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  1. 68 74 74 70 34 2f 2f 77 77 77 23 67 69 72 6c 73 68 61 72 65 23 72 6f 2f 33 32 35 34 36 33 35 37 23 38 Dimensiunea acestor loguri este de 200 KB . Con?in conturi foarte importante !
    2 points
  2. Ai noroc ca nu aveam somn azi-noapte. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #define SV 1 #define CL 2 #define BUFL 128 #define check(a, !strcmp(a, static inline int str_comp(const void * first, const void * second) { return strcmp(*((char * *)first), *((char * *)second)); } void process_file(char * fname, char * lines) { /* open the file, read and sort all lines, then write the first 3 of them to `lines` buffer */ int linesLen = 0; char * * linesVec = NULL; FILE * file = fopen(fname, "r"); while (1) { char line[BUFL]; fgets(line, BUFL, file); if (feof(file)) break; linesVec = realloc(linesVec, ++linesLen * sizeof(char *)); linesVec[linesLen - 1] = malloc((strlen(line) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(linesVec[linesLen - 1], line); } fclose(file); qsort(linesVec, linesLen, sizeof(char *), str_comp); strcpy(lines, linesVec[0]); strcat(lines, linesVec[1]); strcat(lines, linesVec[2]); for (int i = 0; i < linesLen; ++i) free(linesVec[i]); free(linesVec); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s OPTION (NAME...|NAME FILE)\n", argv[0]); puts("Open a server or client using named pipes communication for processing a file.\n\ \n\ Options:\n\ -s, --server open for serving\n\ -c, --client open for sending\n\ \n\ Parameters:\n\ NAME path name(s) for FIFO(s)\n\ FILE file path for lines reading"); return 1; } int whoami = 0; if (check(argv[1], "-s") || check(argv[1], "--server")) whoami = SV; else if (check(argv[1], "-c") || check(argv[1], "--client")) whoami = CL; if (whoami == SV) { // make FIFOs int fifoLen = argc - 2; // for input/output char * * fifoIn = malloc(sizeof(char *) * fifoLen); char * * fifoOut = malloc(sizeof(char *) * fifoLen); for (int i = 2; i < 2 + fifoLen; ++i) { int ind = i - 2; int len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(argv[i]) + 2); fifoIn[ind] = malloc(len); fifoOut[ind] = malloc(len); strcpy(fifoIn[ind], argv[i]); strcpy(fifoOut[ind], argv[i]); strcat(fifoIn[ind], "i"); strcat(fifoOut[ind], "o"); // rw-rw-rw- mkfifo(fifoIn[ind], 0666); mkfifo(fifoOut[ind], 0666); } // wait for messages, process them, then send the response for (int i = 0; i < fifoLen; ++i) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { // the child // open the pipe for reading int fin = open(fifoIn[i], O_RDONLY); char fname[BUFL] = {0}; read(fin, fname, BUFL); close(fin); // read the filename, open and process it printf("Process %s on channel %s\n", fname, argv[i + 2]); char lines[3 * BUFL] = {0}; process_file(fname, lines); // send the lines back to client int fout = open(fifoOut[i], O_WRONLY); write(fout, lines, strlen(lines)); close(fout); return 0; } } // wait processes to finish for (int i = 0; i < fifoLen; ++i) wait(NULL); // free resources for (int i = 0; i < fifoLen; ++i) { unlink(fifoIn[i]); unlink(fifoOut[i]); free(fifoIn[i]); free(fifoOut[i]); } free(fifoIn); free(fifoOut); } else if (whoami == CL) { // prepare pipe names for i/o int len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(argv[2]) + 2); char * fifoIn = malloc(len); char * fifoOut = malloc(len); strcpy(fifoIn, argv[2]); strcat(fifoIn, "i"); strcpy(fifoOut, argv[2]); strcat(fifoOut, "o"); // open server's input for writing int fout = open(fifoIn, O_WRONLY); write(fout, argv[3], strlen(argv[3])); close(fout); // now receive the response int fin = open(fifoOut, O_RDONLY); char lines[3 * BUFL] = {0}; read(fin, lines, 3 * BUFL); close(fin); puts(lines); free(fifoIn); free(fifoOut); } else { fputs("Invalid or no option selected\n", stderr); return 2; } return 0; }
    1 point
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