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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/14 in all areas

  1. An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows. Features Open-source Intuitive and familiar, yet new user interface C-like expression parser Full-featured debugging of DLL and EXE files (TitanEngine) IDA-like sidebar with jump arrows IDA-like instruction token highlighter (highlight registers etc.) Memory map Symbol view Thread view Content-sensitive register view Fully customizable color scheme Dynamically recognize modules and strings Import reconstructor integrated (Scylla) Fast disassembler (BeaEngine) User database (JSON) for comments, labels, bookmarks etc. Plugin support with growing API Extendable, debuggable scripting language for automation Multi-datatype memory dump Basic debug symbol (PDB) support Dynamic stack view Built-in assembler (XEDParse) x64_dbg | Free Development software downloads at SourceForge.net Sursa : x64_dbg
    1 point
  2. +toata partea asta care e degeaba. nu folosesti nici o informatie de aici echo "====Show CPU INFO / MEMORY / RELEASE /...====" cat /etc/*-release sleep 7 echo "///////////////////Show Who are logged in////////////////////////////" w sleep 7 echo "///////////Show kernel/////////////////" uname -a head -n1 /etc/issue sleep 7 cat /proc/partitions echo "////////////////Show Partitions/////////////" sleep 7 grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo echo "///////////////Show Ram seen by system///////////////////" sleep 7 grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo echo "////////////////Show proc name///////////" sleep 7 ifconfig | grep inet | awk '{ print $3 }' echo "///////////////Find IP Broadcast & IPV6 Adress////////////" sleep 7 ifconfig | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }' echo "//////////Find Ipv4 Adress////////////" sleep 7 cat /etc/hosts echo "//////////Find Hosts//////////"
    1 point
  3. #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import random import argparse print """ ################################# # Rst Almost secure file eraser # # Usr6 # #################################""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="RST Almost secure file eraser") parser.add_argument("input", metavar="path/file", help="sterge fisierul") parser.add_argument("-m", "--maxstr", metavar="nr", default = 3000000, help="cati octeti vor fi scrisi la fiecare trecere") args = parser.parse_args() def aleator(l): print random.choice("~*&^%$#@!"), variabila = '' for i in range(l): variabila += random.choice('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890') return variabila def writefile(fisier, drepturi, nr): with open(fisier, drepturi) as handle: handle.write(aleator(nr)) handle.close size = os.path.getsize(args.input) print args.input, size, args.maxstr ask = raw_input("Esti sigur ca vrei sa-l stergi definitiv?(y/n): ") if ask != "Yes" and ask != "YES" and ask != "yes" and ask != "Y" and ask != "y": sys.exit("Nu am sters nimic") if size <= int(args.maxstr): writefile(args.input, "wb", size) else: writefile(args.input, "wb", int(args.maxstr)) size -= int(args.maxstr) while size !=0: if size <= int(args.maxstr): writefile(args.input, "ab", size) break else: writefile(args.input, "ab", int(args.maxstr)) size -= int(args.maxstr) if not os.remove(args.input): print "\n%s deleted" %(args.input) sys.exit(raw_input("press enter...")) utilizare: file_eraser.py filename help: file_eraser.py -h adaugare in context menu(click dreapta):regedit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell New key: Eraser (Default) REG_SZ Eraser... HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/Eraser New key: command (Default) REG_SZ python C:\\Python27\\file_eraser.py "%1"
    1 point
  4. Salut ! Am realizat un mic tool in bash care instaleaza LAMP , SSH , FTP +Securizare . Salvati sursa intr-un notepad si salvati cu extensia .sh (exemplu: starlin1337.sh) si executati ./starlin1337.sh dupa ce ia-ti acordat drepturi desigur . #!/bin/bash echo -e "\e[91mStarLinux tool by \e[91m starlin1337 " sleep 2 echo -e "Aceasta unealta a fost creata pentru RSTforums.com " sleep 2 echo -e "The essence of the future is the digital core " sleep 2 echo " =============================================== " sleep 2 OPTIUNI="Instalare-LAMP Instalare-SSH Instalare-FTP Securizare-apache2 Securizare-SSH " select opt in $OPTIUNI; do if [ $opt = "Instalare-LAMP" ]; then echo " Instalare apache2..." sleep 1 /usr/bin/apt-get install apache2 sleep 1 echo "Instalarea apache2 a fost efectuata cu succes !" sleep 1 echo "Instalare php server..." sleep 1 /usr/bin/apt-get apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 echo "Instalarea mysql a fost efectuata cu succes !" sleep 1 echo "Instalare MySQL..." /usr/bin/apt-get install mysql-server echo "Instalarea MySQL a fost efectuata cu succes !" sleep 1 elif [ $opt = "Iesire" ]; then echo "Pa,pa!Multumesti lui starlin1337 pentru tool si viziteaza rstforums.com" fi if [ $opt = "Instalare-SSH" ]; then sleep 1 echo "Instalare SSH server ..." /usr/bin/apt-get install openssh-server sleep 1 echo "Instalarea serverului SSH a fost efectuata cu succes !" elif [ $opt = "Instalare-FTP" ]; then /usr/bin/apt-get install vsftpd echo "Instalarea serverului FTP a fost efectuata cu succes !" fi if [ $opt = "Securizare-apache2" ]; then echo "Securizare LAMP SERVER(doar apache2)..." echo "TraceEnable Off" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf echo "LimitRequestBody 25000" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf echo "LimitRequestFields 40" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf echo "LimitRequestFieldSize 4000" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf echo "LimitRequestLine 4000" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf echo "MaxRequestsPerChild 100000" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf echo "Dezactivate directory listing" a2dismod autoindex service apache2 restart elif [ $opt = "Securizare-SSH" ]; then sleep 1 echo "Port 1996" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "Port 1996" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config sleep 1 echo "Noul port al serverului SSH va fi 1996 !" echo "Protocol 2" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "Protocol 2" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config echo "PermitRootLogin no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "PermitRootLogin no" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config sleep 1 echo "De acum nu va mai fi disponibila logarea ca root doar folosirea comenzi sudo " sleep 1 fi done
    1 point
  5. @Kalashnikov. , putem da sursa unui administrator .. nu e nici un fel de stealer .
    -1 points
  6. Pai sshd_config este un fisier pentru configurarea serviciului OpenSSH. Si ssh_config tot fisier de configurare al serviciului este .
    -1 points
  7. a facut spam unu cu poza asta xxx si zice ca ii fallen =]]]]]]]]] eu am dat paste 1 data la ea si am ras si mam trezit cu ban
    -1 points
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