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  1. Si eu vand cont filelist Ratio: 1.326 Uploaded: 0.99 TB Downloaded: 767.65 GB
  2. Defapt este un help pentru Visual basic 6.0a cu placere!
  3. The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) is the portion of Microsoft responsible for managing the firm's relationship with developers and testers: hardware developers interested in the operating system (OS), developers standing on the various OS platforms, developers using the API and scripting languages of Microsoft's applications. The relationship management is situated in assorted media: web sites, newsletters, developer conferences, trade media, blogs and DVD distribution. The life cycle of the relationships ranges from legacy support through evangelizing potential offerings. Msdn_Disk1.iso - 607.0 Mb Msdn_Disk2.iso - 545.0 Mb
  4. Tinand cont ca nu avem sectiune de "Resources" am poastat aici in programare. Nu imi faci tu mie observatie ca nu intelegi .. eu cred ca intelegi despre ce este vorba si probabil vrei sa iti imbogatesti numarul de post-uri . Oricum o sa-ti explic : Bmp = Bitmap Image File Gif = Graphics Interchange Format Ico = Image file format for icons in Microsoft Windows. Png = Portable Network Graphics Sursa : Wikipedia Uite si un screen :
  5. Bmp - 1.055 files Gif - 7.068 files Ico - 17.735 files Png - 2.116 files Mirror1 Part1 Redenumiti fisierul downloadat in: Grafice.7z.001 Part2 Redenumiti fisierul downloadat in: Grafice.7z.002 Mirror2 Part1 Part2 Nytro poti muta Thread-ul ... nu am stiut unde sa postez lol totusi are o mica legatura cu programarea
  6. Visual Basic 6.0 Portable (1) Screen Mirror1 Mirror2 Visual Basic 6.0 Portable (2) Mirror1 Mirror2
  7. Nu stiu daca mai functioneaza corect ... pentru ca cei de la steam mai fac schimbari ... testati si voi . Un update este binevenit .. Download : Mirror1 Mirror2 Mirror3
  8. Se instaleaza in windows . Registry : [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell] Value = 'Explorer.exe c:\windows\svchost.exe' Ceva de genu .. .
  9. Salut ! Pentru mai multe informatii click Aici
  10. DirectX 7 KeyBoard Input Screen Mirror1 Mirror2
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