Ok, am castigat challenge-ul si am continuat sa adaug functii lui @Maximus Lista comenzi : [*] Criptari !a2b <text> (returns encrypted ASCII to Binary text) !aer <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted AER 256 text) !armon <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ARMON 64 text) !atom <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ATOM 128 text) !b2a <text> (returns decrypted Binary to ASCII text) !b64 <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted BASE64 text) !caesar <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted Caesar Shift Code text) !esab <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ESAB 46 text) !ezip <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted EZIP 64 text) !feron <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted FERON 74 text) !gila <e/d> <text> (retuns encrypted/decrypted GILA 7 text) !haz <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted HAZZ 15 text) !megan <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted MEGAN 35 text) !morse <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted Morse code text) !okto <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted OKTO 3 text) !rc4 <e/d> <text> (returns RC4 encrypted/decrypted text) !rot <text> (returns ROT 13 encrypted text) !tigo <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted TIGO 3 FX text) !tripo <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted TRIPO 5 text) !zara <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ZARA 128 text) !zong <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ZONG 22 text) !detect <encrypted-text> (it will try to find encryption type and decode your text) !key <encryption KEY> (set your custom encryption key [ARMON-64/AER-256/etc]) !key * (to remove your encryption key) [*] Funny !bomb <username> (case sensitive username) to play the bomb game !bomb (to bomb a random channel user) There are 3 colors red blue and green. You must type one of them to defuse the bomb !chuck or !chuck <username> for a random Chuck Norris joke [*] Altele !bit <long-link> (it will return a short bit.ly link) !echeck <email-address> (check if email exists / works perfect with Yahoo! (needs more coding)) !hash <text> (returns : SHA1/MD5/SHA256 hash) !header <website> (will return HTTP request header and HTTP response header) !info <username> (small username info) !ip <ip-address> to view details (country,city,zip,latitude,logitude,time zone) of a specific IP Address. !lastlogin <username> (to view the last date that username logged in) !lastpost (to subscribe to last forum post) !lastpost (to unsubscribe from last forum post) !len <text> (returns text lenght) !low <text> (it will retur your text to lowercase) !offline <username> <message> to leave a offline message for a username. Once it comes online, he will be notified. !message <id> to view message and !clear to clear all your messages. !messages (to see if you have any messages) !clear (to clear all your messages) !ping <host: port> (this function has to be rewriten) !rev <text> (returns reverse text) !say <text> (Only admins can user this command) !seen <username> (it returs something like : I've seen nytro on Sun, 32 Dec 2099 03:52:58 +0200 saying Never say never!) !sock <ip: port> (it will connet to ip: port , checks if it's alive) !ssh <ip: port> or !ssh <ip> (it will check if ip/host has ssh open) !subscribe <cat-id> (9,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,40,42,43,45,48,49,53,54,55,56,58,60,61,62,63,65) To subscribe to a specific forum category. !subscribe (to view your subscribed categorys) !unsubscribe <cat-it> (to unsubscribe) !top (to view the most active chat users) [it will return something like : Gecko > J > Maximus > Aerosol > Kronzy] !up <text> (it will return your text to UPPERCASE) !uptime (you know this one) !uri <e/d> <link> (to URL encode/decode string) !zip <zip> or !zip <address> (returns full zip/addres info) !help !help <command> (ex.: !help seen sau !help !seen) Daca aveti propuneri, nu ezitati sa postati aici. Multumesc. P.S. 2800 linii de cod