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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/13 in all areas

  1. #1 issue hacking e-zine <<Inception>>. Articles: DLL Hijacking in antiviruses About AV-checker Miracle in a small back office VX vs Commerce Web security assessment planning Polymorphic file virus BEETLE The theory of building large p2p botnets History of hacking Self-rewriting executable code on LPC2388 Power in simplicity Imported Code Practical DNS-Amplification Review of genetic algorithm for the example of guessing password by MD5-hash Reflection: solution of "unconventional" tasks Members working on the e-zine: pr0mix Izg0y _sheva740 d3m Ar3s ALiEN Assault pest amdf FanOfGun rgb MZh XRipper KostaPC ProudPank valentin_p Versus71 aka HIMIKAT Attention: Folder <<sources>> detected AV. This not malware. It examples and source code for a better understanding of articles. They are completely safe for your PC. P.S. my article <Notes on InfoSec> only Russian version Download: EN: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9f1wrvpvzblcf25/inception_en.zip RU: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hm6b2pkj5ib8r38/inception_ru.zip
    2 points
  2. Salut RST! Am revenit cu un nou tool facut in VB , itRAT. Acest program este un RAT. RAT = Remote Administration Tool Remote Administration Tool = 'program' de controlat sau cum vreti voi sa-i ziceti El este alcatuit dintr-un Client de unde se controleaza Server-ul(zombie-ul) adica victima.. Functia de DDOS nu merge! -- Trebuie sa mai lucrez la ea . Cine ma poate ajuta e binevenit In arhiva aveti: -itRAT (clientul) -Stub (stub-ul - prin care se face server-ul in care intra victima) -Readme.txt (...stiti voi--special thanks'urile -- sandabot ..) -QIcon Changer - portabil(nu necesita instalare) , este bun pentru a schimba iconita. - este al lui DarkCoder -Extension Spoofer (Care nu prea cred ca merge , dar .. sa speram:)) - este al lui DarkCoder) DarkCoder - cel care a facut DarkComet .. sper ca stiti DOWNLOAD v1.0 : aici DOWNLOAD v1.5: aici // multumiri santo21 pt. reupload VirusTotal: aici -- N-am avut timp sa scanez fisier cu fisier.. --Este detectat , deoarece este RAT(este de la stub) - jur ca nu este vre-o prostie ceva !!!---- Tin sa precizez ca nu este codat in totalitate de mine !!----!!! L-am testat doar pe local , astept reply sa imi spuneti daca merge si "de la distanta" //Preview: //edit : Dau sursa .. pm
    1 point
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