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  1. http://bestblackhatforum.com/index.php
  2. Salut, O perioada nu am fost online asa ca la cate notificari am nu le pot verifica in timp util. Am nationalisti . ro vedeti in alexa rankul plus in t5: www.nationalisti.ro - Statistici Trafic Web Google Analytics, Evolutie afisari, unici, comparatii Reclama pe minim 3 luni de 300x250 (doua spatii disponibile) cost: 100 euro. Adverturi facute de cumparatori: 15 euro. Likeuri pt pagini de facebook (nespamate) - 10 euro / mia. Banii se dau la final in cazul likeurilor si le aduc doar in cauzul membrilor cu vechime pe forum. Va rog sa ma contactati la webmaster @ nationalisti . ro cu subiectul: cumpar reclama sau likeuri. intru rar pe forum. Va multumesc.
  3. de nu mai da pe forum ?
  4. Snail

    Hall of Fame

    Propun crearea unei astfel de zone in care sa fie afisate persoanele importante pe care le are acest forum:membri care au o contributie la dezvoltarea acestui forum, cei care au avut niste proiecte de succes care au promovat forumul ,care au gasit vulnerabilitati sau alte chesti in forum (ceva gen https://www.hackthissite.org/hof ,etc. Astfel membri noi ar intelege ce persoane sa respecte ... P.S:Imi cer scuze daca este o idee idioata dar mi-a trecut prin cap si am zis sa o sugerez.
  5. Salut tuturor! Ma numesc Andrei si lucrez la programator php junior pentru o firma din UK. Am ajuns intamplator pe acest forum cautand ceva pe Google si am decis sa imi fac cont deoarece sunt multe chestii interesante pe aici.
  6. Introduction Post We need to know a little bit about you to consider approval into the forum. Please state who invited you followed by a brief description of your abilities. That is to say, what are you good at? What is your skill-set? What unique contribution can you bring to the forum that will make us want you here? Include links to your profile on other sites. This is so we can check your reputation on other forums to see if you are in good standing. Lastly, please leave your jabber so members can contact you. Or if you wish to keep it private state to request Jabber in pm. Hello, I'm <nickname>. I was invited by <person who invited you>. I'm a <developer> and I can contribute to the marketplace by <providing coding services/porno>. My <interests/hobbies/specializations> include <researching NT internals/reverse engineering/furious masturbation> and some recent projects I have been involved in include <creating a website/coding a backend/etc>. Here are some links to profiles of mine on other sites: <...>. My jabber is: <...> Thank you and let me know if you have any questions! Password Policy Reply with quote A minimal enforcement of the Password Policy is in place, full enforcement will begin shortly. Read the rules and if your password does not meet the requirements, update it immediately to avoid automatic lockout. If you're password is used for anything besides darkode change it immediately. Your password must be at least 15 characters long and contain atleast 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 numerical, and 1 special character. It must not resemble a word in any known dictionary or a word with letters replaced by numbers or anything similar. If you're password is used for anything besides darkode change it immediately (even if it meets the requirements). iX~1y$D.x5A%pFj!3Al$ is an example of a secure password. ZlA2pA4kGm6AnQi! is not as secure but works. Do not include a slash /\ quote " or parentheses () in your new password or you will be unable to login. If you're not recieving feedback and have trouble obtaining vouches, here is my suggestion: Amend your intro to include details, vague introduction posts will get you no-where and possibly deleted from the forum. You must get users of the forum to want you to be approved. You must show you can be a contribution to the forum, an asset. The best way to do this is making business while on intro and asking members to post feedback. Talk about what you have to offer and what types of projects you are interested in. Be specific, ensure if a user wants what you can offer, or has what you are looking for they know to contact you. To show your worth, give example screenshots, Proof of Concept Code, or code snippets with annotated descriptions.. Acum prezentarea mea! Salut si bine v-am gasit, sunt furioasa, cunosc html,php,vb, etc.. Most active forum m-am registrat pentru ca imi place sa stiu si sa citesc tot ce se invarte asupra IT.. Nu alerg dupa porno, dar ofer servicii in domeniul acesta! Daca doriti sa mai multe detali intrebati! Si acum va rog sa ma acceptati sa fac parte din acest forum.. Va multumesc!
  7. Mai stie cineva vreun forum dedicat subiectelor : malwares, botnets, rats, etc? In afara de expl***.in sau TF.
  8. Hello everyone how are you i found this forum on google while serching for SMTP scanner. i love this forum they are very focus in hacking insted blackhat. im from malaysia and looking forward to you all! Salute Romanian!
  9. Hey! Sunt nou p'aici si consider ca cel mai bine ar fi sa ma prezint, nu? Pai, ma numesc Alin, am 16 ani, locuiesc in Mioveni (in caz ca ajuta la ceva)... Sunt pasionat de programare de mult timp, insa in ultimul an am inceput sa imi "dezvolt" (nu stiu daca am ales cuvantul potrivit) aceasta pasiune. Am cunostinte de HTML, CSS, C++, iar acum invat Java. Pe parte de securitate nu ma descurc prea bine(nu prea am idee ce cum si unde), tocmai de aceea am hotarat sa ma inscriu pe acest forum. Vreau sa invat lucruri noi si consider ca un forum de acest gen este locul potrivit, aflandu-ma printre oameni experimentati si seriosi... Nu va mai plictisesc mult, cam asta ar fi... Bine v-am gasit!
  10. stiu ca nu ii e locul pe acest forum , dar are cineva ? LE : nu e " caterinca ieftina " doar ca nu vreau sa iau online din cauza transportului . Daca ai da-mi Pm . Daca imi dai Pm esti destul de destept sa nu-mi vinzi nutline sau dovleac .
  11. Numele meu este Radu , lucrez la o firma de IT din Londra . Mi-am facut cont pe acest forum nu ca am ceva de invatat ....am auzit ca pe aici majoritatea sunt specializati in hack....ce-mi doresc ? Vreau sa provoc toti hackerii de pe acest forum ....si nu ma refer la balarii .....daca te crezi amator stai in banca ta ...Astept raspunsuri !
  12. Sa zicem ca mi-as achizitiona un domeniu .ro si un webhost pe care as instala un forum (pentru flori, prajituri, etc, totul aparent legal). Daca eu prin acel forum voi desfasura spre exemplu niste activitati mai "ilegale" si acest lucru se va afla, ma pot trezi cu domeniu / hostul suspendat sau alte minuni de genul pentru ca prin intermediul forumului meu s-au desfasurat acele activitati ?
  13. Salutare! Urmaresc acest forum de ceva mai multa vreme,de pe vremea cand exista ISR.Ironic sau nu, in cele cateva minute in care am umblat pe acolo am dat peste RST si asa am aterizat si ramas aici.De curand m-am decis sa incep sa particip activ pe acest forum. Cunostinte:HTML,CSS,C++,putin PHP si putin SQL
  14. 1. Afara cu tiganii. 2. Afara cu bozgorii. 3. Afara cu alte minoritati. 4. Afara cu idiotii ce promoveaza mixingul rasial / prietenia cu minoritatile (prin asta se intelege Rasism Anti-Alb [greu de inteles pt unii]) De ce? Sa nu mai influenteze negativ tineretul de etnie geto-daca de pe forum. Cat timp acest forum este "Romanian" pai asa sa ramana. Cer parerea unui admin, respectiv @aelius Si nu, nu fac abuz in caz ca altii vor face gura. Spun purul adevar si fac apel la UN OM ce spune lucrurilor pe nume si are o oarecare raspundere pe forum.
  15. 0x4139


    eu sunt 0x4139. si vreau sa postez chestii pe forum.
  16. Hi Frnd's, Luv 2 b Part of this Forum.. I Will Try 2 Contribute Something Valuable.. Hv Gd Br, Nieo
  17. Vand licenta vBulletin 4.x Forum + Forum Runner Mobile App - 65 eur sau 0.3 BTC. Pm pentru detalii.
  18. ADkind


    Salut, sunt ADkind! Sunt incepator dar dornic sa invat mult, in ceea ce priveste IT-ul. Sunt un "fan" al acestui forum, sper sa ne intelegem bine. Cheers!
  19. As the past has show us, cybercriminals are not the most trustworthy people when it come to holding valuable sources, and it looks like we're about to get another reminder of that, this time with an exploit pack leak. RIG is a popular exploit kit which has been around for about a year and sold on various "underground" forums. On February 3rd 2015 a user claiming to be the "Official HF Sales Rep" posted a sales thread on hackforums (HF), which is unusual as most serious sellers avoid this forum completely. It's likely the decision to allow resellers on this specific board was due to a large amount of users trying to rent out access to their RIG accounts, resulting in lost income for the seller. Hackforums RIG sales thread Although the HF reseller first claimed to be a verified seller, the claims soon escalated into being "more than just a seller", and before long he was registering on private forums claiming to be one of the developers. Sellers with benefits Private forum introduction His introduction into the private forum didn't go too well: First members pointed out that his RIG prices were nearly 40% higher than the official sellers (typical of a re-seller not a developer), then they made fun of him when someone posted screenshots of his website, which was requesting a $3000 payment to gain access to his never-heard-of private forum. Eventually the entire thread turned into people making fun of him, before the administrator banned his account. It seems like the RIG owner was less than pleased with the reseller's antics because the next day, in a conversation with another member, the owner declared that he had suspended the reseller for attempting to scam customers, which isn't surprising given he was requesting that people pay him $3000 for access to an imaginary private forum. Conversation between a HF member and RIG owner Shortly after, the reseller does what any cybercriminal does when his enterprise begins crumbling around him: He sings up for twitter and becomes a security researcher??? I don't even.... The twitter account, which is a pun on MalwareMustDie, claims to be in possession of the RIG source code as well as a recent database dump, and is currently tweeting a download link at various security researchers (not me though, apparently I'm not good enough). The file, which is password protected, was deleted from the filehost after less than 24 downloads, so I am not able to confirm if this is legit or just another scriptkiddie tantrum. A screenshot allegedly showing panel files and sql database dump RIG owner confirms he may have database and older version of exploit kit. I'll post updates when I have more info. Updated 02/12/2015 09:00 (UTC) I've confirmed with 3 people that the leak is in fact legitimate, and a fairly recent version of the pack, though it is possibly some parts may be missing. @kafeine has mentioned that he thinks someone with access to the RIG panel may be stealing traffic. He reports that occasionally the exploit payload appears to be replaced with another (usually cryptowall); which coincides with a lot of claims made by customers who bought RIG through the reseller. a RIG thread pushing 2 different payloads Due to the way in which the RIG exploit pack works (the exploiting is done by a back-end server, so no exploits are contained within the leak), I have decided to upload it here (thanks to @kafeine for files and information). Via RIG Exploit Kit - Source Code Leak | MalwareTech
  20. Ma numesc Yonuts Varsta: aproape 20 ani Cunostinte in domeniu IT , din toate cate putin Sunt inscris de mai mult timp pe acest forum.. dar am intampinat niste probleme si am decis sa fac alt cont. Doresc sa fac parte din acest forum pentru a ajuta lumea cu ce pot si cu ce stiu. Ma respecti, te respect !
  21. sebyy112


    Salut. Am deschis recent o comunitate (UGZ.RO), in care se posteaza tutoriale, resurse, probleme/intrebari web si nu numai. Pe forum gasiti si categoria despre Gadget-uri si multe altele. Link: UGZ.RO • Prima pagin? Multumesc !
  22. *CVE-2014-9469 vBulletin XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Security Vulnerabilities* Exploit Title: vBulletin XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Security Vulnerabilities Product: vBulletin Forum Vendor: vBulletin Vulnerable Versions: 5.1.3 5.0.5 4.2.2 3.8.7 3.6.7 3.6.0 3.5.4 Tested Version: 5.1.3 4.2.2 Advisory Publication: Feb 12, 2015 Latest Update: Feb 12, 2015 Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Scripting [CWE-79] CVE Reference: CVE-2014-9469 CVSS Severity (version 2.0): CVSS v2 Base Score: 4.3 (MEDIUM) (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N) (legend) Impact Subscore: 2.9 Exploitability Subscore: 8.6 Credit: Wang Jing [Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore] *Advisory Details:* *(1) Vendor & Product Description:* *Vendor:* vBulletin *Product & Version: * vBulletin Forum 5.1.3 5.0.5 4.2.2 3.8.7 3.6.7 3.6.0 3.5.4 *Vendor URL & Download: * vBulletin can be downloaded from here, https://www.vbulletin.com/purchases/ *Product Introduction:* "vBulletin (vB) is a proprietary Internet forum software package developed by vBulletin Solutions, Inc., a division of Internet Brands. It is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database server." "Since the initial release of the vBulletin forum product in 2000, there have been many changes and improvements. Below is a list of the major revisions and some of the changes they introduced. The current production version is 3.8.7, 4.2.2, and 5.1.3." *(2) Vulnerability Details:* vBulletin has a security problem. It can be exploited by XSS attacks. *(2.1) *The vulnerability occurs at "forum/help" page. Add "hash symbol" first. Then add script at the end of it. *References:* http://tetraph.com/security/cves/cve-2014-9469-vbulletin-xss-cross-site-scripting-security-vulnerabilities/ http://securityrelated.blogspot.com/2015/02/cve-2014-9469-vbulletin-xss-cross-site.html https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2014-9469 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-9469 https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2014-9469 http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2014-9469/ http://www.security-database.com/detail.php?alert=CVE-2014-9469 http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/cve/CVE-2014-9469 http://www.pentest.it/cve-2014-9469.html http://www.naked-security.com/cve/CVE-2014-9469/ http://www.inzeed.com/kaleidoscope/cves/cve-2014-9469/ http://007software.net/cve-2014-9469/ http://diebiyi.com/articles/%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8/cve-2014-9469/ https://computertechhut.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/cve-2014-9469/ https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2014-9469 -- Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. http://www.tetraph.com/wangjing/ https://twitter.com/justqdjing Source
  23. Salut vreau sa va prezint noul chat RST: RST Chat Inregistrarea se face : Register trebuie sa iti pui numele de pe forum si vei primi PM cu un link de activare! Va asteptam pe toti!
  24. Xivo25


    Sa'tare! Ca tot mi-am facut cont pe forum, cred ca ar fi bine sa ma prezint, sa stiti cu cine-aveti marea onoare (nici eu nu ma cred, in fine). Deci, sa incepem cu inceputul... Ma numesc Alin, am 15 ani, hai sa punem 16 sa fie mai frumos, ca tot mai e umpic... Nu dau mai multe detalii, ca na... forum de hacking. Kiddin'. De ce am hotarat sa ma inscriu pe acest forum? Pai, as putea spune pasiunea pentru informatica, dar cred ca as minti... Simt ca e ceva mai mult decat pasiune, nu stiu... Am calculator de la 3 ani, si cam de acolo a inceput totul. Am inceput sa umblu peste tot prin el, sa descopar de unul singur. Pe la 6 ani imi aduc aminte ca il demontasem si l-am pus la loc. Ei bine, aici a inceput totul. 6 ani >> internet, acces la informatie. Acces la informatie care m-a ajutat sa aflu tot ceea ce voiam sa stiu, tot ceea ce m-a interesat. Plictisit de lucrurile pe care le faceam zi de zi, prin februarie 2014 am inceput sa invat HTML si CSS. In 2 luni invatasem destule, eram chiar pasionat, facusem un mic site, si... cam atat. Totul se oprise, eram intr-o pauza indelungata, deoarece urmau examenele. Am trecut de acestea cu bine, am intrat la cel mai bun liceu din judet la profil mate-info intensiv info. In vacanta a aparut minunea: C++. Programarea propriu-zisa. Am ramas uimit de ce pot face cu doar niste linii de cod. In 3 luni deja invatasem suficiente lucruri incat sa imi fac propriul meu joc de X si O in consola - acesta a fost apogeul. Apoi a inceput scoala, informatica, si totul a intrat intr-o ascensiune: concursuri, ore de informatica multe si interesante, informatie noua, metode noi si lista poate continua. Astfel, in momentul de fata cunosc HTML, CSS, C++ si invat, intre timp, JavaScript. Am ajuns pe acest forum pentru a ma informa, pentru a afla lucruri noi din domeniul IT, pentru a invata cum sa descopar vulnerabilitati pe internet pentru a le remedia, dar si cum sa imi protejez site-urile/programele. Acestea fiind spuse, imi pare rau pentru romanul scris, dar na... Ne adaptam si noi, prima impresie conteaza .
  25. indomen

    hey guys

    i am new on the forum. i am very happy to join here
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