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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/19 in all areas

  1. Prostul nu e prost destul, dacă nu e şi fudul... Hai sa nu dau toate info degeaba ca na, daca nu ma ajuta X pe mine de ce sa dau eu datele?De parca ai fi muncit pentru ele, sigur a fost o munca foarte grea sa iei un ransomware. Ai o gandire proasta, si o sa-ti explic si de ce. Cu gandiri d-astea ca a ta, n-ar mai fi existat pe net multe rezolvari pt ransomware-uri. Vine cate un Ion ca tine si zice "Ba daca nu-mi dati rezolvarea eu nu va dau informatii", dar nu se gandeste ca daca altul ar fi avut problema lui acum ceva timp, si ala ar fi dat informatiile asa, fara sa fie sigur ca primeste o rezolvare, poate s-ar fi gasit rezolvarea pana in momentul asta si ai fi scapat de problema, dar na...trebuie sa fii fudul. Spor la tinut informatiile doar pt tine si la plans in continuare ca ti s-au dus datele pe pula
    2 points
  2. Attacking Network Protocols is a deep dive into network protocol security from James ­Forshaw, one of the world’s leading bug ­hunters. This comprehensive guide looks at networking from an attacker’s perspective to help you discover, exploit, and ultimately ­protect vulnerabilities. You’ll start with a rundown of networking basics and protocol traffic capture before moving on to static and dynamic protocol analysis, common protocol structures, cryptography, and protocol security. Then you’ll turn your focus to finding and exploiting vulnerabilities, with an overview of common bug classes, fuzzing, debugging, and exhaustion attacks. Learn how to: • Capture, manipulate, and replay packets • Develop tools to dissect traffic and reverse engineer code to understand the inner workings of a network protocol • Discover and exploit vulnerabilities such as memory corruptions, authentication bypasses, and denials of service • Use capture and analysis tools like ­Wireshark and develop your own custom network proxies to manipulate ­network traffic Attacking Network Protocols is a must-have for any penetration tester, bug hunter, or developer looking to understand and discover network vulnerabilities. Sursa: https://b-ok.cc/book/5248765/9ee2fb
    1 point
  3. OKQL, e botul nostru de google search. Nu-l baga in seama ca face rau.
    1 point
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