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About cosmin1987

  • Birthday 10/04/1987


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    IT Specialist CDS - Carpe Diem Security
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  1. Da ai inteles perfect. Multumesc frumos
  2. Da corect hidden vreau sa il fac, dar din pacate am o problema, cand checkbox-ul se selecteaza incepe sa adune valorile de la data-amount, si as dorii sa pluseze suma checkbox-ului hidden <input type="checkbox" class="add" data-amount="1337" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"> adica sa imi adauge la 1337 valorile checkbox-urilor selectate.
  3. Da exact asa.
  4. Salutare, am o mica problema, care este destul de simpla. Am urmatoarele checkbox-uri <input type="checkbox" class="add" data-amount="30" id="extra_units_3" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" class="add" data-amount="40" id="extra_units_4" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" class="add" data-amount="50" id="extra_units_5" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" class="add" data-amount="60" id="extra_units_6" value="1" /> si imi calculeaza foarte simplu cu jquery : $('.add').click(function() { if($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#total').text(parseInt($('#total').text()) + parseInt($(this).data('amount'))); } else { $('#total').text(parseInt($('#total').text()) - parseInt($(this).data('amount'))); } }); As vrea sa mai adaug un checkbox selected care sa nu poata fi modificat, care sa aibe data-amount="" stabilit de mine si apoi fiecare checkbox sa adauge valoarea (data-amount) peste valoarea checkbox-ului adaugat de mine. Multumesc anticipat
  5. Am nevoie de un bun cunoscator PHP Smarty Template Engine, pentru a aduce mici modificari uni site. Totul se face contra-cost, sunt mai multe taskuri pe care programatorul trebuie sa le finalizeze. Plata se face la finalizarea fiecarui task. Site-ul este un magazin online destul de maricel, asa ca este destul de urgenta treaba. Multumesc si astept PM.
  6. Welcome back ! Chiar imi era dor de forumul asta.
  7. lasa-mi un id ceva sa putem discuta
  8. DigiXMAS Directory Submitter is SEO friendly, semi-automated directory submission tool that quickly submits your websites to thousands of free directories. HOW IT WORKS? With digiXMAS Submitter, your submission time is reduced to minimum by smart features of the tool. DigiXMAS Submitter supports two submission modes: * Shinkansen Mode (Paid Mode): Regarding to your site profile and manually confirmed category selection, our tool sends submission request directly to directories and analyses response to report the result. You don't have to visit the directories. Unfortunately, this mode supports limited number of directories (Actually, out list covers over 900 free general directories). Note: This is paid mode, you can submit freely to 150 directories only. * Truck Mode (Free Mode): Only thing you have to do is go to category in each directory that you want to submit your site to and click Submit. All the rest will be done by the tool. This mode supports almost all directories. Furthermore, you can have your own directory list in this mode. KEY FEATURES Common * Automatic rotation of unlimited sets of anchor text and description text. * Automatic record of anchor text, submission status, submission date and selected category. * Support of online mode, so your directory list is always 'fresh'. * Possibility of re-sending submission requests that failed. * Possibility of re-sending out-of-date submission requests. * Colorful directory list that clearly shows the submission status of each site. * Detailed submission reports in RTF and HTML. * Support of multiple sites in a single account. * Support of proxy connection. * Flexible service packages that fit your needs. Shinkansen Mode * Smart, self-learning category selection algorithm guaranties that your website is quickly submitted to most relevant category. * Automated record of submission error messages. * Long list of directories with Google Pagerank, updated daily. * Automated check the directories for site's listing with exact anchor text. * Possibility of manual image verification or category adjustment during submission. * Up to 10 concurrent directory connections that reduce your time to minimum. Truck Mode * Smart, self-learning Directory Form Analyzer that allows quick and easy adoption of the new directory to user's own directory list. * Support of user's own directory lists. * Up to 10 browsers in Firefox tabs-style, with auto form filler. * Huge, categorized directory lists. * Possiblility of displaying several information about web page: Number of Links, Google PageRank, Google Cache Date and Links with nofollow attribute. Manual : http://www.digixmas.com/docs/manual_3_8_1.pdf Inregistrare gratuita : http://www.digixmas.com/users/register.php Download : www.digixmas.com/docs/DS_Setup_3_8_1.msi Nu contine virusi. O seara buna.
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