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Everything posted by zamolxis
va trebuie lista de proxy fresh. daca un proxy din lista nu mai e bun, "view" respectiv nu se inregistreaza. programul este foarte bun si merge bine, chiar iti si arata daca proxy folosit e bun.
De foarte putin timp am descoperit cateva situri care se ocupa de competii in photoshop cu premii si altele... asa ca m-am inscris si eu, astea sunt cateva din primele mele proiecte. SUrsa: Editarea mea Sursa: Editarea mea Sursa: Editarea mea
cati de pe forum produc bani din internet sau cu ajutorul computerului? Si cand spun asta nu ma refer la spameri si la magarii ci la cei care muncesc cinstit. Care e metoda cea mai profitabila de a face bani pe internet. Eu din cate am auzit ar fi google addsense, daca ai un site cu un trafic destul de marisor. Ce alte metode folositi cu succes?
aoleu ce televiziune ... unde s-au gasit toti terminatii astia.emisiune de ratati, pacat ca sunt carcotasii in vacanta ca aveau material
cel mai simplu te duci pe youtube si iti faci un custom player ii faci un playlist cu ce melodii vrei sa apara dupa care il salvezi "codul sursa" intr-un fisier .html si il bagi in pagina ta php prin functia include....
si tu ce ai facut la wallpaper_urile astea? sincer nu cred ca tu ai desenat to si ai facut de la zero.ai luat niste poze le-ai combinat in photosop niste efecte si gata wallpaper cu semnatura ta
Este o carte in format pdf si contine: 1 Customizing Photoshop for Your Projects #1 Select the Color Settings for Your Projects 4 #2 Set the Preferences for the Way You Work 6 #3 Customize Your Personal Workspace 8 #4 Personalize Your View of the Bridge 10 #5 Add Your Own Keyboard Shortcut for a Favorite Filter 12 #6 Create a Custom Action to Increase Your Efficiency 14 #7 Design a Customized Brush with Your Settings 16 #8 Make a Special Gradient to Suit Your Design 18 #9 Calibrate and Profile Your Monitor for Better Editing 20 #10 Turn on the Full Power of Photoshop with a Pen Tablet 22 2 Working with Layers, Selections, and Masks #11 Duplicate and Change the Background Layer to Fix Problems Such As Overexposure 26 #12 Using an Adjustment Layer to Adjust a Photo Nondestructively 28 #13 Blend Two Photos Together with a Layer Mask 30 #14 Using Custom Shape Layers to Add Designs to Photos 32 #15 Accentuate a Sky Easily with a Gradient Fill Layer 34 #16 Using the Quick Selection Tool and Refine Edge Palette for Selections 36 #17 Using a Quick Mask to Make a Detailed Selection 38 #18 Extract the Main Subject from the Background 40 #19 Open or Add Layers As Smart Objects for Nondestructive Changes 42 #20 Apply Filters As Smart Filters for Dynamic Adjustments 44 3 Straightening, Cropping, and Resizing #21 Crop Your Images and Use a Rule-of-Thirds Grid to Improve Composition 48 #22 Create a Level Horizon 50 #23 Try a Reverse Crop to Expand the Canvas 52 #24 Crop and Straighten in Camera Raw 54 #25 Straighten Crooked Scans Quickly 56 #26 Crop Multiple Images from One Original to Create a Triptych 58 #27 Change Your Perspective with the Crop Tool 60 #28 Straighten Buildings with the Lens Correction Filter 62 #29 Create a Panorama from Multiple Photos 64 #30 Maximize Your Image Size with Minimal Visible Loss 66 4 Retouching Portraits #31 Remove Blemishes and Improve the Skin 70 #32 Remove Red Eye to Quickly Improve Any Photo 74 #33 Change Eye Color Digitally 76 #34 Reduce Wrinkles with a Soft Touch 78 #35 Whiten Teeth to Improve a Smile 80 #36 Brighten the Eyes by Lightening the Whites 82 #37 Add Depth to Eyes to Emphasize Them 84 #38 Add a Catch Light to Make the Eyes Come Alive 88 #39 Sharpen Just the Eyes to Add Focus 90 #40 Add a Soft-Focus Effect to Make a Portrait Glow 92 5 Changing and Enhancing Colors and Tone #41 Improve an Underexposed Photo in Two Steps 96 #42 Improve an Overexposed Photo in Three Steps 97 #43 Remove a Colorcast to Improve the Overall Color 98 #44 Colorize an Old Black-and-White Photograph 100 #45 Make a Quick Change to Grayscale 102 #46 Give a New Photo an Old Colorized Look 104 #47 Using Camera Raw to Recover Highlights 106 #48 Improve a Sky with HSL Values in Camera Raw 108 #49 Go from Color to Grayscale with the New Black & White Adjustment 110 #50 Create a Split Tone for a Special Effect in Camera Raw 112 6 Making Magic with Digital Special Effects #51 Apply a Smart Digital Photo Filter for Dynamic Adjustments 116 #52 Add a Quick Dark Vignette Effect to Direct the Focus on the Subject 117 #53 Add Action with a Simulated Motion Blur 118 #54 Using the New Blend Mode to Stylize an Image 120 #55 Align and Blend Separate Photos for the Best Group Shot 122 #56 Merge Multiple Raw Photos to 32-Bit HDR 124 #57 Apply a Split-Neutral Density Filter Using Smart Objects 126 #58 Adjust Depth of Field with a Lens Blur Filter 128 #59 Create a Silhouette for a Custom Design 132 #60 Become a Digital Architect with the Vanishing Point Filter 136 7 Designing with Text Effects #61 Add a Double-Neon Glow to Text for a Unique Design 140 #62 Create a Custom Watermark to Protect Your Images 142 #63 Fill Any Shape with Text to Create Unique Effects 144 #64 Warp Type to Emphasize the Words 145 #65 Add Perspective to Type and Keep It Sharp 146 #66 Make Your Text Follow Any Path 148 #67 Create Eye-Catching Photo-Filled Titles 150 #68 Blend Text into a Photograph Creatively 152 #69 Create an Amazing Colored Shadow 154 #70 Weave Text and Graphics for Intriguing Designs 156 8 Creating Digital Artwork from Photographs #71 Give Any Photo a Sketched Look 160 #72 Add Your Own Signature to Any Artwork 162 #73 Create a Digital Pen-and-Ink Drawing 164 #74 Give a Photograph a Woodcut Look 166 #75 Turn a Photo into a Colored-Pencil Illustration 168 #76 Posterize a Photo for a Warhol-Style Image 170 #77 Create a Pen-and-Colored-Wash Drawing from a Photograph 174 #78 Compose a Photo Collage 178 #79 Turn a Photo into a Hand-Painted Oil Painting 180 #80 Paint a Digital Watercolor 184 9 Giving Your Images a Professional Presentation #81 Add Traditional Photo Corners 190 #82 Make a Frame from a Photograph 191 #83 Make a Contact Sheet of Your Photos 192 #84 Create a PDF Slideshow Presentation 194 #85 Create a Web Photo Gallery with Your Copyright 196 #86 Give a Photo an Artistic Edge 198 #87 Create a Custom Slide Template 200 #88 Create Your Own Custom Edge 202 #89 Make One Photo Look Like Many Combined Snapshots 204 #90 Make a Photo Look Like a Gallery Print 206 10 Plugging into Photoshop CS3 #91 Embellish a Photo Effortlessly with Graphic Authority Frames and Photo Ornaments 212 #92 Make a Digital Engraving with Andromeda’s Screens Filter 214 #93 Enlarge Images with Maximum Quality with Alien Skin BlowUp 216 #94 Change Your Photo into Art with Alien Skin Snap Art 218 #95 Colorize a Black-and-White Photo with AKVIS Coloriage 220 #96 Easily Select the Subject and Remove the Background with Vertus Fluid Mask 222 #97 Control Digital Noise with Nik Dfine 2 224 #98 Sharpen Photos with Finesse Using Nik Sharpener Pro 2 226 #99 Apply Traditional Photo Filters Such As the Sunshine Filter Using Nik Color Efex 228 #100 Travel Beyond the Bridge with Extensis Portfolio 8 230 Download http://www.ziddu.com/download/1780511/adobeTop100SimplifiedTipsTricks.rar.html credits xshadow
Microsoft anunta ca era XP ia sfarsit la 30 iunie 2008
zamolxis replied to VoRTeX's topic in Stiri securitate
ce bine hai sa trecem cu totii pe linux ca e free -
Franta le taie internetul celor care descarca ilegal muzica
zamolxis replied to begood's topic in Stiri securitate
cat mai dureaza pana adopta si roamanii metoda asta idioata? -
astia au vazut ca nu mai merge in afara cu abureala si spamerii s-au apucat si in romania de parlit.Trebuie sa fii cu foamea rau de tot in glanda daca te apuci sa dai spam in romania, cand vezi ca pica tot mai multi "hackeri" de ebay si spameri. Dupa ce ca fac cea fac, treaba care cere discretie maxima ei trebuie sa se mai si laude la ion si gheorghe cati bani fac ei pe net.
24 de persoane reþinute în Vâlcea, cu ajutorul FBI
zamolxis replied to ady12666's topic in Stiri securitate
macar suntem si noi primi la ceva, frauda pe internet.In continuare romania isi face reclama prin hotie si cand te duci in lume sa te miri de ce sunt asa scarbosi strainii cu noi. -
Un carder a trimis poze cu copilul sau scaldat în bani
zamolxis replied to a topic in Stiri securitate
mare prostie sa ti se urce succesul la cap.Daca statea in banca lui si is vedea in continuare de treaba facea pagube la englezi si acum.dar cum e romanul smecher trebuie sa se laude cu ce are -
salut sunt zamolxis si am trecut si eu pe aici, sper sa fie o experienta placuta si sa-mi imbunatatesc oarecum punctul de vedere in anumite privinte mai pe scurt sa-mi largesc orizonturile...