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Posts posted by asswipe

  1. A federal judge in Washington has now confirmed what has been strongly suspected: that Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers at its Software Engineering Institute were hired by the federal government to do research into breaking Tor in 2014. The judge also made a notable statement in his court order that "Tor users clearly lack a reasonable expectation of privacy in their IP addresses while using the Tor network."


    However, some of the details that Tor alleged previously seem to be wrong: the research was funded by the Department of Defense, not the FBI. Tor Project Director Shari Steele told Ars earlier this year that the organization still couldn't get straight answers from CMU. According to the judge, that research was then subpoenaed by federal investigators.

    The Tor Project did not immediately respond to Ars’ request for comment. Meanwhile, Kenneth Walters, a CMU spokesman, refused to answer Ars' questions, referring us only to the university's last statement, from November 2015, which hinted that the university was served with a subpoena.


    The revelation, which was first reported by Vice Motherboard, came out as part of the ongoing criminal case against Brian Farrell, allegedly one of Silk Road 2.0’s top administrators. CMU's research enabled investigators to find him. Farrell was arrested over a year ago in Washington state—his trial is scheduled for April 25, 2016, to be held in federal court in Seattle.


    The Tuesday court order by US District Judge Richard Jones was in response to a still-sealed motion to compel discovery filed by Farrell. According to Judge Jones, "the defendant seeks to compel disclosure of additional material pertaining to the relationship between SEI and federal law enforcement and the methods used by SEI to identify the defendant’s IP address."

    In the order, the judge seems to suggest that even though Farrell took measures to protect his privacy, his actual IP address—which was what betrayed him and made it trivial for law enforcement to find him—was not in and of itself private.




  2. Totusi, stau si ma intreb, sunt printre noi, aici pe forum, unii care se dau nationalisti (unul din ei are si un site numit exact asa) si tot timpul ca Romania in sus, Romania in jos, numai hoti in Romania, vrem o tara cinstita, vrem o tara ca afara, ne iubim tara, afara cu hotii, hotii la puscarie etc. Si cand e vorba sa-si plateasca impozitul, adica taxele catre statul mult iubit si atat de aclamat, automat o dau cotita ca vai, ca hotii ne fura, hoti vor sa ne ia banii, muie dam noi hotilor, nu le dam nimic.

    Nu-i ciudat ? Nu era o vorba in care se spunea cam asa: Schimbarea incepe cu tine ? :))

    nu mai bine calculezi singur impozitul care l-ai datora statului iar cu banii respectivi ajuti copiii,batrani saraci sau din spitale?!e si asta o schimbare de sine...

  3. ian-murdock-suicide.png

    Ian Murdock, the founder the Debian Linux operating system and the creator of apt-get, has passed away.

    Murdock posted some Tweets on Monday suggesting he had been involved in a police case and has been beaten by the police and charged with battery.

    However, neither Docker, nor the San Francisco Police Department immediately commented on Murdock’s actual cause of death.

    Murdock developed Debian in August 1993 — and yes the “ian” in the project’s name is from Ian Murdock.

    In the past, He also worked at Sun Microsystems and served as the CTO of the Linux Foundation.

    R.I.P Ian Murdock, Founder of Debian Linux, Dead at 42 - The Hacker News

    7:12pm: I am a white male, make a lot money, pay a lot of money in taxes, and yet their abuse is equally doned out. DO NOT CROSS THEM!

    7:08pm: This was right after the female officer ripped off my underwear.. I guess that's not considered rape if you're not a woman being raped.

    7:03pm: "We're the police, we can do whatever the fuck we want.."

    6:49pm: What does one have to get education wise to become a police officer.. asking for a friend.

    6:42pm: The rest of my life is to fight against the police.. they are NOT friends, so don't ever ever believe otherwise.

    6:41pm: The police are uneducated, evil, and sadistic. Do not trust them.

    6:33pm: (2/2) They are uneducated, bitter, and and only interested in power for its own sake. Contact me imurdock@imurdock.com if you can help. -ian

    6:31pm: (1/2) The rest of my life will be devoted to fighting against police abuse.. I'm white, I made $1.4 million last year,

    6:07pm: i'm hoping coming from a successful white guy it will help everyone

    6:06pm: i'm going to post my case on my blog.. if anyone can post it on hacker news or wherever i would apprieciate it

    6:00pm: @Jacksormwriter wants me dead

    5:48pm: Writing up my experience for others to hopefully prevent others from police abuse then you won't hear from me again

    5:45pm: where they put you in a cell with absolutely no instructions whatever aside from the spell on the floor in piss?

    5:45pm: shall i post pictures for all my bruises from my against the police officers?

    5:38pm: they said no

    5:38pm: i asked if they had cameras

    5:37pm: then followed my home from there

    5:37pm: i had to have swtitches

    5:36pm: then they pulled me out of my house and did it again

    5:36pm: they followed me home

    5:36pm: i had to go to the hospital

    5:35pm: they beat the shit out of me twice, then charged me $25,000 to get out of jail for battery against THEM

    5:34pm: if anyone wants to come over and see what the police did to me i would be more than happy for that

    5:30pm: I'm not committing suicide today. I'll write this all up first, so the police brutality ENDEMIC in this so call free country will be known.

    5:27pm: Maybe my suicide at this, you now, a successful business man, not a NIGGER, will finally bring some attention to this very serious issue.

    5:25pm: My career is over now, so I'll be gone soon.

    5:23pm: Quote: "We're the police, we always win."

    5:22pm: I'll write more much later. They still don't have cameras on all police so I'm going to use my somewhat celebrity to hopefully stop this.

    5:21pm: My bail for "assault against a police officer" are all that: $25,000.

    5:20pm: Then beat me up some more.

    5:20pm: I'll write more on my blog later. But the police here beat me up for knowing on my neighbor's door.. they sent me to the hospital.

    5:17pm: https://t.co/I1CSCJErWf

    5:14pm: watch my blog later Ian Murdock | Linux old timer. Debian founder. Sun alum. Salesforce ExactTarget exec.

    5:13pm: i'm committing suicide tonight.. do not intervene as i have many stories to tell and do not want them to die with me #debian #runnerkristy67

    Ian Murdock Tweets - Pastebin.com


  4. Site cu seriale pornit de la Târgu Mure?, închis de autorit??i. Fondatorul, trimis în judecat?

    Un târgumure?ean care a înfiin?at, în urm? cu patru ani, un site ce oferea seriale contra-cost, de?i nu avea acordul titularilor de drepturi, a fost trimis în judecat?.

    Potrivit procurorilor Parchetului de pe lâng? Înalta Curte de Casa?ie ?i Justi?ie, care instrumenteaz? cazul, tarifele abonamentelor au fost ini?ial de 45 de lei, îns? în cursul anului 2014, un abonament pentru o perioad? de 6 luni a ajuns s? coste 90 de lei, respectiv 140 de lei pentru o perioad? de un an.

    Dan Stelian, fondatorul serialepenet.ro, a fost trimis în judecat? sub aspectul s?vâr?irii infrac?iunii de punere la dispozi?ia publicului de opere, f?r? acordul titularilor.

    Procurorii PÎCCJ transmit, într-un comunicat, c? modalitatea de plat? a abona?ilor a fost aceea de a trimite suma la un num?r de SMS afi?at pe site sau de a pl?ti online la un procesator de pl??i, pe baza unui contract încheiat de c?tre inculpat cu acesta. De asemenea, clien?ii au putut pl?ti contravaloarea abonamentelor prin curierat ?i direct, trimi?ând sumele de bani în conturi bancare.

    Activitatea propriu-zis? s-a desf??urat într-un sediu din municipiul Târgu-Mure?, în care era biroul lui Dan Stelian, iar difuzarea serialelor pe site-ul acestuia s-a realizat prin intermediul serverelor apar?inând unei societ??i comerciale ce avea ca obiect de activitate furnizarea de servicii electronice, firm? ce a devenit ulterior co-contractanta inculpatului pentru asigurarea func?ion?rii paginilor web, conform contractului încheiat cu acesta, precizeaz? procurorii.

    „În vederea recuper?rii prejudiciului creat titularilor de drepturi s-a dispus instituirea m?surilor asigur?torii asupra unor bunuri mobile ?i imobile, asupra unui domeniu apar?inând inculpatului, precum ?i asupra sumelor prezente ?i viitoare aflate la diferite unit??i bancare ?i al c?ror titular este inculpatul”, se arat? în comunicatul Parchetului.

    Procurorii au solicitat confiscarea bunurilor, domeniului sau sumelor de bani care au f?cut obiectul m?surilor asigur?torii, pân? la concuren?a sumei de 1.948.190,12 lei.

    Dosarul a fost trimis spre solu?ionare Judec?toriei Târgu-Mure?.

    Site cu seriale pornit de la Târgu Mure?, închis de autorit??i. Fondatorul, trimis în judecat? - Vocea Transilvaniei

  5. Este absurd sa crezi ca Divinitatea va accepta doar spirite crestin-ortodoxe, pe restul trimitandu-le neconditionat in iad, dupa cum sustine biserica ortodoxa.

    Asta e prostia pe care o fac toti, crezandu-si dogma sa ca fiind suprema, creeaza mai multe probleme decat rezolva.

    "asta e prostia pe care o fac toti" in superficialitatea lor se comporta ca niste oi si copie de la altii tot ce li se pare inteligent fara sa studieze in amanuntime de ex: restul spiritelor ne-orthodoxe au constiinta si daca asculta de asta in timpul vietii ajung in rai,sunt lucruri consemnate in scrierile sfintilor,este un discernamant spiritual iar daca ai o minte inteleapta iti poti da seama de asta chiar fara sa fii initiat,discernamant care poti sa-l aplici si la orice religie sa-ti dai seama ce are bine in ea si ce nu,la ce treapta de evolutie spirituala se afla fiecare

  6. cand e vorba de yoga,meditatii transcedentale&drinkin' piss e luat ca ceva serios,dar cand e vorba de credinta noastra stramoseasca orthodoxa primita chiar de la apostoli(care apropo au si ei corp neputrezit si frumos mirositor aka moaste) o luam in ras...mi-e scarba de ce neam am ajuns

  7. [rant on]

    Imi explica si mie cineva de aici, in special cei care au postat pana acum aici: @Twiff , @WarLord , @stresulicy , @sifon , @Webz , @Byte-ul , @zeroabsolut , @n3Oh dar si cei de aici: https://rstforums.com/forum/107714-la-un-moment-dat-este-enervanta-piesa.rst respectiv @wHoIS sau si altii care vreti, cam ce vreti sa ziceti cu "La Multi Ani Romania!"?

    Pe cine credeti ca afecteaza? Nu cred ca vreti sa urati la toata lumea din Romania "la multi ani" (spre exemplu violatorilor din Vaslui)? Ce rezolvati prin aceste "urari"? Credeti ca vreo fiinta supranaturala sta cu carnetelul si pixul si noteaza ca a intrat Xulescu pe RST si a urat "la multi ani" si apoi merge si le da la fiecare roman "multi ani"? Inteleg cand ii zici unei persoane cu ocazia zilei de nastere caci altfel se supara si e mai bine sa nu deschizi pandora's box dar aici oare nu e un spirit de turma de care nu va mai saturati?

    Cati patrioti de pe aici va platiti toate taxele? Aveti totul licentiat pe PC sau e furt (de la producator si stat)? Cati va cereti drepturile printr-un mod sau altul, cu perseverenta, cand acestea nu sunt respectate? Cati mergeti la vot oridecate ori este ocazia? Cati luati actiuni de prevenire a coruptiei in ceea ce va priveste pe voi si cei apropiati voua? Si lista e lunga, poate continua la nesfarsit...

    Lasa ca mai trece un an, mai trece un 1 Decembrie, niste lozinci aruncate sa dea bine in ochii oamenilor (ca e foarte important sa nu ne deosebim de turma), niste banalitati aruncate in mix sa arate ciorba bine si in rest ne vedem de ale noastre, de ipocrizia si mediocritatea noastra.

    O tempora, o mores!

    [/rant over]

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