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dragosh1904 last won the day on August 7 2010

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    [fost elev] student
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    zippy world :P

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  1. 1.Da ar fi ceva îns? nu stiu cat de oameni ar fi cei care ar cumpara poate schimba vreunul parola sau mai rau d? delete eu m-a? b?ga de?i nu sunt webdv îns? nu sti niciodat? de unde sare iepurele 2 da atât era pt c? membershipul e pe via?a la tot siteul si e un site cu destule likeuri plus ca e în parteneriat cu mashable su techcrunch si altele 3 po?i g?si tu oameni dac? vrei ?i ma anunti si pe mine poate poate eu sunt cam ocupat. numaibine!
  2. Fara prea multe de zis e o oferta de la 2000$ ajunge la 79$ pentru un membership pe viata pentru peste 8000 de tutoriale de calitate pe web developper,asa ca m-am gandit si la voi:). Sincer daca aveam banii,il luam pe loc! 8 Zile ramase! Numai bine! link : https://stacksocial.com/sales/os-training-learn-with-a-lifetime-of-hacking-development-training?aid=a-lj3950br# **************************************************************************************** " LIFETIME OS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Whether you want to learn OS Development now, or maybe not for a few more years – how can you say no to a lifetime of hacking and open source development training? This kind of value does not come around often. With a laundry list of successful companies, top ranked universities and government agencies using this in-depth resource, you would be crazy not to get on board. Apple and The White House WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT The amazing value of this course pretty much speaks for itself. The 1800 in-depth videos & monthly 400 page web design ebooks will get you coding like a champ in no time. With expert teachers and this much content, you will have everything you need master these integral coding techniques. If that wasn’t enough for you, the OSTraining team is the best around with their experience in the field and teaching background. Plus, they encourage suggestions on new courses and topics so you’re always able to find the courses you’re interested in. TOP FEATURES Over 1800 videos covering WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, SEO, HTML, CSS, PHP with a new class releasing each week Every month you’ll get a new, 400-page web design book worth over $40 each If you don’t see a video class or a tutorial on a topic you need, the OS Training Team is always listening for new course suggestions Videos range from absolute beginner classes to advanced coding Only the very best, experienced teachers in their respective fields Every time you complete a video class, you’ll earn a highly-quality printable certificate WHAT YOU’LL NEED Just a browser to watch and learn. OSTraining will provide you with the information to download programs used for each course. THE PROOF “Excellent instruction. Hands-on-learning experience. Well prepared and tailored to our needs. Steve is incredibly knowledgeable and was able to address our most challenging questions.” – David “Thanks for the training. It was absolutely fantastic. I personally think this should be a class offered in college or even high school for students.” – Jerome “The class and the resources that you provided were EXTREMELY helpful.” – Elliott THE EXPERT – OSTraining Team OSTraining takes great pride in their teaching staff. All their staff members are both web designers and teachers. They have worked as professional web designers but also have college or K-12 teaching experience. "
  3. pcgarage (oferte de kko) https://qas-shared-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/snaps/exed78ipt4xcg14 https://qas-shared-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/snaps/ndvy86kyss40wwm
  4. Ca tot sunt acum sarbatorile si ca tot se termina anul asta 2012 vreau sa va ofer 50 Gb gratis pe box.net!Da,gratis. Nu e nimic ilegal am o oferta de la box.net si atat! Nelimitat (sper)! PM cu mail si parola(nu trebuie sa fie cea de la mail cea pt contul dorit pe box.net) si pt restul detaliilor! PS. Box.net = Dropbox skydrive google drive
  5. Mersi pentru raspunsuri! E super ok Sony insa ce nu mi place mie e ca nu ii poti pune card bateria care tine putin si ca are cacaturile alea la incarcator. inca la S2 nu gasesc dezavntaje asa mari:). Sa vedem ce ofer BF . Ps am gasit pe price.ro S2 la 1400 ron nush cat de adevarata o fi oferta aia! Mai astept si opinile altora!
  6. Multzam pt raspuns. hmm da dar nu stiu ce sa zic telefon facut de romani tare frica imi e la cum o sa se comporte touchul si camera la allview @ Config. Mi as lua de pe okazii dar imi e sa nu iau teapa!
  7. Salutare la toti! Stiu s-a mai intrebat acest lucru dar ce telefon imi recomandati pentru un buget de maxim 1700 ron in cazul in care: * imi place android os *vreau ceva ce este performant dar in acelasi timp sa tina si bateria *un telefon rezistent cat de cat *nu prea ma incanta ideea Second Hand preferintele mea ar fi samsung s2 Telefon mobil Samsung I9100 Galaxy S2, 16GB, Black I9100 Galaxy S II - eMAG.ro sau http://www.emag.ro/telefon-mobil-htc-one-s-black-53845/pd/EMGCTBBBM/ insa stiu ca e un pic cam vechi si cam mare si am inteles ca are si cateva probleme cu semnalul. ar mai fi: xperia s Telefon Mobil Sony XPERIA S, White 52555 - eMAG.ro sau sa imi iau unul mai ieftin care nu are performante voi ce imi recomandati? Numai bine!
  8. Sunt inca activ!(nu va las asa usor(mereu va urmaresc din umbra))
  9. Lma!
  10. super interesant khanacademy mi l-au recomandat cei mai multi prieteni de ai mei:),este foarte bun insa parerea mea e ca matematica nu se invata doar uitandu te pe YT,trebuie si sa lucrezi pe hartie. @m2g video ala mi l a aratat proful de programare:)
  11. nu i suport nici eu:more Mi?care de protest împotriva SOPA ?i PIPA Wikipedia’s community calls for anti-SOPA blackout January 18 — Wikimedia blog sper ca nu a mai fost postat
  12. o sa l duc la garantie o sa revin cu detalii:)
  13. nu are overclocking e nou.biosul nu se poate modifica acum ii dau sa crape dar nu se restarteaza deloc
  14. incep sa regret ca nu am luat samsungul ala ca al tau.Am ajuns cu strss testul la 96 de grade cred ca sun la garantie..
  15. @firewind nu sunt praf senzorii foloseam hwmonitor mult mai bun decat aida64 + ca e free am incercat si cu aida si acelasi lucru mi-a aratat. Un prieten mi-a spus ca s-ar putea la inceput sa fie asa pana se lipeste bine pasta conductoare ar trebui sa se incinga.Nu am auzit asta dar ma rog m am mai jucat azi gta vad ca la 89 sta maxim. Am luat de pe net niste programe si i am facut stress test adica conditiile maxime de functionare. am si cateva grafice.
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