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About oaevqbdw

  • Birthday 04/04/1984

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  1. tu faci direct frauda cu contul acela de paypal, o sa iei ban probabil pentru asta
  2. popii care sunt la mine la biserica in cartier au audi a6, audi a8 un jeep si inca o masina de lux,fiind in drumul meu la serv ii vad zilnic cu bolizii in parcarea bisericii, sunt full de bani si basini in cap, nu le mai ajungi la nas nici cu prajina chestia de cacat este ca, odata la 2 luni trimit oameni cu carutele in zona de influenta a bisericii respective ca sa le dai si citez : 'zahar, orez, ulei, oua, faina, si bani' umbla in grup cate 4-5 persoane insotite de un popa, stau la bloc sau la casa la fiecare persoana destul de mult timp ca sa le dai ceva, nici de ai dracu nu pleaca cu mana goala, avand un tupeu incredibil, ma scot din minti sincer cand ii vad, dabia mi-am convins parintii sa nu le mai dea nimic. cu cat lumea e mai proasta cu atat nr de popi si biserici va creste, fiind mai usor de manipulat,asta e adevarata mafie, uitati-va la tv astia care se roaga pe la moaste si alte chestii, chiar acum cateva zile am vazut la tv, unii se rugau ca sa scape de raceala, sa castige copiii bani mai multi, iti sta mintea-n loc
  3. OCCRP announces 2013 Organized Crime and Corruption “Person of the Year” OCCRP award acknowledges those who promote Uncivil Society Extortion and smuggling. Counterfeiting, fraud, and money laundering. Hacking and bribery. Organized crime groups and corrupt persons have been wildly successful in 2013. They have trafficked and enslaved millions of people around the globe, hustled hundreds of billions of dollars through drug sales, corrupted countless persons and further cemented partnerships at the nexus of crime and politics. Every year, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) acknowledges the efforts of those who work tirelessly to promote crime and corruption. For 2013, we give this dubious distinction to to the Romanian parliament. Chamber of Deputies (Photo: Parliament of Romania) Honorable mentions go to Serbian drug trafficker Darko Šari? and to Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of the president of Uzbekistan. Crime figures often work diligently to evade the law. This year, the Romanian parliament has won our annual award for its efforts to achieve that very goal—through legal channels. Early this December, the Romanian parliament approved amendments to the criminal code that would give its members, as well as other elected government officials, immunity from corruption charges. full article : https://reportingproject.net/occrp/index.php/press-box/2269-occrp-announces-2013-organized-crime-and-corruption-person-of-the-year- ?tiu ca nu este tocmai o ?tire din domeniul IT dar am zis ca e destul de interesant, dac? e vreo problema se poate ?terge postul.
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