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Everything posted by oldTeam

  1. pscan2 doi este cel mai probabil compilat pe 64 biti, si rootul tau este pe 32 biti de aceea nu il recunoaste
  2. JIHAD, salut, foarte bun codul, dar am o problema la compilarea lui, se compileaza fara libssh2.so.1 inclus in sursa. si pe alte rooturi nu merge daca nu este instalata libssh2. imi poti da un sfat sa o pot compila cu libssh2.so inclus in proiect ? astept PM. ms anticipat
  3. FTP scanner v0.2.5 by PRG @ #off UnderNet Usage: ./ftp -h <arg> -u <arg> -p <arg> [-t <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-o <arg>] [-b] [-d] [-v] [-s] [-k] -h Host/s to scan (ex -u Users file -p Password file -t Timeout in seconds (default 5) -c Number of thread (default 20) -o Output file -b Store banner in output file -d Stop bruteforce after a valid user -v Verbose mode -s Store strange ftp reply in output file -k Check SSH and Telnet on host with a valid user -C Check RMDIR command Link : http://linux.ucoz.ro/scan/ftp.tgz Spor la treaba
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