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^ala-i Iisus care se cruceste de ce-i in topicu asta
update 2: Ryuk a spart hashul, FELICITARI !
Bun venit, Xtasia.
Russian hacker offers 1.5m Facebook credentials for sale
begood replied to begood's topic in Stiri securitate
@loki twit? tu tha vin ! -
e interviu ! din kkt stiu, ghici de unde cine is RNS ?!
Am deosebita placere de a va anunta :]
What will Facebook do if the Russian hacker Kirllos' claim that he has in his possession login credentials for 1.5 million Facebook accounts proves to be true? The hacker was spotted offering the credentials for sale on an underground forum. This image of the post in question was posted on Twitter by Mikko Hyponnen, CRO at F-Secure: Kirllos asks from $25 to $45 per 1,000 accounts (that's $0.025/$0.045 per account), and according to VeriSign's Director of Cyber Intelligence Rick Howard, he has already been able to sell some almost half of the total number. If the credentials are legitimate and the accounts exist, that means that 1 in every 300 accounts is compromised, and can be used by the buyers to prey on other users by spamming and scamming them - not to mention, to direct them towards sites serving malware. And people are mole likely to fall for such tricks, since they have a tendency to trust other users that are encompassed in their (online) social circle. Infoworld reports that Facebook has yet to comment on the whole situation, but I can bet everything I have on the fact that they are investigating the claim thoroughly. Russian hacker offers 1.5m Facebook credentials for sale forumul in cauza : forum.antichat.ru
Welcome to the official homepage of HITBSecConf2010 – Dubai. The main aim of the HITBSecConf conference series is to create a truly technical and deep knowledge event in order to allow you to learn first hand on the security threats you face in todays super connected world. The HITBSecConf platform is used to enable the dissemination, discussion and sharing of critical network security information. Presented by respected members of both the mainstream network security arena as well as the underground or black hat community, our events routinely highlight new and ground-breaking attack and defense methods that have not been seen or discussed in public before. HITBSecConf2010 – Dubai will be our 4th conference in the UAE and is expected to attract over 200 delegates from the GCC, Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific region. Come and learn from some of the leading experts in the network security arena. HITBSecConf2010 – Dubai will also feature a HITB Web Hacking. This years contest will once again include an additional binary reversing challenge as well. We believe HITBSecConf is an ideal platform for leading network security vendors to not only meet with some of the leading network security specialists but to also showcase their own technology and solutions with the public as well. Index of /hitbsecconf2010dxb/materials HITBSecConf2010 – Dubai
fmm inca n-ai murit ? tu esti hackerul care se autointituleaza drept Romanian National Security ?!
same here l-am anuntat pe kw3 cica mai tarziu trage un ochi.
si zici ca fusasi la politie ? sau unde ?
mutat la cele mai penale posturi ...
update : Lemish de pe hackpedia e singurul care a reusit sa sparga parola ! se mai aventureaza careva ?
Am intr-o carte mai veche un aliaj cu mercur care la temperatura de 38.5 grade se topeste. Faci o lingura din acel aliaj si doar freci intre degete pentru a ajunge la temperatura aceea. => :O se topeste metalul ! incredibil, nu ?! mda..
Legendary skeptic James Randi takes a fatal dose of homeopathic sleeping pills onstage, kicking off a searing 18-minute indictment of irrational beliefs. He throws out a challenge to the world's psychics: Prove what you do is real, and I'll give you a million dollars. (No takers yet.) James Randi's fiery takedown of psychic fraud | Video on TED.com
"Ţiganii nu sunt români! Nu ei ne-au scris istoria!"
begood replied to marcus21's topic in Stiri securitate
naiba-i stie da-s buni ! sa nu lase absolut nicio o urma, practic aia habar nu au daca sunt romani, habar nu au metoda prin care au fost atacati, habar nu au de nimic )) -
Interview with Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r)
begood replied to begood's topic in Stiri securitate
update . (postul acesta va fi sters) -
As many of the people that are involved on Exploiting and tracking vulnerabilities the name of Peter Van Eeckhoutte (also known as corelanc0d3r) makes sense. For those that don’t know about this kind guy, Peter is one of the persons who started a revolutionary approach through a series of exploit writing tutorials with the objective of explaining “from scratch” how people can detect and exploit vulnerabilities in Software. Let’s try to find out who he is, ask his opinion about certain topics, and ask him some questions about his projects and more interesting stuff. 1. chr1x: When did you started into the field of Security (in general)? corelanc0d3r: About a year after I started my first job (in IT, back in 1997), the release of tools such as Back Orifice and Netbus got my attention. I did not have any experience with reversing or exploiting, so like a lot of people at that time, I just used these tools, tried to hide them inside simple applications (to play pranks on my relatives and friends…) without really knowing how they worked… The concept and idea of being able to remotely control and computer was very fascinating and really triggered me to start thinking/learning about security and hacking in general. 2. chr1x: How did you got interested into the “Dark side” meaning it as Exploit development, Vulnerability Analysis, etc.? corelanc0d3r: After I got to play with Netbus, BO (and some other tools) I decided to do some research on the internet (Netscape Communicator rocked at that time), and I quickly discovered that an awful lot of people were working on exploit development, finding bugs, and sharing some knowledge about it. That’s when things became interesting and made my focus shift from just using existing tools to learning about how people find bugs, and how these bugs can be exploited. At that point, I really didn’t make a distinction between “white” hat and “black” hat side. The information I found on the net was “knowledge” and learning is what drives me. I don’t consider myself to be part of a “dark” or “black” scene, I’m just interested in knowledge and there’s nothing illegal or “dark” about that. Of course, the reality is that there is a huge gap between “being interested in the Dark Side” and “being able to actually do something with it myself”. I have always been interested in “how things really work”, so that means that if something gets my interest, I can and will spend a lot of time trying to figure out how it works. So I guess, to answer your question: In my case it was just a natural thing. If I see something, I usually want to know how it works. 3. chr1x: What people do you respect on the Scene? corelanc0d3r: I respect a lot of people on, next and behind the Scene I respect people for the research they do and the clever techniques they apply. I respect people for sharing knowledge. I respect people for listening to my questions and trying to help me. I respect people for being nice and friendly instead of being “cocky” and arrogant because they just happened to find a 0day bug in a big application. I also respect people for having different opinions and views. I respect people for respecting me for who I am. A few days ago I went to BlackHat Europe and I met a lot of really nice and friendly guys, and that’s what matters really. In fact, the overall atmosphere at the conference was very open and friendly, and that’s nice. Anyways, I guess you were looking for some names, right ? Well, there are a lot of smart people out there, a lot of people I respect. It would be impossible to name them all… and it would be injustice to the ones I forgot if I even try to name them all. You could take a look at the people I follow on Twitter and you’ll have about 10% of the people I respect . Don’t just focus on the big names only. Again, respect is not about fame. 4. chr1x: When did you start and probably Brain-stormed the Corelan Project? corelanc0d3r: Well, I started my blog in 2007 (so that’s only 3 years ago), mainly as a place to keep track of my own technical notes and sharing some of my findings and scripts with the world. When I started the blog, it was not really about security. About a year ago, I started publishing my exploit writing tutorials. After I had published the first 3 or 4 articles, I started to receive many questions from people about these tutorials. That triggered me to provide these people with a platform (my exploit writing forum) so people would be able to ask their questions, even the “newbie” questions, and get those questions answered. I guess it makes sense. Most skilled people, active in exploit writing, capable of answering those questions, don’t always have the time to answer these “newbie” questions. After all, doing research takes a lot of time too, and furthermore it’s not always easy to take the time to walk people through stuff that one masters for many years, without leaving out any “obvious” steps in the process. So we can’t blame the “experts” for not answering questions. On the other hand, the best way to learn new things is by trying yourself, so I guess I just tried to mix the best of both worlds and only tried to “push” people in the right direction. In September 2009 I decided to gather some friends and work together to learn new things, find vulnerabilities, share knowledge, and give them a platform for asking questions. That’s when Corelan Security Team was born. As we learn new stuff, we continue to write new tutorials, to document exploit processes and so on. Corelan Team was born. So all of this is not a planned thing. It just happens and I’m just trying to give a platform to a lot of people to learn, share ideas and do the “right thing” at the same time. 5. chr1x: What was the trigger for you to start working on the write ups for the Exploit Writing tutorial series? corelanc0d3r: What really triggered me was the fact that from my point of view, when I started learning about exploit development, I could not find really good write-ups for building stack based exploits, covering all aspects, from A-Z, for the Win32 platform. Ok, there are some good books (mostly targeting linux/unix) and some excellent websites scattered all over the internet, explaining specific steps of the exploit development process. But to be honest, I sometimes had a hard time understanding certain chapters in some of these books, and/or understanding content on some of those websites. Chapter 1 of those books are still ok. But then there’s a jump. I spoke with some people at Blackhat EU and they felt the same way. We cannot define what the jump is, but it basically took away the motivation to continue reading & learning, and there was nobody around to explain and get over the gap. One of the most difficult things when trying to explain something is making sure your audience will understand what you are trying to explain. If the reader does not understand, the writer has failed in a certain way. So I decided to write my own tutorials, from scratch. I tried to put myself in the situation of a reader who has the time and dedication to learn, but has no knowledge about the topic (so basically go back to where I was a few years ago) and I tried to find a good way to explain a certain topic, so people would actually understand. Again, when people get smarter and more experienced in a certain topic, they tend to take things for granted and sometimes forget about certain “obvious” steps. That’s just normal human behavior because people have the impression they are wasting time when having to explain stuff they have known for many years, and do it in a way they need to explain every single step. This reasoning applies to every topic and every tutorial really, not just to my exploit writing tutorial series. I’m not saying I’m good at writing tutorials, I’m just saying that writing tutorials, books, technical content, for a 0 knowledge audience, is probably one of the most difficult things out there. I just wrote my tutorials in a way I would still understand them in a few years, so I can use them as a reference myself. 6. chr1x: Many of us met the Smash the Stack of Aleph1 and since the release of his tutorial many new hackers learned all the needed stuff to start working seriously on the vulnerability development side, this, some years ago, but today, do you think that you could be the next “Aleph1”, allowing a bunch of people to learn the techniques you used on your Exploit Writing tutorials? corelanc0d3r: I don’t (and don’t want to) pretend to be the next Aleph1. What this guy did was revolutionary. What I am doing is basically gathering resources, applying my own experiences, and combining that into a document. As time goes on, I might find new twists, new approaches, new solutions to certain problems, and I will continue to explain them. So it’s a never ending story. At this point, I’m just glad a lot of people seem to like my work and are not afraid to ask questions. I will never forget where I came from and that I had to learn everything from zero as well. As the community on my forum grows, more people will be able to answer questions, so it’s a win-win situation. 7. chr1x: Actually, there Outside on Internet are a lot of new hacking groups who are releasing advisories using the same techniques you teached on your Exploit Writing Tutorials. What’s your thinking about this? corelanc0d3r: I think it’s good to see people pick up the knowledge and do something with it. Whether they learned the knowledge from my tutorials or not does not really matter. It’s all about knowledge and how people use that knowledge. It’s not my knowledge either, it’s just knowledge. Let me get one thing clear: I don’t support the fact that people use hacking techniques for bad purposes. That is a bad thing. You can compare it with learning how to shoot a gun. It might be helpful for protection, but it’s a bad thing if you use it to hurt other people for personal gain (or any other bad reason really) 8. chr1x: Why do you decided to share your knowledge to the whole Internet public? corelanc0d3r: I know there is a big discussion on the internet about knowledge and whether it’s free or not. After all, a lot of really smart people have invested a lot of time (time they could not spend on making money) on research, and a lot of companies allowed some of their employees to do the same (which obviously costs money too). So in some cases, knowledge is not really free. I see their point and I respect that. I’m just doing my stuff for free, in my spare time, because this might help people to demonstrate that secure coding is important. One of the ways to convince developers is by showing that this is a risk associated with writing insecure code. So it’s all about education, not about triggering people to do bad things. 9. chr1x: We have seen that you released some advisories and even exploit coded for various nice vulnerabilities. What was your best “finding” about the vulnerabilities you found on those applications? corelanc0d3r: I guess the fact that the zip file format still allows for vulnerabilities in many unzip applications is quite “interesting”. The character set limitations used to exploit them were challenging as well (which may explain why only a few of these bugs have been found/published), but we found a more or less generic way to exploit these bugs. Anyways, if this happens to the zip format, then it will happen to other file formats as well. 10. chr1x: What was your first exploit code and for what application? corelanc0d3r: I wrote my first working exploit for a custom application (a simple overflow using maybe 10 lines of C code). A little while later, I wrote an exploit for a Winamp playlist vulnerability (m3u file format) in 2006. 11. chr1x: How many time do you spend on researching a bug (approximately)? corelanc0d3r: I don’t really do a lot of bug hunting myself.. Writing tutorials, tools and exploits usually takes most of my time. But some of the guys at Corelan Team work on finding bugs almost full time (well, at least, in some cases some scripts do most of the work). Sometimes, when you have found a certain bug that is related to a specific field in a file format, you can find similar bugs in a lot of other applications. So that way you can kill a lot of birds with one stone. In other cases, it might take weeks to get something to crash and another day or two to determine that the bug is not even exploitable. In general, finding bugs can be very time consuming. I guess it depends on the targets. You are more likely to find bugs in older (and less known) applications than finding a remote buffer overflow in the Windows operating system. 12. chr1x: What technique do you think that would be the most easy to uss in order to find new bugs? (Manual analysis, Automatic scan, Fuzzing, etc.) corelanc0d3r: There is a lot of discussion about what is the best way to find bugs. I believe there is no easy or “best” way to do so, because every approach has advantages and disadvantages, and requires specific knowledge. Manual analysis is very very hard. But you can find bugs that tools won’t find. Automatic scanning or fuzzing is a more common used technique, and there are many ways to do so. You can just feed an application with random stuff and see if it crashes or not. That still works (not often, but it does). Remember the SMBv2 bug that was found by Laurent Gaffié last year ? All he did was throw together a few lines of python code and that was it. You can also try to figure out the exact format of a file or network protocol and just feed random data in the fields inside that format, or you can even try to make combinations of fiels and content in the file format (based on static analysis of the binary) to detect bugs. Vincenzo Lozzo did a presentation on evolutionary fuzzing at BlackHat EU, where he demonstrated a technique to combine binary analysis, function detection and in-memory fuzzing. Some techniques will go fast, but may not be as successful. Other techniques are very hard and will increase the chance of finding a bug. But if the application is well written, you can spend weeks and months analyzing without finding anything. Finding bugs has become big business. 13. chr1x: On my experience when researching file format vulnerabilities (http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Sep/394) I found that looking for this type of vulnerabilities are pretty different like looking for Web application vulnerabilities. Starting from this approach, What other vulnerabilities you think continue “Uncovered” right now, apart of the typical overflows, file name spoofing and many others. corelanc0d3r: I think a combination of various techniques will continue to exist. As more and more end user systems are protected against attacks from the network, new technology delivered via web applications, using browsers as a vehicle, continue to be top of the list of many bad people. Combine that with clickjacking attacks and/or social engineering attacks, a lot of people will still get hacked. People will remain to be high on the list of attack vectors, because people can (and will continue to) be influenced, persuaded, tricked into doing something bad… So if all application vulnerabilities fail and you can convince an admin to shut down a certain server, you still have achieved a DoS. 14. chr1x: What would be the best “vulnerability research armoring” from the Peter’s perspective? (VM’s, Disassemblers, Decompilers, etc.) corelanc0d3r: These are the common tools I use in my research/exploit lab: A virtualization platform (I use VirtualBox, but others will work fine too), running XP SP3 and Vista/Win7 (for newer bugs). Immunity Debugger with pvefindaddr (my own custom PyCommand), a C compiler (dev-c++ or lcc-win32), some scripting languages (perl, python, ruby), a decent text editor (notepad++), IDA, nasm, a hex editor, a copy of Metasploit/Backtrack4 to generate shellcode… and that’s all you really need. Depending on the type of application you want to research, you have the option to look for an already existing tool/fuzzer on the internet, or just write your own. 15. chr1x: For those people who are Interested into get engaged with Exploit development and Vulnerability research/Discovery what do you recommend to start looking to be a good security researcher? corelanc0d3r: Depending on the type of research you want to do, you’ll need to understand what you are doing and understand how things work. I’m not talking about the scripting language to write the exploits (because you can write the exploit in about any language), but if you are for example fuzzing .zip files, then you need to know how zip files are built. If you are fuzzing a FTP server, you need to know how FTP servers work. If you are working on secure network designs, you obviously need to know how network work. It’s not uncommon to see that people spend more time learning how things work, than learning how to break things. 16. chr1x: Have you an estimate in how many downloads of your Exploit Writing tutorials are done at this moment? Talking in numbers. corelanc0d3r: Hard to tell. Export to pdf was only activated after I published the first 4 tutorials, and now the pdf files can be found on many websites. I am getting about 50000 hits per month, and I guess about 75% of those hits target the tutorials. So that’s a lot of people. 17. chr1x: How do you see Peter Van Eeckhoutte on the next couple of years on the IT Security field? corelanc0d3r: I’ll just continue to learn and write tutorials. Not sure where that will lead to, but my focus now is to work on Win32 exploitation techniques. Since it’s a never ending story, my work will never be done 18. chr1x: How do you see Peter Van Eeckhoutte on the next couple of years on the Hacking Scene? corelanc0d3r: I will continue to look for bugs, contact vendors to get them to fix these bugs, and publish advisories. At the same time, I will also continue to work with people, normal people like you and me, to learn, share, and help. That is one of my main drivers, so that is important to me. 19. chr1x: Is there an option for the people who are interested to be a part of the Corelan Team? Is there any possibility to do that? corelanc0d3r: Well, it’s not like it’s a secret community or anything, but having too many people in the team is not good (because I don’t want to take any risks with 0day stuff), and having too little people in the team is not good either (because it might stop the input). So I need to find a good balance between those 2 things. We usually follow people (based on what they post on the internet, exploit-db etc), see if they share common ideas (responsible disclosure, sharing knowledge, …) and then I usually contact them myself to see if they are willing to join & stick to our rules. 20. chr1x: What does Peter have in store for us for the next couple of months? corelanc0d3r: The plan is to start writing tutorials on heap overflows (old and new techniques). Since this is a very complex topic, it might take a while before these tutorials are finished. After that, things are not clear yet (not because I don’t know what to do… but merely because there is too much on my To Do list right now ) 21. chr1x: Actually, corelanc0d3r just publish advisories that can be released to the public, but is there something hidden behind the scenes? Any nice 0-day? corelanc0d3r: Haha – yes… of course… but if I tell you, it would not be 0day anymore would it . Just stay tuned, follow me on twitter, subscribe to my RSS feed (advisories and my website, subscribe to email updates etc) and you’ll be the first one to know if there is anything new. 22. chr1x: Anything more that you would like to share with the world? corelanc0d3r: To me, there are 2 things very important : You can achieve anything you want if you really want. Be prepared to learn, try and try again, and dedicate a big time amount of time on that. Second, I will never forget where I came from. I was not born with all the knowledge, so asking questions is ok. 23. chr1x: Thanks for your time and to share this with us. corelanc0d3r: The pleasure is all mine. Keep up doing the good work ! InterView with Peter Van Eeckhoutte @ CubilFelino Security Research Lab corelanc0d3r (corelanc0d3r) on Twitter http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/2010/04/20/corelanc0d3r-interviewed-by-cubelfelino-security-research-labs/
da, sunt sigur ca asta e visul oricarui aviator.. interesanta lume avem paci
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scapa de sim si cu asta basta. @Fitty asa e. @Rechinu te poate gasi cel care a trimis sms-ul, doar cautand continutul sms-ului pe google. asa ca ar fi o idee sa editezi primul post, sau sa introduci niste caractere in plus, pentru a nu putea fi indexat de google.