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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/12 in all areas

  1. /** * Title: ISR IP Address Mask for SMF * Version : * Description: IP Address Mask for SMF it's an semi-automatic patching tool for Simple Machine Forum which masks all real IPs of users that are belonging to some groups from a SMF drived-by website. You can include or exclude an unlimited number of groups for being protected by IPAM 4 SMF. Even more, you can choose even the mask (it could be a dynamic set) that will patch users IPs. IPAM 4 SMF have options like installation guider, automatic backup for modified files, patch remover. * Authors: Full installer by Andrei Av?d?nei & patch by kNight * URL : http://insecurity.ro * License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007 * **/ Pe scurt, aceasta unealta va modifica cateva fisiere din core-ul SMF pentru a ascunde cat mai bine identitatea utilizatorilor din anumite grupuri de cea a administratorilor, moderatorilor si a celorlalti utilizatori ce au permisiunea sa vada IP-urile. Download & Previews!
    1 point
  2. Trimite sms cu textul: [B][COLOR="#00FF00"]00407xxxxxxxx*1212[/COLOR][/B] la num?rul: [B][COLOR="#00FF00"]+43676800787300[/COLOR][/B], tarif 2-3 eurocenti/sms. Num?rul resprectiv va primi 3 sau 5 euro credit moca. [B][U]Aten?ie[/U][/B]: Un num?r îl pute?i înc?rca o singur? dat?. Merge doar pe cartele PrePay... da?ii bice cât mai merge... Exemplu: [B][COLOR="#00FF00"]004[COLOR="#FF0000"]07xxxxxxxx[/COLOR]*1212[/COLOR][/B] xxxxxxxx = num?rul celui c?ruia vre?i s?-i înc?rca?i cartela Edit: Add the man some reputation si profitati cat mai puteti, va fi mutat in curand.
    -1 points
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