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In momentul in care am aflat de SUPER-OFERTA eram mai multe persoane si am comandat in total 10 tablete! Realizand ca s-ar putea sa fie o eroare de sistem/umana, ne-am pus sa ne documentam asupra obligatiilor firmei de-asi onora comenzile online, mai ales ca este vorba despre un retailer precum DOMO, iata ce-am aflat: Se poate schimba pretul ? Evident ca fiind vorba de un contract, partile au dreptul sa modifice orice element al contractului. Deci daca magazinul ajunge la un compromis cu cumparatorul, atunci sa le fie de bine amandurora. Dar magazinul nu poate impune o schimbare a contractului. Acest lucru este clar atat din punctul de vedere al teoriei generale a contractelor, si este intarita de dispozitiile pentru protectia consumatorului - OG 21/1992 privind protectia consumatorului Art 10: In conditiile in care pretul afisat este de 10% sau mai mic decit un pret normal al acelui produs este clar un pret derizoriu, iar clientul nu poate beneficia de aceasta eroare, pretul fiind neserios, iar contractul de vinzare-cumparare nul. Un exemplu ar fi un laptop vandut cu 10 lei, insa avand in vedere ca tabletele erau situate undeva la 20% din pretul real, putem considera ca se incadreaza la "oferte speciale". In Ordonanta 130/2000 avem asa: Avand in vedere CA magazinul domo ne-a anuntat ca pretul NU este corect, insa, putem deduce ca produsul este pe stoc! In aceiasi ordonanta ne este precizat ca: Variantele ar fi urmatoarele: 1. Trimis mail-uri la diverse agentii de presa si televiziuni cu problema creata de DOMO 2. Facut reclamatie la OPC (revin maine cu mai multe detalii dupa ce discut cu cineva de la OPC care ma/ne va putea lamuri mai bine) 3. Cine doreste, ne putem combina si sa-i dam in judecata.
purehost.ro - Hosting servere DEDICATE/VPS/VDS/CLOUD/cPanel
Acidripp replied to Acidripp's topic in RST Market
Oferte noi in categoria servere dedicate -
Oferta inca este valabila
Ceea ce am dorit sa realizez si sper sa pot, este un serviciu de tip open-source hosting unde fiecare contribuie cu ce poate pentru binele tuturor, in viitor doresc sa fac public acest serviciu, adica nu numai pentru membrii RST, insa repet, in ideea de open-source hosting. Urmeaza zilele astea sa fac si un forum (la sugestia lui Nytro care nu m-a lasat sa fac asta pe rst).
incearca la ING acolo am si eu, ii recomand cu caldura! adica ce nu inteleg eu e dece vrei sa renunti la ing?
Nu pot face sticky-uri coaie nu-s admin cat despre offtopic.... arata-mi un singur post fara offtopic pe tot forumu asta
Cand nu-i acasa, ii intrii pe PC downloadezi niste filme porno cu minori, le ascunzi bine, lasi sa treaca vro saptamana dupe care suni la politie: end of story
SEOMAXIM, Angajam Programatori SEO, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, jQuery
Acidripp replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
@seomarius prezinti asa o incredere ce sa-ti spun, gata ne-ai convins, toate fetili sa apeleze la seomaXXXim -
Pentru ca multi stiu ca n-au posibilitatea, dar mai ales pentru ca multumita RST-ului am ajuns unde sunt acum, m-am gandit sa dau ceva inapoi. Din acest moment, orice membru RST, cu cel putin 50 de post-uri de calitate are din partea mea hosting GRATUIT si aici nu ma refer doar la webhosting, ci, in functie de nevoile fiecaruia, inclusiv VPS, VDS, dedicate sau cloud (in curand). Toti membrii care au acum hosting de la mine, din acest moment, sunt scutiti de plata cu conditia ca au un singur serviciu gratuit (spre exemplu, daca aveti 3 servere, unul va fi gartuit de acum inainte). Ideea este ca am fost si eu in papucii vostrii si stiu uneori, cat de greu, daca nu imposibil, va este sa obtineti un webhost sau un server gratuit. Doresc prin aceasta initiativa sa sustin pe cei care au idei, mai ales de business-uri online, sa se ridice. Ca orice cacat moka, trebuie sa avem si 2-3 reguli, de bun simt, evident: 1. NU primiti dedicate decat daca dovediti ca aveti nevoie de ele. 2. NU aveti voie sa gazduiti fisiere de tip audio/video (nici macar pentru streaming) daca nu va apartin. 3. Cine foloseste acest serviciu in scopuri ilegale (d-alea de imi bate diicot-ul la usa) va suferi consecintele. 4. Aveti dreptul la UN SINGUR serviciu moka! 5. IMI REZERV DREPTUL de a respinge pe cei care doresc sa gazduiasca servere de jocuri... La aceste reguli, bineinteles, se adauga si regulamentul de pe site-ul nostru: Serviciile disponibile le gasiti acum pe purehost.ro - Ulltimate hosting sollutions | best anti-DDoS protection | 100% uptime (site-ul este inca in constructie asa ca sa n-aud comentarii). Cei interesati sunt liberi sa ma contacteze pe urmatoarele cai: - PM (mesaj PRIVAT) pe forum - Yahoo!Messenger: th3acidripp3r@yahoo.com - Skype: softguard.datacenter Lista beneficiarilor: yo20063, Eric, em, cheater, sclipici, Cifre, p3tru, Reckon, mad93, robertutzu, Gecko, shaggi, icode, awnly3jhc2g, nSnoopy, hackedss, Wav3 L.E.: NU, NU ofer si domenii GRATIS, wtf guys!
Din nefericire pentru tine si eu sunt de acord cu cei de mai sus, adica undeva in jur de 500 lei.
Ca fotograf profesionist iti recomand sa ignori pe cei de mai sus, cauta-i pe okazii/ebay un Canon 1D Mk I sau II, la care ii adaugi un Canon 24-70L f/2.8
incearca asta: MCT - An Android NFC-App for reading/writing/analysing/etc. MF Classic (Page 1) / MIFARE Classic / Proxmark developers community
New virtual currency site paying $100 for registration
Acidripp replied to gmail's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
pentru ca, la randul lui, cel recomandat de tine plateste! -
New virtual currency site paying $100 for registration
Acidripp replied to gmail's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
If it sounds too good to be true, it probablly is! -
Se poate modifica partea de quote, adaugand "@" in fata user-ului si implementa scriptul de mai sus, pare cea mai simpla solutie...
ai aici cartea de service cu tot cu scheme, poate te ajuta: https://d.transfer.ro/transfer_ro-17jan-839f690ad8a7afbc.zip
ALIGNMENT SETTINGS To access Service Mode select program position 99 and set sharpness to minimum. Press “MUTE” button on remote control and at the same time press the „?” button on the customer controls at the front of the TV, this will place the TV set into Service Mode. Press ?/?buttons to step up / down through the functions. Press + / - buttons to alter the function values. To exit Service Mode press „MENU” button. butoneaza "VERT SIZE" si "HOR WIDTH"
The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairperson ’Patrick Leahy’ reestablished a revamped paraphrase of the “Personal Information Privacy and Security Act” for harsh criminal penalties intended for hackers, that he formerly authored in 2005. During most recent Christmas Holidays, an enormous data contravene had occurred at the shopping gigantic Target, connecting hack of 40 million debit & credit cards, exercised to pay for acquisitions at its 1500 stores all over the country in the U.S. Reason: “Target records Breach? Seriously”? In a report, as published below, the Senator inscribed: It appears that the TARGET violation was programmed, as the best occasion to ramp up the computer-generated security laws in opposition to all kinds of Hackers. Sursa: http://hackersnewsbulletin.com/2014/01/attention-hackers-hack-even-trying-hack-may-lead-face-20-years-jail.html
The internet as we know it is in peril. Verizon's victory in the court of appeal this week, seeing the FCC's attempts to regulate broadband providers in the name of Net Neutrality defeated, has the potential to change how we access the internet and web services like Netflix, Hulu, and others more fundamentally than 2013's SOPA threatened to. In question isn't whether internet access should be a free-for-all, but what it is fundamentally, legally classified as, and who therefore has control over what gets shuttled through: Verizon and the broadband providers, in control of the "pipes", or the FCC as protector of infrastructure that uses public rights of way. For all both sides are claiming some degree of victory this week, we're still no closer to settling that fundamental question. The position that leaves us in is confusing. The appeals court hasn't said that the FCC has no place in deciding broadband policy, and in fact recognizes the Commission's fears that "broadband providers may be motivated to discriminate against and among edge providers." What it has said is that the way the FCC was trying to go about doing that was overstepping the mark in terms of federal law. Is there a problem if Net Neutrality fails? Verizon, Comcast, and other broadband providers all insist that, if anything, the online experience for consumers could be better: not to mention fairer for all involved, no matter which side of the pipe they sit on. There's an argument to be made there, perhaps: anyone who has cursed YouTube for buffering spoiling their video watching, or found Spotify streaming to be glitchy and error-prone might welcome a more stable, predictable service. I'm not sure that's sufficient reason to make me stomach the passing of Net Neutrality as a concept, however. As someone who writes about cutting-edge technology for a living, I've seen plenty of startups come and go with ambitious ideas that butt heads with the realities of how tough it can be to establish a business. The idea that the existing incumbents might be able to defend their position not with innovation but simply by paying for better delivery is a concerning one. That's before you consider the fact that I'm a content producer myself. Could there come a day where SlashGear would have to stump up a fee if it wanted to compete on delivery speed to readers with, say, AOL or SB Nation owned properties? As an internet user, meanwhile, the dearth of alternative options for getting online means that the opportunities to actually jump ship between providers - voting with my dollars, just as the broadband companies say should be the case - are rare or even non-existent. The cost of building out infrastructure, among other things, means that many areas have just one fixed broadband provider to "choose" from. In short, if you want to get online, there's only really one place you can go to do that. That promised choice, therefore, doesn't really reflect the actual situation out in American towns and cities. The FCC has to share some blame in the whole situation itself, too; it pushed to exempt Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable from the "common carriage" obligations that would have continued to define broadband infrastructure as something to which the public had a fundamental right of access. In short, the appeals court this week said that the FCC can't try to apply "common carrier" limits on something already deemed to be outside of that classification. The ball is back in the FCC's hands as to whether it mounts another challenge; while a decision either way hasn't been announced, Commission chairman Tom Wheeler did say the agency "is not going to abandon its responsibility to oversee that broadband networks operate in the public interest." President Obama too has waded in, reconfirming his own commitment to Net Neutrality. What's yet to be demonstrated is how any of them will actually go about doing that defending, or enacting those responsibilities. I want more stable broadband, and more reliable service. Yet I also want the freedom to use the services I choose without - at some point along the line - a surcharge being levied, one which either has to come out of my pocket or that of the company behind the service I'm using. The broadband providers arguments against Net Neutrality provisions sound a lot like they're welcoming competition but only in terms of them themselves making more money; not keeping the internet a place of openness where bright new startups can flourish. Sursa: Net Neutrality is a mess: We can’t even decide what the Internet is - SlashGear
Developed by security experts including those from Silent Circle, the Android-powered Blackphone is designed to make snooping far more difficult. A new Android-powered smartphone soon to be launched will put privacy and control directly in the hands of its users. On Wednesday, Silent Circle and Geeksphone announced the formation of a new Switzerland-based joint venture and its first surveillance-thwarting product, the Blackphone. Powered by a security-oriented Android build named PrivatOS, Blackphone is touted as a carrier and vendor-independent smartphone that will allow consumers and businesses to make and receive secure phone calls, exchange secure texts, transfer and store files, and video chat without compromising privacy on the device. The smartphone is the brainchild of security and technology specialists including Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP; Javier Aguera, co-founder of Geeksphone; Jon Callas, co-founder of PGP Inc. and CTO of Silent Circle; Rodrigo Silva-Ramos, co-founder of Geeksphone; and Mike Janke, CEO of Silent Circle and former U.S. Navy SEAL. said Zimmermann. Blackphone will be unveiled at Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona, Spain, and preorders will be taken at the end of February. There are no current details available on the gadget's price. Geeksphone is a Madrid-based firm that develops and promotes open source mobile solution. Washington, D.C.-based Silent Circle is a global encrypted communications service well-known for providing secure e-mail service Silent Mail, before the founders chose to shutter the service in light of US agency spying revelations. Sursa: New Blackphone aims to quash surveillance threat | Security & Privacy - CNET News Blackphone is the world's first smartphone which prioritizes the user's privacy and control, without any hooks to carriers or vendors. It comes preinstalled with all the tools you need to move throughout the world, conduct business, and stay in touch, while shielding you from prying eyes. It's the trustworthy precaution any connected worker should take, whether you're talking to your family or exchanging notes on your latest merger & acquisition. Blackphone is unlocked and works with any GSM carrier. Performance benchmarks put it among the top performers from any manufacturer. It has the features necessary to do all the things you need, as well as all the things you want, while maintaining your privacy and security and giving you the freedom to choose your carrier, your apps, and your location. The tools installed on Blackphone give you everything you need to take ownership of your mobile presence and digital footprints, and ensure nobody else can watch you without your knowledge. You can make and receive secure phone calls; exchange secure texts; exchange and store secure files; have secure video chat; browse privately; and anonymize your activity through a VPN. Sursa: https://www.blackphone.ch/ http://vimeo.com/84167384
Vand domeniu + tema cumparata envanto + hosting gratuit
Acidripp replied to Acidripp's topic in RST Market
ne-am sincronizat noi prost ai pe mess offline cu datele de acces -
Dupa cum spune si titlul, vand urmatoarele domenii: www.bitcoin.tm.ro - 150 euro www.c.store.ro - 20 euro www.minecraft-hosting.ro - 100 euro www.minecraft-romania.org - 200 euro www.newslounge.ro - 50 euro www.privatemail.ro - 500 euro www.paybycall.ro - 1000 euro Plata se face prin paypal, payoneer, bitcoin, transfer bancar sau cash. Preturile sunt usor negociabile, asa ca astept oferte! Toate domeniile vin cu hosting inclus!
Vand domeniu + tema cumparata envanto + hosting gratuit
Acidripp replied to Acidripp's topic in RST Market
1. Domeniul a fost luat pe 1 an 2. tot cu 10 euro paypal sau payoneer