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Everything posted by nimeni

  1. Acer extensa 5220 .Foare bun ,pret mic (foarte mic ..1200ron ). Eu am unul de un an si ceva ,merge perfect .Singura investitie 1GB ram in plus (40ron) .
  2. Beware of the threat from hacked websites This year, there has been a large increase in the number of legitimate websites infected by a so-called "iframe" threat - a type of malicious script. Several prominent websites have come under attack from hackers who have modified the underlying code so that malware can be distributed to unsuspecting users who visit the site. When a user visits an infected site, an invisible connection is established to a remote server, which can then attempt to install malware on the user's computer. The intention could be to generate spam, or possibly something more sinister, such as stealing personal information e.g. bank account or credit card details. In 2008, several high-profile websites were targeted, including USA Today, ABC News, Target and Wal-Mart and simply visiting one of these infected websites could have resulted in the user's computer being infected. More recently, a number of websites have been detected by avast! as being infected by a malicious script called "HTML:Iframe-inf". Among the websites affected are a number of Government sites in the US, including the United States Forest Service, the US International Trade Commission and the websites of several embassies around the world. Many popular travel and recreational websites have also been compromised. avast! antivirus will detect and block access to any website that is infected by this threat and will display a warning that a virus has been detected. If avast! displays this warning, you should discontinue your attempt to connect to that particular website and either report the infection to the relevant party so that it can be removed, or post a message on the avast! forum in the section Viruses and Worms so that it can be investigated to determine whether the website is really infected. Do not ignore this warning, even if you believe the website to be a reputable one - the recent attacks prove that no websites are immune to infection. Thanks to one of our regular forum users who reported the infection to the organization concerned, the website of the US International Trade Commission was quickly repaired and the infection removed, however, potentially, many more websites remain infected. To minimize the risk of falling victim to such an attack from this, and other similar threats, it is essential that your antivirus software is kept up-to-date. We recommend that your avast! antivirus is set to update itself automatically, or alternatively, that you perform regular manual updates, ideally daily. Alwil Software would like to thank its regular forum users for their help in this particular case and for the valuable support they continually provide to the rest of the avast! user community. http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-and-forum-users-combine-to-defeat-website-hackers.html
  3. In Romania poti sa muncesti de la 16 ani in sus .Dupa modul de gandire nu se incadreaza niciunu . Hai cu ban-u'
  4. penal penal penal adica e chiar....penal
  5. Eu ma duc luni maestre ,la analize
  6. Dati o mana de ajutor poate va mai iarta D-zeu de pacate !E o campanie foarte serioasa .Transmiteti si voi ma departe pe mess ,bloguri ,siteuri sau ce mai aveti ,nu e greu si unii chiar au nevoie Cei care vor sa devina donatori de celule stem si sa incerce sa salveze prin acest gest un bolnav de leucemie vor fi supusi initial unui simplu set de analize. Cei sanatosi vor fi introdusi intr-o baza de date. In cazul in care unul dintre ei este compatibil cu un bolnav, el este chemat la spital pentru prelevarea celulelor stem. Procedura este simpla si seamana cu donarea de singe, dar este mult mai putin solicitanta. Donatorul este legat la un aparat care selecteaza celulele stem hematopoietice din singele lui dupa care singele ii este reintrodus in organism. Procedura este simpla si nu implica nici un fel de risc pentru donator in singele caruia celulele stem se refac dupa citeva zile. http://formular.stirileprotv.ro/
  7. daatdraqq sunt V-am scris si nu ati binevoit sa-mi raspundeti ,asa ca o sa va intreb aici : cine si de ce mi-a dat ban ? Si inca o intrebare ,de ce apar "on" pe daatdraqq daca nu sunt logat ?Cel care mi-a dat ban se logheaza si pe contul meu ?
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