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- Birthday 03/19/1993
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SlackerTM replied to SlackerTM's topic in Locuri de munca
e groasa gogule nu vrea nimeni sa ti-o zica...vb romaneasca le furi painea de la gura sau pe premisa job ului nu-l bag la munca ca poate ma da pe mine afara si ramane el -
Hai la multi ani Romania si la multi ani 2025, Baietii veterani clan adevarat pe felie. scuzati offpostingul sau aroganta. Vrem si noi sa mai facem bani de o shaorma un 5-10eur pe zi de la birou cand nu este sefu' pe langa noi.. ca e grele, anu' asta nici ulei nu s-a primit de la PSD.. Un bot ceva? Alte alternatice macar de un kaufland grill sa iasa zilnic. laptop pont conectiune sigura tot ce trebuie salve fratilor
Salve Nistro, Multumesc de feedback
Salut baieti, o primavra frumoasa voua si femeilor din viata voastra Vin si intreb chiar daca au mai facut-o poate inca 50 de persoane in avans si probabil nu il cel mai explicit limbaj voua, rog si solicit intelegere. Despre ce este vorba? Ma gandesc de ceva timp fara sa iau o actiune, cheia esecului si cheia succesului. Poate ca e momentul sa ma pun singur cu fata la perete...sau poate asta e primul demers de fac asta si scriu aici.. let'e see Ma gandesc de o perioada sa intru in crypto cu un buget de 3.000E cu care sa cumpar btc la o suma prea bine definita cca 35-40k de toti 3.000E, cu ordin de cumparare la 3.000 si vanzare la cca cu ordin de 45k iar tot profitul sa-l scot sau sa-l pun la staking. In teorie totul suna simplu, rentabil si easy money. Face concret cineva asta? Te scarpini la urechea stanga cu mana dreapta? ceva tips and tricks sau forget the plan? Salve
trimite și mie te rog link-ul
Salut. Sunt interesat sa incep sa invat programare, am 22de ani si 0experienta in domeniu. De curand am aflat de o platforma romaneasca ce pretinde ca, poate invata pe un individ/a 1limbaj de programare mulat pe capabilitatile acelei persoane. Practic exista o echipa formata din programatori ce te pot invata orice iti doresti onlie. Acum eu va intreb pe voi, stiu ca printre voi subt foarte multi experti in domeniu. As vrea sa incerc sa invat un limbaj de programate, cum ar fii: baze de date ;(presupun ca exista multa cerere in domeniu asta). Bazele programarii, etc. Platforma este: “”wellcode. r o”. Aici exista un interviu free. In care ei te suna ai afla mai multe lucruri despre ce vrei sa faci. Se muleaza dupa dorintele tale. Nu este specificat pretul acestui serviciu..presupun ca difera de la caz la caz. Rog un admin sa stearga link ul daca o considera o reclama. Acum va rog nu da-ti cu hate. Simt si trebuie sa fac ceva cu viata mea.. nu aleg asta doar din princina baniilor pe care ii poti castiga. Acesti indivizi sustin ca te poti angaja in mai putin de 365de zile. Va rog ce parere veti, nu da-ti cu hate. Si scuze daca te-am plictisit citind topicul.
ma poate ajuta cineva cu un sfat?
pentru ca a vrut si pentru ca a putut
SlackerTM started following de ce mineaza pe nanopool?
ETH: 06/29/18-11:39:18 - New job from ETH - Total Speed: 89.347 Mh/s, Total Shares: 7, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:13 ETH: GPU0 29.799 Mh/s, GPU1 29.802 Mh/s, GPU2 29.746 Mh/s GPU #0: Ellesmere (Radeon RX Series), 8178 MB available, 32 compute units (pci bus 1:0:0) GPU #1: Ellesmere (Radeon RX Series), 8178 MB available, 32 compute units (pci bus 3:0:0) GPU #2: Ellesmere (Radeon RX Series), 8178 MB available, 32 compute units (pci bus 6:0:0) ETH - Total Speed: 89.465 Mh/s, Total Shares: 7(4+1+2), Rejected: 0(0+0+0), Time: 00:13 ETH: GPU0 29.836 Mh/s, GPU1 29.831 Mh/s, GPU2 29.798 Mh/s Incorrect ETH shares: none 1 minute average ETH total speed: 89.437 Mh/s Pool switches: ETH - 0 Current ETH share target: 0x000000006df37f67 (diff: 10000MH), epoch 195(2.52GB) Current -dcri values: -dcri 6,6,6 GPU0 t=48C fan=83%, GPU1 t=47C fan=83%, GPU2 t=46C fan=83% GPU #0: Ellesmere (Radeon RX Series), 8178 MB available, 32 compute units (pci bus 1:0:0) GPU #1: Ellesmere (Radeon RX Series), 8178 MB available, 32 compute units (pci bus 3:0:0) GPU #2: Ellesmere (Radeon RX Series), 8178 MB available, 32 compute units (pci bus 6:0:0) ETH - Total Speed: 89.443 Mh/s, Total Shares: 7(4+1+2), Rejected: 0(0+0+0), Time: 00:13 ETH: GPU0 29.810 Mh/s, GPU1 29.820 Mh/s, GPU2 29.812 Mh/s Incorrect ETH shares: none 1 minute average ETH total speed: 89.440 Mh/s Pool switches: ETH - 0 Current ETH share target: 0x000000006df37f67 (diff: 10000MH), epoch 195(2.52GB) Current -dcri values: -dcri 6,6,6 GPU0 t=48C fan=83%, GPU1 t=46C fan=83%, GPU2 t=46C fan=83% maxgputemp 85 stratumproxy enabled proxywallet 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb9299d4c7cfbbb8aa0ed779 proxypool1 proxypool2 flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200 globalfan 85 cor 4f17c7 1250 1250 1250 mem 4f17c7 2050 2050 2050 pwr 4f17c7 6 6 6 vlt 4f17c7 900 900 900 miner 4f17c7 claymore # ethOS Pool: # QUICK START GUIDE: # HOSTING YOUR OWN REMOTE CONFIG WITH CONFIGMAKER.COM: # # Read the ethOS knowledge base, a useful guide to getting set up: # Read the ethOS changelog for version information and latest changes: # Read the ethOS source for verification of source: # # There is no email or phone support for ethOS: # NOTE: Everything with a hashtag/poundsign is a comment, and is ignored by all scripts. # WARNING: Using apt-get to upgrade, update, and/or install packages is unsupported and will likely break ethOS. # # GLOBAL CONFIG SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO ALL RIGS # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # globalminer ethminer # maxgputemp 85 # stratumproxy enabled # proxywallet 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb92994c7cfbbb8aa00ed779 # proxypool1 # proxypool2 # poolpass1 x # poolpass2 x # poolemail # flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200 # globalcore 1000 # globalmem 1250 # globalfan 90 # globalpowertune 20 # autoreboot false # custompanel publicsecret # lockscreen enabled # globaldesktop disabled # globalname disabled # ------------------------------------------------------ # # EXPLANATION OF SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO ALL RIGS # If using "pool" parameter, write WORKER (a placeholder variable) in place of rig name (i.e. NOT rig1, myrig, home, warehouse2, etc). # # globalminer: set global miner (ethminer sgminer-gm claymore claymore-zcash optiminer-zcash sgminer-gm-xmr cgminer-skein ewbf-zcash dstm-zcash ccminer) # NOTE: ewbf-zcash, dstm-zcash and ccminer (xmr, and others) is for nvidia; for ccminer flags, see ) # maxgputemp: the temperature in C that your GPUs will trigger the miner to turn off # stratumproxy: enabled/disabled/miner/nicehash (enabled by default; disabled: pool option, nicehash: nicehash support, miner: internal miner proxy) # proxywallet: the address to which this rig's proxy will mine (only used if stratumproxy is not disabled) # proxypool1: stratum proxy's first pool (only used if stratumproxy is not disabled) # proxypool2: stratum proxy's failover pool (only used if stratumproxy is not disabled) # poolpass1: password for first pool (not used for most pools) # poolpass2: password for failover pool (not used for most pools) # poolemail: use only with pools that accepts emails for alerts (nanopool, etc); it might cause some other pools not to work # flags: set desired flags here, the defaults are known good working # globalcore: set the global core clock of all GPUs # globalmem: set the global mem clock of all GPUs # globalfan: set the fan speed percent (0-100) # globalpowertune: set the power tune setting of all GPUs (r9 290/x/390/x should use 50; RX should use 4-7 depending on overclock; for nvidia, this is watt limit) # autoreboot: set to a number (autoreboot 3), allow rigs to autoreboot if they soft crash (max of 3 reboots, run clear-thermals to reset counter) # custompanel: set panel ID, exactly 12 characters, first 6 is your preferred panel ID, last 6 is your private key # lockscreen: lock the ethOS desktop upon boot # globaldesktop: login prompt user/pass is ethos/live, set ethOS to headless mode by setting like "globaldesktop disabled" (only works for RX/AMDGPU) # globalname: set ethOS not to use worker name (useful for pools that do not allow worker names) # pool: only used with stratumproxy disabled, use this if you have a network proxy or getwork pool (example: ) # # PER-RIG STYLE CONFIG SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO INDIVIDUAL RIGS (AND THEIR RESPECTIVE INDIVIDUAL GPUS) # NOTICE: c94e13 is a SAMPLE rig/[worker]/hostname, change it to the rig/[worker]/hostname of YOUR RIG # NOTICE: Your rig/[worker]/hostname names are assigned automatically by the OS, do not change them # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [worker] [gpu0 value] [gpu1 value] [gpu2 value] [gpu3 value] [gpu4 value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # cor c94e13 950 1000 1050 1025 980 # mem c94e13 1250 1500 1500 1250 1250 # fan c94e13 90 80 85 100 70 # pwr c94e13 10 20 15 15 20 # vlt c94e13 0 1118 0 0 1118 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [worker] [value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # miner c94e13 ethminer # flg c94e13 --cl-local-work 256 --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200 # mxt c94e13 70 # reb c94e13 1 # loc c94e13 d3 # sel c94e13 1 2 4 # off c94e13 # wallet c94e13 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb92994c7cfbbb8aa00ed779 # rigpool1 c94e13 # rigpool2 c94e13 # rigpoolpass1 c94e13 x # rigpoolpass2 c94e13 x # driverless c94e13 enabled # desktop c94e13 disabled # name c94e13 disabled # ------------------------------------------------------ # # EXPLANATION OF SETTINGS FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGS # # cor [worker]: set the core clock of individual GPUs on a single rig # mem [worker]: set the mem clock of individual GPUs on a single rig # fan [worker]: set the fan speed of individual GPUs on a single rig # pwr [worker]: set the powertune of individual GPUs on a single rig # vlt [worker]: set the voltage of individual GPUs on a single rig, in millivolts (mv) i.e. 1080mv = 1.08v # miner [worker]: set miner (ethminer, sgminer-gm, claymore, zcash-miner, optiminer-zcash, sgminer-gm-xmr, claymore-zcash, ewbf-zcash) ewbf-zcash is for zcash on nvidia # flg [worker]: set the flags of a single rig (applies to all GPUs on the rig) # mxt [worker]: set the maxgputemp of a single rig (applies to all GPUs on the rig) # reb [worker]: increment this value (example: 4 becomes 5) and the single rig will automatically reboot within 10 minutes # loc [worker]: set a maximum 8-letter code for rack/location information on a single rig (each rig MUST have a different code, or it will not report to panel) # sel [worker]: set the GPUs that should mine, default is no sel flag set, all GPUs may mine) # off [worker]: do not start the miner on boot (no such thing as "on", remove entire line to let miner start) # wallet [worker]: set the wallet for an individual rig (just the wallet, nothing else) # rigpool1 [worker]: set the primary pool:port for an individual rig # rigpool2 [worker]: set the secondary pool:port for an individual rig # rigpoolpass1 [worker]: set the primary pool password for an individual rig # rigpoolpass2 [worker]: set the seconday pool password for an individual rig # driverless [worker]: login prompt user/pass is ethos/live, force the rig to boot without graphics driver, for debugging purposes (this will turn off mining) # desktop [worker]: login prompt user/pass is ethos/live, set ethOS to headless mode by setting like "desktop [worker] disabled" (only works for RX/AMDGPU) # name [worker]: set ethOS not to use worker name (useful for pools that do not allow worker names) # # PER-BIOS STYLE CONFIG SETTINGS THAT APPLY TO CLASS OF GPU, BASED ON GPU BIOS NAME # ONLY USEFUL IF USING REMOTE CONFIG # NOTICE: 113-C6711101-100 is a SAMPLE GPU bios name, change it to the GPU bios name of YOUR GPU # NOTICE: For a list of GPU bioses, click the "GPU bioses" link in your stats panel # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [type] [bios name] [value] # ------------------------------------------------------ # cor 113-C6711101-100 1050 # mem 113-C6711101-100 1250 # fan 113-C6711101-100 100 # pwr 113-C6711101-100 50 # vlt 113-C6711101-100 1118 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # SAMPLE RX 400 SERIES CONFIG # # If you have global configs defined for fglrx rigs, you must use individual rig configs for rigs that have RX 400 series GPUS. # # KNOWN GOOD WORKING GLOBAL CONFIG FOR AMDGPU # NOTE: globalpowertune is DPM state range 0-7, set lower for lower power usage, set higher if overclocking. # ------------------------------------------------------ # globalpowertune 5 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # SAMPLE PER-RIG CONFIG FOR AMDGPU (for a 6-gpu rig) # NOTE: pwr is DPM state range 0-7, set lower for lower power usage, set higher if overclocking. # ------------------------------------------------------ # cor c94e13 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 # mem c94e13 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 # pwr c94e13 7 7 7 7 7 7 # ------------------------------------------------------ # # IN MULTI-RIG MODE, EXAMPLES OF MULTIPLE POOLS/WALLETS/PASSWORDS # You can define your pool information globally. Then, your per-rig miner will retrieve the parameters. # # SAMPLE FORMAT: # [miner]=[parameter] value # ------------------------------------------------------ # claymore-zcash=proxypool1 # claymore-zcash=proxypool2 # claymore-zcash=proxywallet 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb92994c7cfbbb8aa00ed779 # claymore-zcash=poolpass1 x # claymore-zcash=poolpass2 x # # sgminer-gm=proxypool1 # sgminer-gm=proxypool2 # sgminer-gm=proxywallet 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb92994c7cfbbb8aa00ed779 # sgminer-gm=poolpass1 x # sgminer-gm=poolpass2 x # --------------------------------------------------------- # # # SAMPLE XMR CONFIG (note: the wallet and payment id is long, there are no line breaks) # ------------------------------------------------------- # globalminer sgminer-gm-xmr # sgminer-gm-xmr=proxypool1 # sgminer-gm-xmr=proxypool2 # sgminer-gm-xmr=proxywallet 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb92994c7cfbbb8aa00ed779 # sgminer-gm-xmr=poolpass1 x # sgminer-gm-xmr=poolpass2 x # --------------------------------------------------------- # # # SAMPLE DUALMINER CONFIG (for claymore) # --------------------------------------------------------- # dualminer enabled # dualminer-coin sia # dualminer-pool # dualminer-wallet 0x1833a20e5c44a3fdfb92994c7cfbbb8aa00ed779 # dualminer-poolpass x # --------------------------------------------------------- # # # REMOTE REBOOT NOTES # # You are able to reboot remotely. Start with "1" (no quotes) to reboot a rig. # Then, if you want to reboot again, increment it to 2, then 3, then 4, etc etc (never skip any numbers).
Vand rig minat care produce constant 90mh/s . Toata configuratia este noua. Absolut toate piesele sunt asigurate si au garantie. Se vinde impreuna cu carcasa rig din metal care sustine 6placi video cu buton on/off. Tot sistemul a costat 93de milioane. Il vand la 1600€ Procesor Intel Kaby Lake, Celeron Dual-Core G3930 2.90GHz 3 buc Placa video Sapphire Radeon RX 570 NITRO+ 8GB DDR5 Placa de baza GIGABYTE GA-H110-D3A SSD Silicon-Power Slim S55 Series 120GB SATA-III 2.5 inch - SP120GBSS3S55S25 3 buc Accesoriu carcasa Riser PCIe V007c - PCIe-V007c buc 3 1 Sursa Inter-Tech GW-M1200, 80+ Gold, 1250W - GW-M1200 buc 1 Memorie ADATA Premier 4GB DDR4 2400MHz CL17 1.2v - AD4U2400J4G17-S PM
Salut. Mineaza cineva cu ethos? Am o mica problema si nu stiu cum sa o rezolv. Multumesc
sau de unde pot cumpara?
Salut. Cumpar 2conturi de instagram, cu followers reali 100%. Sa aiba cel putin 2k. Vreau sa le transform in 2conturi personale de instagram. Plata o pot face cash in Bucuresti sau OMV in afara Bucurestiului. Astept ofertele voastre insotite de linkuri directe spre paginile de instagram.
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