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  • Birthday 11/14/1991


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  • Interests
    Fotbal , Game hacking , C
  • Occupation
    Develop hacks

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  1. cauta sa vinzi reclama , promote website , pay per click etc

    VPS gratis

    Aparent cu 50 lei pe card zice ca nu imi poate face tranzactia , genial
  3. @StrXt mersii =]]]] acum stiu ca e fata
  4. nu cunosc numarul nu stiu ... dar ma dispera jur acelasi sunet il aud cateodata la orice apel cand vorbesc daca faceam numai intrebam
  5. Problema suna in felul urmator , ma tot suna un numar care , cand ii raspuns imi inchide iar atunci cand il sun inapoi raspunde si nu se aude nimic decat un sunet ciudat pe fundal.
  6. 1. Ac?iuni pentru care ve?i primi avertisment sau chiar ban: offtopic, post dublu(ave?i buton de editare), post inutil, redeschidere topic, insultare membru(atac la persoan?), nume topic inadecvat, informa?ie deja postat?, limbaj inadecvat(IRC style - sh, tz, CAPS, în culori sau agramat total), avatare mari sau care întrec bunul sim?, semn?turi penibile, linkuri cu referrer, imagini dinamice în semn?tur?.
  7. 13. F?r? posturi despre Adf.ly, bux, tox, mux sau cum se mai cheam? site-urile pentru chineji care fac 2 dolari pe lun? ?i se bucur?. Se va l?sa cu warn.
  8. For years, those of us who have tried to warn the American public that Big Brother monitors all Internet users were demonized, vilified and ridiculed. "The U.S. government -- and likely your own government, for that matter -- is either watching your online activity every minute of the day through automated methods and non-human eavesdropping techniques, or has the ability to dip in as and when it deems necessary -- sometimes with a warrant, sometimes without," ZDNet reported earlier this month. "That tin-foil hat really isn't going to help. Take it off, you look silly." Learn more : Mainstream media now openly admits the FBI and CIA are reading all your emails
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