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Posts posted by ThaiFight

  1. Privacy is one of the biggest concern to everyone these days, and to respect your privacy, few days ago Google enabled the option to Google Now Lets You Download Your Entire Search History, Here is How To Do This. And here again, they came up with one more thing, now you can stop google from tracking you.


    eah you heard it right, you can stop Google from tracking your searches and browsing activity, places you go, information from your devices, your voice searches and commands, videos you search for on YouTube and How To Enable YouTube's Transparent Player on YouTube.

    Here in this blog post, I am going to show you how can you stop Google from snooping in your data but let me tell you first, they claim that the data they collect is for enhancing the user experience on the web, so you need not to disable all the options. Here are the steps to disable Google tracker.

    Step 1: The first step in order to do this is to login to Google Web and App Activity Page. Now click on Gear icon which will open some options.


    Step 2: Now Click on Settings, it will open your accounts history settings. You can disable the searches and browsing activity from here or click on SHOW MORE SETTINGS to see other options.



    Step 3: Now it’s final step to stop Google from tracking you, all you need to do is to disable the option by clicking on the slide buttons located at the right side of every option. Now you can disable the options you want.



    Now as you disabled Google from tracking you, you need not to worry about lots of things and search you perform on web. But yes, they can still look into your search for sometimes in order to improve the quality of your search results, or as they say. To go complete anonymous, incognito mode is a better way.



    If you like the post share it with your friends, family to make sure they can surf the web anonymously without having a fear of being snooped by Google.

  2. Android is the fastest growing platform with billions of apps in the play store. Everyone shares different kinds of files with their friends. Some people just have transferred some of their important files on their device, but they are unable to open those files on their device because only a few files are supported by default on Android.open-all-file-formats-500x300.jpg

    So, if we need to increase the number of supportable files on our device, we need to install some applications and change some settings. A few examples of some extensions which are not supported on android devices by default are:- Mkv, Avi, Zip, Rar, OGG, Wav, 3GP, M4A, MID, XMF, AAC etc.

    Open all types of Video Formats (MKV, AVI,WMV etc.)

    You might have noticed that you are not able to open some types of video files like MKV and WMV on your Android device. One solution to this problem is to download MX Player. This app has more than a million installs and many positive reviews. Download MX Player now to open all video formats on your device.

    Download https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad&hl=en

    Open ZIP and RAR Files (Compressed)

    You might have transferred some important files on your Android device from your computer, but then you realised that you cannot open this type of file by default. So, the solution to this problem is downloading ES File explorer on your device. This is a must have app on your device.

    Download https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estrongs.android.pop&hl=en

    Open all audio formats

    The majority of audio files Google Play Music can cope with play but it can still miss some extensions. To play those files, download N7 Music Player from the Play Store.

    Download https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.n7mobile.nplayer&hl=en

  3. DIICOT-ul se joaca cu accesul la sistemele informatice

    S-a nascut o controversa in ultimele zile cu privire la o noua OUG data de guv.ro - si anume OUG 131/2006 care ar da dreptul DIICOT sa intre in calculatoarele oamenilor fara vreun mandat de la un judecator.

    Update - oct 2008 - OUG 131/2006 inca nu a fost aprobat de Parlament - initial a fost respinsa, iar apoi a fost retrimisa la Parlament de presedinte.


    Art. 16

    (1) Când sunt indicii temeinice cu privire la s?vâr?irea uneia dintre

    infrac?iunile atribuite prin prezenta lege în competen?a Direc?iei de

    Investigare a Infrac?iunilor de Criminalitate Organizat? ?i Terorism,

    în scopul strângerii de probe sau al identific?rii f?ptuitorului, pot

    fi dispuse în condi?iile Codului de procedur? penal? ori ale legilor

    speciale urm?toarele m?suri:

    a) punerea sub supraveghere a conturilor bancare ?i a conturilor

    asimilate acestora;

    B) punerea sub supraveghere, interceptarea sau înregistrarea comunica?iilor;

    c) accesul la sisteme informatice.

    (2) Procurorii Direc?iei de Investigare a Infrac?iunilor de

    Criminalitate Organizat? ?i Terorism pot dispune s? li se comunice, în

    original sau în copie, orice date, informa?ii, înscrisuri, documente

    bancare, financiare ori contabile ?i altele asemenea, oric?rei

    persoane care le de?ine ori de la care eman?, aceasta fiind obligat?

    s? se conformeze, în condi?iile alin. (1).

    (3) Nerespectarea obliga?iei prev?zute la alin. (2) atrage r?spunderea

    juridic?, potrivit legii.

    (4) M?surile prev?zute la alin. (1) lit. a) ?i c) pot fi dispuse de

    procurorii Direc?iei de Investigare a Infrac?iunilor de Criminalitate

    Organizat? ?i Terorism pe o durat? de cel mult 30 de zile. Pentru

    motive temeinice aceste m?suri pot fi prelungite de procuror prin

    ordonan?? motivat?, fiecare prelungire neputând dep??i 30 de zile.

    Durata maxim? a m?surilor dispuse este de 120 de zile.

    (5) M?sura prev?zut? la alin. (1) lit. B) poate fi dispus? de

    judec?tor, potrivit dispozi?iilor art. 911 -916 din Codul de procedur?

    penal?, care se aplic? în mod corespunz?tor."

    Deosebirea fata de actul modificat este ca "accesul la sisteme

    informatice " acum se poate cere si de procuror si nu numai de


    E important de precizat ca acest OUG intra in vigoare de la 1. Feb 2007

    Dupa cum am mai vazut si in alte articole se face insa o confuzie intre "acces la sisteme informatice " si

    "perchezitia informatica".

    Ceea ce este clar insa, este ca actuala formulare (acces la un sistem informatic) nu include "perchezitia informatica" ( art 56, legea 161/2003) - adica practic verificarea continutului unui hard-disk, si nici conservarea datelor ( echivalentul interceptarii telefonice vezi art 54, legea 161/2003 )

    Insa, in opinia mea, termenul de "access la sisteme informatice"

    mi se pare destul de vag si neprecis, atita vreme cit el nu este definit in mod explicit in legea 161 sau in actul respectiv.

    Probabil ca el s-a vrut a fi folosit doar in sensul de access fizic la mediul de stocare a datelor, care sa poate fi in acest fel mai usor obtinut, iar pentru verificare continutului sa fie obtinut un mandat de la un judecator pentru perchezitie informatica.

    Insa termenul de acces la un sistem informatic poate avea foarte bine si intelesul de acces logic prin care efectiv intrii in sistem si vezi ce e acolo, iar pentru o astfel de actiune cred ca decizia expresa a unui judecator este imperios necesara.

    In ceea ce priveste fondul problemei sunt de acord cu opinia ca

    lasarea unei astfel de decizii la indemina unui procuror ( fie el si

    al DIICOT) este o eroare, atita vreme cit un procuror este doar un

    agent al gov.ro, si nu o persoana independenta ca un judecator.

    Din pacate insa, OUG-urile este o practica jenanta si lipsite de

    motivatie alta decit impunerea vointei guvernului cit mai repede si

    fara consultarea parlamentului, majoritatea fiind aberatii inutile ale

    procesului legislativ.

    Iarasi din pacate, exista o practica din ce in ce mai raspindita

    (inceputa de la americani) prin care li se permite serviciilor secrete

    accesul la asemenea informatii fara aprobarea unui judecator, ca un

    instrum,ent util in "lupta impotriva terorismului". Numai ca deseori

    si aceasta limita este inlaturata.

  4. Salut @Shukaru3510

    Incearca asta si vezi daca iti merge :

    1) Connect your iPhone to your computer

    2) It’ll show up the error

    3) Now, switch off your iDevice without breaking connection means, don’t disconnect. (Hold the button on the top for about 5-6 seconds and then slide to power off)

    4) Switch it on. Hold the button on the top.

    5) Your computer will most probably detect your Device and sync.

    6) If not, try reinstalling iTunes.

  5. Normal ca ai r?mas f?r? replica :)ce altceva ati putea face de cât sa va rev?rsa?i ura voastr? de doi bani ,pe alti utilizatori care nici nu va bag? în seama .

    Si, de cât sa va b?ga?i în seama inutil ,mai bine face?i ceva util. nu va tot lua?i de mine ca nu ob?ine?i nimic de cât pierdere de timp .

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