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Posts posted by virusz

  1. Cine nu are legatura cu ce zice el nu ar trebui sa se simta.

    e cam "dur" mesajul si cred ca exagerezi TinKode, tu te faci de caca-o cand citesc aia de care vb tu, mai bine dai ban/warn fara sa mai postezi mesaje d'astea...

    LE: e vb mai mult de caca decat de cacao ... mai multe nu are rost ...

  2. Mantra is a collection of free and open source tools integrated into a web browser, which can become handy for students, penetration testers, web application developers,security professionals etc. It is portable, ready-to-run, compact and follows the true spirit of free and open source software.

    Mantra is lite, flexible, portable and user friendly with a nice graphical user interface. You can carry it in memory cards, flash drives, CD/DVDs, etc. It can be run natively on Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. It can also be installed on to your system within minutes. Mantra is absolutely free of cost and takes no time for you to set up.




    Download - OWASP Mantra - Free and Open Source Browser based Security Framework

  3. mult am invatat din "practica", bazele e important sa le cunosti, restu vine de la sine, daca nu... cauti, m-am documentat pe ce am avut nevoie si in mare parte ce am vrut sa "creez" am creat, mai un ochi pe la o sursa, mai gogu.... nu e o tehnica de invatare, cum iti pica mai usor asa inveti.

    cu romana e mai greu, restu' e floare la ureche :D

    ps: multi de e aici nu stiu programare dar se descurca :D

  4. Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application's attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.

    Burp gives you full control, letting you combine advanced manual techniques with state-of-the-art automation, to make your work faster, more effective, and more fun.

    This is a major upgrade with numerous new features, including:

    -The ability to compare site maps

    -Functions to help with testing access controls using your browser

    -Support for preset request macros

    -Session handling rules to help you work with difficult situations

    -In-browser rendering of responses from all Burp tools

    -Auto recognition and rendering of character sets

    -Support for upstream SOCKS proxies

    -Headless mode for unattended scripted usage

    -Support for more types of redirection

    -Support for NTLMv2 and IPv6

    -Numerous enhancements to Burp's extensibility

    -Greater stability on OSX

    Download: Download Burp Suite

    • Downvote 1
  5. 1. aprinderea e ca la drujba, nu are nimic de reglat si nici macar condensator. ( si scanteia e buna, cum am mai zis)

    2. compresie este cu toate ca segmentii is cam "terminati", au distanta destul de mare dar totusi din cate imi aduc aminte la un alt motor aveam compresie si mai slaba si tot pornea, bun, ma gandesc ca numai segmentii pot fii, dar am vrut idei, oricum atat i-am dat de a facut de vre-o 3 ori "poc" si atat!, vad ca nu mai vrea nici poc sa faca :D

  6. Salut, nu are nici o legtura cu rst dar e la offtopic si poate e careva care se pricepe....

    am un motor in 2 timpi cu muzicuta care nu da nici un semn de explozie...

    1. scanteia e buna!

    2. alimentarea cu zama si aer e buna!

    motorul il invart cu bormasina si ii mai dau si benzo pe "gat" dar nu da nici un semn!

    din cate am inteles e posibil sa fie de la "muzicuta" dar nici macar un semn?

  7. @sulea e ok, e valid raspunsul dar te rog data viitoare trimite pm sau foloseste alta metoda de a da raspunsul, doar ca sa poata si ceilalti useri sa raspunda, in cazul de fata pot raspunde si ceilalti useri atat timp ca ne spun "serialul"

  8. pfffff.... ar trebui modificate putin regulile in zona asta, daca nu scris macar asa, am vrut sa ma bag dar am vazut rezolvarea, la celalalt la fel, eu zic ca ar fi bine ca rezolvarile sa se arhiveze cu parola sau ceva din crack-me, daca l-ai rezolvat sa poti avea acces si la celelalte...

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