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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/25 in all areas

  1. Pentru practica, recomand platforme destinate acestui scop + sa urmaresti oameni care au video-uri in care explica ce si cum se intampla. Cateva exemple clasice ar fi: - Hack the Box (https://www.hackthebox.com/) - TryHackMe (https://tryhackme.com/) - picoCTF (https://picoctf.org/) - OverTheWire https://overthewire.org/wargames/ Ca si canale, pe vremuri il urmaream pe tipu' asta: https://www.youtube.com/@_JohnHammond insa sunt sigur ca poti gasi multi altii pe placul / stilul tau. Spor la invatat
    2 points
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