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  1. Scanning result Download it Form1 Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim word As String = "abc" Dim mainList As New List(Of String) Dim counter As Integer = 0 'counter Dim newString As String = " " 'We're going to generate every possible combination ' using binary techniques. ' Every combination for word.length long strings While (newString.Length <= word.Length) newString = Convert.ToString(counter, 2) 'Convert the number to Base 2 mainList.Add(newString) counter += 1 End While 'This method unfortunately leaves us with one extra item on our list, which we can delete mainList.RemoveAt(mainList.Count - 1) 'Also, the first item is going to be invalid ( "0000" will mean 4 blanks later on, which isn't valid) mainList.RemoveAt(0) 'Now we're going to make all the strings the same length.. still binary technique ' for each element, add a 0 to the front of the string until eElement is the same length ' as word (so for word "abcd" we want "0000", "0001", "0010" instead of "0", "1", "10", etc For i = 0 To mainList.Count - 1 While Not (mainList(i).Length = word.Length) mainList(i) = "0" & mainList(i) End While Next 'Now we organize our binary data into a way useful for us ' first, when we have 0 blanks, then 1 blank, then 2 blanks, all the way up until word.length-1 Dim sortedList As New List(Of String) ' [i] is the amount of blanks. we start by looking for 0, then 1, all the way to word.length For i = 0 To mainList.Count - 1 ' for each element in the list, "0000","0001","0010",..."1111" For Each eElement As String In mainList Dim numberOfBlanks As Integer = 0 ' find how many blanks (or "0"s) there are in this element For Each eChar As Char In eElement ' if it's blank ("0") , add one to this counter variable If (eChar = "0") Then numberOfBlanks += 1 End If Next ' first we were look for 0 blanks (then 1, then 2, etc) ' so on the first pass we only add elements that have a matching ' numberOfBlanks to what we're looking for If (numberOfBlanks = i) Then sortedList.Add(eElement) End If Next Next Dim parallelList As New List(Of String) 'hopefully we don't have to delete all the new variables.. End Sub End Class Normal level Option Strict On Public Class NormalEvilForm Private Sub DisableGame() GuessLetterButton.Enabled = False GuessLetterTextBox.Enabled = False LetterChoicePanel.Enabled = False SolveForMeButton.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Win() DisableGame() TitleLabel.Text = "You Win!" GameOverTimer.Start() End Sub Private Sub Lose() DisableGame() TitleLabel.Text = "You Lose! The Word Was:" GuessesLeftLabel.Text = "0" SolveForMe() GenerateWordCountLabel() GameOverTimer.Start() End Sub Private Sub SetupLabels() GuessesLeftLabel.Text = (GuessesLeft).ToString GenerateWordCountLabel() End Sub Private Sub SetRemainingGuesses() GuessesLeftLabel.Text = GuessesLeft.ToString End Sub Private Sub GenerateWordCountLabel() WordCountLabel.Text = String.Empty For Counter As Integer = 0 To CharactersOfWord.Count - 1 Dim Letter As String = CharactersOfWord(Counter) If Letter = " " Then WordCountLabel.Text &= " " Else If CorrectGuesses(Counter) = True Then WordCountLabel.Text &= Letter & " " Else WordCountLabel.Text &= "_ " End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub AddLetterButtonEvents() For Each Item As Button In LetterChoicePanel.Controls If Item.Tag.ToString <> String.Empty Then 'AddHandler Item.MouseHover, AddressOf LetterButton_Event AddHandler Item.GotFocus, AddressOf LetterButton_Event End If Next End Sub Private Sub LetterButton_Event(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim LetterButton As Button = TryCast(sender, Button) GuessLetterTextBox.Text = LetterButton.Tag.ToString GuessLetterButton.Focus() End Sub Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ChooseWord() AddLetterButtonEvents() GenerateCharactersOfWord() SetupLabels() End Sub Private Sub LetterGuessed(ByVal Letter As String) GuessedLetters.Add(Letter) Dim CorrectGuess As Boolean = False For Counter As Integer = 0 To CharactersOfWord.Count - 1 If CharactersOfWord(Counter).ToLower = Letter.ToLower Then CorrectGuesses(Counter) = True CorrectGuess = True End If Next If CorrectGuess = False Then GuessesLeft -= 1 GuessesLeftLabel.Text = (GuessesLeft).ToString End If End Sub Private Sub GuessLetterButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GuessLetterButton.Click If GuessLetterTextBox.Text <> String.Empty Then For Each Item As Button In LetterChoicePanel.Controls If Item.Tag.ToString = GuessLetterTextBox.Text Then Item.Enabled = False End If Next If GameType = GameMode.Evil Then EvilHangmanFunction(GuessLetterTextBox.Text) End If LetterGuessed(GuessLetterTextBox.Text) GenerateWordCountLabel() If GameType = GameMode.Evil Then CheckCorrectGuesses() End If If CheckWin() = True Then Win() ElseIf CheckLose() = True Then Lose() End If GuessLetterTextBox.Clear() End If GuessLetterTextBox.Focus() End Sub Private Sub GuessTextBox_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles GuessLetterTextBox.KeyPress If Not Char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar) Then e.Handled = True Else For Each Letter As String In GuessedLetters If e.KeyChar = Letter.ToLower Then e.Handled = True Exit Sub End If Next GuessLetterTextBox.Text = String.Empty End If End Sub Private Sub GameOverTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GameOverTimer.Tick GameOverTimer.Stop() Dim Result As DialogResult = _ MessageBox.Show("Would you like to play another game?", "Project Hangman - Game Over", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) If Result = DialogResult.Yes Then Reset() StartupForm.Show() Me.Close() Else Application.Exit() End If End Sub Private Sub SolveForMeButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SolveForMeButton.Click Lose() End Sub End Class Project module Option Strict On Imports System.IO Module ProjectHangmanModule Enum GameMode Normal Evil Ultimate End Enum Public GameType As GameMode = GameMode.Normal Public Word As String Public WordLength As Integer '2-24 Public WordList As New List(Of String) Public CharactersOfWord As New List(Of String) Public CorrectGuesses As New List(Of Boolean) Public GuessedLetters As New List(Of String) Public GuessesLeft As Integer Public Win As Boolean = False Public Lose As Boolean = False Private RandomClass As New Random() Public Sub Reset() Word = "" WordLength = 0 WordList.Clear() CharactersOfWord.Clear() CorrectGuesses.Clear() GuessedLetters.Clear() GuessesLeft = 0 Win = False Lose = False End Sub Public Sub ChooseWord() Try Dim TextFile As New StreamReader("WordList.txt") While TextFile.EndOfStream = False WordList.Add(TextFile.ReadLine()) End While For Counter As Integer = WordList.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 If WordList(Counter).Length <> WordLength Then WordList.RemoveAt(Counter) End If Next Word = WordList(RandomClass.Next(0, WordList.Count)) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Error:" & ControlChars.NewLine & ex.Message, "Hangman - Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) End Try End Sub Public Sub EvilHangmanFunction(ByVal Letter As String) 'Convert the letter to lower case Letter = Letter.ToLower() 'A list of all lists of words containing or not containing the given letter Dim TotalList As New List(Of List(Of String)) 'Create a sub list to the total list for each letter in the word 'and one for the word not containing the letter For Counter As Integer = 0 To WordLength - 1 Dim SubList As New List(Of String) TotalList.Add(SubList) Next 'For Each word in the current word list For Each Word As String In WordList Dim ContinueFor As Boolean = False 'For Each letter in the word For Counter As Integer = 0 To Word.Length - 1 'If the letter is the letter given to the function If Word.Substring(Counter, 1) = Letter Then 'add the word to the list, based on the counter TotalList(Counter).Add(Word) End If Next Next 'Now find the sub list that contains the most elements Dim highestCountIndex As Integer = 0 Dim highestCount As Integer = 0 For Counter = 0 To TotalList.Count - 1 If (highestCount < TotalList(Counter).Count) Then highestCount = TotalList(Counter).Count highestCountIndex = Counter End If Next 'A temporary list to store words in Dim TempList As New List(Of String) 'For each word not containing the letter For Each Word As String In WordList If Not Word.Contains(Letter) Then 'Add the word to the temp list TempList.Add(Word) End If Next 'Clea the word list WordList.Clear() 'If the temp list has elements If TempList.Count <> 0 Then For Each Word As String In TempList 'Populate WordList by the words in the TempList WordList.Add(Word) Next Else 'If TempList.Count = 0 For Each Word As String In TotalList(highestCountIndex) 'Populate WordList by the words in the list with the most elements WordList.Add(Word) Next End If 'Next set Word to a new random word, in the new list Word = WordList(RandomClass.Next(0, WordList.Count)) GenerateCharactersOfWord() End Sub Public Sub GenerateCharactersOfWord() CorrectGuesses.Clear() CharactersOfWord.Clear() For Counter As Integer = 0 To Word.Length - 1 Dim Letter As String Letter = Word.Substring(Counter, 1) CharactersOfWord.Add(Letter) Dim LetterGuessed As Boolean = False For Each GLetter In GuessedLetters If GLetter.ToLower = Letter.ToLower Then LetterGuessed = True End If Next Dim ALetter As Boolean = False If Letter = " " Or LetterGuessed = True Then ALetter = True End If CorrectGuesses.Add(ALetter) Next End Sub Public Sub CheckCorrectGuesses() For Each Item As String In GuessedLetters For Counter As Integer = 0 To WordLength - 1 If Word.Substring(Counter, 1) = Item.ToLower Then CorrectGuesses(Counter) = True End If Next Next End Sub Public Sub SolveForMe() For Counter As Integer = 0 To CorrectGuesses.Count - 1 CorrectGuesses(Counter) = True Next End Sub Public Function CheckWin() As Boolean For Each Letter As Boolean In CorrectGuesses If Letter = False Then Return False End If Next Return True End Function Public Function CheckLose() As Boolean If GuessesLeft = 0 Then Return True Else Return False End If End Function End Module Start UP Public Class StartupForm Private Sub ShowOptions() Me.Size = New Size(806, 342) OptionsPanel.Enabled = True WordLengthNumericUpDown.Focus() End Sub Private Sub SetSelectedButton(ByVal Button As GameMode) Select Case Button Case GameMode.Normal NormalButton.ForeColor = Color.Blue EvilButton.ForeColor = Color.Black UltimateButton.ForeColor = Color.Black Case GameMode.Evil NormalButton.ForeColor = Color.Black EvilButton.ForeColor = Color.Blue UltimateButton.ForeColor = Color.Black Case GameMode.Ultimate NormalButton.ForeColor = Color.Black EvilButton.ForeColor = Color.Black UltimateButton.ForeColor = Color.Blue End Select End Sub Private Sub NormalButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NormalButton.Click GameType = GameMode.Normal SetSelectedButton(GameType) ShowOptions() Me.AcceptButton = StartButton End Sub Private Sub EvilButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles EvilButton.Click GameType = GameMode.Evil SetSelectedButton(GameType) ShowOptions() Me.AcceptButton = StartButton End Sub Private Sub UltimateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UltimateButton.Click GameType = GameMode.Ultimate SetSelectedButton(GameType) UltimateForm.Show() Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub StartButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StartButton.Click WordLength = WordLengthNumericUpDown.Value GuessesLeft = NumberOfGuessesNumericUpDown.Value NormalEvilForm.Show() Me.Size = New Size(806, 212) Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub NumberOfGuessesNumericUpDown_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _ NumberOfGuessesNumericUpDown.GotFocus, _ NumberOfGuessesNumericUpDown.Click NumberOfGuessesNumericUpDown.Select(0, 2) End Sub Private Sub WordLengthNumericUpDown_GotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _ WordLengthNumericUpDown.GotFocus, _ WordLengthNumericUpDown.Click WordLengthNumericUpDown.Select(0, 2) End Sub End Class Enjoi ... !!!
    1 point
  2. File Info Report date: 2012-10-20 20:10:36 (GMT 1) File name: stub-exe File size: 12800 bytes MD5 Hash: ccdb57a17aecc5de2566d28277bb379f SHA1 Hash: ce4fae1863f6fd3221cfab67be8bdcf67acedb86 Detection rate: 0 on 14 (0%) Status: CLEAN Detections Asquared - Avast - AVG - Avira - BitDefender - ClamAV - Comodo - DrWeb - Fprot - IkarusT3 - Panda - STOPZilla - TrendMicro - VBA32 - Scan report generated by NoVirusThanks.org File Info Report date: 2012-10-20 20:06:25 (GMT 1) File name: joiner-exe File size: 24576 bytes MD5 Hash: 6964ddff14f9ad6dabca54fd039d8985 SHA1 Hash: c30806e18eeb73fda375d910ef10281ec07745e1 Detection rate: 1 on 14 (7%) Status: INFECTED Detections Asquared - Avast - AVG - Dropper.Generic3.BHKK Avira - BitDefender - ClamAV - Comodo - DrWeb - Fprot - IkarusT3 - Panda - STOPZilla - TrendMicro - VBA32 - Scan report generated by NoVirusThanks.org Aveti grija doar pe unde il scanati ! P.S: Sursa este in Binder Pass arhiva: {85,5,-41,20,87,-57,247,57,-78,37,80,-113,28,0}; Hint: ROT 30 & RxBot http://www.sendspace.com/file/vvyouc
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