. [+]Uses shellcode version of RunPE. [+]Write target file to stub directly. [+]Every output is unique. [+]support Win OS [XP,Vista,7,8] 32bit & 64bit. [+]no resource or end of file use, bye avira [+]it should be FUD for ever as long as you update decryption function and add some anti-emulator code how to use? 1- open the Crypter and select the files you like to Crypt 2- binder will generate Output.dpr 3- copy Output.dpr to compiler folder 4- click build 5- Output.exe will be generated [+] now you can control the encryption loop, if you file detected , try to crypt again or increase the number of Target file encryption loop (try not to use large number -above 20000- especially if your target file is big) detectie av: crypted: Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanner - Services - NoVirusThanks.org crypted+clone info: Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanner - Services - NoVirusThanks.org in arhiva mai este un programel info clone, util in caz de incepe sa fie detectat download: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tdWx0aXVwbG9hZC5jb20vU044RktUWERBUA coding:crypter by li0n, iclone by star