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Everything posted by spawn_705

  1. eu, am inteles perfect! Nu asta era problema!
  2. o explicatie detaliata, interesanta...totusi ar trebui sa ai un pic de rabdare cu incepatorii, si sa fii un pic mai calm :@
  3. How to send fake anonymous mail using MS-Dos First connect with telnet to a mail server ( using MSDos type eg: " telnet smtp.gmail.com 25 " ) ( 25 is the defaul port for smtp service ) you will get something like " 220 mx.gmail.com ESMTP l21sm6755732nfc " Then say " HELO " You will get 250 mx.GMAIL.com at your service Then to send your mail, ( and remember some mail servers dont allow relay ) type: MAIL FROM: yourfriendsmail@gmail.com RCPT TO: yourfriendsmail@gmail.com DATA ( press enter ) type your message, tell your friend you got the pass to his/her mail.... Something like this From: yourfriendsmail@gmail.com To: yourfriendsmail@gmail.com Subject: Gotcha..... I got your email's password... . <-( see this dot at the left, this tells the server that the data is ready to be sent, the mail will be delivered if you put a " . " alone and press Enter. For more info read the smtp RFC at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0821.txt
  4. nici la mine nu a mers
  5. multumesc frumos frate este foarte interesant
  6. sal'! Am citit postul este SUPERB, foarte fluent si pe intelesul tuturor! Se cunoaste ca esti un maestru, si sper ca in viitor sa invat cat mai multe legate de calculatoare, si hacking!
  7. spawn_705


    salutare tuturor! Sunt onorat sa va cunosc, si in primul rind felicitari pt site! Nu credeam ca cineva va crea un site de hacking pentru romani, mai ales ca a ajuns in top 100 pe progenic! Felicitari inca odata, si sper sa reziste siteul asta mai mult de 1000 de ani!
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