Web accounts belonging to Mt.Gox CEO Mark Karpeles have been hacked over the alleged malleability theft of 744,408 bitcoins, according to the BBC. Some 716 MB of Mt.Gox’s transaction history were leaked. The hackers compromised Karpeles’s Reddit account and personal blog, posting the link to the leak. The attackers were motivated by the current status of Mt.Gox and its recent actions. “It’s time that MtGox got the Bitcoin community’s wrath instead of [the] Bitcoin community getting Goxed,” the hackers wrote in the data dump message. “The word `Goxed’ has been used to describe the sudden interruptions in trading MtGox imposed when it was going through technical problems before its final closure,” the article said. The leak contained sensitive information about Mt.Gox’s back-office admin service, entries from the business ledger and a more than one million trades spreadsheet. After a close analysis of the leaked documents there is nothing that can prove if their genuine or not, the only sure thing is that almost all documents contain transactions from bitcoin users. In the light of recent events Mt.Gox filed for temporary bankruptcy protection in the US and it was granted by a judge from Dallas, Texas while the bankruptcy process in Japan is ongoing. It’s been close to 5 weeks since Mt.Gox was taken offline due to suffering a DDoS attack on the February 7 and on April 1, it is scheduled to return to court to extend the US bankruptcy protection. Sursa: Mt.Gox CEO’s Web Accounts Hacked over Alleged Theft; Trading Information Leaked | HOTforSecurity