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vai ce s-a ajuns pe forumul asta...Nu imi vine sa cred!!:shock: macar de s-ar putea face altu si ownerul sa "dea strigare" doar userilor activi si care au contribuit cu ceva informational si de buna constiinta,nu kkt-uri din astea de topicuri!!!PACAT,mare pacat..
Iti garantez eu ca e mai mult decat CLEAN...
Trebuie sa fie de forma asta Daca ti-a dat eroare la CRC,mai incerci odata in felul urmator Tocmai am facut proba pe un windows_7_beta_dvd_x86_BUILD-29073 LAST,de pe SERVER 3si merge perfect.Nu uita sa pui "unpacksdc" in folderul/partitia une ai .sdc-ul respectiv.Multa bafta!! Trebuie sa ai rabdare pentru ca atunci cand le uneste,sau cand le extrage in format ISODUREAZA CEVA!!Depinde de puterea de calcul a procesorului,pe un Quad core dureaza cat ai spune "peste":))dar pe un P4 la 3.0 si 512DDR dureaza cam "cat ai lua cina + un joc poker":)))
pai trebuie sa ai programelul "unpacksdc" in folderul unde ai .sdc-urile si apoi trebuie sa mearga:D
Si astea ce mamam lor sunt? POZA 1 POZA 2
nu stiu..mie imi sare KIS doar cand dau click pe link:))))Fooc fooc:))) Acum(4.03.2009) arata asa Cand l-am luat pe 21.02 nu il vedea nici un antivir!!
SSLstrip - HTTPS Stripping Attack Tool This tool provides a demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks that was presented at Black Hat DC 2009. It will transparently hijack HTTP traffic on a network, watch for HTTPS links and redirects, then map those links into either look-alike HTTP links or homograph-similar HTTPS links. It also supports modes for supplying a favicon which looks like a lock icon, selective logging, and session denial. For more information on the attack, see the video from the presentation on the homepage. To get this running: * Flip your machine into forwarding mode. * Setup iptables to redirect HTTP traffic to sslstrip. * Run sslstrip. * Run arpspoof to convince a network they should send their traffic to you. That should do it. How does this work? First, arpspoof convinces a host that our MAC address is the router’s MAC address, and the target begins to send us all its network traffic. The kernel forwards everything along except for traffic destined to port 80, which it redirects to $listenPort (10000, for example). At this point, sslstrip receives the traffic and does its magic. You can download sslstrip 0.2 here:
What is Medusa? Medusa is a speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services. Some of the key features of Medusa are: * Thread-based parallel testing. Brute-force testing can be performed against multiple hosts, users or passwords concurrently. * Flexible user input. Target information (host/user/password) can be specified in a variety of ways. For example, each item can be either a single entry or a file containing multiple entries. Additionally, a combination file format allows the user to refine their target listing. * Modular design. Each service module exists as an independent .mod file. This means that no modifications are necessary to the core application in order to extend the supported list of services for brute-forcing. It currently has modules for the following services: * AFP * CVS * FTP * HTTP * IMAP * MS-SQL * MySQL * NCP (NetWare) * NNTP * PcAnywhere * POP3 * PostgreSQL * rexec * rlogin * rsh * SMB * SMTP (AUTH/VRFY) * SNMP * SSHv2 * SVN * Telnet * VmAuthd * VNC It also includes a basic web form module and a generic wrapper module for external scripts. While Medusa was designed to serve the same purpose as THC-Hydra, there are several significant differences - you can see a brief comparison here. It’s been over a year since version 1.4 was released and there has been a bunch of changes. This release includes multiple bug fixes, several new modules and additional module functionality. The following is a quick rundown on some of the new features, if you wish to see a detailed ChangeLog it’s here. * AFP - new module (still marked as unstable) * HTTP - digest auth support * IMAP - STARTTLS, NTLM support * POP3 - STARTTLS, LOGIN, PLAIN, NTLM support * SMBNT - LM, LMv2, NTLMv2 support * SMTP - NTLM support * TELNET - AS/400 (TN5250) support * misc. core and module bug fixes You can download Medusa v1.5 :here or here Mai multe detalii
Cam ce sistem de legatura complex folosesc astia?
)))ultimul e chiar penal rau:)))))
Si asta e partea a doua?)))) ))))))))
3d - heaven seven Home page?
Cum sa te angajezi,in perioada crizei financiare!! Cel mai penal clip posibil:!!) Edit:Cea mai tare faza cand se arunca ala pe usa:)))
)))visa ca era la curse:)))
hop si eu,tare jocu,interesant...dupa vreo 7 incercari cam asa:)
extrem,nu am cuvinte,bitul e mortal...chiar nu am cuvinte,...
ma miram eu:)) dar am intrebat sa nu mor prost:D
E un xss valid sau nu? IN IE8 mi-l blocheaza,spune pentru ca daca e asa ,)mai am o groaza!!In Mozilla firefox nu merge!
daatdraqq chiar esti dat dreq":))) aceiai chestie ca la tine,nici nu am apucat sa dau click pe linkul de descarcare ca deja mi-l vedea "trojan-dropper".Daca am face toti la fel si ne-am infecta unii pe altii unde am ajunge?
ADEUS - SEX NOISE!! tare sound-ul:D
am trait sa o vad si pe asta:)))))) poate au folosit ceva "httrack" sau cine stie metode sunt o groaza..dar copiii:D
))PetreTerror..vezi?,si se mai vaita "romanasul" nostru ca nu are bani:D, ROMANIA TE IUBESC!!) zaiet-pagadi daca tot ai multi bani ,doneaza si tu macar 10$ unui amarastean ca mine:D,si mai doneaza si vreunui admin ceva..,poate te vad maine poimaine vreun moderator de forum ceva:D
da...ca daca i-ai scos bateria de Bios,nu are ce date sa se piarda,bateria aia o cumperi ca se gaseste,e o simpla baterie de "ceas":D si cum a spus N!K3 fai un up-date la BIOS:D
hmm..pai din ce spune pe situ'asta Nu recunoaste Sempronu',chiar nu imi vine nici o idee in momentul de fata:(