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Everything posted by kw3rln
encoded mi la aratat pe asta:
si puneti si ceva theme pt 3 care va plac
ce forum preferati? phpbb2 sau 3? ma tot gandesc de ceva vreme sa pun 3-u ... care aveti experienta cu el spuneti aici parerile.... si va astept sa votati in poll ma astept la ceva detasament pt phpbb3 daca ii sa-l trebuie schimbat TOT CMS-ul sa fie compatibil cu 3-u UPDATE: si puneti si ceva theme pt 3 care va plac
najpa... dupa cum vezi click4trick ne sunt parteneri..
wtf nytro? topic inchis!
nunu .. ca atunci nu mai include $show .. nu mai respecta conditia new=old
nice find cam copaci programatorii aia else { [RFI FILTER $oldshow = $show; $oldsize = strlen($show); $show = str_replace("http://", "" , $show); $show = str_replace("www", "" , $show); $show = str_replace("ftp://", "" , $show); $show = str_replace("https://", "" , $show); $newsize = strlen($show); if($oldsize == $newsize) { [NO LFI FILTER ]
am vb cu el putin pe mess ghiciti ce? flood frate... e la mode la cocalarii hackeri romani
bug-ul merge doar pe wingoz bug-ul e in server.cpp void clientHandle(int connfd, httpquery_t *query, int tid) ... if(strstr(str,"../")) // hack attempt, display index page { str[0]='\0'; } are protectie pt ../ dar la wingoz merge si ..\
Nu esti in directorul in care se afla programul. Vezi comanda cd. adica ? sunt mai n00b nu inteleg :roll: mai incearca sa vezi cum ii..daca tot nu intelegi da-mi mie pm te rog ca te ajut eu
da..noua mea achizitie pe langa X5
ip: (si altele..da nu-i pb ca ai ip dinamic sau furi net) user: best_bunnn site: cersetor: si PENAL ! ai mai dat si sapt trecuta.... nu te saturi? email sent to
pt serverele cu webmod:
daca mai tineti minte ) obisnuiam sa-mi pun inele de la tuborg pe deget sa vad dimineata cat am beut
la multi ani ne traiesti mult si bine coae...grija cu alcoolu
nu..dar in schimb primesti ban
ah nici mie... maine il fac
Zilele astea ma ocup de BUG REPORTS! astept idei aici
Cred ca FOARTE multe site-uri sunt vulnerabile... o aparut in New York Times: Successfully poisoned the latest BIND with fully randomized ports! Exploit required to send more than 130 thousand of requests for the fake records like to be able to match port and ID and insert poisoned entry for the # dig @localhost +norecurse ; <<>> DiG 9.5.0-P2 <<>> @localhost +norecurse ; (1 server found) ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6950 ;; flags: qr ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 73557 IN NS ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 73557 IN A # named -v BIND 9.5.0-P2 BIND used fully randomized source port range, i.e. around 64000 ports. Two attacking servers, connected to the attacked one via GigE link, were used, each one attacked 1-2 ports with full ID range. Usually attacking server is able to send about 40-50 thousands fake replies before remote server returns the correct one, so if port was matched probability of the successful poisoning is more than 60%. Attack took about half of the day, i.e. a bit less than 10 hours. So, if you have a GigE lan, any trojaned machine can poison your DNS during one night... original source:
oare o sa se kinuie careva?
nu ma... configureaza-ti routeru mai intai
same notebook DELL