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About XopcX

  • Birthday 12/03/1983

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  1. un mic script perl pentru a verifica socks #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket::Socks; #use strict; #use warnings; my $file = 'list.txt'; open (FILE, "$file") || die "Could not open $file\n"; my @data = <FILE>; close FILE; my $socksdata; foreach my $socks (@data) { eval { my $status = 'FAILED'; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {print ' ' . $status . "\n";goto ALARM;}; alarm 5; chomp $socks; print $socks; my ($socks_ip,$socks_port) = split(/\:/,$socks); my $socket = new IO::Socket::Socks( ProxyAddr=>"$socks_ip", ProxyPort=>"$socks_port", ConnectAddr=>"mail.goldhost.com", ConnectPort=>"25") or next; if ($socket) { print $socket "QUIT\r\n"; } while (my $res = <$socket>) { if ( $res =~ /^220/) { $status = 'SUCCESS'; } } close($socket); if ($status eq 'SUCCESS') { $socksdata .= $socks . "\n"; } print ' ' . $status . "\n"; alarm 0; ALARM: } } open FH, ">$file"; print FH $socksdata; close FH;
  2. https://www.sendspace.com/file/ko2bkd
  3. Fastupload.ro - transfer rapid de fi?iere online
  4. Am gasit un scanner de smtp-uri de linux si m-am gandit sa il postez , nu stiu cum functioneaza am vazut ca ia smtp-uri si din email si din ip .... poate ma lamuriti si pe mine Fastupload.ro - transfer rapid de fi?iere online
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