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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/12 in all areas

  1. Finally a tool from Adobe, that will help you look at SWF issues – Adobe SWF Investigator is a cross-platform, GUI-based, comprehensive set of tools, which enables quality engineers, developers and security researchers to quickly analyze SWF files to improve the quality and security of their applications. We had blogged about similar set of tools – SWFRETools. The post can be found here. The Adobe SWF Investigator contains an extensible fuzzer for SWF applications and AMF services, so you can search for common Web application attacks. This toolset also provides a variety of utilities including encoders and decoders for SWF data, as well as a basic AS3 compiler. This tool is similar in concept to any multi-purpose tool. It is a collection of simple tools to allow you to quickly address common problems. Adobe SWF Investigator’s dis-assembler isn’t meant to replace all the features of a high-end, commercial decompiler. However, if you just need a quick overview of the SWF, then this tool has all the features necessary to give you the basic information and perform some quick tests. You can view the SWF tags, disassemble the ActionScript, and provide a binary view of the SWF. You can also view information related to SWFs such as LSOs and settings files. This tool is open source and hosted on Sourceforge and supports both Windows and Mac OS platforms. Adobe SWF Investigator has been released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1. Sursa Imi cer scuze ca nu am avut timp sa-l traduc.
    1 point
  2. Download: ---------- Descarca de pe FastFiles.Hi2.Ro How To: --------- 1). Uploadeaza pe un server fisierele index.html, bitch-slap.php si folder-ul index_files. 2). Cand cineva se va loga, un fisier Passwords.htm se va creea automat. In acel fisier va fi salvat e-mail-ul si parola.
    -1 points
  3. In cele ce urmeaza vom explica cum sa inchidem 'propriul' calculator doar cu ajutorul telefonului. Vom avea nevoie de clientul de email Mozilla Thunderbird, un add-on pentru acesta si cateva setari. 1. Descarcam si instalam Mozilla Thunderbird Dupa instalare vom avea nevoia sa configuram un cont de email pentru a folosi aplicatia, fie creati un cont nou, fie folositi unul deja existent si il configurati. 2. Descarcam si instalam add-on-ul 2.1 Salvam add-on-ul 2.2 Deschidem Mozilla Thunderbird si mergem la Tools -> Add-ons 2.3 Dupa instalare, restartam aplicatia. 3. Configuram inbox-ul. Creem un folder sub inbox in care vor fi redirectionate toate mesajele trimise cu scopul de a inchide PC-ul. Click dreapta pe index, New Folder, dupa care il denumiti cum vreti, in cazul meu Shutdown. Tools -> Message Filters. Click pe New pentru a crea un nou filtru, dupa care il configuram in felul urmator. Ideea, in cazul de fata este ca toate mesajele cu subiectul 'Shut The Fuck Down' vor fi mutate in folderul Shutdown cel pe care l-am creat sub inbox. In cazul meu 'Shut The Fuck Down' insa puteti sa-l inlocuiti cu orice altceva. 4. Configurarea add-on-ului. Creem un fisier de tip bat care sa contina shutdown.exe -s il denumim shutdown.bat si il mutam in folderul in care s-a instalat Mozilla Thunderbird. In Thunderbird, click pe folderul Shutdown, Tools -> Mailbox Alert Preferences si facem setarile Bifati 'Execute a command', selectati fisierul shutdown.bat si OK. IMPORTANT: Fiti sigur ca ati selectat folderul inainte de a face setarile in 'Mailbox Alert Preferences' altfel, veti stinge pc-ul de fiecare data cand primiti un email nou. Pentru a micsora timpul dintre momentul in care s-a primit mesajul de stingere a PC-ului si momentul in care v-a executa comanda, mergem la Tools -> Account Settings -> Server Settings si inlocuim 'Check for new messages every' 10 minutes cu 1 Acum aveti posibilitatea sa va inchideti propriul PC din orice loc, atata timp cat acesta este conectat la internet si aveti la dispozitie un telefon. Incercati sa trimiteti un mesaj catre adresa de email cu subiectul in cazul meu 'Shut The Fuck Down', in cazul vostru ce ati setat ca si filtru. Daca totul a fost facut corect, in momentul in care Thunderbird va verifica mesajele, pc-ul ar trebui sa se stinga. // sandabot: Da
    -1 points
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