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Salut stie cineva un driver compatibil cu tl-wn722n v3 de la tp link pentru kalilinux ? Ma tot bat cu el de cateva saptamani sa pornesc monitor mode. Aparent am reusit sa il pornesc pe ubuntu dar nu primesc niciun handshake.... deci e inutil si pe ubuntu. Apropo pe emag scria v1 si surpriza mi-au trimis v3 bulangii.. Daca are cineva vreo idee prin care as putea activa monitor mode si inacelasi timp sa pot primi si handshake ar fi grozav. Cheers
Salut, imi cer scuze pentru ca am postat in sectiunea gresita. Ma gandesc ca aici sunt la sectiunea potrivita. SI revin cu intrebarea: Cine ma poate ajuta sa identific vulnerabilitatiile port-ului 80? Ce exploit-uri pot sa folosesc ca sa obtin controlul remote asupra tintei. Pana acum am incercat tot felul si nu am reusit. Daca imi spune cineva ce imi scapa as fi recunoscator. Multumesc, Ossian.
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Salutare tuturor Revin si eu cu cateva intrebari legate de wi-fi pen. Deci am parcurs urmatorii pasi: Metoda 1 Am luat o Alfa pe care am conectat-o la Kali linux dupa care am scanat cateva retele wi-fi si am obtinut cateva handshake-uri pentru respectivele retele dupa care am exportat acele handshake-uri si le-am copiat pe windows 10 unde am Aircrack (toate bune si frumoase pana aici). Am importat in Aircrack fisierul ce contine acel handshacke am selectat encriptia si key size 64, o lansez dar programul imi spune ca am doar 150 iv's si sa incerc cu minim 5000 iv's. Ce sunt acele iv's si cum le obtin? Cumva sunt pachete ? Momentan am ales sa incerc cracking-ul acelui handshacke cu un wordlist destul de mare (2GB) dar cuvintele sunt in engleza deci sunt sceptic ca va functiona, daca gasesc un wordlist in romana voi incerca si cu el. Metoda 2 Aceeasi placa de retea + CommView for WiFi apoi scanat reteaua targhetata (Doar 5 minute pentru ca trial and yeah), capturat un log (cateva pachete etc) , convertit fisierul ca sa poata fi rulat de aircrack si primesc acelasi mesaj ca in Metoda cu Linux. Ai mai ramas intrebarile de mai sus, Ce sunt acele iv's si cum le obtin? Cumva sunt pachete ? Pot scana cu altceva retelele pentru a obtine un log mai mare si mai multe pachete in speranta ca o sa prin 5k iv's din acelea (daca da cum sau cu ce soft) ? Astept raspuns de la cei care au mai multe cunostinte despre asa ceva Multumesc anticipat!
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Buna, am programat un comment și email grabber in Python, sper sa va placa Aici e link-ul: Daca ma puteti ajuta cu un invite la un site invite only unde gasesc torenturi va rog sa imi lasati mesaj multumesc
Salut, Tocmai am insalat Kali pe un stick usb și am observat că stick-ul e partiționat automat de către pc. Prima oară aveam 4 partiții .. .. după care 5 partiții De ce se întâmplă asta ? Trebuie să le formatez după fiecare reboot ?
EXPLICATIE PENTRU PROSTI: Ce-ti trebuie? Kali Linux+ placa de wifi. Personal am incercat de pe un rasp si un adaptor TL-WN722N.Kali l-a detectat direct, fara probleme. De unde incep? Deschid terminal, si scriu airmon-ng.Daca-mi apare ceva de genul e de bine, am o placa wireless cu care-mi pot face treaba.A se tine cont ca e numita wlan0. Acum scriu airmon-ng start wlan0 (sau cum e numita placa) si ar trebui sa apara asta : Daca apar mai multe procese care pot cauza probleme, de ex 2274, le puteti inchide folosind "kill 2274(PID CODE); Next : airodump-ng mon0, pentru a vedea retelele wifi disponibile. Aici se paote vedea ca retelele cu WEP sunt mtnl, si priyan chahal Acum scriem: airodump-ng –w mtnlcr –c 4 –bssid 0C:D2:B5:03:43:68 mon0 Dupa -w se pune un nume pentru un viitor fisier ce va fi creat, dupa -c se pune canalul, iar dupa -bssid ..bssid -ul. Dupa ce am scris comanda, asteptam sa se trimita pachete.Un 15k ar fi destule.Daca nu se acumuleaza destule, deschizi un tab nou in care scrii : aireplay-ng -0 0 -a 0C:D2:B5:03:43:68 mon0 si vei genera mai multe pachete. Dupa toate astea, mai ramane un singur lucru.Scrie aircrack-ng mtnlcr-01.cap Numele este cu 01, in cazul in care este prima data cand incerci.Daca incerci iar si n-ai sters fisierul creat anterior, se va genera cu 02, 03 etc. Cam asa a aratat rezultatul final la mine In cazul de mai sus, parola este : 6119500401
Salutare, tocmai ce am incercat kali linux pe android, nu sistemul in sine ci functile lui si mi se par absolut geniale nu sunt mari diferente in ceea ce poti face cu el pe pe un pc sau pe un android!
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[part 1]Some basic Linux commands Hello guys Today, we just started a new series on Linux commands. It's gonna be a fun Tutorial link:: so keep watching Pentesting with spirit Please Subscribe my channel to get the notification for the upcomming tutorials , and please like & share too :cool: Sharing is power :blackhat: and please comment if i have done anything wrong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe our channel:: Like our facebook page:: Follow us on twitter:: @spirit3113
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Uhmmm titlul spune tot ce vreau s? întreb.. Care este mai bun? Kali Linux sau Blackarch ? Care din ele are mai multe resurse deja instalate (nu c? nu s-ar putea instala ?i dup? dar întreb de curiozitate) .. Care consum? mai mult ? .. care e mai bun ?
Recent am gasit acest mini preview si am zis sa va intreb cam ce parere aveti.
Video training : 7Kali.part1.rar (101,00 MB) - 7Kali.part2.rar (101,00 MB) - 7Kali.part3.rar (101,00 MB) - 7Kali.part4.rar (101,00 MB) - 7Kali.part5.rar (63,75 MB) - Have Funk!
Kali Linux 1.1.0 Released After almost two years of public development (and another year behind the scenes), we are proud to announce our first point release of Kali Linux – version 1.1.0. This release brings with it a mix of unprecedented hardware support as well as rock solid stability. For us, this is a real milestone as this release epitomizes the benefits of our move from BackTrack to Kali Linux over two years ago. As we look at a now mature Kali, we see a versatile, flexible Linux distribution, rich with useful security and penetration testing related features, running on all sorts of weird and wonderful ARM hardware. But enough talk, here are the goods: The new release runs a 3.18 kernel, patched for wireless injection attacks. Our ISO build systems are now running off live-build 4.x. Improved wireless driver support, due to both kernel and firmware upgrades. NVIDIA Optimus hardware support. Update virtualbox-tool, openvm-tools and vmware-tools packages and instructions. A whole bunch of fixes and updates from our bug-tracker changelog. And most importantly, we changed grub screens and wallpapers! Download or Upgrade Kali Linux 1.1.0 You can download the new version from our Kali Linux Download page, where you’ll also find mini-installer ISOS for both 32 and 64 bit CPU architectures. You can expect updated VMWare and multiple ARM image releases to be posted in the Offensive Security custom Kali Linux image download page in the next few days. As usual, if you’ve already got Kali Linux installed and running, there’s no need to re-download the image as you can simply update your existing operating system using simple apt commands: apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade sursa
We’re always on the lookout for and interesting ARM hardware for Kali Linux. Whether it’s a Galaxy Note or a USB stick sized SS808, we want to see Kali run on it. You can therefore imagine our excitement, when we first laid our eyes on the Utilite pro. Utilite Pro is a quad core ARM cortex-A9 machine with up to 4 GB of RAM, up to 512 GB mSATA SSD, HDMI and DVI-D output, dual (2x) 1GB nics, a built in wireless card and 4 USB ports. And its fanless. With those type of specs, this little beauty was unlikely to skip our radars. We wanted Kali Linux on that baby, real bad. We took this opportunity to create and publish the Offensive Security Kali Linux contributed ARM images, and thought we’d demonstrate the use of these scripts, and show you how to get Kali linux on the Utilite Pro. From there, the options are endless. The Utilite Pro came with Ubuntu preinstalled. The first thing we wanted to do, is update the machines uBoot bootloader image, to allow for support of 1.8V microSD cards. root@utilite:~# apt-get install mtd-utils root@utilite:~# git clone uboot root@utilite:~/uboot# ./ CompuLab CM-FX6 (Utilite) boot loader update utility 1.1 (Nov 25 2013) >> Checking for utilities... >> ...Done >> Board CPU: mx6q >> Board DRAM: 2gb >> Looking for boot loader image file: cm-fx6-u-boot-mx6q-2gb >> ...Found >> Looking for SPI flash: mtd0 >> ...Found >> Current U-Boot version in SPI flash: U-Boot 2009.08-cm-fx6-0.87+tools (Oct 06 2013 - 13:46:27) >> New U-Boot version in file: (248K) >> Proceed with the update? 1) Yes 2) No #? Yes ** Do not power off or reset your computer!!! >> Erasing SPI flash... Erasing 4 Kibyte @ bf000 -- 100 % complete >> ...Done >> Writing boot loader to the SPI flash... ........... >> ...Done >> Checking boot loader in the SPI flash... . >> ...Done >> Boot loader update succeeded! root@utilite:~/uboot# Once that was done, we whipped out our Offensive Security Trusted Contributed ARM image scripts, and let our Utilite image builder script loose. On a separate 32 bit Kali Linux machine, we set up all the pre-requisites to build our ARM image, and make sure we have at least 10GB of free space. We start with downloading and setting up the ARM cross compiler and the build scripts: root@builder:~# git clone Cloning into 'kali-arm-build-scripts'... remote: Counting objects: 95, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57/57), done. remote: Total 95 (delta 62), reused 70 (delta 37) Unpacking objects: 100% (95/95), done. root@builder:~# git clone Cloning into 'gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7'... remote: Counting objects: 5839, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3105/3105), done. remote: Total 5839 (delta 2559), reused 5837 (delta 2559) Receiving objects: 100% (5839/5839), 74.64 MiB | 3.38 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (2559/2559), done. root@builder:~# Once that’s done, we next run the build-deps scripts, which will install all the dependencies required for the build: root@builder:~# cd kali-arm-build-scripts/ root@builder:~/kali-arm-build-scripts# ./ Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done abootimg is already the newest version. ... Now with everything in place, we kick off our Utilite image builder script, and go for a coffee, or six. The script requires a version parameter for the image, which is something we use to tag our ARM image versions. Once ready, you should get a *full* Kali Linux image which can then be dd’ed to a microSD card. Of course, you are encouraged to read the build script, and edit any installation parameters or packages to your needs. root@builder:~/kali-arm-build-scripts# ./ 1.0 I: Retrieving Release I: Retrieving Release.gpg I: Checking Release signature I: Valid Release signature (key id 44C6513A8E4FB3D30875F758ED444FF07D8D0BF6) I: Retrieving Packages I: Validating Packages I: Resolving dependencies of required packages... I: Resolving dependencies of base packages... ... ... ... Cloning into 'firmware'... remote: Counting objects: 874, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (685/685), done. remote: Total 874 (delta 181), reused 849 (delta 167) Receiving objects: 100% (874/874), 30.17 MiB | 4.84 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (181/181), done. del devmap : loop0p2 del devmap : loop0p1 Removing temporary build files Generating sha1sum for kali-1.0-utilite.img Compressing kali-1.0-utilite.img Generating sha1sum for kali-1.0-utilite.img.xz root@builder:~/kali-arm-build-scripts# Once the image is ready, you can find it in the utlite subdirectory created by the script: root@builder:~/kali-arm-build-scripts# ls -l utilite-1.0/ total 334720 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63 Dec 7 23:48 kali-1.0-utilite.img.sha1sum -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 342742176 Dec 7 23:52 kali-1.0-utilite.img.xz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66 Dec 7 23:53 kali-1.0-utilite.img.xz.sha1sum root@builder:~/kali-arm-build-scripts# Extract the compressed image file, and dd it to the microSD card (in our case, sdb). Once done, pop the microSD card into the Utilite, and boot it up! root@proxy:~/kali-arm-build-scripts# cd utilite-1.0/ root@proxy:~/kali-arm-build-scripts/utilite-1.0# 7z x kali-1.0-utilite.img.xz 7-Zip [64] 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18 p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,4 CPUs) Processing archive: kali-1.0-utilite.img.xz Extracting kali-1.0-utilite.img Everything is Ok Size: 7340032000 Compressed: 342742176 root@proxy:~/kali-arm-build-scripts/utilite-1.0# dd if=kali-1.0-utilite.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M Once booted, you can log into the Utlite image with root / toor credentials. root@kali:~# uname -a Linux kali 3.0.35-cm-fx6-4 #1 SMP Sat Dec 7 23:47:48 EST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux root@kali:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo Processor : ARMv7 Processor rev 10 (v7l) processor : 0 BogoMIPS : 790.52 processor : 1 BogoMIPS : 790.52 processor : 2 BogoMIPS : 790.52 processor : 3 BogoMIPS : 790.52 Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x2 CPU part : 0xc09 CPU revision : 10 Hardware : Compulab CM-FX6 Revision : 63012 Serial : 0b0991d4d81917c9 root@kali:~# cat /proc/meminfo MemTotal: 2006440 kB MemFree: 1922864 kB .... More info & buy: Home | Utilite Source: Kali Linux Documentation