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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/15 in all areas

  1. FruityWifi is a wireless network auditing tool based in the Wifi Pineapple idea. The application can be installed in any Debian based system. Tested in Debian, Kali Linux, BugTraq, Kali Linux ARM (Raspberry Pi), Raspbian (Raspberry Pi), Pwnpi (Raspberry Pi). With the new version, it is possible to install external modules. This functionality gives the user more flexibility and the FruityWifi can be customized. The modules can be added or removed anytime using the on-line repository. A new modules panel was added to the status page. All modules can be enabled/disabled from this panel. The new phishing option allows to enable/disable the feature from the status page. Responder.py module has been released and can be installed from the modules page. (HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server can be enabled to capture user, passwords and NTLM/LM hashes) Download: https://github.com/xtr4nge/FruityWifi
    1 point
  2. O sa postez in cele ce urmeaza un mic joc, care e foarte bun pentru cei care abia au inceput sa descopere C++. #include <iostream> #include <vector> //Simple Display void Display(std::vector<char> const &grid){ //Creez un grid basic std::cout << " " << 1 << " " << 2 << " " << 3 << "\n"; for(int a = 0; a < 9; a++){ if(a == 0) std::cout << "A "; if(a == 3) std::cout << "\nB "; if(a == 6) std::cout << "\nC "; //displaying grid. std::cout << " " << grid[a] << " "; } std::cout << "\n\n"; } //Returneaza true daca grid-ul e deja folosit. bool Used(int const& position, std::vector<char> const& grid){ if(grid[position] == '-') return false; else return true; } void Turn(std::vector<char> &grid, char player){ int row = 0; char column = 0; int position = 0; bool check = true; std::cout <<"\n" << player << ": Jucati !. \n"; while(check == true){ std::cout << "Row(1,2,3): "; std::cin >> row; std::cout << player << ": Column(A,B,C): "; std::cin >> column; position = 3*(column-'A')+(row-1); if(!Used(position,grid)){ check = false; } else{ std::cout << "Pozitie deja folosita. Incearca din nou. \n"; } } grid[position] = player; std::cout << "\n\n"; } bool Win(std::vector<char> const& grid, char player){ for(int a = 0; a < 3; a++){ if(grid[a] == player && grid[a+3] == player && grid[a+6] == player){ return true; } if(grid[3*a] == player && grid[3*a+1] == player && grid[3*a+2] == player){ return true; } } if(grid[0] == player && grid[4] == player && grid[8] == player){ return true; } if(grid[2] == player && grid[4] == player && grid[6] == player){ return true; } return false; } int main(){ std::vector<char>grid(9,'-'); while(true){ Display(grid); Turn(grid, 'X'); if(Win(grid, 'X')){ Display(grid); std::cout << "\n X este castigator. Are o bere! \n"; break; } Display(grid); Turn(grid,'O'); if(Win(grid, 'O')){ Display(grid); std::cout << "\n 0 este castigator. Are o bere! \n"; break; } } } Enjoy.
    1 point
  3. Salut, numele meu este Mihai am 20 de ani, sunt din Bucuresti , cunostiintele mele in domeniul IT sunt bunicele ( cate putine din toate) Nu suport evreii,unguri si tigani. 88
    1 point
  4. Daca iti pui 1488 un avatar si spui ca ii urasti asta nu ne convinge ca nu esti si tu un tigan/evreu/ungur. Bun venit!
    1 point
  5. Treaba cu parola din 5 cifre la un cont bancar e cretina (la torrente am parola mai complicata ) dar...Ce-are de nu e bun digipassu? Chiar daca digipassu are o parola de 4 cifre (un pin pe care ti-l setezi tu) el se blocheaza daca bagi parola de (3?) ori gresit.Mie mi se pare ok.
    1 point
  6. Pick up 64 products worth $1,112 for just $39 Info: https://creativemarket.com/bundle/january-big-bundle Download Mirror1 : aHR0cDovL3BjLmNkL2RDRw== Mirror2 : aHR0cHM6Ly95YWRpLnNrL2QvRll0ZWh4ZXZkelc2QQ== B64 Format: 7zip Size: 6.06 GB (Compressed) 11.9 (Extracted)
    0 points
  7. Info: PSD Templates - Newyork Studio - One Page Parallax Theme | ThemeForest Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!H5EmlRDS!K4U67kGEstkqXZXbeaKvlSh9GReGq30aJlGDCvn78qA Info: PSD Templates - Zonda - Responsive eCommerce PSD Template | ThemeForest Download: https://depositfiles.com/files/dory96fsq Sales-Page = PSD Templates - Avada | PSD | ThemeForest Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!TE1xhaxB!CGt6FfEuBHo-r9rabYL-P-4DL-l4Y080fTTq1ioKBvc Info: http://themeforest.net/item/car-news-psd-template/8247969 Download: http://ge.tt/3O9leUq1/v/0 Info: http://themeforest.net/item/spirits-psd-template/6530202 Download: http://dfiles.eu/files/3zh7qxkr4 DrXz Sales Page: http://themeforest.net/item/blueseal-psd-template/3437694 http://www.mediafire.com/download/t47ps36wthou2u1/themeforest-3437694-blueseal-psd-template.zip Info: http://themeforest.net/item/super-duper-psd-template/6754514 http://www46.zippyshare.com/v/92189193/file.html Info: http://themeforest.net/item/redore-creative-psd-template/3731361 http://www.mediafire.com/download/w8c8cqras514ba5/%5BThemeForest%5D+Redore.zip Info: http://themeforest.net/item/darkblack/81322 Download: http://ge.tt/19uaKlI1/v/0?c Info: http://themeforest.net/item/absolution-psd-template/4244906 Download: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/18D9RXOR/_ThemeForest__Absolution_PSD_Template.rar_links @Gio33
    -1 points
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