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Google Researcher Issues How-To On Attacking XP
begood replied to reikoku's topic in Stiri securitate
Google researcher gives Microsoft 5 days to fix XP zero-day bug - Computerworld Full Disclosure: Microsoft Windows Help Centre Handles Malformed Escape Sequences Incorrectly http://rstcenter.com/forum/23355-bug-gives-attackers-complete-control-windows-pcs.rst -
Consideram ca v > c Dam o valoare oarecare : v = c + 1, c+1>c evident. numitorul ecuatiei de mai sus devine : radacina fiind negativa : //scuzati am uitat un patrat data trecuta, inainte de a edita postul t final = -t/2 acel minus, adus in prima ecuatie va da un timp negativ, rezulta ca te intorci in timp. Asta ar fi explicatia matematica. Daca stai sa te gandesti intuitiv, accelerand, ajungi sa te aproprii la viteza luminii, timpul se dilata din ce in ce mai mult pana ajunge infinit in momentul in care tu ai viteza c, de acolo o ia "invers" din cauza ca tu practic prinzi din urma si "depasesti" fotonii care au viteza constanta, viteza luminii. Astfel tu percepi ceva ce "deja s-a intamplat", timpul curgand invers.
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cu ciucurelu' cufundat in bere nici la strand nu poti sta, e full + la soare e rupere fuck, maine o sa fiu toata ziua pe afara
ce teorii se bat cap in cap ? e totul clar.
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fara alte explicatii : Cursurile de fizic? introductiv?, precum ?i unele manuale mai vechi despre teoria relativit??ii restrânse definesc o mas? relativist? care cre?te cu cre?terea vitezei unui corp. Conform interpret?rii geometrice a relativit??ii restrânse, aceast? defini?ie nu se mai folose?te, iar termenul "mas?" este limitat la no?iunea de mas? de repaus fiind astfel independent? de sistemul de referin??. Folosind defini?ia relativist? a masei, masa unui obiect poate varia în func?ie de sistemul de referin?? iner?ial al observatorului, în acela?i fel în care alte propriet??i ale sale, cum ar fi lungimea, fac acela?i lucru. Definirea unei astfel de cantit??i poate fi uneori util? prin faptul c? aceast? definire simplific? un calcul restric?ionându-l la un anumit sistem de referin??. De exemplu, considerând un corp cu masa de repaus m care se mi?c? la o anumit? vitez? relativ la un sistem de referin?? al observatorului. Acel observator define?te masa relativist? a corpului ca fiind: iar beta e (v/c) exact formula postata anterior : Teoria relativit??ii restrânse - Wikipedia Practic este o masa de repaus si o masa de miscare, toate fiind relative la sistemul de referinta. De exemplu : - observatorul sta pe loc in raport cu pamanul, corpul sta pe loc in raport cu pamantul => observatorul si corpul stau pe loc unul in raport cu celalalt => avem masa de repaus. - observatorul sta pe loc in rap cu P., corpul se deplaseaza cu o viteza v in raport cu P. => corpul se deplaseaza din punctul de vedere al observatorului => avem masa de miscare - ob. si corpul se deplaseaza cu doua viteze diferite (v,u), pe aceeasi axa si aceeasi directie, fata de pamant => observatorul percepe viteza relativa dintre ei adica u-v, iar asta va fi aplicata la calculele ce deriva. - etc etc mai sunt si alte posibilitati, dar doar cele de sus sunt relevante aici.
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blackboy1337 parca a testat scripturi ale lui fitty pe FL
masa e relativa, depinde de punctul de observare. poate sa creasca poate sa scada. nu se aplica "legea conservarii masei" decat la viteze mici. in cazul asta se aplica legea conservarii impulsului (p=m*v) p initial = p final recomand ai dreptate, nu am ales un exemplu relevant, ma gandeam la altceva. in cazul ala volumul doar scade, densitatea creste iar masa e constanta. ideea e ca masa nu e constanta din cauza celor spuse mai sus.
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simplu. viteza implica compresarea distantelor => volumul devine mai mic => densitatea mai mare, dar totul e relativ - exact chestia in care nu voiam sa intru - daca te cantaresti in nava care se deplaseaza rectiliniu si constant la o viteza apropiata de viteza luminii, vei vedea aceeasi masa ca si pe "pamant". Daca un observator te-ar putea cantari "din ochi" ca altfel nu pot sa explic acum, in timp ce tu te deplasezi cu viteza mare, el ar inregistra o masa foarte mare, care tinde chiar la infinit, totul depinzand de viteza ta. nu stiu cum sa-ti explic acum mai bine decat cu urmatorul exercitiu mintal : luam un patrat. il masuram pe orizontala/verticala, si constatam ca are aceeasi lungime. Acum il acceleram la 0.999*c. (~299700 km/s). Daca il masuram pe verticala (miscarea facandu-se pe orizontala), vom constanta ca lungimea laturii verticale e aceeasi cu lungimea laturii cand am masurat patratul "static". Daca il masuram pe orizontala, vom constata ca lungimea laturii este mai mica. Deci il vom "percepe" ca pe un dreptunghi din ce in ce mai "ingust" pe masura ce are o viteza mai mare. De aici poti deduce ce se intampla cu un cub accelerat => volumul este perceput mai mic => toate cele.
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@cmiN fotonii NU au masa. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/960731.html experimentul la care te referi tu este cel in care lumina interfereaza distructiv. @cmin@daatdraq odata ce ajungi la viteze din ce in ce mai apropiate de viteza luminii, energiile implicate de asemenea tind la infinit (deductie imediata din E=mc^2) @cmin@loki direct proportional produsul maselor corpurilor si invers proportional patratul distantei dintre ele.
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masa infinita la viteza luminii deoarece : exemplu : eu am 70 kg la 0.9c as avea : 160.5 kg 0.99c as avea : 496.2 kg 0.999c as avea : 1565 kg ... 0.999999999999999999999999c as avea : 49497474683 tone la c as avea masa infinita timpul la fel, se dilata observati ca formulele sunt asemenea. asadar la o viteza care tinde la viteza luminii, timpul devine infinit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation#Time_dilation_at_constant_acceleration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_dilation#The_relativistic_energy-momentum_equation http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/teachers/massenergy.pdf
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w = (u + v)/(1 + u*v/c^2) u = 1500 m/s v = 1220 m/s c = 299792458 m/s w = (1500 + 1220)/(1 + (1500*1220)/29979245 (m/s) = 2719.9999999446167308110027751355890362460457801557294072767 m/s asta e valoarea "exacta". newtonian : w = u + v w = (1500 + 1220) (m/s) = 2720 m/s daca te-ai deplasa cu viteza c te-ai opri in timp.daca ai depasi viteza luminii te-ai intoarce in timp (vezi cum se comporta tachionii) Primele patru linkuri sunt interesante, aveti documentatie acolo.
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@loki nu sunt doua teorii, e una generalizata (a lu einstein, si una simplificata newtoniana, care deriva din prima) Cum am zis mai sus, mecanica newtoniana e de fapt mecanica relativista, dar "simplificata", e unul si acelasi lucru, doar totul se petrece la viteze cu mult sub viteza luminii. nu-i adevarat. glontul va avea imprimata viteza ta + viteza cu care iese din teava => va fi mult mai mare decat viteza ta, considerand totul constant => nu il vei prinde din urma.
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pupu fag is come out with tongue
In mecanica clasica (newtoniana), intuitiv am spune w=c+v, c - viteza luminii, v - viteza glontelui, iar w ar fi viteza celor doua compuse. Doar ca in cazuri de genul asta, se aplica legea : w = (u + v)/(1 + u*v/c^2), de ce ? de dracu ( einstein ) La viteze mici (newtoniene, de sub ~~ c/10), u*v/c^2 tinde la zero, iar asta reduce ecuatia de mai sus la ce stim cu totii : w = u + v. Dar daca tragem cu pistolul in timp ce ne deplasam cu o viteza apropriata de viteza luminii, in directia si sensul deplasarii, cu viteza de sa zicem 0.99*c (99% din c) avem : (0.99c+0.99c)/(1+(0.99c*0.99c/(c^2))) = 0.999949 c Adica 99.9949% din viteza luminii, rezultand ca oricat de tare am trage cu pistolul oricum nu vom sparge bariera. (nu intru in detalii cu sistemele de referinta.) //am uitat sa precizez ca nimic ce are masa nu se poate deplasa cu viteza luminii => nu luam in calcul o viteza = c. begood=party pooper
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bravo tinky !
The sun is about to get a lot more active, which could have ill effects on Earth. So to prepare, top sun scientists met Tuesday to discuss the best ways to protect Earth's satellites and other vital systems from the coming solar storms. Solar storms occur when sunspots on our star erupt and spew out flumes of charged particles that can damage power systems. The sun's activity typically follows an 11-year cycle, and it looks to be coming out of a slump and gearing up for an active period. "The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity," said Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division. "At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to discuss." Fisher and other experts met at the Space Weather Enterprise Forum, which took place in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club. Bad news for gizmos People of the 21st century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. But smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A major solar storm could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina, warned the National Academy of Sciences in a 2008 report, "Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts." [Photos: Sun storms.] Luckily, much of the damage can be mitigated if managers know a storm is coming. That's why better understanding of solar weather, and the ability to give advance warning, is especially important. Putting satellites in 'safe mode' and disconnecting transformers can protect electronics from damaging electrical surges. "Space weather forecasting is still in its infancy, but we're making rapid progress," said Thomas Bogdan, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colo. Eyes on the sun NASA and NOAA work together to manage a fleet of satellites that monitor the sun and help to predict its changes. A pair of spacecraft called STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) is stationed on opposite sides of the sun, offering a combined view of 90 percent of the solar surface. In addition, SDO (the Solar Dynamics Observatory), which just launched in February 2010, is able to photograph solar active regions with unprecedented spectral, temporal and spatial resolution. Also, an old satellite called the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), which launched in 1997, is still chugging along monitoring winds coming off the sun. And there are dozens more dedicated to solar science. "I believe we're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather." Fisher said. "We take this very seriously indeed." More Active Sun Means Nasty Solar Storms Ahead - Yahoo! News + faptul ca nu avem niciun nor peste romania, ucraina, bulgaria, marea neagra si asa mai departe
Info NetworkScanViewer is a GUI application designed to help view the results of nessus (v4) and nmap (v5) scan results. It combines the functionality of both NessusViewer and NmapViewer. The application loads the scan data from nessus and nmap XML, does some data cleansing, then displays the results on the results list. The list data can be sorted by clicking on the column headers, so it is easy to order and locate particular information. There is also the ability to filter on specific information like host, port, service etc so it is easy to drill down to specific information. The export functionality exports using the data shown in the results list, so if you change the sort order or filter the results, then it is reflected in the export. It is also possible to permanently exclude scripts that just generate noise by right clicking on the item and selecting "Ignore Plugin" from the context menu. Excluded scripts can be re-added at any time by using the Options window. Features Data cleansing Export to CSV and XML Sortable data columns Data Filtering Script excluding Screenshot Requirements Microsoft .NET Framework v4.0 Download here. NetworkScanViewer v1.0.0 : woanware
Thousands of websites and who knows how many visitors were affected by the recently discovered mass SQL injection attack that targeted - among others - The Wall Street Journal and The Jerusalem Post websites. Sucuri Security spotted the attack on many websites and Googled the http://ww.robint.us/u.js web address to which the script was pointing, and according to the results, some 114.000 different pages contained it. Further investigation into the matter revealed the common denominator: all sites are hosted on IIS servers and use ASP.net. By sifting through the logs and the packet dump of the attack, they also discovered that the attack was launched against a third party ad management script. When a user visits a compromised site, the malicious code will attempt to redirect him to a site where malware is waiting to be installed on his machine and allow the criminals behind this attack remote access to it. Mary Landesman, security researcher with Cisco, claims that only around 7,000 pages are infected (she searched the entire script through Google, not just the web address it points to). She also points out that when it comes to larger websites, only certain pages on the websites are infected, which - she admits - might not mean much to affected users. Mass SQL injection attack compromises IIS/ASP sites
A security researcher has warned of a vulnerability in older versions of the Windows operating system that allows attackers to take full control of a PC by luring its user to a booby-trapped website. The flaw resides in the Windows Help and Support Center, a feature that provides users with online technical support. Malicious hackers can exploit the weakness of Windows by embedding commands in web addresses that activate the feature's remote assistance tool, which allows administrators to execute commands over the internet. The exploit works in XP and Server 2003 versions of Windows and possibly others. “Upon successful exploitation, a remote attacker is able to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the current user,” researcher Tavis Ormandy wrote in an advisory published Wednesday. The attack works against most major browsers, including Internet Explorer 8 if the Windows Media Player is available. The advisory said Microsoft's security team was alerted to the vulnerability in the help and support feature on Friday. “I've concluded that there's a significant possibility that attackers have studied this component, and releasing this information rapidly is in the best interest of security,” Ormandy wrote. “Microsoft is investigating public disclosure of a vulnerability affecting Windows XP and Windows Server 2003,” company spokesman Jerry Bryant said in a statement. “We will release more information as we determine the extent of the issue based on our investigation.” Microsoft engineers place tight restrictions on the remote assistance tools to prevent them from being misused by attackers. But the advisory said it's possible to bypass those protections by tricking the whitelist verification through the use of invalid hex sequences. By combining that weakness with XSS, or cross-site scripting, holes in the Help and Support Center pages, attackers can take full control of a PC simply by exposing a browser to URLs with special commands in them. “It's a great analysis,” H D Moore, CSO and chief architect of the Metasploit project, told The Register in an instant message. “The core issue itself (not checking the result of the hex decode) is brilliant in how simple it is, and it looks like it took a lot of investigation to determine that it was actually exploitable.” The advisory provided a proof-of-concept that works for a variety of XP and Server 2003 configurations, but it went on to warn that techniques for exploiting other versions probably exist. The most useful mitigation is to turn off the remote assistance tool, but the advisory provides several other temporary fixes for those who rely on the feature. Bug gives attackers complete control of Windows PCs ? The Register
SPOTTING a lone messenger in a crowd of decoys is tricky - a concept that might make it possible to improve the security of quantum cryptography. Quantum links are said to be unhackable because the "key" used to establish a secure channel is encoded into the spin of a photon. If the photon is intercepted, it becomes altered in a detectable way. However, hackers have discovered loopholes that allow them to escape detection, for instance, by intercepting the photons and replacing them with copies. Now Steve Harris's team at Stanford University in California has developed a photon-hiding system to make the key harder to intercept. They fired a laser at rubidium atoms, causing them to release infrared "signal" photons, each with an average frequency of 377 terahertz. The actual values are scattered 3.5 megahertz on each vside of the average. These photons are fed into a modulator, which uses a random number generator to increase the variation in their frequencies by another three orders of magnitude, meaning each photon could be anywhere within a 20 gigahertz region of the spectrum. An eavesdropper would then have to scan that entire region to locate all of the key photons. Harris's team then made an eavesdropper's task harder by flooding the region with a sea of decoys, all with the same frequencies as the original key. "A spy will have to pick out the photons from noise of the same frequency, which is very difficult," says Chinmay Belthangady, a member of Harris's team. A spy will have to pick out the photons from noise of the same frequency, which is very difficult The intended receiver uses a second modulator connected to the same random number generator to reverse the work of the first modulator. The signal photons are restored to their original narrow band of frequencies, but because the decoys did not pass through the first modulator, they are randomly scattered at the second. When the photons then pass through a filter tuned to the narrow region surrounding 377 terahertz, the decoys are weeded out (Physical Review Letters, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.223601). Altering the frequency of the signal in this way is known as spread-spectrum technology, and this is the first time it has been applied to single photons, says the team. The technique could also be used to improve the robustness of the signal, because any noise is removed at the final filter, says Dan Browne at University College London. "It is certainly possible that it could be used to make quantum cryptography systems more noise-tolerant." Deter quantum hackers by hiding the photon keys - tech - 09 June 2010 - New Scientist
Well, AT&T’s already diminished public opinion just got much worse. On the heels of PR disasters such as a legal threat made from AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson’s office to a customer making an inquiry directly to the CEO, and the replacement of AT&T’s unlimited 3G data plans with plans that have a 2GB cap and a slightly lower price, something much more serious has happened. Reports have surfaced stating that quite possibly 114,000 iPad 3G owners — including high-ranking politicians, public figures, and top businessmen/media professionals — have had their private information compromised thanks to a security hole on AT&T’s end. Some of the high-profile names on the leaked email list. Image courtesy: Gawker Media. At this point, AT&T has recently patched the exploit. However, it is unknown as to who may have gotten their hands on this script as the discoverer of the exploit, a group dedicated to hacking and discovering exploits named Goatse Security discovered the exploit and have shared the script with third-parties. Turns out, the information exposed with this breach was AT&T subscribers’ email address along with their ICC-ID. The ICC-ID (integrated circuit card identifier) is essentially used to identify the SIM cards within a subscriber’s device. How was this exploit discovered? Goatse Security apparently were able to get their hands on this information through a script on AT&T’s website, which, upon being provided with an ICC-ID, will return the person’s email address. They still needed to know about each person’s ICC-ID for this to work, right? Wrong. The security group managed to guess most of the ICC-IDs based off of pictures of iPad 3Gs, and currently known ICC-IDs. They wrote a PHP script that automated the retrieval process, and this in turn returned them a very lengthy list of early iPad 3G adopters, including some rather high profile names. AT&T has commented on this disaster in the form of usual PR babble, stating: “AT&T was informed by a business customer on Monday of the potential exposure of their iPad ICC IDS. The only information that can be derived from the ICC IDS is the e-mail address attached to that device. This issue was escalated to the highest levels of the company and was corrected by Tuesday; and we have essentially turned off the feature that provided the e-mail addresses. The person or group who discovered this gap did not contact AT&T. We are continuing to investigate and will inform all customers whose e-mail addresses and ICC IDS may have been obtained. We take customer privacy very seriously and while we have fixed this problem, we apologize to our customers who were impacted.” Asides from the privacy issue of these emails getting out, question is, can any other harm be done with the ICC-IDs leaked out? According to Valleywag, Goatse Security team members have told them that they’re concerned about the possibility of intercepting traffic. However, other security experts are skeptical. This surely won’t help AT&T’s case, especially if other exploits asides from the leaked emails are possible with this security hole. Could this be the incident that finally pushes Apple to make the switch to Verizon at last, after much rumors and speculation about such a move that don’t seem to go away? AT&T vulnerability exposes 114,000 iPad 3G owners’ information | GeekSmack
Is it possible that given a clean slate and likely millions of dollars, engineers could come up with the ultimate in secure network technology? The scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) think so and this week announced the Clean?Slate Design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts (CRASH) program that looks to lean heavily on human biology to develop super-smart, highly adaptive, supremely secure networks. For example, the CRASH program looks to translate human immune system strategies into computational terms. In the human immune system multiple independent mechanisms constantly monitor the body for pathogens. Even at the cellular level, multiple redundant mechanisms monitor and repair the structure of the DNA. These mechanisms consume tons of resources, but let the body continue functioning and to repair the damage caused by malfunctions and infectious agents, DARPA stated. 15 genius algorithms "The analog of the innate immune system will include combinations of hardware and software elements that constantly enforce basic semantic properties such as type safety, memory integrity, code/data distinctions, information flow, and access control constraints. The innate subsystem will render impossible attacks based on vulnerabilities stemming from violations of these basic properties. As with biological systems, significant resources should be dedicated to this task. Since hardware resources are now plentiful, it would be reasonable to use hardware mechanisms where this will lead to more complete enforcement or to better runtime performance," DARPA stated. CRASH systems will feature the closely integrated hardware, system software, programming languages and design environments. Often, making a small change in one of these domains can greatly ease the task of another. For example, providing a uniform software support system for automatic memory management can reduce the task of analyzing memory safety. Similarly, hardware tagging can systematically enforce code/data and other distinctions that might be more difficult and more costly to guarantee at other levels. Programming languages and environments that capture design rationale, constraints, and invariants make it easier to implement self?checking and self?adaptive software systems, DARPA stated. In designing CRASH, DARPA said it will be evaluating six critical technical areas: Processor Architectures: Modest processor extensions may be the most appropriate mechanism for systematically enforcing basic semantic properties such as type safety, memory safety, and information control. Such work may include, but is not limited to, tagging for information flow tracking, taint propagation, bounds checking, type checking, access control, and concurrency control. Possible implementation techniques include Field Programmable Gate Arrays or instruction set level simulations. The performance goal of the resulting implementation is only to be fast enough to support experimentation in this and other technical areas. Costly and time consuming implementation techniques such as full custom chips whose only purpose is performance should be avoided. Operating Systems: The system will be designed around the enforcement of basic semantic properties such as memory safety, type safety, information flow, and access control. It will work in concert with features provided by the hardware. Cooperation between the operating system and hardware design is strongly encouraged if new hardware is being developed. New operating system structures that do away with the concept of a single all?privileged kernel are what DARPA is looking for. The operating system should provide techniques that lead to effective rollback and recovery, information flow tracking, and systematic logging. The goal is not to produce a feature rich operating system competitive with commercial systems, but rather to build a prototype system capable of illustrating and testing core principles. Machine Learning, Self?Adaptation, Diagnosis, Recovery and Repair: The techniques to be explored in this area include, but are not limited to: -Machine learning techniques that develop a model of the program's intended behavior-Static analysis techniques for extracting models of the program's intended behavior -Detection techniques that help determine that the program has stepped outside the bounds of its intended behavior -Adaptation techniques that allow a program to continue functioning even after a successful attack has corrupted some resources -Diagnosis techniques to help isolate the underlying cause of the problem -Recovery techniques that allow a program to roll back to a safe state from which it may continue -Repair techniques that allow the system to fix the underlying vulnerability Programming Languages and Environments: Language features and runtime support to guarantee important properties will be encouraged. In addition, it will be of interest to provide language and/or programming environment features that facilitate the capture of important constraints on program execution such as information flow or invariants that must hold at specific points in the program. In addition, language features that facilitate the capture of multiple methods for common goals and the trade?offs among alternative methods are also encouraged. Formal Methods: Ideally, formal analysis of software and hardware designs will be used to verify that important properties are being preserved; more importantly, information gathered from formal analysis should be a part of a continual evolutionary design process. Techniques are sought that will allow formal proofs of program properties and other static analysis techniques to help build effective computational models of the intended behavior of a program. Such techniques may include the extraction of efficiently checkable invariant conditions, as well as models of the allowable control flows and data flows. Dynamic Diversification: This technical area will focus on techniques that introduce diversity between different copies of the same system and within a single copy over time. Topics of interest include memory randomization, data structure randomization, stack layout randomization, instruction set diversification, and the use of multiple alternative methods for achieving the same goal. The need for such an advanced system is obvious: "Current computer systems are not resilient to attacks. They lack the means to recover from attacks either by finding alternative methods for achieving their goals or by repairing the resources corrupted by the attack. They also typically lack the ability to diagnose the underlying problem and to fix the vulnerabilities that enabled the attack. Once a machine is corrupted, manual repairs by specialized personnel are required while the forensic information necessary to affect the repair is typically lacking," DARPA stated. While these problems are not new, they have not been adequately dealt with largely because designers have been intellectually and institutionally bound by the need to maintain compatibility with legacy systems, DARPA stated. DARPA has other security projects in the works as well. For example, in January the agency awarded almost $56 million to two contractors it expects will develop the second phase of technologies that it promises will be revolutionary and bolster current cyber security technology by orders of magnitude. DARPA spent $30 million to develop Phase 1. The contracts are part of DARPA's ambitious National Cyber Range program the agency says will develop revolutionary cyber research and development technologies. DARPA states that the NCR will advance myriad security technologies and "conduct unbiased, quantitative and qualitative assessment of information assurance and survivability tools in a network environment." What would your ultimate network security look like? | NetworkWorld.com Community
cica "iar" da ce esti dumneata, barby ?
For proof that videogames can teach survival and teamwork, look no further than the story of 12-year-old Hans, a Norwegian boy who rescued his sister from a charging moose. All thanks to lessons he'd learned in World of Warcraft. According to Next Nature: Hans and his sister got into trouble after they had trespassed the territory of the moose during a walk in the forest near their home. When the moose attacked them, Hans knew the first thing he had to do was ‘taunt' and provoke the animal so that it would leave his sister alone and she could run to safety. ‘Taunting' is a move one uses in World of Warcraft to get monsters off of the less-well-armored team members. Once Hans was a target, he remembered another skill he had picked up at level 30 in ‘World of Warcraft' – he feigned death. The moose lost interest in the inanimate boy and wandered off into the woods. When he was safely alone Hans ran back home to share his tale of video game-inspired survival. via Next Nature