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Salut RST! Recent am decis sa fac o pagina de facebook care sa promoveze Romania, destinata romanilor. Cu facebook ads merge cam incet., vin max 50-100 likes pe zi (CPC e in jur $0.05). Vreau sa ii dau un boost si m-am gandit sa ma folosesc de functia ''Email Contact Import'' care imi permite sa adaug cate 5000 de emailuri pe zi. Asadar, daca cineva are o lista fresh cu emailuri romanesti sau chiar un fisier csv cu contacte facebook, contactati-ma. PS: Lista o voi folosi strict pentru pagina de facebook. NU ma intereseaza email spam.
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The perfect tool for email marketing and newsletters! With Email Sender Deluxe, sending out personalized bulk email and newsletters to your customers and clients just got a whole lot easier! Simply choose your recipients, write your email and hit Send! You can easily import recipients from databases, Excel, text files or enter them manually. You can store email templates, so you don't have to type the whole newsletter again the next time you send one. Email Sender Deluxe allows you to easily preview each email before it is sent to the recipients, letting you see the email they see. Attaching files to the emails is easy as well. This mass email sender software also allows you to send to an unlimited number of recipients. If you send out newsletters regularly or need to notify your customers about new products and services, Email Sender Deluxe is here to help you! Features Send emails quickly and easily! Each recipient will get their own email, and won't see who else the email is sent to. Send personalized emails! You can insert recipient fields such as "First Name" or "Country" into your email. Easily import recipients from text files, CSV files and Excel spreadsheets. Supports import recipients from ODBC databases like Oracle, SQL Server, Access and MySQL. Use the powerful WYSIWYG editor to easily create your HTML emails. Send email using multiple connections, maximizing the speed. Setup pausing to accommodate the email sending to your SMTP server's limits. Preview all emails before they are sent. Download:
Background Recently while writing and testing some email related code I got annoyed and decided to make an easier way to automate listening for emails and performing actions when they arrive. The result is and to demonstrate how easy it is to use, let's make an email controlled gate opener using a raspberry pi and a tiny shell script. The hardware A gate. A gate opener. A raspberry pi 3 with linux installed. A raspberry pi GPIO 'cobbler' breadboard adapter. A breadboard. An NPN transistor and a 1k resistor. The abridged theory When the button is pressed circuit is powered, opening the gate. Transistors also can be configured to be an electronically controlled switch and we can programmatically control the general purpose input/output pins of a raspberry pi to drive the transistor. This gives us the following circuit: Assembly Replace the gate opener battery with the power supply on the breadboard using a soldering iron and solder, remember to write down which terminal is positive/negative. Replace the button with a transistor (Use a multimeter and google to work out which way it goes.) and resistor using a soldering iron and solder. Connect the gate opener input, power and ground into the bread board and match it up with the labels on the 'cobbler'. Connect 'cobbler' to the raspberry pi and breadboard. voila: The software wsemail compiled for the raspberry pi 3. A free api token generated from Combined with the following bash script running on the raspberry pi 3: #! /bin/sh set -u export WEBSOCKETEMAIL_TOKEN=$(cat websocketemail_token.txt) # A secret id that people can't guess gateid=gate12345 # initialize gpio echo 13 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio13/direction while true do if wsemail -timeout 0 -for-address $ \ | grep -q "open sesame" then # Trigger the gate if the email contained the secret incantation echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio13/value sleep 0.1 echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio13/value fi # don't loop too fast if there is an error somewhere. sleep 1 done The code can be summarized as: Initialize passwords and GPIO. Loop forever waiting for an email to be sent to with the contents "open sesame". If the password is correct, pulse the GPIO switch, triggering the gate to open. The code is MIT licensed on github. The result Step aside Amazon IOT, you are doing it wrong. Also, I know my email address is in the video, send me nice comments Conclusion Interacting with the real world using software is a lot of fun and I encourage you to have a try at building something for yourself. These days you do not need to be an expert in electronics to make something that interacts with the physical world. also did it's job well, and I hope it can also be useful anywhere you need to interact with email accounts ... perhaps even unit/integration tests at your software job... wink wink. Happy hacking! FAQ What do you mean 20 lines of code... There is go code in there!? 20 lines of shell needed to solve the task at hand, wsemail is reusable, just like your OS kernel, cat and all the other software it also used that you didn't complain about... though you aren't totally wrong. Why you wouldn't you setup an smtp server on the device? Why add websocket crap? NAT makes things annoying if you run the smtp server on the device, but I did setup an smtp server, and made a tiny api for it too :). Feel free to setup your own smtp server and use that instead. Why you wouldn't you use IMAP to poll the server? Which server? which account? Am I retaining emails? Sounds annoying. In my opinion the current configuration is a bit simpler for this use case. Source:
Online Lead Finder V 3.3.07 - 2014-08-21 "You're About To Discover A Software Tool That Tirelessly Works for You To Find HOT Leads and Create Massive Profits!" Features OnlineLeadFinder provides fast, affordable leads. Here's why you should use our service: » Cragislist, BackPage, Ebay Lead Search » Yellow Pages Scraper » Automated Twitter Marketing » Twitter Trends Demand Traffic » Facebook Lead Serve » Social Lead Detective » Google Maps Extractor » Yahoo Auto Answer Bot » Social Mail Hacker » Linked Lead Connect » Email Gunner » FB Open Graph Investigator » Miracle Traffic Bot ChangeLog ONLINE LEAD FINDER Hitesh - ------------------ Priority : || Type: MJR = MAJOR || BUG = Issue reported by the customers. MNR = MINOR || NEW = New features/functionality added. NRL = NORMAL || ================================================================= V 3.3.07 - 2014-08-21 - [MJR] [NEW] Added Miracle Bot module - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Linked in message sending issue - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed the search in Facebook window - Miracle bot support below sites Article (only) submission for now.. ================================================================= V 3.3.06 - 2014-07-31 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed facebook group search - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Linked in message sending issue - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed the new Yahoo module ================================================================= V 3.3.05 - 2014-07-25 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed CL search issue - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed LI group listing issue - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed FB Investor not scraping ID issue. - [MJR] [NEW] Added Email export for FB Investor page ================================================================= V - 2014-06-03 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed FB Investor not scraping ID issue. - [MJR] [NEW] Removed Duplicated result from Business search - [MNR] [NEW] Increased search result for US Business search ====================================================================== V 3.3 - 2014-05-31 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed CL Phone issue. - [MNR] [BUG] many other small small fixes done. - [MNR] [BUG] CL CSV Export column mismatch issue. - [MNR] [BUG] CL Publish date issue. ====================================================================== V 3.2.9 - 2014-05-15 - [MJR] [NEW] Added new search under Other Menu for Business Leads Database (Beta) - [MJR] [BUG] FB Lead Server (Removed depricated facebook Email functionality as it is removed by Facebook API) ====================================================================== V 3.2.8 - 2014-05-13 - [MJR] [BUG] CL Export Phone and Email probelm fixed ====================================================================== V 3.2.7 - 2014-05-07 - [MJR] [BUG] CL Email probelm fixed - [MJR] [BUG] BCC email fixed - [MJR] [BUG] CL wait problem fixed ====================================================================== V 3.2.6 - 2014-04-23 - [MJR] [BUG] Linked in fixes - [MJR] [BUG] Yellow page search fixes. - [MNR] [NEW] Added save functionality to Event page ====================================================================== V 3.2.5 - 2014-04-08 - [MJR] [NEW] Added Follow their Follower button on Twitter window - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed scroll bar issue for lower resolutions windows - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Auto update screen problem which was missed in last release. - [MNR] [NEW] Improved backup functionality ====================================================================== V 3.2.4 - 2014-04-04 - [MJR] [NEW] Added Help -> Change Log menu - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Twitter unfollow feature - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Auto Update issue - [MJR] [BUG] Linked Lead Get group issue fixed ====================================================================== V 3.2.3 - 2014-04-03 - [MNR] [NEW] appended "second" for max/min text. - [MNR] [NEW] Ask for Backup before updating the version ====================================================================== V 3.2.2 - 2014-03-24 - [MJR] [NEW] Added spinning of tag in FB, Linked in, Twitter and other pages - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Log file sending issue - [MNR] [NEW] Sorted group list by its name in all pages. ====================================================================== V 3.2.1 - 2014-03-23 - [MJR] [NEW] Added Twitter search filter checkbox for Strict Search - [MJR] [BUG] Urgent fix for License module - [MJR] [BUG] Linked Lead group selection issue fixed - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed misspelled word. ====================================================================== V 3.2 - 2014-03-22 - [MJR] [NEW] New License UI and improvement in validation - [MJR] [NEW] Added more email rotation Logic - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed email sending problem - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed tag spinning problem - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Linked InBUG related issues ====================================================================== V 3.1.8 - 2014-03-15 - BETA - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed email sending problem - BETA - [MJR] [NEW] Added more email rotation Logic - BETA ====================================================================== V 3.1.7 - 2014-03-11 - [MJR] [NEW] Improvement in Graphsmasher(BETA) - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed Layout issues - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed Linked lead page due to recent change in HTML. ===================================================================== V 3.1.6 - 2014-03-08 - [MJR] [NEW] Added FB Graphsmasher(BETA) - [MJR] [NEW] Improved FB Lead Serve to display captch when google stopped responding. - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed design layout where window was detached from menu ===================================================================== V 3.1.5 - 2014-03-06 - [MJR] [BUG] License glitch fixed. ============================================================================= V 3.1.4 - 2014-03-05 - [MJR] [BUG] Remove waiting for Skipped post - [MJR] [BUG] Added link to original post in CL email - [MJR] [BUG] Handled STOP action for email sending - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed min and max delay issue. ============================================================================= V 3.1.3 - 2014-02-25 - [MJR] [BUG] Decaptcha API fixes. - [MNR] [NEW] Logic improvement in CL and BP pages. ============================================================================= V 3.1.2 - 2014-02-21 - [MJR] [BUG] few more fixes with Twitter. ============================================================================= V 3.1 - 2014-02-16 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed license issue. - [MJR] [NEW] Ability to backup/restore the data before upgrading or moving to another machine. - [MJR] [NEW] CL allows search keyword with space. - [MJR] [NEW] Performance improvement. ============================================================================= V 3.0.3 - 2014-01-21 - [MNR] [NEW] Icons swapped and re-arranged in new size.. ============================================================================= V 3.0.2 - 2014-01-20 - [MJR] [NEW] Combined license module to active OLF and SB with diff license keys. - [MJR] [NEW] Fixed broken pages for search result. ============================================================================= V 3.0.1 - 2014-01-13 - [MNR] [NEW] New Icons added. ============================================================================= V 3.0 - 2014-01-06 - [MJR] [NEW] Social Bot Integration ============================================================================= V 2.8 - 2013-12-28 - [MJR] [BUG] Craigslist Search was broken due to recent change on website - [MJR] [BUG] Backpage search was broken.. fixed it - [MJR] [BUG] Social Email Hacker search improvement. facility to export saved emails to csv. - [MJR] [BUG] Linked Lead was broken for sending message to group member. fixed it - [MJR] [BUG] Twitter Trends was broken. optimize the process and fixed the issues. ============================================================================= V 2.7.5 - 2013-12-19 - [MJR] [BUG] CL shwoing script error - fixed - [MJR] [BUG] CL not fetching emails - fixed - [NRL] [NEW] Application startup performance improved ============================================================================= V 2.7.4 - 2013-11-21 - [MJR] [BUG] CL Campaign not working. fixed - [MJR] [BUG] Deleting history window removed - [MJR] [BUG] script error handled in CL page - [MNR] [BUG] fixed typo for word "price" - [MJR] [BUG] Twitter search user fixed. ============================================================================= V 2.7.3 - 2013-11-12 - [MJR] [BUG] fixed CL and Backpage issues. ============================================================================= V 2.7 - 2013-10-28 - [MJR] [BUG] fixed various bugs in FB-Lead-Serve, Social-Email-Hacking and Social-Lead-Detective, LinkedLead issues are fixed. ============================================================================= V 2.6.8 - 2013-10-15 - [MJR] [BUG] Trial Version: fixed to enable the trial version for Craigslist ============================================================================= V 2.6.7 - 2013-10-09 - [MJR] [BUG] Backpage: Captcha issue fixed (reported by: Natasha Travis) ============================================================================= V 2.6.6 - 2013-10-07 - [MJR] [BUG] Linked Lead Serve: Fixed issue due to recent Linked In Group page changes ============================================================================= V 2.6.5 - 2013-10-01 - [MJR] [BUG] Missed to set testMode to false in prev production release.. re-released. ============================================================================= V 2.6.4 - 2013-10-01 - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed Version number issue. - [MNR] [BUG] Handle prevously unhandled exception. ============================================================================= V 2.6.3 - 2013-09-30 - [MJR] [BUG] Email Gunner -> Fixed import issue. ============================================================================= V 2.6.2 - 2013-09-27 - [MJR] [BUG] Twitter -> Fixed search result issue mentioned by Brian Netzel - [MJR] [BUG] FB Lead Serve -> Fixed facebook login issue. ============================================================================= V 2.6.1 - 2013-09-26 - [MJR] [NEW] Email Gunner -> Ability to use keywords like <firstname> and <lastname> in email template to be send using Gunner. - [MNR] [NEW] Email Gunner -> Import now handle the Email, Firstname, Lastname (order does not matter). first row must have header. ============================================================================= V 2.6 - 2013-09-21 - [MJR] [NEW] Email Menu -> Email Gunner page added to send emails ============================================================================= V 2.5.3 - 2013-08-09 - [MJR] [NEW] Linked In Message posted page - [MNR] [BUG] Google Maps: Removed unicode chars from exports - [MNR] [BUG] Lead Sleath: Fixed search result count. - [MNR] [BUG] Lead Sleath: Fixed Url Opener logic - [MNR] [NEW] Added icons for Google Map and Social Mail Hacker ============================================================================= V 2.5.2 - 2013-08-06 - [MJR] [NEW] Social Mail Hack page to extract emails - [MJR] [NEW] Extracted Email in Google Map extractor - [MJR] [BUG] Yahoo Answer bug fixed - [NRL] [NEW] Social Mail Hack support for saving result into Database - [NRL] [NEW] support page goes to ============================================================================= V 2.5.1 - 2013-07-16 - [MJR] [NEW] More features for Fb Lead Serve page - [MJR] [NEW] Ability to export the complete result table to CSV. ============================================================================= V 2.5. - 2013-07-11 - [MJR] [NEW] Twitter Trends Page Added. - [MNR] [NEW] Updated icons. ============================================================================= V 2.4. - 2013-07-03 - [MJR] [NEW] Added support for sub-cities in CL. ex. US->Florida->TampaBayArea-> - [MJR] [NEW] Added page for Facebook Lead Chef - [NRL] [NEW] Renamed and updated performace of Social Lead Detector - [NRL] [NEW] Renamed page and updated performace of Google Plus leads (Lead Sleath) - [MNR] [NEW] fixed CL display message issue. ============================================================================= V 2.3. - 2013-06-29 - [MJR] [NEW] Added support for Twitter to use new API verson 1.1 ============================================================================= V 2.2.5. - 2013-06-04 - [MJR] [NEW] Added two Pages for Google Plus search. 1. public search 2. api search ============================================================================= V 2.2.4. - 2013-06-05 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Craigslist price filter issue - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed auto campaign issues ============================================================================= V - 2013-05-25 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed twitter unfollow issue - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed auto campaign issues ============================================================================= V - 2013-05-15 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed yahoo answer - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed license issues - [MNR] [NEW] New menu under setting.. to view log files - [MNR] [BUG] Backpage with new categories. fixed issue. ============================================================================= V - 2013-05-09 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed major bug in CL for search - jaybowman - [MJR] [NEW] New Categories and Location on BackPage - Larry - [MJR] [NEW] Ebay Classified emails are sending out now. - [MNR] [BUG] Tried to solve 'spam' problem for test email. ============================================================================= V - 2013-05-03 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed major bug in CL for search with BedRoom functionality. - Brad - [MNR] [BUG] Test email From field is filled in with the target of the email. - reported by Brian - [MNR] [NEW] Ebay Classified is in BETA yet. ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-27 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed major bug for CL again. - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Yahoo Answer search again. - [MNR] [BUG] Fixed license validation. ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-22 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed major bug for CL - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed Yahoo Answer search ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-15 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed issue where only 100 results were coming in CL search - reported by Jean-Pierre - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed issue with price rage filter in CL search - reported by Matthew Pape ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-12 - [MJR] [BUG] "Export" button was not there in CL page - [MJR] [NEW] New Icons for Home page buttons - [MNR] [NEW] Mouse hover icon will make it show little zoom. - [MNR] [NEW] AboutUs box resized. Added button for "Check For Update" - [MNR] [NEW] clicking the Logo on home page will open About box with update option at bottom ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-10 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed issue "unable to open database" error. - [MJR] [NEW] Added new Email Log (Setting ==> EmailLog) menu. - [MJR] [NEW] Ability to resend the emails those were sent in past either as success or failure. - [MNR] [NEW] Store outgoing emails of CL. ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-09 - [MJR] [NEW] Re-construct Twitter Auto Campaign page just like CL - [MJR] [NEW] Include "Follow" choice in Twitter search page.. - [MNR] [NEW] Added new campaign menu and moved CL and Twitter campaign inside it. ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-08 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed issue with Auto campaign not getting new leads due to date range. - [MJR] [NEW] Added choice for CL for date range via CheckBox previous to date pickers. - [MNR] [NEW] Icons are added into All drop menu in home page. ============================================================================= V - 2013-04-07 - [MJR] [BUG] Twitter issue for Invalid/expired token is fixed. - [MJR] [NEW] Added Auto Update ability in program. - [MJR] [NEW] New loading screen before we actually load the main thread. - [MJR] [NEW] Ability to backup data before installing new version - [MJR] [NEW] Ability to restore data after installing new version - [MNR] [NEW] Added Cancel button in Email settings page. - [MNR] [NEW] Improved Email setting query. - [MNR] [NEW] Icons are added into Help menu. ============================================================================= V 2.1.7 - 2013-03-22 - [MJR] [BUG] Fixed email not sending issue. - [MJR] [NEW] Added option for AND/OR choice for CraigsList. - [MJR] [NEW] Added ability for AutoCampaign to use all the filter selected on CL page. - [MJR] [BUG] changed email setting logic for email rotation. - [MJR] [BUG] CL export issue fixed. - [NRL] [NEW] Added two new column to CLExport. Keyword, SkipKeyword. - [MNR] [NEW] improved status display algorithm. - [MNR] [NEW] improved Email setting query. - [MNR] [NEW] Added ability to send BCC for all outgoing emails in EmailSetting. - [MNR] [NEW] improved Messagebox styling - shown Error, Warning, Info icons. NOTE: You will have to recreate all the Template when using this version. as This version has lot of change for email setting module.s so old email template will not be reused for this version. AutoCampaign will use all the filter you wrote on CL page. like.. DateRange, PriceRange, Filter Operation(AND/OR), Keywords, SkipKeywords, Exclude Spams etc. Sales Page: Download install exe & crack file: Testat pe windows 7/64-bits.Instalat normal si rulat in sanboxie,nu stiu de ce dar antivirus-ul (Kaspersky),detecteaza install exe original ca si virus. Enjoy: Importe Online Lead FinderOnline Lead Finder $797.00
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Security researchers are warning of a new, easy-to-exploit email trick that could allow an attacker to turn a seemingly benign email into a malicious one after it has already been delivered to your email inbox. Dubbed Ropemaker (stands for Remotely Originated Post-delivery Email Manipulation Attacks Keeping Email Risky), the trick was uncovered by Francisco Ribeiro, the researcher at email and cloud security firm Mimecast. A successful exploitation of the Ropemaker attack could allow an attacker to remotely modify the content of an email sent by the attacker itself, for example swapping a URL with the malicious one. This can be done even after the email has already been delivered to the recipient and made it through all the necessary spam and security filters, without requiring direct access to the recipient’s computer or email application, exposing hundreds of millions of desktop email client users to malicious attacks. Ropemaker abuses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that are fundamental parts of the way information is presented on the Internet. Since CSS is stored remotely, researchers say an attacker can change the content of an email through remotely initiated changes made to the desired 'style' of the email that is then retrieved remotely and presented to the user, without the recipient, even tech savvy users, knowing about it. According to the researchers, the Ropemaker attack could be leveraged depending upon the creativity of the threat actors. For instance, attackers could replace a URL that originally directed the user to a legitimate website by a malicious one that sends the user to a compromised site designed to infect users with malware or steal sensitive info, such as their credentials and banking details. While some systems are designed to detect the URL switch preventing users from opening up the malicious link, other users could be left at a security risk. Another attack scenario, called "Matrix Exploit" by the Mimecast, is more sophisticated than the "Switch Exploit", and therefore much harder to detect and defend against. In a Matrix Exploit attack, attackers would write a matrix of text in an email and then use the remote CSS to selectively control what is displayed, allowing the attacker to display whatever they want—including adding malicious URLs into the body of the email. This attack is harder to defend against because the initial email received by the user does not display any URL, most software systems will not flag the message as malicious. Although the security firm has not detected the Ropemaker attack in the wild, it believes that this doesn't mean for sure the attack is "not being used somewhere outside the view of Mimecast." According to the security firm, Ropemaker could be used by hackers to bypass most common security systems and trick even the tech savvy users into interacting with a malicious URL. To protect themselves from such attacks, users are recommended to rely on web-based email clients like Gmail, iCloud and Outlook, which aren't affected by Ropemaker-style CSS exploits, according to Mimecast. However, email clients like the desktop and mobile version of Apple Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Mozilla Thunderbird are all vulnerable to the Ropemaker attack. Via
Buna, am programat un comment și email grabber in Python, sper sa va placa Aici e link-ul: Daca ma puteti ajuta cu un invite la un site invite only unde gasesc torenturi va rog sa imi lasati mesaj multumesc
Salut tuturor, stie cineva un program gen sa poti trimite acelasi mesaj la mai multe persoane de odata? Ca din cate am vazut la yahoo, dupa vreo 2 mesaje cu 70 de persoane iti blocheaza contul.
Salutare! Sunt in cautare de emailuri de buna calitate din Suedia. Daca are cineva sau poate sa imi scoata de undeva ne putem intelege la un pret convenabil. Emailurile le folosesc pentru afliliere la vanzarea unui produs specific acelei zone.
- Python script for grabbing email or IP addresses (optional with port) from a given file. Installation Clone the github repo git clone Usage """ grabs email/ip(:port) strings from a given file """ from __future__ import print_function # pylint needs this for py3k from socket import inet_aton # non regex ip validation from os import access, R_OK # file access validation from sys import stdout # write to stdout if no file specified import re import argparse __author__ = "Vlad <vlad at vlads dot me>" __version__ = "0.1" __license__ = "GPL v3" __description__ = "python script for grabbing email or ip addresses \ (optional with port) from a given file. " PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__description__) GROUP = PARSER.add_mutually_exclusive_group() GROUP.add_argument('--email', help='match an email address', action='store_true') GROUP.add_argument('--ip', help='match an ip address', action='store_true') GROUP.add_argument('--ip-port', help='match an ip:port', action='store_true') PARSER.add_argument('-s', '--separator', help='separator used when data is \ column separated using one or more characters') PARSER.add_argument('-w', '--write', help='file to write in (default stdout)') PARSER.add_argument('file', help='the file to look in') ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() if not ( or ARGS.ip or ARGS.ip_port): print("You have to select an option.") exit(1) if not access(ARGS.file, R_OK): print("Can't open the file, exiting.") exit(1) if ARGS.write is not None: try: OUT = open(ARGS.write, 'w') except OSError: print("Can't write to file, permission error, exiting.") exit(1) else: OUT = stdout if ARGS.separator is not None: SEP = ARGS.separator.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') else: SEP = None VALIDMAIL = re.compile(r'^[^@ ]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$') def is_valid_ip(ip_address): """ Returns the validity of an IP address """ if not re.match(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ip_address): return False # first we need a valid ip form try: inet_aton(ip_address) # check if it's a valid ip address except OSError: return False return True for line in open(ARGS.file, 'rb'): line = line.strip().split(SEP.encode('utf-8')) if found = [OUT.write(s.decode('utf-8') + '\n') for i, s in enumerate(line) if VALIDMAIL.match(s.decode('utf-8'))] OUT.flush() else: for string in line: string = string.decode('utf-8') if ARGS.ip_port and len(string.split(':')) == 2: # IP:Port ip, port = string.split(':') if is_valid_ip(ip) and 0 < int(port) < 65535: OUT.write('{}:{}\n'.format(ip, port)) OUT.flush() elif ARGS.ip: if is_valid_ip(string): OUT.write(string + '\n') OUT.flush() Source (w/ shameful advertising):
Buna! Am tot cautat pe forumuri o solutie pentru a extrage email-uri dintr-un fisier text. Programelul l-am scris in python si am folosit regular expresions (Regex). Reusesc sa extrag doar email-uri care nu contin spatii, dar nu am reusit sa extrag un email de genul: name2 @ email . com Am nevoie de codul care extrage emailul gasit scris atat corect (fara spatii) cat si cu spatii (cum am exemplificat mai sus). Pun mai jos exemplu de fisier text si codul pe care l-am scris: xxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx test2 @ email . com xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx Codul: import re a = open('emails.txt') for line in a: line = line.rstrip() if'[\w.-]+@[\w.-]+',line): z = re.findall(r'[\w.-]+@[\w.-]+',line) print (z[0]) Returneaza doar:
Am gasit un scanner de smtp-uri de linux si m-am gandit sa il postez , nu stiu cum functioneaza am vazut ca ia smtp-uri si din email si din ip .... poate ma lamuriti si pe mine - transfer rapid de fi?iere online
APPLE <?php echo "<head> <style type=\"text/css\"><!-- body { background-color: #333333; font-size: 10pt; } body,td,th { color: #cccccc; } h2 { color: #FFCC00; } .business{ color:yellow; } .premier{ color:#00FF00; } .verified{ color:#006DB0; } body {font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size:12px} hr {border: 1px inset #E5E5E5} #form-container { border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #888; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #888; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #888; margin: 30px auto; padding: 10px; width: 95%; text-shadow:1px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } input[type='text'], textarea, select { border: 1px solid #ccc; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset; color: #424242; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 13px; outline: none; padding: 2px; -moz-transition: border .2s linear, box-shadow .2s linear; -webkit-transition: border .2s linear, -webkit-box-shadow .2s linear; } input[type='text']:focus, input[type='checkbox']:focus, input[type='radio']:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus { border: 1px solid #80bfff; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset; box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) inset; } textarea {width:99.5%; resize:none} input[type=text] {width:30px; text-align:center} /* =buttons---------------------------------------------- */ a.button:link, a.button:visited, button, input[type='submit'] { background: #eaeaea; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #efefef, #d8d8d8) #d8d8d8; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#efefef), to(#d8d8d8)) #d8d8d8; background: linear-gradient(top, #efefef, #d8d8d8) #d8d8d8; border: 1px solid #ababab; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) inset; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) inset; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) inset; color: #707070; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 12px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; outline: none; padding: 5px 10px; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); } a.button:hover, button:hover, input[type='submit']:hover { background: #f1f1f1; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3) #e3e3e3; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#f6f6f6), to(#e3e3e3)) #e3e3e3; background: linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3) #e3e3e3; cursor: pointer; } a.button:focus, button:focus, input[type='submit']:focus { background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3) #e3e3e3; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#f6f6f6), to(#e3e3e3)) #e3e3e3; background: linear-gradient(top, #f6f6f6, #e3e3e3) #e3e3e3; border: 1px solid #80bfff; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) inset; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) inset; box-shadow: 0 0 3px #80bfff, 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) inset; } a.button:active,, button:active,, input[type='submit']:active, input[type='submit'].active { background: #e3e3e3; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6) #1b468f; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e3e3e3), to(#f6f6f6)) #1b468f; background: linear-gradient(top, #e3e3e3, #f6f6f6) #1b468f; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } --></style> <title>Apple Valid Email Checker</title> </head><div align=\"center\"></center>"; $emails = $_POST['emails']; print ' <div id="form-container"> <form method="POST"> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="6">Apple Valid Email Checker</font></p> <p><textarea rows="10" name="emails" cols="48">'.$emails.'</textarea></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p> </form> </div>'; if (!empty($emails)) { $emails = explode("\r\n", $emails); $yes = 0; $not = 0; $inv = 0; $count = 1; print "<p align=\"left\">Checking <font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> <b>".count($emails)."</b></font> emails ....<br></p><p align=\"left\">"; foreach ( $emails as $email ) { $email = trim($email); print $count .". Checking <b><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">".$email."</font> ..... </b>"; $count++; if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $_CheckAction = @file_get_contents(''.$email.'') or Die('<b><font color="#FF0000">Server Error - Can\'t Check </font></b>'); if(!preg_match("/111/",$_CheckAction)) { print "<font size=\"3\" color=\"#7FFF00\">Yes</font> <br>"; $yes++; $vaild_yes .=$email."\n"; } else { print "<font color=\"#FF0000\">NO</font><br>"; $not++; $vaild_no .=$email."\n"; } } else { print "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Invaild email</font><br>"; $inv++; $invaild .=$email."\n"; } } print '<p><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Apple emails</font> <b>(<font color="#7FFF00"><b>'.$yes.'</b></font>)</b> </p></td> <td><p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Not Apple emails</font> <b>(<font color="#FF0000">'.$not.'</font>)</b> </p> </td> <td><p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Invalid emails</font> <b>(<font color="#FF0000">'.$inv.'</font>)</b> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><div id="form-container1"><textarea rows="10" name="S1" cols="43">'.$vaild_yes.'</textarea></div></td> <td><div id="form-container1"><textarea rows="10" name="S2" cols="43">'.$vaild_no.'</textarea></div></td> <td><div id="form-container1"><textarea rows="10" name="S3" cols="43">'.$invaild.'</textarea></div></td> </tr> </table></p>' ; } ?>
merg aproape toate, si nu va luati dupa ce scrie la fiecare user adica ca ce jocuri sunt, pentru ca asa erau acum ceva vreme, dar azi le-am verificat si au mai cumparat jocuri. Email: Origin ID: juankay5 Battlefield 1942™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1413071662 BATTLEFIELD 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: xhuterx Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: XxSgt_RaMYxX BATTLEFIELD 3 BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) mail: Origin ID: siewchoong Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: ergregi SPORE™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: guitellis700 Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: XaireZero SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Battlefield 3™ Dragon Age™: Origins ================================ Email: Origin ID: Evgengoal Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: t2krambo Bejeweled® 3 Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Andus3553 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: AKLOTAM SimCity™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Jaxon3880 Battlefield 2142™: Northern Strike ================================ Email: Origin ID: rhett9995 SPORE™ The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: nadie0212 Dead Space SIMCITY ORIGIN FREE TRIAL RUPLHU FIFA Soccer 13 Demo SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Crusader: No Remorse BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Warhungry11 Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: imarawwboy Battlefield 1942™ Bejeweled® 3 Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: keusej The Sims™ 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: guytoronto Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Dreaws03 STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Standard Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: ponziSTAR72 Need for Speed World SimCity 2000™ Special Edition BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Standard Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: MisterTackle SimCity™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: kuridza SimCity 2000™ Special Edition BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc152887337 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1253145711 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc82820387 ================================ Email: Origin ID: hellforcers Dead Space Crysis® 3 MP Open Beta ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1174923519 ================================ Email: Origin ID: selkies24 Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Trebaruna SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Mass Effect™ 3 Demo Bejeweled® 3 CrossFire (EU) ================================ Email: Origin ID: komap192837461 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: volchenkoff Need for Speed World BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - 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RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: Uwe303 Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: 5Stardynasty Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: gizmoed1125 Battlefield 2™: Complete Collection ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1837106814 Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc416229256 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1754226200 The Sims™ 2 Store Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: gregormackisnel Battlefield 2142™: Northern Strike ================================ Email: Origin ID: xTxFuryxTx Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Player_2o0o5e38 ================================ Email: Origin ID: raiduxd2 Alice: Madness Returns™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Bejeweled® 3 Battlefield 3™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc894492020 Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: D4rkwalker STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Standard Edition Pre-Order The Sims™ 3 Late Night Expansion Pack BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Standard Edition The Sims™ 3 The Sims™ 3 High-End Loft Stuff ================================ Email: Origin ID: ghostoffish Battlefield 3™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: spamlite Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Lefgrif The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ Wing Commander 3™: Heart of the Tiger™ Bejeweled® 3 Battlefield 3™ Battlefield 3™ Beta ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc206506100 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ FIFA MANAGER 13 DEMO SIMCITY ORIGIN FREE TRIAL RUPLHU Need for Speed World FIFA Soccer 13 Demo Mass Effect™ 3 Demo Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: dexs12 FIFA 10 ================================ Email: Origin ID: runningfox10 Dead Space Need for Speed World Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ Mass Effect™ 3 Demo Battlefield 3™ Battlefield 3™ Beta ================================ Email: Origin ID: xxMaryRosexx15 The Sims™ 3 The Sims™ 2 Store Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1700180457 Need for Speed World Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1364527716 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Battlefield 2: Euro Force™ Battlefield 2: Armored Fury™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: konstanti_kostik FIFA World ================================ Email: Origin ID: MiEtZeCuTzE BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ The Sims™ 3 Teaser ================================ Email: Origin ID: brian575 2010 DR PEPPER EA GAMES EVERY BOTTLE/CUP WINS PROMOTION - NOT FOR EA STORE USE Mass Effect™ 3 Demo ================================ Email: Origin ID: umjs78 Mass Effect™ 3 Demo Titanfall™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: InterSux Need for Speed World Battlefield 1942™ SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Crusader: No Remorse Crysis® 3 MP Open Beta BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: EviLG23 Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1871488106 Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1781951356 Hellgate™: London Warhammer® Online: Age of Reckoning™ + 30-day Game Time™ Card ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1548518453 BATTLEFIELD 3 Need for Speed World SimCity 2000™ Special Edition BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc335361790 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 08 ================================ Email: Origin ID: furia90 ================================ Email: Origin ID: KameRadsky Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Dee-N-Aye Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Battlefield 1942™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1340071110 ================================ Email: Origin ID: GSPbirel56 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: ametisjody Crusader: No Remorse BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Standard Edition BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: KANFENTANT SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Crusader: No Remorse Bejeweled® 3 Dead Space(TM) Dragon Age™: Origins BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: ghostoffish Battlefield 3™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: donyatcfc ================================ Email: Origin ID: MelaniKroft Need for Speed World SimCity 2000™ Special Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1032132447 The Sims™ 3 Outdoor Living Stuff The Sims™ 3 Teaser ================================ Email: Origin ID: rafavcba Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Szymeek92 Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: ad2000780 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Xzenit9 Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Venom231 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Need for Speed World Alice: Madness Returns™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ Beta ================================ Email: Origin ID: Mallrat21 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Battlefield 1942™ Crusader: No Remorse BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: kuridza SimCity 2000™ Special Edition BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: lexor1453 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc873642072 Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: volchenkoff Need for Speed World BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: Mardonnna SimCity 2000™ Special Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: Retrypl SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Velsh SPORE™ SPORE™ Creature Creator (PC Download) ================================ Email: Origin ID: toosimister The Sims™ 3 Showtime Limited Edition The Sims™ 3 Town Life Stuff ================================ Email: Origin ID: Bargh BATTLEFIELD 3 Crusader: No Remorse Mass Effect™ 3 Demo The Sims™ 3 Teaser Dragon Age™: Origins Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ FIFA MANAGER 13 DEMO Need for Speed World FIFA Soccer 13 Demo BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 Digital Deluxe Edition Battlefield 3™ Beta ================================ Email: Origin ID: 666StaRyI666 FIFA Soccer 13 Demo Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: gabimx Battlefield 1942™ SimCity 2000™ Special Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: hotandcool66 Wing Commander 3™: Heart of the Tiger™ SimCity™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: LovacNTC Need for Speed World Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: nikan3232 ================================ Email: Origin ID: coldradio SPORE™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc911651129 Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: fb-milz Battlefield 2: Euro Force™ SIMCITY ORIGIN FREE TRIAL WW ================================ Email: Origin ID: isaacw Need for Speed World Battlefield 2142™: Northern Strike ================================ Email: Origin ID: Loyfdnyrd Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Filecix Need for Speed World Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc578408671 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1321158480 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc31946599 SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Wing Commander 3™: Heart of the Tiger™ Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc64577191 Stronghold 3 Gold ================================ Email: Origin ID: GeraldineSteiner SimCity™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1656159669 ================================ Email: Origin ID: SkOyLiS Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: TheLemster Battlefield 2142™ Deluxe Battlefield 2: Euro Force™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc125651356 SPORE™ Creature Creator (PC Download) ================================ Email: Origin ID: Player_q8wpa8f9 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Rodagy SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Crusader: No Remorse Battlefield 3™ The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ SIMCITY ORIGIN FREE TRIAL WW Need for Speed World Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: korabelnik Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 2142™: Northern Strike ================================ Email: Origin ID: rafavcba Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Ninrode SPORE™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Urbyy2 BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: globblepop Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 SimCity 2000™ Special Edition Battlefield 3™ Beta ================================ Email: Origin ID: beth3592 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Elvn731 BATTLEFIELD 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: bugsydfx Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 ================================ Email: Origin ID: m1zum1zu BATTLEFIELD 3 Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: Sorumin Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: fat763 Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc2051177297 Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: akaman74 ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1920970745 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Snoothie BATTLEFIELD 3 SimCity 2000™ Special Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc96380882 The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection The Sims™ 2 FreeTime ================================ Email: Origin ID: Ch4udard FIFA MANAGER 13 DEMO Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ SIMCITY ORIGIN FREE TRIAL RUPLHU FIFA Soccer 13 Demo Need for Speed World Battlefield 1942™ Mass Effect™ 3 Demo BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: Nsc007 Battlefield 2142™: Northern Strike ================================ Email: Origin ID: Keeris Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: mkane101 Mass Effect™ 3 Demo ================================ Email: Origin ID: NMarieR Alice: Madness Returns™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: pablos255 Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: HoiiZa BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: cfex17 Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1062994590 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: DovnenKO1 Burnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ Battlefield 3™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Gon921 The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection Need for Speed World Battlefield 3™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ================================ Email: Origin ID: RUU7 Battlefield 2: Euro Force™ FIFA Soccer 13 Demo BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN - RU ONLY FREE TRIAL) Battlefield 3™ Beta Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: dimasik5251 Plants vs. Zombies_FR™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: aishabear1997 The Sims™ 3 ================================ Email: Origin ID: bubblehead Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1721801487 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Balzak2000 Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 Battlefield 3™ Beta
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Email: Origin ID: abc1334172750 Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 1 DLC: No DLC ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1428819255 Dead Space ================================ Email: Origin ID: Rapace14 Medal of Honor™ BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 0 DLC: Close Quaters ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc901362743 SPORE™ ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 61 DLC: No DLC ================================ Email: Origin ID: philip228 Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 Battlefield 3™ Beta ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 47 DLC: ================================ Email: Origin ID: Trinkorn Burnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box Dead Space™ 3 Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3: Uprising Battlefield 3™ ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 3 DLC: No DLC ================================ Email: Origin ID: Khelton Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit ================================ Email: Origin ID: JohnnyBear Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Dazedx_X Need for Speed World ================================ Email: Origin ID: abc1919942572 Medal of Honor™ Limited Edition ================================ Email: Origin ID: oldgamer12345 Dragon Age™: Origins - Ultimate Edition SimCity 2000™ Special Edition ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 0 DLC: ================================ Email: Origin ID: wufggjv6 SPORE™ SPORE™ Creepy & Cute Parts Pack Spore Galactic Adventures Alice: Madness Returns™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: Mrbosnier FIFA Soccer 11 ================================ Email: Origin ID: Vanesss727 Bejeweled® 3 Dragon Age™: Origins ================================ Email: Origin ID: Alera784 The Sims™ 3 Generations The Sims™ 3 The Sims™ 3 Late Night Expansion Pack SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition The Sims™ 3 Ambitions The Sims™ 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack The Sims™ 3 Pets ================================ Email: Origin ID: ArrowUnleashed Battlefield 1942™ ================================ Email: Origin ID: juszu123 Battlefield 1942™ The Sims™ 3 Teaser ************Battlelog************* Link: Rank: 16 DLC: No DLC
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Cryptographic ransom. Delivered via email. Smart install maker -> Delphi. In attach dropper and extracted ransom. Installs to %Program Files%, runs via HKLM Run key. Used Changing desktop wallpaper to it own with ransom message. Wallpaper can be found inside ransom resources. Email: Target extensions Autoelevate in loop pExecInfo.cbSize = 60; pExecInfo.hwnd = GetFocus(); pExecInfo.fMask = 1280; pExecInfo.lpVerb = "runas"; pExecInfo.lpFile = (LPCSTR)sub_404E98(); pExecInfo.lpParameters = (LPCSTR)sub_404E98(); pExecInfo.nShow = 1; while ( !ShellExecuteExA(&pExecInfo) ) Sleep_0(0x7D0u); VT Derivative of this ( use google translate ) Download pass: infected Source
A security software firm has warned about a new strain of "ransomware" - while finding that even Russian hackers can be haggled down. Ransomware is software which locks you out of your files until a fee is paid to the criminals behind the attack. Checkpoint researcher Natalia Kolesova detailed information about Troldash, a newly-discovered strain. Once it infects a machine, Troldash provides an email address with which to contact the attackers. "While the most ransom-trojan attackers try to hide themselves and avoid any direct contact," Ms Kolesova explained, "Troldesh's creators provide their victims with an e-mail address. The attackers use this email correspondence to demand a ransom and dictate a payment method." Troldash was distributed via a spam email - and once downloaded, immediately set to work encrypting files before placing a text file of ransom instructions on the target's computer. Posing as a victim named Olga, the researcher contacted the scam artist, and received a reply with instructions to pay 250 euros to get the files back. Suspecting the reply was automated, Ms Kolesova pressed for a more human response, asking more details about how to transfer the money, and pleading with the hacker to not make them pay. Responding in Russian, the scammer offered to accept 12,000 roubles, a discount of around 15%. After Ms Kolesova pleaded further, the email response read: "The best I can do is bargain." Eventually the unknown man or woman was talked into accepting 7,000 roubles - 50% less than the first demand. "Perhaps if I had continued bargaining, I could have gotten an even bigger discount," Ms Kolesova concluded. Ransomware is a particularly vicious problem for many victims around the world. One strain, Cryptolocker, was said to have infected more than 250,000 computers worldwide. Another variant locked users out of their favourite games unless they paid a fee. The company did not pay the ransom - and recommended that up-to-date security software designed to protect against ransomware and other attacks was a better approach. Source
Now No Government Can Spy On Its Citizens! Taking a cue from Google and Apple, Facebook for the first time is giving its users more encryption options to keep their information private, infuriating agencies like FBI and NSA who believe that “law enforcement and national security investigators need to be able to access communications and information to obtain the evidence necessary to prevent crime and bring criminals to justice in a court of law” and that locking user data places lives in danger by limiting government surveillance. The US government who recently said they will stop spying on Americans is up in arms because this new encryption won’t let them spy on Americans. In a blogpost, Facebook explained how the feature will work: “It’s very important to us that the people who use Facebook feel safe and can trust that their connection to Facebook is secure…Whilst Facebook seeks to secure connections to your email provider with TLS, the stored content of those messages may be accessible as plaintext (with attachments) to anyone who accesses your email provider or email account. To enhance the privacy of this email content, today we are gradually rolling out an experimental new feature that enables people to add OpenPGP public keys to their profile; these keys can be used to “end-to-end” encrypt notification emails sent from Facebook to your preferred email accounts. People may also choose to share OpenPGP keys from their profile, with or without enabling encrypted notifications.” Created as PGP (which stands for “pretty good privacy”), nearly 25 years ago by Phil Zimmermann, OpenPGP is one of the most popular available standards for protecting email with public key encryption. You will be able to update your own public key, using a desktop browser, at: The new move will allow users to encrypt notifications sent from the social networking website to their email addresses, protecting potentially sensitive emails, such as a request for a new password, from hackers, spies or anybody who does not have the user’s private key. “It also means that people who activate the email encryption and then lose their private key cannot turn to Facebook for help. The social network would have a copy of the public key uploaded to a user’s Facebook profile, but encrypted chats or emails off the site would still require the users’ private key to unlock. Other account recovery methods like SMS and Trusted Contacts can still work without relying upon email recovery,” explains Jay Nancarrow, a communications manager with Facebook. ??????????????The Committee to Protect Journalists has praised Facebook’s encryption decision. “Facebook has taken an important step to help protect users’ private communications by default, and make the risky environment, in which journalists work, a little bit safer,” said CPJ Internet Advocacy Coordinator Geoffrey King.
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