JIHAD, salut, foarte bun codul, dar am o problema la compilarea lui, se compileaza fara libssh2.so.1 inclus in sursa. si pe alte rooturi nu merge daca nu este instalata libssh2. imi poti da un sfat sa o pot compila cu libssh2.so inclus in proiect ? astept PM. ms anticipat
FTP scanner v0.2.5 by PRG @ #off UnderNet Usage: ./ftp -h <arg> -u <arg> -p <arg> [-t <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-o <arg>] [-b] [-d] [-v] [-s] [-k] -h Host/s to scan (ex -u Users file -p Password file -t Timeout in seconds (default 5) -c Number of thread (default 20) -o Output file -b Store banner in output file -d Stop bruteforce after a valid user -v Verbose mode -s Store strange ftp reply in output file -k Check SSH and Telnet on host with a valid user -C Check RMDIR command Link : http://linux.ucoz.ro/scan/ftp.tgz Spor la treaba